Welcome to the Qigong for Healing Program: Creating Infinite Spirals of Energy for
Health and Integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Each exercise is demonstrated in
sets of 3 repetitions, and feel free to do more or less as you like. A few of the more
challenging sets will be shown with a modified, easier alternative; and most could be
done in a straight-backed chair without arms, if necessary. Never strain or do
movements that cause pain, just follow along as best you can--within your own
limits. Start gently and slowly and you will be able to see your strength, range of
motion, and overall balance and well-being improve. Hopefully you will make these
exercises part of the rest of your life, so have fun and keep practicing, even if only
for a few minutes every day! Put on some comfortable clothing and let's get started.
Moving the Stars, Turning the Big Dipper, and The Great Elephant Raises its
We are gathering energy from the Sky and Infinite Cosmos and bringing it down into
our Hearts. Note the beak hand position at tailbone to encourage energy up the
spine. Now swirl down 3 times toward the Earth, bringing all fingers together. Inhale
as you raise your hand up to the Heart, Exhale, and now Inhale back as you look
through the space in your hand, which forms the cup of the Big Dipper.
Repeat...and collapse and expand your chest...etc.
Water & Fire Meet
We are gathering Water Energy of the legs and abdomen to mix with Fire of the
Heart--creating Steam, Qi
Drawing the Bow & The Giant Bird Spreads Its Wings
get into horse stance, expand and collapse chest, look beyond hand
Bringing the Sea to the Top of the Mountain
The Sea is the Water energy of our abdomen, and we are circulating and clearing to
bring this energy to the top of the Volcano that is our over-heated, fiery heads.
Hands clasp behind head and crouch, coming up one vertebrae at a time, then push
out in 3 directions.
The Dolphin Fins Pat the Water pull down upper, middle, and lower Energy
Centers, 3 times & compress into lower, Inhaling up, Exhaling down
The Unicorn Turns its Head to Look at the Moon
twist down as low as possible,
then point to and look at the moon
Drawing the Precious Sword
draw the sword -send energy down back leg 3 times then push out from Solar
plexus 3 times; sword hand stays close to, almost touching sheath hand and arm
The Beautiful Maiden Looks at Her Reflection in the Clear Pool
look back over shoulder at heel on ground; hands go from ear to ear, and up and out
from armpit.
Moving the Mountain and Pouring out the Sea
pull up from leg and Inhale, push out top of head, Exhale; back is parallel to ground
for advanced students
use your hand to sweep the morning dew from the ground
note clasped hands pushing in opposite direction from head turn on this and next
moving like a tree to loosen the muscles and joints in our neck, spine, and torso
next three moves are done squatting in the horse position, or may be done seated if
necessary; head to each knee
twist and look up with back of hand at lower back, and behind head
moving water energy from the heels and abdomen up to the Heart
Below to above
Above to below
Double punches
To the sides
The back and neck are straight and parallel to the floor, only head moves
Inhale, Exhale
hands in beaks above head first; practice the simple steps before attempting
advanced full version over time
3 leg only lifts without hands first, then clasp and stretch a few seconds for hip
flexors and quadriceps. Use chair if needed
hands clasped or touching behind back; or use a towel or scarf to modify; Exhale
down, Inhale up
Quiet Standing
hands at Heart level, then down to Wuji emptiness: empty mind, belly breathing;
Allow Integration, from 1-20 minutes