Rabia Uptodate
Rabia Uptodate
Rabia Uptodate
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Literature review current through: Jul 2024. | This topic last updated: Jun 14, 2024.
Rabies has the highest case fatality rate of any human infectious disease. The
epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of rabies will be reviewed here.
Management of patients with active rabies and prevention of infection are discussed
separately. (See "Rabies immune globulin and vaccine" and "Indications for post-
exposure rabies prophylaxis" and "Treatment of rabies".)
Rabies and rabies-like illnesses are caused by different variants and species of
neurotropic viruses in the Rhabdoviridae family, genus Lyssavirus [1,2]. Antigenic and
molecular genetic techniques have demonstrated that several viruses within this
genus cause diseases clinically similar to rabies. The bullet-shaped lyssavirus contains
a single-stranded RNA genome encoding five structural proteins. One of these genes
encodes an outer glycoprotein, which is recognized by cell surface receptors and is
the target for virus-neutralizing antibodies. Whole genome sequencing, or
sequencing of at least the gene that codes for the inner nucleoprotein virus, is used
to identify the specific lyssavirus [3]. Most human rabies cases are due to the classical
rabies virus, which has multiple virus variants named for their primary animal
reservoir species.
Viral tropism and dissemination — Lyssaviruses have a predilection for neural
tissue and spread via peripheral nerves to the central nervous system (CNS). The
mechanism by which rabies causes severe CNS disease is unclear. Lyssaviruses appear
to produce neuronal dysfunction rather than neuronal death. Oxidative stress caused
by mitochondrial dysfunction in infected neurons and other cells of the CNS may also
lead to the abnormalities observed [4].
Viruses amplify near the site of inoculation in muscle cells and subsequently enter
local motor and sensory nerves [5]. Each virion is surrounded by a lipoprotein
envelope studded with glycoprotein spikes [2]. After inoculation, these glycoprotein
projections attach to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the plasma membrane of
muscle cells [6]. The viruses then enter nerve cells. However, since neurons do not
express nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, other unidentified receptors may exist to
allow nerve cell entry.
Although many neurons are infected by virus, the neuropathological findings are
quite mild compared with those caused by other infectious etiologies of encephalitis,
such as herpes simplex virus [11]. On autopsy, findings include mild cerebral edema
and vascular congestion. Microscopic changes associated with infection include
perivascular cuffing with mononuclear cell infiltration and microglial activation;
occasional neuronophagia (destruction of nerve cells by phagocytes) may be seen.
Dense, ovoid, intracytoplasmic inclusions, (ie, "Negri bodies"), may be observed within
neurons of the CNS in areas devoid of inflammation or degeneration but are not
considered diagnostic for rabies.
Host susceptibility to infection — As is true with other infectious diseases, exposure
does not always result in infection and disease. Susceptibility to rabies infection after
an exposure is related to several factors, including the type and anatomical location of
the exposure [10,12]. As an example, a bite that injects infectious saliva into a body
part is more likely to result in a productive infection than a bite through clothing
where saliva may be absorbed, or a lick on broken or abraded skin. In addition,
exposures involving the head or neck of a patient are more likely to result in a
productive infection than an exposure in a more distal part of the body.
Other factors that may affect host susceptibility to infection and the likelihood of
developing disease include:
● The virus variant
● The size of the viral inoculum
● The degree of innervation at the site of the bite
● Host immunity and genetics
All mammals are believed to be susceptible to rabies virus infection, although species
differ in relative susceptibility. As an example, foxes, coyotes, wolves, and jackals are
quite susceptible, whereas opossums are relatively resistant [10].
Despite the development of the first rabies vaccine in 1885 by Louis Pasteur, the
World Health Organization estimates that about 59,000 people die of canine rabies
worldwide each year [13]. Most of these deaths occur in resource-limited countries in
Asia and Africa because of inadequate control of rabies in domesticated animals.
