GHG Emission Factors Hub 2024
GHG Emission Factors Hub 2024
GHG Emission Factors Hub 2024
Fuel Type Heat Content (HHV) CO2 Factor CH4 Factor N2O Factor CO2 Factor CH4 Factor N2O Factor
mmBtu per short ton kg CO2 per mmBtu g CH4 per mmBtu g N2O per mmBtu kg CO2 per short ton g CH4 per short ton g N2O per short ton
Coal and Coke
Anthracite 25.09 103.69 11 1.6 2,602 276 40
Bituminous 24.93 93.28 11 1.6 2,325 274 40
Sub-bituminous 17.25 97.17 11 1.6 1,676 190 28
Lignite 14.21 97.72 11 1.6 1,389 156 23
Mixed (Commercial Sector) 21.39 94.27 11 1.6 2,016 235 34
Mixed (Electric Power Sector) 19.73 95.52 11 1.6 1,885 217 32
Mixed (Industrial Coking) 26.28 93.90 11 1.6 2,468 289 42
Mixed (Industrial Sector) 22.35 94.67 11 1.6 2,116 246 36
Coal Coke 24.80 113.67 11 1.6 2,819 273 40
Other Fuels - Solid
Municipal Solid Waste 9.95 90.70 32 4.2 902 318 42
Petroleum Coke (Solid) 30.00 102.41 32 4.2 3,072 960 126
Plastics 38.00 75.00 32 4.2 2,850 1,216 160
Tires 28.00 85.97 32 4.2 2,407 896 118
Biomass Fuels - Solid
Agricultural Byproducts 8.25 118.17 32 4.2 975 264 35
Peat 8.00 111.84 32 4.2 895 256 34
Solid Byproducts 10.39 105.51 32 4.2 1,096 332 44
Wood and Wood Residuals 17.48 93.80 7.2 3.6 1,640 126 63
mmBtu per scf kg CO2 per mmBtu g CH4 per mmBtu g N2O per mmBtu kg CO2 per scf g CH4 per scf g N2O per scf
Natural Gas
Natural Gas 0.001026 53.06 1.0 0.10 0.05444 0.00103 0.00010
Other Fuels - Gaseous
Blast Furnace Gas 0.000092 274.32 0.022 0.10 0.02524 0.000002 0.000009
Coke Oven Gas 0.000599 46.85 0.48 0.10 0.02806 0.000288 0.000060
Fuel Gas 0.001388 59.00 3.0 0.60 0.08189 0.004164 0.000833
Propane Gas 0.002516 61.46 3.0 0.60 0.15463 0.007548 0.001510
Biomass Fuels - Gaseous
Landfill Gas 0.000485 52.07 3.2 0.63 0.025254 0.001552 0.000306
Other Biomass Gases 0.000655 52.07 3.2 0.63 0.034106 0.002096 0.000413
mmBtu per gallon kg CO2 per mmBtu g CH4 per mmBtu g N2O per mmBtu kg CO2 per gallon g CH4 per gallon g N2O per gallon
Petroleum Products
Asphalt and Road Oil 0.158 75.36 3.0 0.60 11.91 0.47 0.09
Aviation Gasoline 0.120 69.25 3.0 0.60 8.31 0.36 0.07
Butane 0.103 64.77 3.0 0.60 6.67 0.31 0.06
Butylene 0.105 68.72 3.0 0.60 7.22 0.32 0.06
Crude Oil 0.138 74.54 3.0 0.60 10.29 0.41 0.08
Distillate Fuel Oil No. 1 0.139 73.25 3.0 0.60 10.18 0.42 0.08
Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2 0.138 73.96 3.0 0.60 10.21 0.41 0.08
Distillate Fuel Oil No. 4 0.146 75.04 3.0 0.60 10.96 0.44 0.09
Ethane 0.068 59.60 3.0 0.60 4.05 0.20 0.04
Ethylene 0.058 65.96 3.0 0.60 3.83 0.17 0.03
Heavy Gas Oils 0.148 74.92 3.0 0.60 11.09 0.44 0.09
Isobutane 0.099 64.94 3.0 0.60 6.43 0.30 0.06
Isobutylene 0.103 68.86 3.0 0.60 7.09 0.31 0.06
Kerosene 0.135 75.20 3.0 0.60 10.15 0.41 0.08
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel 0.135 72.22 3.0 0.60 9.75 0.41 0.08
Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) 0.092 61.71 3.0 0.60 5.68 0.28 0.06
Lubricants 0.144 74.27 3.0 0.60 10.69 0.43 0.09
Motor Gasoline 0.125 70.22 3.0 0.60 8.78 0.38 0.08
Naphtha (<401 deg F) 0.125 68.02 3.0 0.60 8.50 0.38 0.08
Natural Gasoline 0.110 66.88 3.0 0.60 7.36 0.33 0.07
Other Oil (>401 deg F) 0.139 76.22 3.0 0.60 10.59 0.42 0.08
Pentanes Plus 0.110 70.02 3.0 0.60 7.70 0.33 0.07
Petrochemical Feedstocks 0.125 71.02 3.0 0.60 8.88 0.38 0.08
Propane 0.091 62.87 3.0 0.60 5.72 0.27 0.05
Propylene 0.091 67.77 3.0 0.60 6.17 0.27 0.05
Residual Fuel Oil No. 5 0.140 72.93 3.0 0.60 10.21 0.42 0.08
Residual Fuel Oil No. 6 0.150 75.10 3.0 0.60 11.27 0.45 0.09
Special Naphtha 0.125 72.34 3.0 0.60 9.04 0.38 0.08
Unfinished Oils 0.139 74.54 3.0 0.60 10.36 0.42 0.08
Used Oil 0.138 74.00 3.0 0.60 10.21 0.41 0.08
Biomass Fuels - Liquid
Biodiesel (100%) 0.128 73.84 1.1 0.11 9.45 0.14 0.01
Ethanol (100%) 0.084 68.44 1.1 0.11 5.75 0.09 0.01
Rendered Animal Fat 0.125 71.06 1.1 0.11 8.88 0.14 0.01
Vegetable Oil 0.120 81.55 1.1 0.11 9.79 0.13 0.01
Biomass Fuels -
Kraft Pulping Liquor, by Wood
