Demo Grade 7 Music & Arts Phil. Festival

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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

Grade 7 Quarter 4 Lesson 1

A. Content Standard
• demonstrate understanding and application of musical skills related to selected
Philippine Festivals and application of musical skills related to theater
B. Performance Standard

• performs excerpts/ selections from Philippine musical theater performs songs

and dances from selected Philippine festivals
C. Learning Competency/ Objectives
• Identifies musical characteristics of selected Philippine Festivals and
theatrical forms through video or live performance. (MU7FT-Iva-g-1)
• Narrate the origins and cultural background of selected Philippine
festival/s. (MU7FT-Iva-d-2)

At the end of the 20 minutes lesson discussion, the students are expected to:
• discuss musical characteristics of selected Philippine festivals through
video clip
• Describes origin and cultural background of selected Philippine Festival/s
• Identify the importance of Philippine Festivals


A. REFERENCES: Teacher’s Guide Music and Arts (Pages 120-121)
Music and Arts (Pages 116-117)
B. MATERIALS: Powerpoint Presentation, Speaker, LED TV
C. PROCESS SKILLS: Observing, describing, dentifying
D. VALUES INTEGRATED: Appreciate of salient features of music and arts of the
Philippine Festival

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Good Morning Class
Good Morning Ma’am Sheendy!
Let us Pray first. Kim, Can you
lead the prayer?
Yes maam,
Let us pray
Lord, bless each and every student here, as
well as our teacher, as we embark on
another day of learning. Please give us
clear minds and open hearts so we can
grasp the knowledge and lessons set before
us. Help us to be attentive, and let Your
wisdom guide us in our studies.

Amen Amen

Again Good Morning Class!

Good Morning Teacher

How are you Class!

Were Fine Teacher!

That’s good to hear!

2. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today?

Wow no Absent Today!

None teacher
Very Good!

Before you set down

"Please pick up the pieces of paper
and candy wrapper under your chair
and put them inside your bag and
throw it in the trash can after our class
and arrange your chair and sit

3. Classroom Management
Before we start we set rules

1. Raise your hand if you want to
2. Respect and listen to your
3. Be quiet when the teacher /
classmates are talking.
4. Be prepared for class.
5. Actively participate in class
6. Keep classroom clean


Before we start our lesson,

let’s have an activity.
This activity will help you determine our
lesson for today.
I want you to listen and analyze this song.
Afterwards we will sing together.
Are you ready? -Yes Maam we’re ready!

This song is entitled “Piliin Mo Ang


.Minsan natuwa ang may likha

Pitong libong pulo ang ginawa
Mga hiyas na inilatag
Sa malasutlang dagat
At ang bayan nyang pinili
Nasa dulo ng bahag-hari
Kaya't isang libong kulay
Nang aakit kuma kaway
Piliin mo rin ang Pilipinas
Kapuluang kwintas ng perlas
Piliin mo yakapin mo
Kayamanan nyang likas
Piliin mo ang Pilipinas

Now class, what can you say about the song? -Maam the song is all about the
Yes, that’s right.

What else? .-maam it is about the beauty of the

Now, where do you usually hear this song?

What else?

-Maam we usually hear this song when
promoting the tourist a reactions in the
Yes, that’s right.
All of your answers are connected -Maam we usually hear this song in some
with our topic for today! events like festivals in the Philippines.

3. Presentation of the lesson

Now, based on your answers,

what do you think is our lesson for
- Ma’am it is an event where they celebrate
That’s correct, any other idea? something like their patrons.

- Ma’am it is an event where they shows and

celebrate their traditions and beliefs.
Perfect! And our lesson for today is all
about Philippine Festivals and here are
our objectives. Kindly read. - Festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by
a community and centering on some beliefs
and its religion or traditions.

1) discuss musical characteristics of

selected Philippine festivals
through video clip
2) Describes origin and cultural
background of selected Philippine
There are famous Festivals in the
Philippines; 3) Identify the importance of
will you give examples of Festivals in Philippine Festivals
the Philippines that you know?