In the United States, there were 95 human cases of rabies reported from 1980
through 2021, with an average of two to three reported per year [15-18]. Among
these cases, almost all those acquired by exposure in the United States were caused
by bat strain rabies virus, 27 (28 percent) were related to imported rabies in people
who were exposed to rabid animals in endemic areas (eg, El Salvador, Haiti, the
Philippines, Afghanistan, India), and five cases were in tissue or organ transplant
No transmission of rabies has been documented from infected patients to health care
personnel or household contacts or by fomites or environmental surfaces [13,14,25].
(See "Treatment of rabies", section on 'Infection prevention'.)
Rabies surveillance in the United States has identified four major animal reservoirs:
bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes ( figure 1) [18,29-32]. Bats have been the leading
source for human cases based upon genetic characterization of the infecting rabies
virus variant. From 1980 through 2021, bat variants of rabies virus accounted for 53 of
61 (87 percent) of indigenously acquired human rabies cases that were not due to
tissue or organ transplant [15,16,33,34]. In a retrospective review of 41 cases of
human rabies in the United States involving bat virus variants, 17 percent had a
known bat bite, 41 percent had unprotected (or likely unprotected) physical contact
with a bat, and 5 percent had bats in the residence, but no known contact [35]; 37
percent had an unknown exposure type, but these patients were unable to be
interviewed due to their clinical condition (since transmission of rabies virus requires
direct contact with infectious saliva, unknown is equivalent to unreported).
Although small rodents, such as gerbils, chipmunks, guinea pigs, squirrels, rats, mice,
and rabbits are susceptible to infection, rabies is extremely uncommon in these
animals [30,36,37]. An additional discussion of the epidemiology of animal rabies is
found elsewhere. (See "Indications for post-exposure rabies prophylaxis".)
Pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis appear to reduce the risk of developing infection,
as illustrated in the following cases:
● In a series of rabies cases related to solid organ transplantations from an infected
donor, all the recipients died except one who had a history of rabies
immunization in the past [22]. During the course of the investigation, two
additional patients who received corneal transplants were immunized against
rabies and remained healthy.
● In 2013, a kidney transplant recipient died from rabies virus 18 months after
transplantation [39]. Three other organ transplant recipients were asymptomatic
at the time and received post-exposure prophylaxis; all three survived.
● In 2015, two patients who received kidneys transplanted from a donor who died
of a rabies-like illness developed signs and symptoms of rabies 42 and 48 days
after transplant [43]. In contrast, two cornea recipients who received post-
exposure prophylaxis remained well for at least eight months.
More detailed information on the use of rabies prophylaxis is found elsewhere. (See
"Rabies immune globulin and vaccine".)
The average incubation period of rabies is one to three months, but can range from
several days to many years after an exposure [12,15,44-46]. In a series of 32 patients
with rabies after a definite animal bite, the median incubation period was 85 days
(range, 53 to 150 days) [15]. In another case, human rabies was attributed to an
exposure to a rabid dog in Brazil eight years earlier; latent infection and/or slow
replication were hypothesized [45,47].
In transplant patients, the duration of time between transplant of infected organs and
symptoms in the recipient can vary. In one report, encephalitis developed in four
recipients within 30 days after transplantation [38]. In another case, in which rabies
was transmitted from a donor to a transplant recipient, the recipient died from rabies
18 months after transplantation [39].
The incubation period is shorter in patients with an exposure that occurs in richly
innervated areas (eg, the face versus the extremities). Longer incubation periods may
also be related to inadequate rabies prophylaxis, or may be incorrectly attributed with
infection actually due to an unidentified, more recent exposure [48].
Once the patient has exhibited clinical signs of disease, rabies usually leads to
progressive encephalopathy and death, with rare exception [47,49,50]. (See
"Treatment of rabies".)
Prodromal symptoms — Rabies is usually unsuspected during the prodromal phase,
which starts with non-specific symptoms, such as low-grade fever, chills, malaise,
myalgias, weakness, fatigue, anorexia, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, and
occasionally photophobia. This stage lasts from a few days to one week [8].
