Deductive Logical LST 1 Solutions

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Deductive-Logical (scales lst)

Test 1

Solutions Booklet


This test comprises 18 questions. There is an overall time limit of 6 minutes for the
test. You are not expected to complete all questions in the time provided. The
questions become more difficult as you progress through the test.

Each question contains a grid of symbols and blank spaces. In each question one of
the spaces in the grid will contain a question mark. Your task is to choose which one
of the symbols best fits into this space.

Each question will have 1 correct answer from a choice of 4 or 5 possible answers,
and you must select the most correct option.

There are some rules regarding which symbols can occupy which space.
Rule 1: Each row and each column must contain one of each shape.
Rule 2: You cannot have two or more of the same shape in the same column or row.

Hint: Look for other symbols in the immediate row and column to narrow down your
answer options.
Hint: Look for the symbol that appears most frequently. There may be less of these
remaining to populate the grid.
Hint: Sometimes you may have to solve other blank spaces in the grid to determine
what goes in the space with the question mark.

Try to find a time and place where you will not be interrupted during the test. The test
will begin on the next page.
Q1 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in a row which also contains a square, a circle and a
triangle. This leaves just one option remaining for which shape could be placed here:
a cross.

Answer: Cross

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Q2 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The bottom row is missing a cross and a square for it to be complete.

2) A square cannot be placed in the left-hand corner because this would leave a
cross to occupy the space between the triangle and the circle. This would break one
of the rules as there would be two crosses in the same column.

3) A cross must be placed in the left-hand corner so that a square can be placed in
the space of the question mark.

Answer: Square

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Q3 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) Only one shape is missing from the second row, and that is the triangle.
Therefore, the triangle must be the shape that goes in the missing space.

Answer: Triangle

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Q4 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the bottom row of the final column. IT does not
share the column nor row with any other shapes, so all four shapes are potential

2) There is a cross present in the first three columns and rows of the grid, therefore a
cross is needed in the last column and row. The only space remaining for the cross
to placed is in the bottom right-hand corner as this satisfies both rules.

Answer: Cross

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Q5 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) There are two shapes present in the top row of the grid: a square and a cross.
The remaining two shapes; triangle and circle, must be placed in the remaining two
blank spaces.

2) If a circle is placed in the far-right corner, a triangle must be placed in the space
next to the cross. This results in there being two triangles in the third column, which
breaks one of the rules.

3) Hence, a triangle must go in the far-right corner, and not a circle.

Answer: Triangle

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Q6 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) There are two shapes present on the top row; a triangle and a square, so the two
shapes that are missing are: a cross and a circle.

2) These can be placed either in the left-corner or the right-corner. If a circle were to
be placed in the left corner it would break one of the rules as there would then be
two circles in the first column of the grid.

3) So, the circle must be placed in the right-hand corner, leaving the cross to go in
the only available remaining space, the left-hand corner.

Answer: Cross

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Q7 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is located on a space which has a triangle and a square in the
same column. There is also a cross in the same row as the question mark. From this
and that a row or column cannot have more than one shape, we can work out that
neither a triangle, square nor cross can occupy the space of the question mark. This
leaves the only remaining option: a circle.

Answer: Circle

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Q8 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is located on a space which has a cross and a triangle in the
same column, so neither of these shapes could occupy the space of the question
mark or that would break one of the rules. This means either a square or circle could
occupy this space. There is also a cross in the same row, which is of little extra help
in narrowing down the options for now.

2) There are three crosses present in the first three columns and first three rows of
the grid, hence there must be a fourth and last cross right in the bottom right-hand
corner of the grid. This is very helpful.

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3) This leaves two blank spaces in the fourth column of the grid. A triangle cannot be
placed in the second space from the bottom, because there is a triangle already
present in the same space in the second column. Hence, a circle must go here, and
the triangle, in the space above.

4) Having completed this column, it is far easier to see that out of the original two
answer options, a triangle cannot go in the space occupied by the question mark as
there would then be two of the same shape in the same row, so, it must be a circle.

5) A further check can be done by placing the last remaining shape, a square, in the
space just below, and noticing that another column has been completed correctly
with no further conflicts.

Answer: Circle

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Q9 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in a column which also contains a square and a circle,
leaving two options for what could be placed there: a triangle or a cross.

2) Looking at the bottom row there is a circle and a triangle, so neither of these
shapes can occupy the space of the question mark. This leaves just one remaining
option: a cross.