What Else? - (students will give their ideas)

-Maam Panagbenga, Kaamulan , and Sinulog

-Maam Kadayawan

Now, we will focus more on the
selected festivals in the Philippines.

But before I reveal the selected

festivals, I will group you into 6
groups. This activity is called “Team

I will give an envelope each group.

Inside the envelopes are sets of
Festivals with keywords. I will play a

video then I want you to observe each
video to determine what festival is
being presented.
The group who will identify the video
that is being presented will shout
“Viva” and paste the corresponding
festival in front with short
explanation. Is that clear?
-yes maam!
Okay, Lets count 1-6
(the students will group themselves by
Go to your groupmates silently and set counting 1-6)

Let us read first the Religious Festival.

Religious Festival is a traditional and
communal celebration or observance that is
specifically focused on religious or spiritual
beliefs and practices
That’s right.

(Now let’s observe the video) - (students will observe the video carefully
then unlock what festival is being presented
(Playing Video) with a short explanation)

Okay What Festival is being presented?

Okay Group 3 -“VIVA” (G3)

-The video is all about Ati-atihan Festival. The

Ati- atihan festival is very lively, colorful and
it is a weeklong fiesta. It is known as the
mother of all festivals in the Philippines. It is a
feast held annually in honor of Sto. Nino in the
island of Kalibo, Aklan. The celebration begins
in the 3rd week of January.
Do you know why the Ati-atihan is the
mother of all festival in the Philippines?
Kindly read - The Ati-atihan Festival is the mother of all
festivals in the Philippines. This festival is
significant because it is a national festival and
the oldest because it has been going on since
1200 years ago

Is there anyone who knows the meaning of

- Ma’am the meaning of Ati-atihan is “to be
Ati-atihan? like aetas”.

That’s right! The meaning of Ati- atihan is “to
be like aetas” or “make believe in atis”.

Ati-atihan is a celebration of pact between - Ma’am because the Spaniard brought Sto.
Spaniards and Aetas. Do you have an idea Nino in the Philippines.

That’s correct! Spaniards brought Sto. Nino

in the Philippines.

They yell “Viva Sto. Nino” meaning

“Mabuhay Sto. Nino” and “Hala Bira” means

cheer a person to give it all he’s got.

Again, when and where does Ati- atihan - Ma’am they celebrate Ati-atihan Festival
celebrate? every 3rd week of January in Kalibo,Aklan.

Very good! Now, here’s the 2nd video, again - (students will observe the video carefully
take a look to the paper I gave you. (play the then unlock what festival is being presented
video) with a short explanation)

Okay What Festival is being presented?

-“VIVA!” (G1)
Okay Group 1

-This Video Is all about Sinulog Festival in

Cebu City, Philippines, happens every year
on the third Sunday of January. The word
“Sinulog” means water current movement
and it shows how dancers move during
this event. Sinulog dance tells a tale
related to the start of Christianity in the
Okay Thank You Have a seat.

What is Sinulog festival celebrated for?

Kindly read. -The annual Sinulog Festival in
Cebu marks Christianity's arrival in the
Philippines. As the story goes, explorer
Ferdinand Magellan gifted the image of
the Santo Niño to Cebu's queen at her
baptism in 1521. Later, the king's advisor

began dancing gleefully after the Santo
Niño supposedly cured him.
Again, when and where does Sinulog
celebrate? -maam it happens every year on the third
Sunday of January In CEBU City.

Very good! Now, here’s the 3rd video, again

take a look to the paper I gave you. (play the - (students will observe the video carefully
video) then unlock what festival is being presented
with a short explanation)

Okay What Festival is being presented?

Okay Group 6
-VIVA! (G6)

-This video is all about Flores de Mayo is

a festival held in the Philippines in the
month of May. It is one of the May
devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and
lasts for the entire month. The Santacruzan
is the ritual pageant held on the last day of
the Flores de Mayo.

Why do they celebrate Flores de Mayo?

