Elastic Waves in Solids

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Elastic waves in solids Crash Course

Gautier Lefebvre
Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Roberval laboratory
Outline of the Lecture
I. Elastic Wave Propagation in Free Space
1. 3D Elasticity
2. Longitudinal and Transverse Waves

II.Reflection and transmission through interfaces

1. Boundary Conditions
2. Free Surface Reflection
3. Solid-Fluid Interface

III.Guided Waves
1. Surface Waves
2. Lamb Waves

Gautier Lefebvre, METAVISION Training School, 13-17 November 2023 2

Elastic Waves in Solids: 1D Solid

σ ( x) σ ( x+dx) 1D medium along x, independent of y or z.

x x+dx

∂2 u Young’s modulus
dm 2 =σ ( x+dx) A−σ ( x) A dm= ρ A dx

∂2 u σ (x+dx )−σ ( x)
ρ A 2= A= ∂ σ A σ =E ε Hooke’s Law
∂t dx ∂x

∂2 u ∂ σ ∂(E ε ) ∂u
ρ 2= = =E ∂ ( ) ∂2 u E ∂2 u

∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x 2 2
∂t ∂x

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3D solid medium
⃗u (⃗x ) : displacement from equilibrium at position x. ⃗x =( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 )

⃗u (⃗x , t )=(u1 (⃗x , t ) ,u 2 (⃗x , t ), u3 (⃗x , t ))

ui ( ⃗x +d ⃗x )=ui ( ⃗x )+ dx j
∂ xj
No deformation if the gradient of displacement is zero.
∂ ui 1 ∂u ∂u 1 ∂ u ∂u
dui ( ⃗x +d ⃗x )= dx j = ( i + j )dx j + ( i − j )dx j
∂ xj 2 ∂ x j ∂ xi 2 ∂ x j ∂ xi

Symmetric Antisymmetric

1 ∂ ui ∂ u j 1 ∂ ui ∂u j Describe a rotation movement

Strain tensor ij = ( + ) ω ij = ( − )
2 ∂ x j ∂ xi 2 ∂ x j ∂ xi → no vibrations

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Stress Tensor
⃗ n σ dS
σ 22

n σ 23

dF σ 21
σ 12
dS σ 32
σ 11
σ 33 σ 13
σ 31 x1
σ 11 σ 12 σ 13
σ = σ 21 σ 22 σ 23
σ 31 σ 32 σ 33 ) x3

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Elastic wave equation
⃗ n σ dS
dF=⃗ The total stress force acting on the body of
volume V is:

∬S ⃗n σ dS=∭V div σ dV

Gauss theorem
dS Balance of forces:
S ∂2 ⃗
∭V ρ 2 dV =∭V div σ dV +∭V ⃗f dV
with f is the density of external forces

∂2 ⃗u ∂ 2 ui
∂ σ ij
ρ 2 =div σ + ⃗f ρ 2= +f i
∂t ∂t ∂xj
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Symmetry of the stress tensor
When there is no density of moment, we can show that the stress
tensor is symmetric:

σ ij =σ ji i , j=1,2,3

Only 6 independent components:

3 Normal stresses σ 11 , σ 22 , σ 33

3 Tangential stresses σ 12=σ 21 , σ 13=σ 31 , σ 23=σ 32

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Linear Elasticity
Assuming a linear link between stress tensor and deformation

σ ij =c ijkl ε kl
cijkl : Elasticity tensor, fourth-rank (3 4 = 81 terms)
From the definition, we have the same symmetries as σ ij and
ε kl : cijkl =c jikl =c ijlk
By considering a reversible transformation, we can also show:
cijkl =c klij
81 terms → 21 terms

σ ij=c ijkl ε kl = cijkl
∂ uk ∂ ul
∂ xl ∂ xk (
=c ijkl
∂ uk
∂ xl )
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Elasticity Notations
Voigt notation using the fundamental symmetries
of σ and ε :

{ }( {) }
c11 c 12 c13 c14 c 15 c 16
σ 11 Isotropic: 2 coefficients
ε 11

c 21 c 22 c 23 c24 c 25 c 26
σ 22 ε 22
σ 33 c 31 c 32 c 33 c34 c 35 c 36 ε 33
= ●
Axi-symetrical: 5 coefficients
σ 23 c 41 c 42 c 43 c 44 c 45 c 46 ε 23
σ 31 ε 31 (Glass wool)
σ 12 c 51 c 52 c53 c54 c 55 c 56 ε 12 ●
Orthotropic: 9 coefficients
c 61 c 62 c 63 c64 c 65 c 66 (Wood)