Answer: Cross

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Q10 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the third column which also contains a cross.
Another cross and a square may also be found in the same row as the question
mark. This leaves three options for which shape could occupy the space of the
question mark: a triangle, a circle or a star.

2) There are two crosses, two squares, two circles and three triangles in the grid, so
it makes sense to attempt to solve for the triangles first. There is only one space
where a triangle can be placed in each of the two remaining columns where it is not
already found, including occupying the space of the question mark.

Answer: Triangle

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Q11 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the second column which contains a cross and a
triangle. This leaves three options: a square, a star or a circle.

2) There are three stars in the grid, so it makes sense to solve these first. There are
three spaces where the remaining two stars can go in the two bottom rows.

3) The star cannot be placed in the fourth row of the third column because to then
attempt to place it in the second column would break one of the rules. The question
mark must be in place of a star as this would satisfy the rules.

Answer: Star

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Q12 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the second column which also contains a cross. A
triangle and a circle may also be found in the same row as the question mark. This
leaves two options for which shape could occupy the space of the question mark: a
square or a star.

2) There are two stars in the grid, so it makes sense to attempt to solve for the stars
first. There are six spaces where the remaining two stars can go in the bottom three

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3) The star cannot be placed at the bottom of the second column because when
placing it in the third or fifth columns it would, for either one, break the rule of having
more than one of the same shape in the same row or column.

4) The star must go in the place of the question mark to satisfy the rules.

Answer: Star

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Q13 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the second-to-last column which also contains a
square, a circle and a star. Another star and a triangle may also be found in the
same row as the question mark. This leaves just one option for which shape could
occupy the space of the question mark: a cross.

Answer: Cross

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Q14 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the first column which also contains a triangle, star
and a circle. Another star may also be found in the same row as the question mark.
This leaves two options for which shape could occupy the space of the question
mark: a square or a cross.

2) There are three stars in the grid, so it makes sense to attempt to solve for the
stars first. There are three spaces where the remaining two stars can go in the top
and second-to-bottom rows. Once placed and the correct combination has been
deciphered it hasn’t revealed the correct answer.

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3) It’s far more useful to look at the other blank space in the same column as the
question mark and attempt to solve this. It has the same shapes in the column, but it
has one extra shape it shares in its row compared with the question mark: a square.
This means that a square cannot go here, so a cross must go here.

4) Having placed the cross, it can be instantly seen that a square must go in the
place of the question mark.

Answer: Square

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Q15 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the last column which also contains a star. A
triangle may also be found in the same row as the question mark. This leaves two
options for which shape could occupy the space of the question mark: a circle or a

2) There are two triangles and two circles in the grid, so it makes sense to attempt to
solve for one of these first. There is already a triangle in the same row as the
question mark, so it makes most sense to attempt to solve the circles first. There are
six spaces where the remaining three circles could go one of which also happens to
be the space covered by the question mark.

Answer: Circle

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Q16 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the fourth column which also contains a triangle.
Nothing else is in the same row as the question mark. This leaves four options as to
which shape could occupy the space of the question mark: a circle, a square, a star
or a cross.

2) There are three crosses in the grid, so it makes sense to attempt to solve for
these first. There are three places where the remaining two crosses could go, of
which one space also happens to be the space covered by the question mark.

Answer: Cross

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Q17 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the first column which also contains a circle.
Another circle may also be found in the same row as the question mark. This leaves
four options as to which shape could occupy the space of the question mark: a
triangle, a square, a star or a cross.

2) There are two crosses, two circles and two stars in the grid, so it makes sense to
attempt to solve for one of these first. It is difficult to see whether it makes most
sense to solve for the crosses or the stars at first glance. Opting for crosses there
are six places where the remaining three crosses can go, and, in the top row, there
is only one location.

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3) Having placed a cross in the only available space in the top row, this leaves just
one option for where the cross could go in the second row, exactly where the
question mark is found.

Answer: Cross

Had stars been selected instead for step 2, there would have been eight places
where stars could fit in the middle three rows. This leaves several options, none of
which are definite, so going one step back and choosing to solve for crosses would
have been the next step.

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Q18 Select the correct symbol which occupies the space indicated
by the question mark.

1) The question mark is found in the second column which also contains a circle. A
square may also be found in the same row as the question mark. This leaves three
options as to which shape could occupy the space of the question mark: a triangle, a
star or a cross.

2) There are three triangles and two circles in the grid, so it makes sense to attempt
to solve for the triangles first. There are three places where the remaining two
triangles can go. In the first column there is only one location, which then eliminates
the available second option for the triangle in the second column.

Answer: Triangle

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End of test

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