Flores de Mayo emerged as a festival
that beautifully combined religious
devotion to the Virgin Mary with a
celebration of the natural world's splendor.
The name itself, "Flores de Mayo" or
"Flowers of May," reflects the tradition of
offering flowers as a tribute to the Virgin

when and where does Flores De Mayo

celebrate? --maam it held in the Philippines in the
entire month of May.

Okay, Let’s move on to Non-Religious

Everybody. Kindly read. NON-RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL
These festival focus on cultural heritage &
aspects of our country and are celebrated
with enthusiasm and passion.
(Now let’s observe the video)
- (students will observe the video carefully
then unlock what festival is being presented
(Playing Video) with a short explanation)

-“VIVA” (G5)

Yes group 5 -this video is all about Panagbenga is an

annual flower festival celebrated every
February which takes place in Baguio City,
Philippines. The term “Panagbenga”
comes from a Kankanaey term meaning
“season of blooming”. This festival
reflects the history, traditions and values of
Baguio and the Cordilleras

Very good!

What makes Panagbenga Festival unique? - the Panagbenga Festival isn't just about
the floats and parades, it is a celebration of
the rich culture and history of the
Cordillera region of the Philippines
including traditional street dances that
feature the colorful and intricate traditional
clothing and dances of the different tribes
in the region

Again, when and where does Panagbenga - maam it happend in every February –
Festival celebrate? March 3 in Baguio and the Cordillera

Very good! Now, here’s the 4th video, again - (students will observe the video carefully
take a look to the paper I gave you. (play the then unlock what festival is being presented
video) with a short explanation)

Okay What Festival is being presented?

-“VIVA” (G4)

Okay Group 4
-Maam this video is all about Kaamulan
Festival is an ethnic cultural festival held
annually in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon in
the Philippines from the second half of
February to March 10, the anniversary date
of the foundation of Bukidnon as a
province in 1917.

Great! And What is kaamulan festival -“Kaamulan” is from the Binukid word
celebrated for? “amul” which means “to gather”. It is a
gathering of Bukidnon tribespeople for a
Who would like to answer? purpose. It can mean a datuship ritual, a
wedding ceremony, a thanksgiving festival
during harvest time, a peace pact, or all of
these put together

That’s right!
What is the main highlight about kaamulan -Usually held in Malaybalay City from the
festival? last week of March to about mid-April,
Kaamulan Festival is an ethnic festival
highlighting the indigenous culture of
Bukidnon, and honoring the custom and
traditions of the seven (7) original tribal
groups in the province namely - the
Bukidnon, Higaonon, Talaandig, Manobo,
Matigsalug, Tigwahanon and
Again what are the 7 tribes of kaamulan?
-maam the seven (7) original tribal groups
in the province namely - the Bukidnon,
Higaonon, Talaandig, Manobo,
Matigsalug, Tigwahanon and Umayamnon
Very good! ! Now, here’s the 5th video, again
take a look to the paper I gave you. (play the
video) -- (students will observe the video carefully
then unlock what festival is being presented
with a short explanation)
Okay What Festival is being presented?

-VIVA! (G3)
Okay Group 3

-This video is all about The MassKara

Festival (Hiligaynon: Pista sang
MassKara, Filipino: Pista ng MassKara) is
an annual festival with highlights held
every 4th Sunday of October in Bacolod,

Now , who among you knows about the

meaning of the Masskara Festival?

-maam To lift the spirits of the locals and

bring back the smiles on their faces, the
MassKara Festival was created. The

smiling masks were a declaration of the
people of Bacolod City that they will pull
through and survive the challenges and
tragedies that they are facing.
Now, here’s the 6th video, again take a look
to the paper I gave you. (play the video)

- (students will observe the video carefully

then unlock what festival is being presented
Okay What Festival is being presented? with a short explanation)

- this video is all about KADAYAWAN

FESTIVAL thanksgiving festival because of
Great! The ths video is all about bountiful harvest. It is held every 3rd week of
Kadayawan Festival. August in Davao City. It is called as the “King
of all Festivals in the Philippines”.Its name
derives from the friendly greeting "Madayaw.
Okay, so Kadayawan Festival celebrates
every 3rd week of August in Davao and it
came from the word “ madayaw”, a
friendly greeting of Davaoenios.

