English 9 - Diagnostic
English 9 - Diagnostic
English 9 - Diagnostic
ACADEMIC YEAR 2024 – 2025
General Instructions. Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the BEST answer using a black-
inked ballpen.
1. That man can't be a doctor. He looks too 6. During summer season, if you do not drink
young. more water, you:
A. Impossibility A. Thirst
B. Inability B. Thirsty
C. Possibility C. Thirsting
D. Prohibition D. Will thirsty
2. Did you know that Mozart could play the 7. If it continuously rains hard for a month:
piano by the time he was five? A. Farmers would feel happy
A. Ability B. Many can’t go out
B. Impossibility C. Sickness would be experienced
C. Inability D. The plants grow fast
D. Possibility
8. If you place a plastic bag of water inside the
3. I'm not sure where the café is. I think it freezer:
could be in the next street. A. It becomes ice
A. Ability B. It will destroy the freezer
B. Impossibility C. It will melt
C. Inability D. It would remain liquid
D. Possibility
9. If you water a cactus everyday:
4. I'm busy tomorrow but I may be able to see A. It bears flower easily
you on Thursday. Let me phone you. B. It dies in a few days
A. Ability C. It grows fast
B. Impossibility D. It dies in a few days
C. Permission
D. Possibility 10. If you rub two dry sticks for a long time:
A. It becomes wet
5. I'm just writing to say congratulations on B. It flames
your engagement. You must be happy! C. It will burn your hands
A. Certainty D. It would numb your hands
B. Impossibility
C. Obligation 11. It can be a dialogue between a mother a
D. Permission youngest child or with a close family
A. Casual
B. Consultative
C. Formal
D. Intimate
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12. This is the register that is commonly used 19. The song, “Auld Lang Syne” is intentionally
by friends, peers, close acquaintances, co- played during:
workers or colleagues. A. Birthdays
A. Casual B. Christmas Party
B. Consultative C. Funeral Service
C. Formal D. New Year’s Eve
D. Informal
20. The police officer handed back my pass
13. This is the most formal style of carefully and cheerfully. What type of
communication. It is also known as static adverb are the underlined words?
A. Consultative A. Adverb of Manner
B. Intimate B. Adverb of Place
C. Formal C. Adverb of Time
D. Frozen D. None of the above
14. If the consultative register is a two-way 21. The teachers will soon work as front liners
communication, this style is one-way in in the academe. What type of adverb is the
nature. underlined word?
A. Consultative A. Adverb of Manner
B. Intimate B. Adverb of Place
C. Formal C. Adverb of Time
D. Frozen D. None of the above
15. The language used in this style is standard. 22. Tic-tac, tic-tac, says the wall clock
It means that words and expressions are Tic-tac, tic-tac, says the raindrop
mutually acceptable by persons involved. This is an example of:
A. Consultative A. Alliteration
B. Intimate B. Assonance
C. Formal C. Onomatopoeia
D. Frozen D. Repetition
For numbers 23 to 27 refer to the passage
16. “I should have forgotten you if not for the
wind who whispered your name to me!”
What figure of speech is used in the What was the Titanic?
A. Alliteration To most of the passengers on board, it seemed
B. Irony that the ship was successful in avoiding a
C. Metaphor substantial collision—she had merely slid past
D. Personification the iceberg with only a slight disturbance. But
the calm of the upper decks did not reach
17. Prose is written in sentences which are those further below. Down in the boiler rooms,
arranged in paragraphs whilepoetry is the damage was instantly obvious, as the sea
written in lines grouped in: started rushing in through a large gash.
A. Clause Fireman Fred Barrett and Assistant Second
B. Composition Engineer James Hesketh were forced to jump
C. Phrase through the watertight door as it slammed shut.
D. Stanza Within ten minutes of the initial iceberg
sighting, the water had reached the firemen's
18. “O Captain, My Captain” is an example of quarters, while the steerage passengers stood
a/an: in water up to their ankles. Thinking they had
A. Elegy gotten the boiler rooms under control, the
B. Epic firemen wondered if this flooding was simply
C. Ode something to laugh off. By this time, the Titanic
D. Sonnet had come to a stop, and the passengers had
begun to take notice. Curiosity turned to horror
as the mail hold quickly filled with water,
revealing the true extent of the damage. It was
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clear that the crown jewel of the White Star to be more prayerful and religious as we
Line—the “unsinkable” marvel of shipbuilding commend everything to Him. Which value
is this?
