Kashif Bashir 2021
Kashif Bashir 2021
Kashif Bashir 2021
Food Chemistry
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/foodchem
Keywords: The phytochemical profile of Carissa opaca fruit extract and fractions was established through dereplication
Carissa opaca fruit strategies employing LC-MS/MS and global natural product social molecular networking (GNPS). Crude extract
α-Glucosidase inhibition and fractions were evaluated for their potential to inhibit α-glucosidase and urease in vitro. Flavonoid-O-
LC–MS/MS-based molecular networking
glycosides, flavonoid-C-glycosides, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin B2, phenolics, and triterpenoids were anno
Molecular docking
tated as the major classes of secondary metabolites present in the extract and fractions. α-Glucosidase inhibition
Urease inhibition was associated with n-butanol and ethyl acetate fractions comparable to acarbose (IC50 = 120.43 µg/mL) with
IC50 values of 123.67 and 131.72 µg/mL, respectively. The ethyl acetate fraction showed good urease inhibition
comparable with thiourea (IC50 = 103.71 µg/mL) with an IC50 value of 109.14 µg/mL. Molecular docking studies
of compounds observed in the crude extract and bioactive fractions had significant binding scores, which sup
ported results for enzyme inhibition in vitro. This study provided a detailed phytochemical profile of C. opaca
fruit and its enzyme inhibition potential.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: taouskhan@cuiatd.edu.pk (T. Khan).
Received 14 March 2021; Received in revised form 24 May 2021; Accepted 30 May 2021
Available online 1 June 2021
0308-8146/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and chromium (Ahmed et al., purpose, the crude extract (900 g) was suspended in distilled water and
2011). The fruit is a rich source of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and fractionated with organic solvents including n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl
fibers. The nutritional value of the fruit is 333.84 cal/100 g (Izhar & acetate, and n-butanol based on increasing order of polarity. All the
Ahmed, 2016). Preliminary quantitative phytochemical studies showed fractions were concentrated using Büchi Rotavapor® R-300 (BÜCHI
that fruit is rich in polyphenolics and exhibited strong antioxidant, Labortechnik AG, Flawil, Switzerland). Fractions including n-hexane
antimicrobial, antitumor, and anticancer activities (Sahreen, Khan, & (130 g), chloroform (11 g), ethyl acetate (9 g), n-butanol (50 g), and
Khan, 2010; Sahreen, Khan, Khan, & Shah, 2013). The methanolic water (650 g) were obtained and stored at − 20 ◦ C until further use.
extract from fruit has been shown to protect the kidney against oxidative
trauma due to high levels of antioxidants (Sahreen, Khan, Khan, & 2.4. Sample preparation for LC–MS/MS analysis
Alkreathy, 2015). The consumption of the fruit has shown beneficial
health effects in various ailments including diabetes and gastrointestinal Samples of C. opaca fruit methanolic extract and fractions were
problems (Izhar & Ahmed, 2016; Kaunda & Zhang, 2017) prepared for LC–MS/MS analysis by dissolving in HPLC grade methanol
C. opaca fruit extracts have been studied for the estimation of total (1 mg/mL), vortexed, sonicated, and filtered through a 0.45 µm mem
phenolic and flavonoid contents and associated biological activities like brane filter (VWR, Radnor, PA, USA). A 100 µL volume for each sample
antioxidant, antitumor, and antimicrobial. However, the literature to was transferred to the HPLC autosampler vial and stored at − 20 ◦ C in a
date lacks any detailed phytochemical profiling of this plant. Therefore, refrigerator until analysis.