Most general notation, for any kind of material

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Isotropic Medium
For an isotropic medium, the elasticity tensor can be written as:
c ijkl = λ δ ij δ kl + μ (δ ik δ jl + δ il δ jk )
Related to compression
Related to shear
with the Lamé coefficients λ and μ
σ ij =c ijkl ε kl = λ δ ij δ kl ε kl + μ (δ ik δ jl + δ il δ jk )ε kl

σ ij = λ ε kk +2 μ ε ij or σ = λ Id Tr ε +2 μ ε
In terms of u, we can write:

⃗ σ =( λ + μ ) grad
div ⃗ (div ⃗u )+ μ Δ ⃗u

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Hooke’s Law

{} ( ){ }
1 −ν −ν 0 0 0
ε 11 σ 11
ε 22 −ν 1 −ν 0 0 0 σ 22
1 −ν −ν 1 0 0 0 Suitable for isotropic
ε 33 = σ 33
ε 23 E 0 0 0 1+ν 0 0 σ 23 materials (2 parameters only)
ε 31 0 0 0 0 1+ν 0 σ 31
ε 12 σ 12
0 0 0 0 0 1+ν

Possibility to link the different notations, e.g.:

νE E Conversion formula
λ= =c 11−2 c 44 , μ= =c 44
(1−2 ν )(1+ν ) 2(1+ν )

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Uncoupling of the Wave Equation
Wave equation:
∂2 ⃗u ⃗
ρ 2 =div σ + ⃗f
∂ ⃗u ⃗ (div ⃗u )+ μ Δ
⃗ ⃗u + ⃗f
ρ 2 =( λ + μ ) grad

Laplacian can be written as: Δ ⃗

⃗ ⃗u = grad(div ⃗A )− rot
⃗ ( rot
⃗ A⃗)
∂ ⃗u ⃗ ⃗ ⃗u )+ ⃗f
⃗ ( rot
ρ 2 =( λ +2 μ ) grad(div ⃗u )− μ rot

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Helmholtz Decomposition
We write the displacement field as the sum of two terms:
u⃗L=grad⃗ ϕ
⃗u =u⃗L + u⃗T
⃗ ψ
u⃗T = rot ⃗
ϕ ⃗ a vector potential.
is a scalar potential, ψ
⃗ u⃗L =⃗0 ,
rot div u⃗T =0
Thus, we can separate the two components:

{ √
∂2 u⃗L ⃗ λ +2 μ
−c L grad(div u⃗L )=0 , c L= ρ
∂ u⃗L μ
+c rot2
⃗ ( rot
⃗ u⃗T )=0 , √
cT = ρ

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Helmholtz Decomposition
We obtain d’Alembert equation for displacements and potential:

∂2 u⃗L 2
⃗ u⃗L =⃗0 ,
−c L Δ −c L Δ ϕ=0
2 2
∂t ∂t
∂ u⃗T ∂ ψ⃗
⃗ u⃗T =⃗0 ,
−c 2T Δ −c 2
⃗⃗ ⃗
T Δψ =0
2 2
∂t ∂t
We replaced 3 unknown displacement components by 4 potential
components (1 for scalar, 3 for vectorial). A gauge equation might
be needed:
⃗ =0
div ψ

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Examples of Material Properties

Material ρ (g/cm 3 ) λ (GPa) μ (GPa) c L (mm/µs) c T (mm/µs)

Steel 7.5-9 95-140 75-90 5.2-6.5 2.9-3.5
Aluminium 2.7 58 26 6.3 3.1
Concrete 1.3-2.5 5-14 8-21 2.9-6.5 1.8-4
Diamond 3.5 340 510 19.7 12.1
Epoxy 1.1-1.4 1.4-3.6 0.7-1.9 1.4-2.6 0.7-1.3
Plexiglass 1.2 3.4-7.8 0.8-1.2 2-2.9 0.8-1
Lead 11.5 39 6.3 2.1 0.75
PVC 1.1-1.5 1.7-5.7 0.7-1.5 1.4-2.8 0.7-1.2
Titanium 4.5 77 43 6 3
Glass 2.4-2.8 14-25 20-38 4.4-6.5 2.7-4

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Plane wave solutions
As for acoustic waves, plane wave are solutions for infinite space:
( ⃗k ⃗x −ω t )

⃗u (⃗x ,t )= A P e

A ⃗ a polarisation vector depending on

is the amplitude, P ⃗n as ⃗k =k ⃗n .

