9776two Year Scheme
9776two Year Scheme
9776two Year Scheme
Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta - 577 451, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.
Photte No' 08282-256166, Mob: 7022254993 E-Muil, ."geruo,ko@gmail.com, W.brit.' www.kuvempu.ac.in
No: KU/ EB / B.Ed /&AgE 2024-25 Date: 0'1.-08-2024
Final rime Table B.Ed. Examination (Two year's Scheme) Aag-2024
.(New Syllabus)
1" Semester(U@""1"r.
13-08-2024 PEC-I.
I 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM uEAOlO t15921
Tuesdav Knowledge and Curriculum
r6-08-2024 PEC-2.
2 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM uEA020 / 15922
Fridav Tsychology of the Learning & Learnru
a 19-08-2024 PEC-3.
J 2.00 PM ro 5.00 PM uEA030 / ts923
Monday Education Techology - I
2r-08-2024 PEC-4.
4 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM uEA040 t1s924
Wednesdav Language Across the Curriculum
5 I_rEA210 / t5925 Career Guidance and Counsellins
23-08-2024 uEA220 / 15926 Environmental Education
2.00 PM to 5.00 PM I_IEA230 /15927
Friday Physical and Health Education
wA240 tts928 Population Education
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The principals of all B.Ed College,s Affiliated to Ku.