the current research was aimed at establishing a comprehensive
phytochemical profile of C. opaca fruit. For this purpose, LC-MS/MS and 2.5. Phytochemical analysis and dereplication
global natural product social molecular networking (GNPS) were
applied to comprehensively annotate the secondary metabolites present Metabolomics profiling of extract and fractions was carried out using
in C. opaca fruit. Quantitative phytochemical analysis for determining Dionex UltiMate 3000 ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography
total phenolic and flavonoid contents was also carried out. Additionally, (UHPLC) coupled to a Velos Pro hybrid linear trap quadrupole (LTQ)
in vitro and in silico α-glucosidase and urease inhibitory activities were mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). The
performed to provide a scientific rationale for the health benefits of this chromatographic system was composed of Dionex Ultimate 3000
plant in associated problems. UHPLC comprising of RS (rapid separation) quaternary pump and RS
autosampler for separation of compounds while the detection part was
2. Material and methods equipped with a photodiode array (PDA) detector operated by Chro
meleon software. The ESI technique was used along with tandem mass
2.1. Chemicals MS/MS in both positive and negative ion modes under similar chro
matographic conditions. For chromatographic separation, a UHPLC
Solvents including n-hexane, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-butanol, Luna Omega reverse-phase column C18 (50 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.6 µm)
methanol, and chemicals including aluminium chloride and potassium (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA) was used. The gradient program was
acetate were purchased from Daejung Chemicals and Materials set using 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% formic acid in aceto
(Gyeonggi-do, Shiheung, Korea). Quercetin was obtained from Alfa nitrile (B). The gradient elution profile was as follows: 5% B (0.5 min),
Aesar (Ward Hill, MA, USA). Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and gallic acid 5–95% B (0.5–6.5 min), 95% B (6.5–8.5 min) and 95–5% B (8.5–10
were procured from Scharlau Chemicals (Barcelona, Spain). α-Glucosi min). The column temperature was maintained at 30 ◦ C. A flow rate of
dase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was acquired from Sigma-Aldrich (St. 0.5 mL/min was maintained while injection volume was kept as 10 µL.
Louis, MO, USA). Jack bean urease was procured from SERVA Electro Spectra were recorded between the m/z range of 110 to 2000, collision-
phoresis GmbH (Heidelberg, Germany). HPLC grade solvents, including induced dissociation energy of 35 V, and resolution of 30,000 FWHM
acetonitrile and methanol, were bought from Thermo Fisher Scientific (full width and half maximum). Thermo XCalibur software was used for
(Waltham, MA, USA). A Milli-Q Water Purification System (Millipore, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of LC-MS/MS results.
Bedford, MA, USA) was used to obtain water for HPLC. Formic acid was These parameters include m/z, MS-MS fragmentation pattern, molecular
purchased from Acros Organics (Morris Plains, NJ, USA). formula, unsaturation equivalent, and m/z error in ppm.
Molecular networking of the C. opaca fruit crude extract and frac
2.2. Plant material tions was performed using the global natural product social molecular
networking (GNPS) platform (https://gnps.ucsd.edu/ProteoSAFe/stat
The fresh ripened fruit of C. opaca was collected from Rawalpindi, ic/gnps-splash.jsp). All MS/MS data were converted to GNPS sup
Punjab, Pakistan in March 2016. The plant specimen was authenticated ported “.mzML” format files using MSConvert package from the Pro
by plant taxonomist, Dr. Abdul Nazir, Assistant Professor, COMSATS teoWizard 3.0.20360 (Proteowizard Software Foundation, Palo Alto,
University Islamabad (CUI), Abbottabad Campus, with voucher spec CA, USA). The files were uploaded on the GNPS platform using recom
imen number (CUHA113). The plant specimen was placed at the her mended FTP client WinSCP. The spectral networks were imported into
barium of the Department of Environmental Sciences, CUI, Abbottabad Cytoscape 3.8.2 and were visualized for various features. Furthermore,
Campus for future record. the advanced molecular networking tool MolnetEnhancer was applied to
identify the major chemical classes of compounds present. The results of
2.3. Extraction and fractionation the GNPS analysis tools were carefully matched with results obtained
through manual annotation (Wang et al., 2016).
The fruit was garbled, washed thoroughly with tap water to remove The total phenolic content (TPC) was determined by adopting Folin-
dust particles, and subjected to drying under shade. The dried fruit was Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) method described by Madaan, Bansal, Kumar,
pulverized into a fine powder using a laboratory mill. The powdered and Sharma (2011). Briefly, stock solutions of crude extract and frac
plant material (7.5 kg) was extracted thrice with methanol (20 L) for 21, tions were prepared in methanol at a concentration of 5 mg/mL. Then,
7, and 3 days, successively at room temperature. The extracted material 0.5 mL of the stock solution was mixed with 1.5 mL of FCR and incu
was filtered using muslin cloth followed by Whatman 42 filter paper and bated for 5 min. Then, 4 mL of Na2CO3 solution (7.5%) was added to the
was concentrated at 40 ◦ C under reduced pressure using Büchi Rota reaction mixture and the final volume was made up with distilled water
vapor® R-300 (BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, Flawil, Switzerland) to obtain to 25 mL. Finally, the solution was incubated for 30 min after which the
crude methanol extract (950 g). Fractions of the methanol extract were absorbance was measured with a UV–visible spectrophotometer (PG
prepared using the solvent–solvent extraction technique. For this Instruments, Leicestershire, UK) at 765 nm. The standard curve for
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
Table 1
Details of the identified constituents in C. opaca fruit crude extract and fractions using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS analysis.
