Baacen Reviewer
Baacen Reviewer
Baacen Reviewer
choices among alternative courses of actions. methods of collecting, recording, and presenting
• Accounting is… financial data.
Accounting principle
• The Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP)
A collection of commonly used standards in
making financial statements.
Considered as the bible for accountants.
The Philippines adopted two types which are 1. Fundamentals
PHILIPPINE ACCOUNTING STANDARD (PAS) & a. Relevance - Financial information is relevant if it
(PFRS) which were derived from IAS and IFRS (1) Predictive value – predicts possible future
respectively. events.
(2) Confirmatory value – provides information
on past events.
1. Cost Principle – acquired assets should be recorded at b. Faithful Representation - financial information is
their original price and not at fair market value. said to be faithfully represented if the actual
Kung magkano mo nabili, yun ang ire-record mo. transaction was presented as it is.
2. Full Disclosure Principle – all information that can affect (1) Complete - financial statements should not
the user’s judgment should be disclosed. exclude any transaction.
All business transactions should be disclosed in (2) Neutral - information is free from bias.
the financial statements. (3) Free from error - information is free from
3. Revenue Recognition Principle – we recognize revenue errors.
regardless if cash is received. 2. Enhancing
4. Matching Principle – every revenue recorded should a. Comparability – consistency to make it
have matching expenses incurred. comparable (using the same method).
We match expenses that are used to generate (1) Intra-comparability – same entity but
revenue. different period.
5. Objectivity Principle – unbiased judgment and financial (2) Inter-comparability – different entities but
statements should be supported with supporting same period.
documents. b. Verifiability - accounting information should be
6. Conservatism or Prudence – anticipating possible supported by evidence so it can be verified.
losses rather than future gains. c. Timeliness - information must be available to
7. Materiality – allows an accountant to violate another decision-makers at the time it is needed.
accounting principle if an amount is insignificant. d. Understandability - users can comprehend the
data presented in the Financial Statement.
Accounting Assumptions
1. Economic Entity Assumption – separation of business
transactions from personal affairs of the owner. 1. ABC Corp. recognizes revenue when a customer
2. Accrual Business Assumption – revenue is recognized places an order, even if the product has not yet been
when it is earned regardless of it is received and delivered. REVENUE RECOGNITION PRINCIPLE
expenses are recognized when it is incurred regardless 2. A company defers the recognition of marketing
of payment. expenses until the next fiscal year to show higher