For longitudinal waves: ⃗ u⃗L =⃗0 ⇒ ⃗n ∧ P⃗L=⃗0


For transverse waves: div u⃗T =0 ⇒ ⃗n . P⃗T =0


Example: ⃗n =e⃗1 ⇒ P⃗L= e⃗1 , P⃗T =e⃗2 and P⃗T = e⃗3

1 2

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Transverse Waves

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Longitudinal Waves

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Longitudinal Waves

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Outline of the Lecture
I. Elastic Wave Propagation in Free Space
1. 3D Elasticity
2. Longitudinal and Transverse Waves

II.Reflection and transmission through interfaces

1. Boundary Conditions
2. Free Surface Reflection
3. Solid-Fluid Interface

III.Guided Waves
1. Surface Waves
2. Lamb Waves

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Boundary Conditions
Let’s consider a surface S between two solids, normal ⃗n. The 2 S
continuity conditions for any points in S write: ⃗

σ 1 (⃗x ,t )⃗n =σ 2 (⃗x , t )⃗n
u⃗1 (⃗x , t )=u⃗2 (⃗x ,t )

If the medium 2 is a perfect fluid, the stress tensor is: σ 2=−P 2 Id

{ σ 1 (⃗x ,t )⃗n =−P 2 (⃗x , t )⃗n

u⃗1 (⃗x , t ).⃗n =u⃗2 (⃗x , t ).⃗n
No shear stress in a fluid, and only normal displacement
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Free-surface reflection
Reflection on a free space: σ ( ⃗x ,t ). e⃗3 =⃗0
x 2 Free surface
(k n⃗ ⃗x −ω t )
Incident plane wave: ⃗
u⃗I (⃗x , t )= A I P I e I

θI θT

() ( )
P1 sin θ I θL
⃗ = P , with n⃗I = 0 , and k I =ω / c I
P Solid ρ , c L , c T
P3 cos θ I x3

For each point in S, Snell-Descartes Law

sin θ I sin θ L sin θ T
k⃗I .⃗x = k⃗L .⃗x = k⃗T . ⃗x , then = =
cI cL cT

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Free-surface reflection
Reflected waves:
x2 x1
u⃗R ( x 1 , x 3 , t )=u⃗L ( x 1 , x 3 ,t )+ u⃗T ( x 1 , x 3 , t )+ u⃗T (x 1 , x 3 ,t )
1 2

θI θT
( k⃗l . ⃗x −ω t) θL
u⃗L (⃗x ,t )= A L P⃗L e
⃗ ( k⃗ . ⃗x −ω t ) Solid ρ , c L , c T
u⃗T (⃗x , t )= A T PT e T

1 1 1 x3
( k⃗ . ⃗x − ω t )

u⃗T (⃗x ,t )= A T P T e T

2 2 2

k⃗L ∧ P⃗L =⃗0

( ) ( ) ()
k1cL cT k 3 T 0
k⃗T . P⃗T =0 P⃗L = ω 0 , P⃗T = ω 0 , P⃗T = 1 1 2

−k 3 L −k 1 0

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Free-surface reflection

x2 x1 x 2 x1 x x1
θL θL θT θT θT θT

x3 x3 x3

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Incident Longitudinal Wave
Using the free surface boundary condition σ ( ⃗x ,t ). e⃗3 =⃗0 ,
we can obtain the reflection coefficients: x2 x1

( )
cT 2
sin 2 θ L sin 2 θ T −cos 2 θ T P P
AL cL θL θL
r L L= = ,

( )
AI cT 2
sin 2 θ L sin 2 θ T +cos 2 θ T Solid ρ , c L , c T
cL x3

r LT = =
cL( )
sin 2θ L cos 2 θ T
, with sin θ T = sin θ L

( )
AI cT 2
sin 2 θ L sin 2θ T +cos 2θ T
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Incident Longitudinal Wave

The amplitude is maximal for
normal incidence or grazing
incidence (no reflected shear

The conversion to shear waves
can be perfect for specific angles
as r L L=0 , if >0.565

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Incident Transverse Vertical Wave
sin θ L = sin θ T x1
cT x2
As shear waves are usually slower than compressive
θT θT
waves, θ L >θ T . SV
A critical incident angle is reached as θ L=90 ° ,
θ =arcsin
cL ( )
Then reflected compressive waves becomes