C. opaca fruit crude extract
Compound Retention UV [M + MS2 fragmentation [M− H]− MS2 fragmentation Dereplication result Molecular Exact
No. time (min) λmax H]+ m/z ions [M + H]+ m/z ions [M− H]− Formula Mass
(nm) (Calc.)
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
Table 1 (continued )
C. opaca fruit crude extract
Compound Retention UV [M + MS2 fragmentation [M− H]− MS2 fragmentation Dereplication result Molecular Exact
No. time (min) λmax H]+ m/z ions [M + H]+ m/z ions [M− H]− Formula Mass
(nm) (Calc.)
431.132, 413.128,
383.125, 353.111,
329.111, 287.084
8** 3.95 255, 433.113 415.160, 397.158, 431.010 341.087, 311.064, apigenin-8-C-glucoside C21H20O10 432.105
351 367.129, 337.150, 269.139 (Vitexin)
313.140, 271.125
10** 4.00 255, 465.103 303.076 463.084 301.072 Isoquercitrin C21H20O12 464.095
11 4.09 254, 625.177 479.1187, 317.066 623.552 315.059, 300.650 isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside C28H32O16 624.169
12** 4.20 266 479.119 317.090 477.099 314.150 isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside C22H22O12 478.111
25 4.27 290 579.113 561.157, 439.104, 577.101 559.036, 435.073, proanthocyanidin B2 C30H26O12 578.142
425.149, 285.079 423.019, 417.007,
24** 4.78 253, 303.050 285.067, 257.093, 301.032 179.067, 151.117 quercetin C15H10O7 302.043
369 229.084, 165.050
13 5.07 369 271.060 186.407 269.043 225.097, 201.101, apigenin C15H10O5 270.052
183.102, 149.074
23** 5.2 269 317.096 302.052, 285.074 315.058 300.032 isorhamnetin C16H12O7 316.058
18*** 8.01 206 457.368 439.398, 411.412, 455.354 407.346, 391.331, ursolic acid C30H48O3 456.360
393.406 367.454
estimation of TPC was constructed using gallic acid as standard (0–250 2.6. Enzyme inhibition assays
µg/mL). The results were calculated as µg of gallic acid equivalents
(GAE) per mg of sample. The α-glucosidase inhibitory potential of C. opaca fruit extract and
The total flavonoid content (TFC) was measured by aluminium fractions was evaluated according to the chromogenic method (Moradi-
chloride colorimetric method as reported by Chang, Yang, Wen, and Afrapoli et al., 2012). The test samples were prepared by dissolving the
Chern (2002). In brief, the stock solution of the extract and fractions extract and fractions at a concentration of 200 µg/mL in DMSO. The
were prepared in methanol at a concentration of 5 mg/mL. Then, 500 µL enzyme solution was composed of 20 μL of α-glucosidase (0.5 units/mL)
of each sample was taken from the stock solution and diluted with 1.5 and 120 μL of phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 6.9). Test samples (10 μL)
mL of methanol. To this, 100 µL each of aluminium chloride (10%) and were added to the enzyme solution in 96-well plate and incubated at
potassium acetate (1 M) was added. The final volume was made up to 5 37 ◦ C for 15 min. After this, 20 μL of substrate (p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glu
mL with distilled water. The reaction mixture was incubated for 30 min copyranoside) solution (5 mM) was added to this solution and incubated
and the absorbance was measured with a UV–visible spectrophotometer for a further 15 min. Finally, the reaction was terminated by the addition
(PG Instruments, Leicestershire, UK) at 415 nm. The standard curve for of 80 μL of Na2CO3 solution (0.2 M), and absorbance of the resulting
TFC was constructed using quercetin as standard (0–250 µg/mL). TFC solution was recorded at 410 nm with SpectraMax microplate reader
was calculated as µg of quercetin equivalents (QE) per mg of sample. (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The system without extract
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
Fig. 1. Employing the molecular network of C. opaca fruit crude extract with the focus on selected nodes to provisionally dereplicate for the presence of known
flavonoid-C-glycosides and flavonoid-O-glycosides. The values are m/z [M− H]− of compounds identified by tandem-mass-based molecular networking present in
C. opaca fruit.
and fractions was used as negative control while the blank consisted of IC50 values.