North American Softwood 94.4 1.9 0.42
North American Hardwood 93.7 1.9 0.42
Bagasse 95.5 1.9 0.42
Bamboo 93.7 1.9 0.42
Straw 95.1 1.9 0.42
Federal Register EPA; 40 CFR Part 98; e-CFR, (see link below). Table C-1 and Table C-2 (78 FR 71950, Nov. 29, 2013, as amended at 81 FR 89252, Dec. 9, 2016), Table AA-1 (78 FR 71965, Nov. 29, 2013).
Emission factors are per unit of heat content using higher heating values (HHV). If heat content is available from the fuel supplier, it is preferable to use that value. If not, default heat contents are provided.
All CO2 emission factors assume that 100 percent of the carbon content of the fuel is oxidized to CO 2, as is recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The CH4 and N2O emission factors provided represent emissions in terms of fuel type and by end-use sector (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, electricity generation).
The factors represented in the table above represent combustion emissions only and do not represent upstream emissions.
Blue text indicates an update from the 2023 version. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories Light blue text indicates an update from the 2024 release
Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Table 3 Mobile Combustion CH4 and N2O for On-Road Gasoline Vehicles
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Blue text indicates an update from the 2023 version. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories Light blue text indicates an update from the 2024 release
Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Table 4 Mobile Combustion CH4 and N2O for On-Road Diesel and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
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Blue text indicates an update from the 2023 version. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories Light blue text indicates an update from the 2024 release
Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Table 6 Electricity
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Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Table 8 Scope 3 Category 4: Upstream Transportation and Distribution and Category 9: Downstream Transportation and Distribution
These factors are intended for use in the distance-based method defined in the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance. If fuel data are available, then the fuel-based method should be used, with factors from Tables 2 through 5.
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Blue text indicates an update from the 2023 version. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories Light blue text indicates an update from the 2024 release
Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Table 9 Scope 3 Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations and Category 12: End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products
These factors are intended for use in the waste-type-specific method or the average-data method defined in the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance for category 5 and category 12. Choose the appropriate material and disposal method from the table below. For the average-data
method, use one of the mixed material types, such as mixed MSW.
These factors do not include avoided emissions impact from any of the disposal methods. This exclusion is an adjustment to the life-cycle factors in the WARM tool. Thus the waste factors presented above will not directly match the factors published in the WARM tool. All the factors presented above include
transportation emissions, which are optional in the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance, with an assumed average distance traveled to the processing facility. More information about the differences between WARM and the Emissions Factor Hub’s Waste Emissions can be found here:
AR4 GWP values are used to convert all waste emission factors into CO2e.