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Solid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid interfaces
Liquid ρ , c
θ sin θ sin θ L sin θ T
= = θ θ
P c cL cT P
Liquid ρ , c P

x2 x1 x1

θT θT θT
x 3 Solid ρ , c L , c T x 3 Solid ρ , c L , c T

Gautier Lefebvre, METAVISION Training School, 13-17 November 2023 28

Outline of the Lecture
I. Elastic Wave Propagation in Free Space
1. 3D Elasticity
2. Longitudinal and Transverse Waves

II.Reflection and transmission through interfaces

1. Boundary Conditions
2. Free Surface Reflection
3. Solid-Fluid Interface

III.Guided Waves
1. Surface Waves
2. Lamb Waves

Gautier Lefebvre, METAVISION Training School, 13-17 November 2023 29

Guided Waves

Specific shapes are waveguides, based on

the coupling between propagation Free surface
properties and boundary conditions

Two free surfaces guide the wave through

successive reflections
Free surface
One free surface is already a waveguide !

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Rayleigh Waves
2 Semi-infinite solid
∂ ⃗u ⃗ (div ⃗u )+ μ Δ
⃗ ⃗u x
ρ 2 =( λ + μ ) grad y
⃗ ϕ L + rot
⃗u =grad ⃗ ψ⃗

∂ ϕ L ∂ψ z ∂ψ y ∂ ϕ L ∂ ψ y
ux = + − = − z
∂x ∂ y ∂z ∂x ∂z
∂ ϕ L ∂ ψ x ∂ ψ z ∂ψ x ∂ψ z
u y= + − = − Polarization in (x, z) plane ⇒ u y =0
∂ y ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂x We can choose
∂ ϕ L ∂ ψ y ∂ψ x ∂ ϕ L ∂ψ y
uz= + − = + Ψ⃗ =ϕ T e⃗y
∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x

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Rayleigh Waves

1 ∂ϕ
2 ∂2 ϕ M ∂ 2 ϕ M 1 ∂2 ϕ M
Δ ϕ − 2 2 =0 → 2
+ 2
− 2 2
=0 with L=M , T
c ∂t ∂x ∂z cM ∂ t

We look for solutions in the form: i(k x−ω t )

ϕ M ( x , z , t )=f M (z)e
Propagative harmonic waves toward x.

∂2 f M ω 2
+( 2 −k ) f M ( z)=0 with L=M , T
∂ z2 cM

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Rayleigh Waves

√ √
c 2
with α M = k 2− ω2 =k 1− 2
−α M z αM z
f M ( z)= A M e +B M e
cM cM

B M must be zero to avoid divergence.

−α M z
We can write: ϕ M ( x , z , t )= A M e e i(k x−ω t )

[( ) ( ) ]
ik αT
−α z α
ei (k x−ω t )
⃗u ( x , z ,t )= 0 ALe + 0 AT e L T

−α L ik

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Rayleigh Waves
Boundary conditions: σ ( ⃗x ,t ). e⃗z =⃗0 ,

Elasticity law gives:

σ xz = μ
∂x ∂z(
∂ u z ∂ ux
+ ) y invariance and no

σ yz = μ (
∂ uz ∂ u y
∂ y ∂z ) displacement in y direction
cancel this term
∂ ux ∂ uz
σ zz= λ +( λ +2 μ )
∂x ∂z

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Rayleigh Waves
Injecting the waveform:

−α L z −α L z
σ xx ( x , z ,t )= μ [−2 i k α L A L e −(k +α ) A T e ] ei(k x−ω t )2 2

σ zz ( x , z ,t )= μ [(k 2 +α T2 ) α L A L e−α z −2 i k A T α T e−α z ]ei (k x−ω t )


{ 2 i k α L A L +(k 2 +α 2T ) A T =0
At z=0,

(k 2 +α 2T )α L A L −2 i k α T A T =0

Solving the system provides the dispersion equation:

(k 2 +α T2 )2−4 k 2 α L α T =0

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Rayleigh Waves
In terms of wave velocity:

( ) √( )( )
2 2 2 2
c c c
2− 2 −4 1− 2 1− 2 =0
cT cL cT

Only one solution cR , depending on c L and c T ,

independent of the frequency

Approximate solution: cR 1.44 λ +0.88 μ
cT 1.58 λ +1.16 μ

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Rayleigh Waves

−α L z −α T z
U x ( x , z , t )=−(k e −√α L α T e ) A L sin (k x−ω t )
α L −α
U z ( x , z ,t )= −α L e ( −α L z
+k α e
T√ T z
) A cos(k x−ω t )

