The Effectiveness of Using The Kahoot Application For PAI Learning Evaluation of Faith in Rosul Material

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At-Tarbiyat: Journal of Islamic Education

Vol. 00 No. 00 (2023) : 00-00

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The Effectiveness of Using the Kahoot Application for PAI

Learning Evaluation of Faith in Rosul Material

Vivi Dayu Aulia1, Anita Puji Astutik2

1, 2
Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, University of Muhammadiyah
Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Email : vividayu38.9G@gmail.com1,

Received: April 2023 Accepted: June 2023 Published: September 2023

Abstract :
In the field of education, the quality of learning and teaching must be improved in
accordance with the times, especially in technological developments. This aims to
make students more active in learning. There are many learning evaluation media that
can be used, one of which is Kahoot. This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of
Using Kahoot Application for PAI Learning Evaluation of Iman Ke Rosul Material at
SMKN 1 Gempol. This study uses a quantitative approach with a pretest-posttest
design experimental method. In this study, the population was class XI majoring in
Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) at SMKN 1 Gempol. The sample in this
study consisted of 2 classes, namely TKJ 1 and TKJ 2. Where the TKJ 1 group was used
as an experimental class with the treatment given, namely using Kahoot. While the
TKJ 2 group is used as a control class. From the results of data analysis using the t test,
it shows that the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, which means that the use of Kahoot is
proven effective for evaluating PAI learning on Iman Ke Rosul material.
Keywords : Effectiveness, Kahoot, Evaluation.

Abstrak :
Dalam bidang pendidikan, kualitas pembelajaran dan pengajaran harus ditingkatkan
sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, terutama dalam perkembangan teknologi. Hal
ini bertujuan agar siswa lebih aktif dalam belajar. Ada banyak media evaluasi
pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan, salah satunya adalah Kahoot. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penggunaan Aplikasi Kahoot untuk Evaluasi
Pembelajaran PAI Materi Iman Kepada Rosul di SMKN 1 Gempol. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen pretest-posttest
design. Pada penelitian ini, populasinya adalah kelas XI jurusan Teknik Komputer dan
Jaringan (TKJ) di SMKN 1 Gempol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 kelas,
yaitu TKJ 1 dan TKJ 2. Di mana kelompok TKJ 1 digunakan sebagai kelas eksperimen
dengan perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu menggunakan Kahoot. Sedangkan kelompok
TKJ 2 digunakan sebagai kelas kontrol. Dari hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan
uji t menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti
penggunaan Kahoot terbukti efektif untuk evaluasi pembelajaran PAI pada materi Iman
Kepada Rosul
Keywords: Efektivitas, Kahoot, evaluasi.


At-Tarbiyat: Journal of Islamic Education

Vol. 06 No. 01 (2023) : 1-12
Education is a process of cooperation between teachers, learning
environments, and learning resources that bring knowledge, skills, values, and
attitudes. The main purpose of education is to provide the skills needed by
students, for future success, both in personal and professional life (Wulan Sari
&; Labetubun, 2022). In the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0,
information and communication technology is growing rapidly. As humans
living in this era, we should be able to make good use of these technologies
(Indriani, 2022). Changes in digital technology and the internet have had a
major impact on human life in the era ofzrevolutionzindustry. In the field of
education, these technological developments open up new opportunities for
learning and teaching (Laily, Astutik, &; Haryanto, 2022).
The biggest challenge for the education sector when facing the industrial
revolution 4.0 is in what way to improve the quality of learning and teaching to
suit the demands of the times. Education must be able to keep up with
technological developments and make maximum use of them to provide a
better learning experience for students (Suyanti, 2019). This is in line with the
statement of Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib, "Educate your children according to
their time, because they live not in your time" (Purwianto & Fahyuni, 2021). In
addition, changes that can be felt are in the aspect of interacting between
teachers and students. Where now interaction can be done by utilizing existing
technology and connected to the internet network. Not only in the learning
process, but also during the evaluation process must be carried out by a teacher
(Fajri, Akbar, &; Zakir, 2021).
As stated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003
concerning the National Education System article 57 paragraph 1, that
"Evaluation is carried out as part of national education quality control and also
as a form of accountability of education providers to interested parties,
including students, institutions, and educational programs." In this context,
evaluation is carried out to measure the extent to which the education has
achieved the objectives that have been set, ensure that the quality standards that
have been set are met, and to identify areas that require further improvement or
One way to respond to the industrial revolution 4.0 in the field of
education is to apply more active, creative, and innovative learning (Astuti,
Waluya, &; Asikin, 2019). Learning media that encourage student participation
in learning activities and utilize digital technology, such as quiz-based learning,
Game-Based Learningor Classroom can be used for learning evaluation. Learning
media plays an important role as a tool in conveying messages or information
between teachers and students in today's digital education era. By using
interesting learning media, students will feel more called to be active in the
learning process. Media also acts as a tool to access, process, and convey
information effectively and efficiently (Purwianto & Fahyuni, 2021). In addition,
if the use of media is less interesting it also affects students who quickly feel
bored during the learning process (Laily et al., 2022). This is one way to balance
in improving the quality of education and the development of technology and
information. Because, having qualified intellectual qualities alone is not enough
to face the rapidly developing world of technology. Therefore, it is important
for students to have the ability soft skills, especially in mastering technology and