Clinical rabies — Infection may evolve into two major forms of disease, including
encephalitic (referred to as "furious" in animals) rabies or paralytic (referred to as
"dumb" in animals) rabies; both follow the prodromal symptoms described above. In
humans, encephalitic rabies is more common (80 percent of cases) [54].
Occasionally, atypical cases have been described, particularly in association with bat
rabies [8]. The atypical features include sensory or motor deficits, choreiform
movements of the bitten limb during the prodromal phase, focal brainstem signs,
cranial nerve palsies, myoclonus, and seizures [8,50].
The physical examination is notable for mental status changes, increased muscular
tone and tendon reflexes with extensor plantar responses and fasciculations. Nuchal
rigidity may be present. Once the patient develops coma, flaccid paralysis with
generalized areflexia is usually noted. Patients usually die as a result of respiratory
failure and vascular collapse.
After the prodromal symptoms described above, the patient develops a flaccid
paralysis. Paralysis is usually most prominent in the bitten limb, and then spreads
symmetrically or asymmetrically. The physical examination is notable for
fasciculations; deep tendon and plantar reflexes are lost.
The patient may complain of headache and pain in the affected muscles with mild
sensory disturbance. Nuchal rigidity and cranial nerve palsies are occasionally seen,
while hydrophobia is unusual.
As the paralysis ascends, there is onset of dense paraplegia with loss of sphincter
tone and subsequent paralysis of the muscles of deglutition and respiration, leading
to death.
Complications — Most patients with rabies die within two weeks after the onset of
coma, although longer courses have been described in the context of intensive care
support [22]. In addition, a few cases of survival after clinical rabies have been
reported since 2004. (See "Treatment of rabies".)
Imaging — CT scans are usually normal in the early phase of the illness. In later
stages, cerebral edema may be seen. MR imaging may show areas of increased T2
signaling in the hippocampus, hypothalamus and brainstem [60].
The diagnosis of rabies requires a thorough patient history and a high index of
suspicion [61]. Paresthesia surrounding an animal bite site is suggestive of rabies.
Before death, the diagnosis can be made by virus-specific immunofluorescent
staining of skin biopsy specimens from the nape of the neck, isolation of virus from
the saliva, or detection of anti-rabies antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The clinical evaluation also centers on ruling out other more common and often more
treatable illnesses (eg, herpes simplex virus encephalitis) ( algorithm 1) [44]. (See
'Differential diagnosis' below.)
When considering the diagnosis of rabies in a patient who presents with encephalitis,
clinicians should take into account the likelihood of infection. As an example, in
resource-poor countries, the clinical diagnosis of rabies can be straightforward when
a nonimmunized patient presents after a bite by a potentially or known rabid animal.
In contrast, clinical cases of rabies are very rare in the United States, and in the
absence of a likely rabies exposure, diagnostic considerations should include pursuit
of more common etiologies (see 'Differential diagnosis' below). However, it is
important to consider rabies when the cause of encephalitis is not clearly established
in order to prevent delays in diagnosis since some patients may have an
unrecognized exposure (eg, to a bat) or were unaware of the risks of an exposure and
did not receive post-exposure prophylaxis [62]. Among 52 cases of human rabies
reported in the United States between 1990 and 2006, approximately 50 percent were
diagnosed postmortem [30].
Laboratory diagnosis
● General approach — Antemortem diagnosis of rabies requires several
specimens (eg, saliva, skin, serum, CSF) and multiple testing modalities, since the
sensitivity of any single test is limited. As an example, serum antibody titers may
not be present until several days after the onset of clinical signs and may appear
even later in the CSF [15]. However, the sensitivity of a combination of tests using
all four specimen types approaches 100 percent depending upon specimen
quality, timing of collection, and diagnostic expertise.
The accuracy of testing various biologic specimens in the diagnosis of rabies was
assessed in a prospective longitudinal study of 51 patients with encephalitis from
Madagascar, Cambodia, and France [63]. A total of 425 samples (including saliva,
urine, serum, and skin biopsies) were obtained during the acute hospitalization
or postmortem. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of nape of the neck skin
biopsies was associated with high sensitivity and specificity (98 and 98.3 percent,
respectively), followed by PCR testing of saliva (63.2 and 70.2 percent,
respectively). The sensitivity for saliva specimens was improved to 100 percent
when at least three samples were tested. The overall sensitivity of urine and
serum samples was poor.