the system without α-glucosidase. Acarbose was used as a standard in
hibitor. The α-glucosidase inhibition (%) was calculated with the help of 2.7. Molecular docking studies
the following formula:
Molecular docking studies were performed to evaluate the binding
Absorbance of Control − Absorbance of Sample
Inhibition(%) = × 100 interaction of compounds observed in bioactive fractions into the active
Absorbance of Control
pocket of α-glucosidase and urease (Fig. S2). The 3D-structure of both
The % α-glucosidase inhibition was plotted against the various enzymes were retrieved from the Protein Data Bank with PDB ID: 2JKE
concentrations of test samples and IC50 values were calculated using (Resolution: 1.7 Å) (Gloster, Turkenburg, Potts, Henrissat, & Davies,
regression curve analysis. 2008) and 3LA4, (Resolution: 2.0 Å) (Balasubramanian & Ponnuraj,
The urease inhibition potential of extract and fractions were inves 2010) for α-glucosidase and urease, respectively. Docking experiments
tigated against Jack bean urease enzyme using the indophenol method were performed via Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) docking
as reported by Weatherburn with modifications (Khan et al., 2014). The program version 2016.08 (Vilar, Cozza, & Moro, 2008).
reaction mixture comprising of urease solution (25 μL) and 10 μL of each Protein structures were prepared using a multistep process involving
extract at 200 μg/mL, prepared in DMSO. The reaction mixture was put (i) removing the water molecules, (ii) addition of polar hydrogen atoms,
in each well and incubated at 30 ◦ C for 15 min. Then, 50 μL urea (100 and (iii) energy optimization using default parameters of MOE energy
mM) in phosphate buffer was placed in each well and followed by in minimization algorithm [gradient: 0.05, Force Field: MMFF94X]. The
cubation for 30 min. Then, a mixture consisting of 45 μL of phenol re geometrical parameters were optimized, and partial charges were
agent (1% w/v phenol and 0.005% sodium nitroprusside) and 70 μL calculated. Finally, the active site for both the enzymes was defined
alkali reagent (0.5% w/v NaOH and 0.1% NaOCl) was put in each well. within 10 Å of the native ligand, and 10 best-docked conformations were
The rate of change in absorbance was recorded at 630 nm after 50 min generated in each case. The complex with the lowest binding score was
using a SpectraMax microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, selected and used for further analysis in each case. Ligand-interaction
CA, USA). Thiourea was used as the reference inhibitor. The formula module of MOE was used to calculate the 2D ligand-enzyme in
mentioned below was employed to calculate the percent urease teractions while the view of the docking results and analysis of their
inhibition: surface with graphical representations were done using MOE and Dis
Absorbance of Control − Absorbance of Sample covery Studio Visualizer. The structures of test compounds were pre
Inhibition(%) =
Absorbance of Control
× 100 pared using Chemdraw ultra and optimized before molecular docking
The % urease inhibition was plotted against various concentrations
of the samples and a regression curve was established to calculate the
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
Fig. 2. 2D structural view of the binding interaction with (A) isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, (B) apigenin-8-C-glucoside, (C) isoschaftoside, and (D) chlorogenic acid
inside active pocket of α-glucosidase.
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
Fig. 3. 2D structural view of binding interaction pattern with (A) proanthocyanidin B2, (B) chlorogenic acid, (C) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside, (D) p-coumaroylquinic
acid inside active pocket of urease.