At-Tarbiyat: Journal of Islamic Education

Vol. 06 No. 01 (2023) : 0-00 2
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information science.
The urgency of evaluating a learning that cannot be avoided from
teaching activities. Because, the evaluation is carried out to evaluate the level of
achievement of student success in teaching materials and materials that have
been delivered by educators (Idrus, 2019). Through evaluation, teachers can
more easily obtain data related to the level of understanding and ability of
students in the material that has been taught. Where the evaluation data will be
used as a measuring tool to continue learning. Learning evaluation can be
associated with utilizing gadget-based information technology. The existence of
this is in great demand by students in the current era, because gadget and
internet users are loved by many young people (Nurfadilla, 2022).
Evaluation is divided into two types, namely formative and summative
evaluation. Formative evaluation is a process in which teachers and students
are involved in monitoring student learning progress during the learning
process. The goal is to understand the extent to which students have
understood the subject matter and what needs to be improved during the
learning process, and teachers can identify student strengths and weaknesses as
well as weaknesses in understanding the learning material. While summative
evaluation, which is a type of assessment carried out after the learning
experience unit or the entire subject matter has been completed. Summative
assessment is related to the final assessment to infer student achievement after
they have completed learning (Magdalena, Oktavia, &; Nurjamilah, 2021).
Researchers found that at SMKN 1 Gempol, the problem that is often
faced in PAI learning is that students are less active in participating in learning
evaluations. Based on the problems that arise, a solution is needed, namely
learning evaluation media that can make students enthusiastic and active again.
In the current era, there are various kinds of interesting learning media that can
be implemented by educators in evaluating the learning process, one of which
is media-based Game Interactive Kahoot (Hikmah et al., 2022). Kahoot
( become one of the interactive learning media, because it
can be used for presentations, exercises quiz, remedial, enrichment, and so on
(Bahar, Setiyaningsih, Nurmalia, &; Astriani, 2020). As usual, learning
evaluation activities are carried out in writing, so students feel less enthusiastic
in doing evaluation questions (Daryanes &; Ririen, 2020). The use of Kahoot in
learning allows students to answer questions in a timely manner. Online
through devices such as Mobile, computer, or laptop. In Kahoot, questions are
displayed on the screen and students can choose the correct answer through
their devices (Prayoga, 2021).
One interesting feature of Kahoot is the element of games and
competitions involving students. After answering the questions, students can
see their rankings and compare them with their classmates. This provides
additional motivation for students to strive better, improve their knowledge,
and compete with their peers. Through this feature, Kahoot creates a fun and
competitive learning environment where students feel motivated to actively
participate and improve their understanding of the material. Students can feel
challenged to achieve higher rankings and improve their results over time. In
addition, Kahoot can also provide instantaneous feedback to students on their
correct answers and assessments. This allows students to see how far they

