CF BlackLady
CF BlackLady
CF BlackLady
Brodick Castle
an A dventure
E ntertainment for
C ontents
Haunting at Brodick Castle!.............................................................................................................3
Dramatis Personae............................................................................................................................. 4
What Has Gone Before.......................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1: Investigations......................................................................................................6
Chapter 2: Discoveries...........................................................................................................8
The Laird of the Castle..................................................................................................................... 8
The Lady of the Castle....................................................................................................................... 8
The Village Barkeep........................................................................................................................... 9
The Laird’s Mistress......................................................................................................................... 10
The Gardens by Day......................................................................................................................... 10
The Gardens by Night......................................................................................................................11
Confronting The Laird.....................................................................................................................12
Enter the Banshee.............................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: The True Black Lady..........................................................................................13
Sample Dramatic Characters.......................................................................................................... 15
Editorial Insight by Mister J Gray, Lord Lucus Palosaari, and Captain Troy E. Daniels
M istress A il sa R oss
C a i t i r M ac A n A b a Owner of The Eider’s Down pub
Angry Banshee
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Courage [GD] ●
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Courage [GD] Marksmanship [PR] ● Perception [GR]
● Etherealness [GR] ● Fisticuffs [GR] ● Social Graces [GD]
● Glamour [GD] ● Physique [GD] ●
Health: 5
Portend Danger [GD] ● Shapeshift
[GD] ● Stealth [EXC]
Health: 7 M ister J o ck S heac h
Carriage driver
Shapeshifted Talons [3 (P) / 4 (F) / 5 (H) /
Harm Rank C] Abilities: Athletics [GD] ● Comeliness
[GR] ● Exchequer [PR] ● Perception
[GD] ● Physique [GD] ● Stealth [PR]
Health: 5
Brodick Castle, home to Laird and Lady McIlroy and landmark of the Isle, has always
had a history of hauntings but in recent weeks a new ghost, the Black Lady, has tickled
the morbid fascination of residents and tourists alike. Is she a ghost? A banshee? Or
something even more demonic? Rumors abound about the ghost, the castle, and the
McIlroys themselves.
A B it of H istory
The Isle of Arran, located in the Firth of Clyde, is the seventh largest of the Scottish
islands. It is a beautiful location with diverse wildlife but as of the 1870s is losing much of
its cultural heritage due to the Clearances, in which a consolidation of land in Scotland
by wealthy individuals has led to many residents leaving for cities in hopes of finding
factory work.
In our world, Brodick Castle was a seat of power for the Dukes of Hamilton, a
powerful Scottish family, during this time period. Obviously, things are different in
New Europa. The notes we received from across the Faerie Veil which inspired this
Adventure Entertainment suggest the McIlroy family had the support of some powerful
Faerie allies at some point in the distant past and were able to gain control of Brodick
Castle as a result. In New Europa, the Dukes of Hamilton claim Hamilton Palace in
Lanarkshire as their seat of power instead.
C onfronting T he
L aird E nter the
The party can confront Laird McIlroy
at any time. Forcing him to confess
B anshee
As Laird McIlroy confesses his guilt,
requires success against an Extraordinary the castle doors fly open. There stands
Charisma, Connections, or Courage Feat. another woman in black, her tattered
If need be, he will try to deflect blame robes whipped around by the wind. She
on Mistress Logan and insist this was points one long, bony finger at Thomas
obviously some prank on her part. Reduce McIlroy and speaks in a voice which
the Requirement of the Feat by one step sounds much like rusting nails dragging
for each of the following evidentiary pieces across pitted metal sheets.
the Dramatic Characters can present.