vitexin (0.42 mmol/L), isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside (0.51 mmol/L) and The ethyl acetate fraction displayed the highest urease inhibitory ac
chlorogenic acid (2.99 mM) (Yin, Zhang, Feng, Zhang, & Kang, 2014). tivity with IC50 value of 109.14 μg/mL followed by chloroform fraction
Hence, these identified compounds may be responsible for the observed with IC50 value of 135.79 μg/mL. In the current study, the crude extract
α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of C. opaca fruit extract and fractions. of C. opaca fruit, ethyl acetate, and chloroform fractions exhibited good
Moreover, inhibition of α-glucosidase by the C. opaca fruit extract and inhibition against urease. Both ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions
fractions might be a probable mechanism towards its antidiabetic contain flavonoids and triterpenoids as identified by LC–MS/MS GNPS
potential. molecular networking analysis (Table 1). Additionally, the ethyl acetate
fraction is rich in phenolic acids, flavonoids, and flavonoid glycosides,
3.3.2. Urease inhibition which might be responsible for the observed urease inhibitory activity.
Urease, a metalloenzyme, is an important target in drug discovery for Polyphenolic constituents from various plant sources have been re
antiulcer and antigastric cancer agents. Several urease inhibitors have ported to possess potent urease inhibitory activities (Hassan & Žemlička,
been developed in the past but most of those displayed severe side ef 2016). Furthermore, various constituents identified in C. opaca fruit
fects, toxicity, and instability. To overcome these limitations, the search extract, and the ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions (Table 1) have
for new natural sources of urease inhibitors especially from plants is shown in vitro urease inhibition in previous studies. These include (with
important (Hassan & Žemlička, 2016). The edible part of various plants IC50 values) quercetin (11.2 µM), rutin (67.6 µM), orientin (28 µM), and
including mung bean, pineapple, cinnamon, guava, and peel from avo vitexin (35 µM) (Kafarski & Talma, 2018; Xiao et al., 2012), which may
cado have showed inhibition activity (70–100%) against Jack bean be responsible for urease inhibition of C. opaca fruit.
urease (Shabana et al., 2010). In this scenario, the current study was
undertaken to evaluate the urease inhibitory activity of C. opaca fruit
extract and fractions, and the results obtained are given in Table 3. The 3.4. Molecular docking studies
extract demonstrated significant urease inhibition with an IC50 value of
130.68 μg/mL compared to standard thiourea (IC50 = 103.71 μg/mL). Bioactive compounds observed through mass spectrometry were
subjected to computer-based molecular docking studies to evaluate their
K. Bashir et al. Food Chemistry 363 (2021) 130259
binding interaction pattern with the active pocket of α-glucosidase and exhibited inhibition against urease. Results of computational studies
urease. The good inhibition potential of the n-butanol, ethyl acetate, and showing strong binding potential from many of the compounds identi
chloroform fraction of C. opaca fruit crude extract against α-glucosidase fied in the extracts by LC–MS/MS GNPS molecular networking to
may be attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds listed in α-glucosidase and urease further strengthened and supported the in vitro
Table 1. All the identified compounds except isorhamnetin-3-O- enzyme inhibition activity results of the crude extract and bioactive
glucoside, rutin, and ursolic acid showed the binding interaction with fractions.
an active pocket of α-glucosidase having binding scores in the range of
− 5.386 to − 10.391 kcal/mol. Isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside showed the
Declaration of Competing Interest
best binding score of − 10.391 kcal/mol having H-bonding interaction
with Trp331, Glu391, Lys467, Glu194, and Ser217 as shown in Fig. 2.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Apigenin-8-C-glucoside represented good inhibition with a binding
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
score of − 10.371 kcal/mol having H-bonding interaction with Glu 194,
the work reported in this paper.
Glu508, Glu532, and Lys467. Isoschaftoside showed a binding score of
− 9.693 kcal/mol having H-bonding interaction with Ile335, Glu439,
Lys467, and Glu532. Similarly, chlorogenic acid showed a binding score
of − 9.453 kcal/mol interacted through H-bonding with Glu391, Tyr533,
We are highly thankful to Higher Education Commission (HEC),
Glu194, and Ser217. The binding scores of all identified compounds are
Pakistan, for funding this project under Phase II, Batch III, Indigenous
listed in Table S2.
Ph.D. Fellowships Program for 5000 Scholars, and the International
The results of molecular studies against urease showed that all the
Research Support Initiative Program (IRSIP) Scholarship at the Uni
ligands exhibited binding interaction with the active binding pocket of
versity of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
urease having binding scores in the range from − 4.978 to − 14.381 kcal/
mol. Proanthocyanidin B2 with the highest binding score of − 14.381
kcal/mol showed H-bonding interaction with Asp494, Arg439, His545, Appendix A. Supplementary data
and Asp633 along with π-cation interaction with His594 and Arg439 and
a π-π interaction with His593 (Fig. 3). Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside was Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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