At-Tarbiyat: Journal of Islamic Education

Vol. 06 No. 01 (2023) : 0-00 3
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understand the material and can help them identify areas for improvement
(Daryanes &; Ririen, 2020).
The use of Kahoot during learning can motivate students to learn
independently. By utilizing access points that can be used anywhere and
anytime, students can also use their free time to access Kahoot and can
concentrate more during learning (Sulistiyawati, Sholikhin, Afifah, &;
Listiawan, 2021). Thus, Game Kahoot learning can be used as an effective
alternative evaluation media for quality student learning outcomes, because
Kahoot itself is one of the media Game which supports the visual learning
process presented in the form of pictures, charts, diagrams. So, it can be a
preventive measure when the atmosphere of learning activities seems
monotonous and boring. In addition, Kahoot is able to produce an encouraging
learning atmosphere and motivate students to study harder and can be used as
a learning evaluation tool (Rusydiana, 2022).
The findings of previous research that were used as a reference library
source in the preparation of this study, among others, namely the first research
conducted by Joelantho Tualaka and Henni Sitompul, showed a significant
influence in the use of Kahoot as a learning tool that can focus students through
changes in their responses to questions, such as becoming more enthusiastic,
active, and excited (Tualaka, Sitompul, Lentera, Gunungsitoli, & Harapan,
2023). The fundamental difference between this study and previous research is
the methodology applied. This research applies a quantitative approach, while
the previous research applied descriptive qualitative methods. In addition, the
focus of research discussion is also a differentiator from previous research. The
study intends to determine the effectiveness of Kahoot for the evaluation of PAI
learning material Faith in Rosul. While in previous research, the focus was more
on the application of Kahoot which can foster students' interest in learning.
Second, the results of research by Septina Rahmawati, show positive
indications related to the benefits of using Kahoot in the context of learning at
the elementary level. Where the Kahoot application can increase student
interest and create a fun learning experience. The percentage results show that
the majority of students feel engaged and enjoy using Kahoot in science
learning (Rahmawati, 2023). The fundamental difference between this study
and previous research is the subject of applied research. This study involved
grade XI students at the Vocational High School (SMK) level, while previous
research involved grade 5 students at the Elementary School (SD) level.
Based on this, researchers can conclude that Kahoot is one example of a
platform that can be applied to learning evaluation. Kahoot becomes a game-
based platform where educators create interactive quizzes, and learners answer
questions through their own devices. By using Kahoot for evaluation, students
feel happy and comfortable when doing evaluations, and this can increase their
learning motivation and maximum evaluation results.
Thus, researchers will conduct a case study at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol
located in Pasuruan. Researchers will make observations related to the
Effectiveness of Using Kahoot to evaluate PAI learning Faith to Rosul material
at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. There are several points that can be the focus of
research, namely 1) The use of the Kahoot evaluation application in PAI
subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol, 2) The effectiveness of using the Kahoot

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Vol. 06 No. 01 (2023) : 0-00 4
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application for evaluating PAI learning Faith in Rosul material.

In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach with
experimental methods. Quantitative approach can be interpreted as a research
approach that is systematic and uses scientific methods to collect, analyze, and
interpret data in the form of numbers or statistics (Muhamad Subhi,
Nursuprianah, &; Izzati, 2020). The experimental method is used to determine
how much the level of purity (truth) of the influence of variable X on variable Y.
Experimental research is carried out to observe the influence or effect of
stimulus administration (treatment) on an object (Rahmi, 2021).
In this study, there were 2 classes of research subjects, namely the
experimental class and the control class. The experimental class received
Kahoot treatment, and the control class with conventional methods. The
population in this study was grade XI TKJ 1 and XI TKJ 2 students at SMK
Negeri 1 Gempol. The reason researchers took this study was because
researchers wanted to see accurate results through the tests carried out, namely
by pretest (before treatment) with posttest (after treatment). The treatment in
question is Kahoot which is used as a learning evaluation tool in class XI PAI
subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. During the study, researchers collaborated
with the teacher concerned, namely Andik Yudiawan, M.Pd., who became a
companion in the process of implementing PAI subjects. Here's the pretest-
posttest design table:

Group Pretes Treatmen Posttest

t t
Experiment (E) O1 X O2
Control (K) O3 O4
E = Experiments
K = Control
O1 = Experimental Class Pretest
O2 = Posttest Class Experiment
X = Treatment or treatment
O3 = Pretest Control Class
O4 = Posttest Control Class
This research obtained quantitative data generated from mathematical
ability tests. There are two stages in quantitative data processing. Initial stage:
Test the statistical requirements required in the basis of hypothesis taking,
namely the normality test and the homogeneity test of variance. Stage two: Test
whether there are differences between the two groups using the t'.
Prerequisite tests in this study include normality tests and homogeneity
Normality Test
The normality test becomes part of the requirements of the analysis or
classical assumption test. That is, before entering the statistical test, in
regression analysis carried out to test the hypothesis, the research data must be

At-Tarbiyat: Journal of Islamic Education

Vol. 06 No. 01 (2023) : 0-00 5
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ascertained the actual normality (Pradana, Ma'ruf, &; Eprilianto, 2022).
Researchers use tests Kolmogorov-Smirnov with the help of SPSS software
version 15.0 in this study.
Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test in this study was carried out to find out whether
the variance in values of the analyzed sample was homogeneous or not. The
homogeneity test is generally used as a prerequisite (but not an absolute
necessity) in comparative analysis. If the previous data test results are normally
distributed, then proceed with the homogeneity test. This test is done to show
that the differences that occur in parametric statistical tests really occur because
of differences between groups, not as a result of differences in groups (Sianturi,
2022). Researchers use homogeneity tests Levene Statistics with the help of SPSS
version 15.0.
Test t'
The t test is used to determine whether from the two data results there is
an average difference or not. Where the data get different measurements,
namely measurements before and after treatment (treatment).