Short ton = 2000 lbs.
Recycling emissions do not include avoided emissions associated with process energy, transportation energy, process non-energy, or forest carbon storage. Recycling emissions include transport to recycling facility and sorting of recycled materials at material recovery facility.
Landfilling emissions do not include avoided emissions associated with energy recovery or landfill carbon sequestration. Landfilling emissions include transport to landfill, equipment use at landfill, and landfill CH4 emissions from anaerobic decomposition of biogenic carbon compounds. Landfill CH4 is based on typical
landfill gas collection practices, average landfill moisture conditions, and U.S.-average non-baseload electricity grid mix.
Combustion emissions do not include avoided emissions associated with displaced electric utility generation or avoided GHG emissions due to the recovery and recycling of ferrous metals at the combustor. Combustion emissions include transport to waste-to-energy facility and combustion-related non-biogenic CO2
and N2O.
Composting emissions do not include avoided emissions associated with fertilizer offset or soil carbon storage. Composting emissions include transport to compost facility, equipment use at compost facility, and CH4 and N2O emissions during composting.
Anaerobically Digested (Dry and Wet Digestate with Curing) emissions do not include avoided emissions associated with displaced electric utility generation, soil carbon storage, or avoided fertilizer application. Anaerobically Digested (Dry and Wet Digestate with Curing) emissions include transport to the anaerobic
digester facility, equipment use at the anaerobic digester facility, biogas leakage at the digester, emissions released during the curing and land application process, and fugitive emissions during the curing and after land application.
Passenger cars are automobiles used primarily to transport 12 people or less for personal travel, and are less than 8,500 lbs in gross vehicle weight.
Light-duty trucks are vehicles that primarily transport passengers such as sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and minivans. This category also includes vehicles used for transporting light-weight cargo which are equipped with special features such as four-wheel drive for off-road operation. The gross vehicle weight normally
ranges around 8,500 pounds or less.
Intercity rail: Amtrak long-distance rail between major cities. Northeast Corridor extends from Boston to Washington D.C. Other Routes are all routes outside the Northeast Corridor.
Commuter rail: rail service between a central city and adjacent suburbs (also called regional rail or suburban rail).
Transit rail: rail typically within an urban center, such as subways, elevated railways, metropolitan railways (metro), streetcars, trolley cars, and tramways.
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Blue text indicates an update from the 2023 version. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories Light blue text indicates an update from the 2024 release
Last Modified: 05 June 2024
Industrial Designation or
Chemical Formula 100-Year GWP
Common Name
Carbon dioxide CO2 1
Methane CH4 28
Nitrous oxide N2O 265
HFC-23 CHF3 12,400
HFC-32 CH2F2 677
HFC-41 CH3F 116
HFC-125 CHF2CF3 3,170
HFC-134 CHF2CHF2 1,120
HFC-134a CH2FCF3 1,300
HFC-143 CH2FCHF2 328
HFC-143a CH3CF3 4,800
HFC-152 CH2FCH2F 16
HFC-152a CH3CHF2 138
HFC-161 CH3CH2F 4
HFC-227ea CF3CHFCF3 3,350
HFC-236cb CH2FCF2CF3 1,210
HFC-236ea CHF2CHFCF3 1,330
HFC-236fa CF3CH2CF3 8,060
HFC-245ca CH2FCF2CHF2 716
HFC-245fa CHF2CH2CF3 858
HFC-365mfc CH3CF2CH2CF3 804
HFC-43-10mee CF3CHFCHFCF2CF3 1,650
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 23,500
Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 16,100
PFC-14 CF4 6,630
PFC-116 C2F6 11,100
PFC-218 C3F8 8,900
PFC-318 c-C4F8 9,540
PFC-31-10 C4F10 9,200
PFC-41-12 C5F12 8,550
PFC-51-14 C6F14 7,910
PFC-91-18 C10F18 7,190
100-year GWP values from IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), 2013. Chapter 8, Table 8.A.1, Lifetimes, Radiative Efficiencies and Metric Values.
IPCC AR5 was published in 2013 and is among the most current and comprehensive peer-reviewed assessments of climate change. AR5 provides revised GWP values of several GHGs relative to the values provided in previous assessment reports, following advances in scientific knowledge on the radiative efficiencies
and atmospheric lifetimes of these GHGs.
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