Evanescent part in z direction

Phase quadrature between x and z: elliptic polarization

Possible sign changes

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Rayleigh Waves

−α L z −α T z
U x ( x , z , t )=−(k e −√α L α T e ) A L sin (k x−ω t )
α L −α
U z ( x , z ,t )= −α L e ( −α L z
+k α e
T√ T z
) A cos(k x−ω t )

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Scholte and Stoneley Waves


Liquid Solid
Solid Useful in geophysics

Flores-Mendez et al. Journ. Appl. Math 2011

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Leaky Waves
Surface guided wave, decreasing with z and x

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SH Guided Waves

Cut-off at low frequency for m > 0

From Noé Jiménez website
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Lamb Waves
Plate Polarization in (x, z) plane ⇒ u y =0
We use Ψ⃗ =ϕ T e⃗y

h x ∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T
ux= −
∂x ∂z
∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T
uz= +
z ∂z ∂x

{ {
Looking for propagative form in x:
∂2 ϕ L 2 2 ω 2
2 2 2
+ p ϕ L=0 p = 2 −k =k L−k
i (k x−ω t )
ϕ L (x , z , t )=f L ( z)e , then ∂z 2
i(k x−ω t ) 2
ϕ T ( x , z , t )=f T (z)e ∂ ϕT ω
2 2 2
+q2 ϕ T =0 q = 2 −k =k T −k
∂z cT
Gautier Lefebvre, METAVISION Training School, 13-17 November 2023 42
Lamb Waves

∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T ∂ϕ T
Deriving the displacement ux= − =i k ϕ L −
∂x ∂z ∂z
from the potentials: ∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T ∂ϕ L
uz= + = +i k ϕ T
∂z ∂x ∂z
We only need these two components of the stress to express boundary conditions:

{ ( ) ( ∂ϕ L
∂ uz ∂ ux 2 2
σ xz = μ + = μ (q −k ) ϕ T +2i k
∂x ∂z ∂z
∂ϕ T
( )
∂ ux ∂ uz 2 2
σ zz = λ −( λ +2 μ ) = μ (k −q ) ϕ L +2 i k
∂x ∂z ∂z

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Lamb Waves
Boundary conditions:

{ σ xz (z=±h /2)=0
σ zz ( z=±h/2)=0
Can be verified only if the two potentials have different parities:

f L (z)=B cos( p z +α ) and f T ( z)= A sin (q z+ α ) with α =0 or π /2

Symmetrical Anti-symmetrical

modes modes
∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T i(k x−ω t )
ux= − =( i k B cos( p z+α )−q A cos(qz+ α )) e
∂x ∂z
∂ϕ L ∂ϕ T
uz= + =( p B sin ( p z+α )+i k A sin (qz +α )) e i (k x−ω t )
∂z ∂x

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Lamb Waves

Boundary conditions:
∂ϕ L
( 2 2
σ xz = μ (q −k ) ϕ T +2i k )
{ σ xz (z=±h /2)=0
σ zz ( z=±h/2)=0
( 2 2
σ zz= μ (k −q ) ϕ L +2 i k
∂ϕ T

{ (q 2−k 2 ) A sin (q h/2+α )−2 i k B p sin ( p h/2+α )=0

2 2
(k −q ) B cos( p h/2+α )+2 i k A q cos(q h /2+α )=0
Solving the system gives the dispersion relation of both modes:

cT (
ω 4 =4 k 2 q 2 1− p tan( p h/2+ α )
q tan(q h/2+α ) ) with α =0 or π /2

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Lamb Waves

Symmetrical modes Anti-symmetrical modes

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Lamb Waves

No crossings for each type
of mode

Cut-off frequency for all but
the first modes A0 and S0
f h( MHz . mm)

Growing with k most of the

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Daniel Royer, & Eugène Dieulesaint, Ondes élastiques dans les
solides, Tome 1, Propagation libre et guidée.pdf.

Notes from Master SPI, Tony Valier-Brasier, Sorbonne Université,
available online

Daniel Royer, Tony Valier-Brasier, Elastic Waves in Solids 1:

Géradin, M. et Rixen, D. J. (2014). Mechanical vibrations : theory
and application to structural dynamics. John Wiley & Sons.

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