Housefly Poster v3
Housefly Poster v3
Housefly Poster v3
Hous e fli es hav e been dem ons trated to c arry mor e than include insec tici de
100 different pathogens such as virus es , bacteria, fungi Chemical class Mode of action (IRAC Group) Appl. resistanc e m anagement in
and parasitic w orm eggs . T hey c an devel op i n lar ge all fly control programmes
Carbamates Acetylcholines ter as e (1A) RT, B
num bers r es ulti ng in annoyanc e to liv estock with a
Organophos phates Acetylcholines ter as e (1B) RT, ST, B
subs equent reduc tion in yi el d in m eat, dairy and egg
Pyrethroids Sodium channel (3) RT, ST
producti on. They c an als o c aus e post producti on food
spoilage. H ow ev er, in the wi der environm ent, hous e flies
Neonicotinoids Acetylcholine receptor (4A) B Further Reading
Spinosyns Acetylcholine receptor (5) B
play an im portant r ole br eaking dow n and r ecycli ng
Pyriproxyfen JH mimics (7C) L
organic waste. Additional information
Benzoylureas Chitin biosynthesis (15) L
on control measures
Cyromazine Moulting disruption (17) L, FT
Diamides Ryanodine receptor (28) B
house flies is
available in the
Insecticides from different IRAC MoA classes should be
WHO brochure:
used in rotation as part of an integrated resistance
management programme. Adulticides and larvicides from the
and their application.
same MoA class should not be used contemporaneously
This p os ter is for e duc ational p urpos es o nly . D etails a re a c c urate to the b es t of our k nowledge b ut IRAC and its member c ompanies c annot a c c ept r es pons ibility IRAC document protected by © Copyright
for how this information is u s ed o r interpreted. Adv ic e s hould a lway s b e s ought from loc al e x perts o r a dv is ors a nd h ealth a nd s afety r ec ommendations followed.
Designed and produced by the IRAC Public Health Team, June 2015. Photographs courtesy of Dr. Reiner Pospischil.