Tritech Datasheet

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Micron Sonar

Ultra Compact Imaging Sonar

Similar features to the SeaKing sonar in a

compact housing
The Tritech Micron Sonar has set new standards
in compact sonar technology. It is the smallest
digital CHIRP sonar in the world. CHIRP
technology dramatically improves the range
resolution compared with conventional sonars –
it is a feature normally associated with much
larger, more expensive systems.

● Extremely compact
● Simple to operate
● Cost effective and reliable

● Hard boot protected transducer

If the new generation of very small and low

cost ROVs are to develop their full potential it Features
is essential they are equipped with the vital ● 750m depth rating
tools and sensors expected on larger vehicles. ● True acoustic zoom
● Digital CHIRP system
The Micron Sonar incorporates the very latest
● RS232 and RS485
surface mounted digital electronics and many ● Target size measurement
software features normally found only on full
sized commercial systems.
Based on experience gained from Tritech's
● Small ROV obstacle avoidance
world class range of SeaKing and SeaPrince
● Target recognition
● AUV guidance
sonars, the Micron incorporates the most
advanced acoustic features and software
available today. The sonar can be controlled by
a customer supplied PC or laptop and it can be
configured for either RS232 or RS485
protocols. The Micron has an auxiliary port to
allow it to interface with other Tritech sensors.

Document: 0650-SOM-00004, Issue: 05




Not to scale, dimensions in mm.

Operating frequency CHIRP centred on 700kHz
Beamwidth 35° vertical, 3° horizontal
Maximum range 75m
Minimum range 0.3m
Range resolution approximately 7.5mm (minimum)
Mechanical resolution 0.45°, 0.9°, 1.8°, 3.6°
Scanned sector Variable up to 360°
Continuous 360° scan? Yes
Sector offset mode? Yes

Electrical, Communications and Software

Power requirement 12 - 48V DC at 4VA (average)
Maximum cable length 1000m using RS485
Communication protocols RS485 (twisted pair), RS232
Surface control Computer using standard serial port, SeaHub or USB-RS232/RS485 converter
Control software Genesis, Seanet Pro or low-level command protocol
Software features True acoustic zoom, instant reversal, image measurement, inverted head operations

Weight in air 324g
Weight in water 180g
Depth rating 750m standard, 3000m optional
Temperature range -10 to 35°C (-20 to 50°C in storage)

Specifications subject to change according to a policy of continual development. Document: 0650-SOM-00004, Issue: 05

Marketed by: Tritech International Ltd

Peregrine Road, Westhill Business Park
Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6JL
United Kingdom
+44(0)1224 744 111

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