● Consideration for antibody testing – The interpretation of antibody titers to
rabies will depend on the specific specimen and the history of immunization.
In most cases, if no vaccine or rabies immune globulin has been given, the
presence of antibody to rabies virus in serum is suggestive of infection. However,
a patient who has been previously immunized or has recently received immune
globulin may have rabies antibodies in serum. In the immunized patient, a
second specimen can be obtained a few days later to see if antibody titers are
rising, although serologic testing alone is not recommended as a diagnostic tool
Sample collection — Collection of samples for the diagnosis of rabies in the United
States should be performed only after consultation with the state or local health
department. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
ensures that each state has a designated expert; information is available at CDC
contacts for rabies testing. If, after the consultation, it is deemed necessary to collect
samples, they should be collected, frozen, and stored at -80°C. Shipping specimens to
the Rabies Laboratory at the CDC must be coordinated with, and may be handled by,
the state health department. Specimens must be sent on dry ice by an overnight
Collection of specimens outside of the United States should be done consistent with
local requirements. Guidance from WHO is that biological fluids such as saliva, CSF,
tears and serum, and tissue samples should be stored at -20°C [13]. Brain tissue, for
post-mortem testing, should be kept refrigerated or frozen until testing, but samples
can be preserved in a 50 percent glycerin-saline solution instead if needed. Samples
preserved in this way must be washed to remove the glycerin prior to testing .
All samples should be considered potentially infectious and handled and packaged for
shipment with appropriate care. Specific details can be found on the CDC website
for locations in the United States. Outside of the United States, specimens should be
shipped according to national and international regulations. The WHO has
information on packaging and transporting infectious substances in their 2018 Expert
Consultation on Rabies [13] (starting on p. 23) on their website.
The following samples and tests should be obtained for testing in the United States:
● Saliva – Saliva specimens should be collected and placed in small sterile
containers, sealed securely. Laboratory tests include PCR for the detection of viral
RNA and viral culture for the isolation of virus.
● Skin biopsy – A section of full thickness skin (ie, five to six mm in diameter) should
be taken from the posterior region of the neck at the hairline. The sample should
contain a minimum of 10 hair follicles which contain the cutaneous nerves at the
base of the follicles. The specimen should be placed on a piece of sterile gauze
moistened with sterile water (without immersion in diluent or transport media)
and put in a sealed container. Laboratory tests include PCR and
immunofluorescence staining for viral antigen.
● Serum and cerebrospinal fluid – A minimum of 0.5 mL of serum and CSF should
be obtained for testing. If the patient has been immunized, a second serum
specimen should be obtained a few days later to see if antibody titers are rising
[7]. Laboratory tests for rabies antibody include indirect immunofluorescence and
virus neutralization assays.
Other causes of the muscular rigidity that can be seen with rabies include tetanus,
phenothiazine dystonia, and strychnine poisoning. Although patients with delirium
tremens can demonstrate agitation, experience hallucinations and have tremors, they
do not exhibit hydrophobia or aerophobia.
Paralytic rabies may be confused with Guillain-Barré syndrome, poliomyelitis, West
Nile virus infection and acute transverse myelitis. Patients with poliomyelitis do not
have sensory disturbances and fever does not usually persist after the onset of
paralysis. Other acute polyneuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders, and
processes affecting the spinal cord should also be considered. (See "Poliomyelitis and
post-polio syndrome" and "Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults: Pathogenesis, clinical
features, and diagnosis".)
UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond
the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the
5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient
might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a
general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics
patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These
articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients
who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage
you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient
education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the
keyword(s) of interest.)
● Basics topic (see "Patient education: Rabies (The Basics)")
● Beyond the Basics topic (see "Patient education: Rabies (Beyond the Basics)")