23. What is the name of the giant sea vessel
A. Humility
mentioned in the selection?
B. Loyalty
A. Bardic
C. Sacrifice
B. Britannic
D. Trust
C. Titanic
D. Vedic
30. “He gently touched her smiling face and
whispered the words of love”. What
24. To which particular thing did the vessel
emotion these lines imply?
collide with?
A. Angry
A. Giant wave
B. Disappointed
B. Huge ship
C. Romantic
C. Iceberg
D. Sympathetic
D. Sea whale
31. This is a tendency to favor a person, group
25. Who were the first to notice the damage of
or thing or point of view over another, often
the ship?
in an unfair way.
A. Men in the boiler rooms
A. Bias
B. Passengers
B. Favoritism
C. Watchmen
C. Fairness
D. Ship captain
D. Prejudice
26. When did the passengers begin to take
32. This is an unfavorable opinion or feeling
notice of the extent of the ship’s damage?
formed beforehand or without knowledge,
By the time an/the:
though or reason. It simply means pre-
A. Boiler rooms were flooded
judge others.
B. Explosion was heard
A. Bias
C. Ship captain made a distress call
B. Favoritism
D. “Unsinkable vessel” stopped running
C. Fairness
D. Prejudice
27. Why do you think many thought the ship
was “unsinkable”?
33. Bea won the beauty contest because one
A. Beautifully decorated
of the judges is her father. What is meant in
B. Durably made
the sentence?
C. Incredibly large
A. Bias
D. Manned by skilled crew members and
B. Favoritism
C. Fairness
D. Prejudice
28. The government orders all citizens to
observe proper health protocol during this
34. Carmi is not included in the dance group
time of pandemic. Which of the following
because she is fat. What depicts the
should we possess to follow government
A. Bias
A. Honesty
B. Favoritism
B. Obedience
C. Fairness
C. Responsibility
D. Prejudices
D. Sacrifice
35. Pretty people are dumb. What depicts the
A. Bias
B. Favoritism
C. Fairness
D. Prejudices
36. It is an idea that leads to poor and unfair
29. When we feel that only God can solve all
judgment for it could be positive one in
our problems and difficulties in life, we tend
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favor of a certain person and negative for B. Validity
the other. C. Weakness
A. Bias D. Wrongness
B. Fact
C. Fallacy 44. It is an example of a literary text.
D. Opinion A. Cake Decoration
B. News Report about Drugs
37. It is an idea which is true and can be C. Psalm of Life
proven. D. Update on Typhoon Pedro
A. Bias
B. Fact 45. They are all classified as literary text
C. Fallacy except:
D. Opinion A. Dissertation
B. Interview
38. Marsha shared and posted a certain image C. Poetry
on facebook which is against the company D. Speech
she was working before. Some of her
For numbers 46 to 49 please refer to the news
friends told her to delete what she had
report below:
shared because it was not true. What do
you think the scenario presents? President Duterte warns of new lockdown if
A. Bias Delta variant causes surge in COVID-19 cases
B. Fact
C. Fallacy July 26, 2021, 8:10 PM PHT
D. Opinion President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday, July 26,
warned of a new lockdown if the highly
39. It is an idea which is believed to be true, yet transmissible COVID-19 Delta variant spreads
it is false due to incorrect information. in the country.