Okay, when we say deity it means God.

So they honor Manama the supreme being
- This ritual serves as their thanksgiving to the
and Bulan the moon God. Gods particularly to the "Manama" (the
Supreme Being) and “Bulan” (a moon deity).

Again class, Kadayawan came from what

word? - Ma’am Kadayawan came from the word

Excellent! How about the place and date

- Ma’am Kadayawan Festival is held every 3rd
of Kadayawan Festival? week of August in Davao City.

Very good!

It seems that you really understand our


That’s right! Now, I have a question, do

you think Festivals in the Philippines are
important? - Yes Ma’am

Why? - (students will give their ideas)

Very good! All of your answers are
correct. Festivals in the Philippines are
important because;

1. It restores moral and social values.

2. We discover new interest.
3. It teaches us to love diversities.
4. It can help our country to increase our
5. It preserves our traditions and beliefs.
Yes maam
Is that clear?
- (students will ask if they have a question)

Do you have any questions?

NO Maam.


To see if you really understand our lesson,

let’s have an activity.

This activity is called “Sing, Stop, and

- Ma’am little flags or Banderitas
Answer”. But before that, I have a question.
- Ma’am Masks
What do you usually see in a festival? What
- Ma’am flowers
common designs and display?

That’s right! I have here a Mask with Little

Flags or Banderitas. Inside these Banderitas
- Yes,Ma’am we’re ready.
are questions. You will pass this to your
classmates while the music is playing.

When the music stops, the person who has

the mask will pick one Banderitas and answer
the question inside. Are you ready?

(play the music “Piliin ang Pilipinas”)


1.It is known as the mother of all festivals in

the Philippines.
- Ati-atihan Festival
2.When and where does the Kadayawan
Festival being held?
- Kadayawan Festival held every third
week of August in Davao City.
3. What are the 7 tribes of kaamulan?

- the Bukidnon, Higaonon, Talaandig,
Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanon and
4.What is the Kankanaey term for a season of
- Panagbenga Festval
5. Their smiling masks have become the city's
symbol which earned them the moniker
- City of smiles
Excellent! It seems that you really understand
our lesson for today.

Let’s have another activity. I will group
you in to

(the teacher will group the students) In this

activity, your group will make your own
yell or shout with corresponding pose or

I need one representative from each group

then pick here in the box on what festival you
are going to do.

Is that clear?

You will be guided by these rubrics.

15 10 5
Content Aligned in Slightly Not
the topic aligned in aligned in
the topic the topic
at all
15 10 5
Team All of the Some of All of the
work members the members
cooperate members were not
cooperate cooperate
at all

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.What are the two types of Festival

a. Christian and Muslim Festival

b. Foreign and Local Festival
c. Religious and Non-religious Festival
d. None of the above

2. This is the date when the Sinulog Festival is held.

a. 3rd Sunday of January

b. 1st Sunday of August
c. 2nd Sunday of March
d. 4th Sunday of September

3. All of the statement shows the importance of festivals in the Philippines except:

a. Discover new interests.

b. It teaches us to love diversities.

c. It helps to us to be a good performer.

4. Known as the “Mother of all Fiesta” in the Philippines.

a. Kadayawan b. Ati-atihan c. Moriones

5. All of the statements are true about the importance of festival in the Philippines except:

a. Festivals restore our principles of right and wrong.

b. Festivals can promote our country.

c. It develops competition with others.

B. Identify the following.

6. What is kaamulan festival celebrated for?

7. The meaning of Ati-atihan.

8. This festival shouts “Pit Senior! Senior Santo Nino! Manoy Kiloy!

9. This festival shouts “Hala Bira” and “Viva Santo Nino”.

10. It is a symbol of the festival's role in promoting hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of

Answer the following;

1. What is Philippine Theater?

2. What are the different theatrical forms in the Philippines?

Prepared by: Sheendy A. Gonzaga


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