This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. There are two
classes that researchers take as a research group. During the learning process,
the two classes are given different treatments. The sample used was 70 students,
consisting of experimental classes in class XI TKJ 1 with a total of 35 students
given Kahoot, while control classes in class XI TKJ 2 with a total of 35 students
given conventional learning. The material taught is Faith in Rosul.
Furthermore, data analysis was carried out to determine the
effectiveness of Kahoot in measuring the level of student understanding related
to the material Faith in Rosul at SMKN 1 Gempol. Kahoot is also one of the
interactive learning evaluation media, with quiz techniques shown on the
monitor screen. Then, students will work on the quiz in Smartphones each
(Yuliatun, Uskenat, Costa Rica, Jua, & Physics Education, 2022).

Figure 1 : Initial view of Kahoot on students and teachers

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Kahoot quizzes can be done individually or in groups. In this context, the
Faith in Rosul material quiz is tested individually. When students start
answering questions in the quiz, they must open the Kahoot app or website Then The teacher will click the Start button, when all students
have entered the PIN provided and write their names.

Figure 2 : Kahoot

In figure 2, it is one example of a question item by applying Kahoot. In

the Kahoot evaluation media, there is an analysis of Kahoot as a whole question
items, students, each student in answering questions and the use of time.
Furthermore, researchers conduct data analysis tests, the explanation can
be seen as follows:
Normality Test
A normality test is performed to ensure that the data analyzed comes
from a normal distribution. Normality tests are important as a prerequisite
before applying many parametric statistical methods, which require assuming
that the data are derived from normal distributions (Permatasari, 2021).
Normality data Kolmogorov-Smirnov pretest-posttest data processing results using
SPSS, as follows:

Table 1 : Normality Test Results

From the normality test results in table 1, it shows that with

Kolmogorov-Smirnov the data obtained for the Experimental Pretest is 0.158, and
the Experimental Posttest is 0.93. That is, 0.158 and 0.093 > 0.05, then the above
data are declared normal or regular.
Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test is performed to determine whether the variance of
two sample groups comes from the same or different populations (Usmadi,
2020). Homogeneous data is one of the requirements before conducting a t test.
Homogeneous data tests must still be carried out to determine whether data
variants are homogeneous or not (Hashim, Munawar, &; Ma'arif, 2021).

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Table 2 : Homogeneity Test Results

From the homogeneity test results in table 2, it shows a Signification

value (Sig.) of 0.278 > 0.05. So it can be stated that the sample data is
homogeneous or the same.
Test the hypothesis
Hypothesis testing is carried out to find out whether the proposed
hypothesis is accepted or rejected (Sandy, Supurwoko, &; Surantoro, 2018).
From the calculation results of the prerequisite test data analysis shows that the
test data results in the experimental class and control class are normally
distributed and homogeneous. So, then a hypothesis test will be carried out
using the t' test.

Table 3 : Paired Sample T-Test Results

From the results of the hypothesis test in table 3, it is known that Sig. (2-
tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, with the decision H 0 rejected and Ha accepted. Thus,
researchers can conclude that the use of the Kahoot application for the
evaluation of PAI learning on Faith in Rosul material has proven effective.
Furthermore, the value of "Mean Difference" is -41.02857. This is the average
value, and this difference ranges from -45.26111 to -36.79604. (95% Confidencce
Interval Bottom Difference Top)
Based on the results of the research and the results of the hypothesis test
above, it shows the effectiveness of using Kahoot for evaluation of PAI learning,
the Faith in Rosul material has an influence on student learning outcomes and
is evidenced by increasing student understanding. This can also be seen from
the comparison of values between the results Pretest and posttest.

Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it shows that
the use of the Kahoot application significantly increases the average value of
PAI class XI TKJ learning at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. By using the paired t test, it
shows that the Significance (Sig.) (2-tailed) value of 0.000 < 0.05 which means
that the use of Kahoot has proven effective for evaluating PAI learning material
Faith in Rosul. The increase in learning outcomes is due to educators' efforts to

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use Kahoot in PAI learning, so that students are more interested when carrying
out learning evaluations.

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