A. Bias Delta (variant), if ever it will spread…. If
B. Fact something wrong happens, I have to be strict
C. Fallacy and I have now my word that there will be, just
D. Opinion like what happened in the early days, “Duterte
said in his sixth and final State of the Nation
40. It is an idea or statement which only comes Address (SONA).
from someone’s feelings. Despite his own warning, Duterte contradicted
A. Bias himself when he said in the same speech that
B. Fact the country could not afford more lockdowns.
C. Fallacy “We have spent enormous amounts of
D. Opinion resources to build our capacity to overcome
this pandemic. We cannot afford more
41. A text that presents one side of the topic lockdowns,” he said.
only. The Delta variant, which was first detected in
A. Descriptive text India, is ravaging Southeast Asian countries like
B. Discussion text Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.
C. Literary text The Philippines now has 119 known cases of
D. Persuasive text the highly transmissible variant, but there are
concerns that the actual number may be far
42. The following are examples of factual text higher, as the Philippine Genome Center is only
except: sequencing a small percentage of the positive
A. History cases. To prevent further local transmission of
B. News the Delta variant, the government has imposed
C. Recipe travel bans where it is widespread.
D. Thesis
43. It is the state of being legally or officially 46. What is the news all about?
binding or acceptable; quality of being A. Duterte warns of new lockdown if Delta
logically or factually sound. variant causes surge in COVID-19 cases.
A. Pointlessness B. Economic lockdown among provinces.
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C. President Duterte’s 6th State of the Nation B. Critique, Analyze, Appreciate, Review,
Address (SONA) Paraphrase
D. The adverse effect of Delta variant. C. Currency, Accuracy, Authority Relevance,
47. What is the purpose of the news report? D. Curriculum, Analysis, Aptitude, Relevance,
A. To encourage Proprietary
B. To entertain
C. To inform 54. It is a judgment of the rightness or
D. To persuade wrongness of something, or someone
based on a comparison or other relativity or
48. What makes it truthful? of the usefulness of something or someone.
A. It has a convincing broadcaster A. Discrimination
B. It is from a well-known news site B. Justice
C. It presents prominent government officials C. Racism
D. It provides factual information D. Value judgement
49. Which of the following makes the news 55. This refers to a problem, topic or matter
relevant? that individuals or groups are talking or
A. It contains pertinent answer on issues thinking about. It can be something ethical,
B. It provides information the public needs political, environmental, etc.
C. It states issues that are prevalent nowadays A. Attitude
D. All the above B. Conflict
C. Issue
50. It is the extent to which information D. Value
contains factual and updated details that
can be verified by consulting alternative 56. It means having an opposing or
and/or primary sources. contradicting ideas or views. This can also
A. Accuracy mean a disagreement
B. Authority A. Attitude
C. Relevance B. Conflict
D. Purpose C. Judgment
D. Values
51. It is the information’s level of importance to
a particular viewing purpose or explicitly 57. This refers to human principles or beliefs
stated need for that information. that encourages an individual to behave
A. Accuracy one way or another.
B. Authority A. Attitude
C. Relevance B. Behavior
D. Purpose C. Motivation
D. Values
52. As you write a paper for your Health
Science subject, you notice one your web 58. In a class discussion, Harvey raises his
sources cover all the beneficial aspects of a hand and waits for his turn to speak. He
drug you are researching and lists no side doesn’t interrupt the teacher or his
effects. This may lead you to think: classmates. Harvey is being:
A. The website could be biased and trying to A. Honest
sell you something. B. Polite
B. The website might be outdated. C. Punctual
C. This could be the miracle drug the market D. Reliable
has been hoping for!
D. You should explore the website for
information on other drugs.
59. Jane needs to buy a new cellphone to
53. The acronym CAARP, used to help evaluate replace her old defective phone. When she
information stands for: saved up enough money, the item was on
A. Content, Applicability, Academic Honesty, sale. So, she purchased the phone and
Recentness, Persuade
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saved the money that was left. Jane is school. Jelia thanked her parents and
being: appreciated the gift that was given to her.
A. Charitable Jelia is showing:
B. Frugal A. Empathy
C. Generous B. Gratitude
D. Greedy C. Hard work
60. Jelia receives a journal notebook from her D. Resilience
parents as a reward of her hard work in
Princess Leanne H. Viray, LPT Karl G. Bayani, LPT Ma. Cristina L. Frago, LPT, MAEd
Subject Teacher Junior High School Academic Coordinator School Principal
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