CF BlackLady

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The Black Lady of

Brodick Castle

an A dventure
E ntertainment for
C ontents
Haunting at Brodick Castle!.............................................................................................................3
Dramatis Personae............................................................................................................................. 4
What Has Gone Before.......................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1: Investigations......................................................................................................6
Chapter 2: Discoveries...........................................................................................................8
The Laird of the Castle..................................................................................................................... 8
The Lady of the Castle....................................................................................................................... 8
The Village Barkeep........................................................................................................................... 9
The Laird’s Mistress......................................................................................................................... 10
The Gardens by Day......................................................................................................................... 10
The Gardens by Night......................................................................................................................11
Confronting The Laird.....................................................................................................................12
Enter the Banshee.............................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: The True Black Lady..........................................................................................13
Sample Dramatic Characters.......................................................................................................... 15

The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

The Creators of this Fine Document are...
Written by Lady Jennifer R. Povey with contributions by Mister J Gray

Editorial Insight by Mister J Gray, Lord Lucus Palosaari, and Captain Troy E. Daniels

Illustration and Layout Rendered by Admiral Rick Hershey

Humbly Our Solicitor’s Particulars:

The Black Lady of Brodick Castle is © R. Talsorian Games, 2020.
Castle Falkestein is © Mike Pondsmith, 1995.
All rights reserved.
All incidents, situations, and persons portrayed within are fictional, and resemblances, without satiric intent, are

C astle F alkenstein 2 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

H aunting at B rodick C astle !
A phantom woman haunts the grounds of Brodick Castle in Scotland! No soul can speak
as to the origins of the ghostly visitation or as to her intentions but the spectral apparition
clearly desires something! Is she a former lover of the Laird? A Faerie trickster taking
spiritual form? Or is she an omen of death itself come for some poor resident of the
Castle? At the behest of a patron the Dramatic Characters travel to the Isle of Arran to
investigate the strange phenomenon and discover the truth. Just what is the Black Lady of
Brodick Castle?

C astle F alkenstein 3 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

D ramatis P ersonae

A lphabetical O rder by S urname

M i s t re s s F i o n a L o g a n L aird T ho m as M c I l roy
Thomas McIlroy’s mistress Owner of Brodick Castle
Abilities: Comeliness [GD] ● Charisma Abilities: Connections [GD] ● Education
[GR] ● Education [PR] ● Fisticuffs [PR] [GD] ● Exchequer [GD] ● Fisticuffs
● Performance [GD] ● Social Graces [PR] ● Perception [GR] ● Physique
[GD] [PR] ● Social Graces [GD]
Health: 5 Health: 4

L ady S heena M c I l roy

M r s . M e m o ry L o r d Thomas McIlroy’s wife
Member of the London Society of
Abilities: Charisma [GD] ● Comeliness
Phantasmal Research
[PR] ● Connections [GD] ● Education
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Education [GD] [GD] ● Physique [PR] ● Social Graces
● Exchequer [GR] ● Perception [GD] ● [GR]
Physique [PR]
Health: 4
Health: 4

M istress A il sa R oss
C a i t i r M ac A n A b a Owner of The Eider’s Down pub
Angry Banshee
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Courage [GD] ●
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Courage [GD] Marksmanship [PR] ● Perception [GR]
● Etherealness [GR] ● Fisticuffs [GR] ● Social Graces [GD]
● Glamour [GD] ● Physique [GD] ●
Health: 5
Portend Danger [GD] ● Shapeshift
[GD] ● Stealth [EXC]
Health: 7 M ister J o ck S heac h
Carriage driver
Shapeshifted Talons [3 (P) / 4 (F) / 5 (H) /
Harm Rank C] Abilities: Athletics [GD] ● Comeliness
[GR] ● Exchequer [PR] ● Perception
[GD] ● Physique [GD] ● Stealth [PR]
Health: 5

C astle F alkenstein 4 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

W hat H as G one B efore
Like much of Scotland, the Isle of Arran has changed dramatically in the last century.
Many of the farmers have gone, displaced in the infamous “Clearances” as ownership of
the land was consolidated and farms converted for the use of more profitable and less
labor intensive sheep herds. Even many of the Fae who once called the Isle home have fled
to escape the changes to their island or to follow the humans who they feel loyal to. An
influx of tourists, drawn to the Isle’s natural beauty and local charm, has only made things
more uncomfortable for those that remain.

Brodick Castle, home to Laird and Lady McIlroy and landmark of the Isle, has always
had a history of hauntings but in recent weeks a new ghost, the Black Lady, has tickled
the morbid fascination of residents and tourists alike. Is she a ghost? A banshee? Or
something even more demonic? Rumors abound about the ghost, the castle, and the
McIlroys themselves.

C astle F alkenstein 5 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

C hapter 1: I nvestigations
In which the heroes are engaged to
investigate the strange hauntings at
B rodick C astle .
The Dramatic Characters are contacted by To reach the Isle of Arran the Dramatic
Mrs. Memory Lord, a prominent member Characters will most likely travel by train
of the London Society of Phantasmal to Glasgow, transfer to an older and less
Research. The society consists of a number luxurious train traveling to Ardrossan, and
of wealthy individuals curious about the then board a paddle steamer to cross the
nature of ghosts, spirits, and death itself. It waters to Brodick village.
is not uncommon for them to commission Mrs. Lord has sent word to the McIlroy’s
research teams to investigate known by telegraph and a carriage, driven by Jock
hauntings and report on their findings. Sheach, will be waiting for them on the
Mrs. Lord has a personal connection to Isle once the party arrives. The carriage is
the haunting at Brodick Castle. Sheena drawn by a pair of fine looking matched
McIlroy, the lady of the castle, is a childhood bays, but a trained eye will see that they
friend and quite sickly due to the lingering are older horses, a little grey around the
effects of a stillbirth experienced the prior muzzle. The carriage too seems worn and
year. If the Black Lady of Brodick Castle faded. A successful Good Social Graces
is a ghost or, worse, a banshee, Mrs. Lord feat will tell the Dramatic Characters the
worries the haunting might lead to a carriage is not as well cared for as might be
worsening of Lady McIlroy’s condition or, expected from a noble family in possession
even more devastating, her death. of a castle estate.
Mrs. Lord is not able to make the trip During the trip to Brodick Castle,
to Scotland herself, given she is with Sheach is happy to chat with the Dramatic
child and close to the date of delivery. As Characters. He will, in fact, be quite keen
a representative of the London Society on flirting with any Dramatic Character
of Phantasmal Research she offers to who has a Comeliness Ability of Good or
commission to the Dramatic Characters if higher. Sheach personally does not believe
they travel to the Isle of Arran and ascertain there actually is a ghost but believes the
the true nature of the Black Lady. If rumors are of benefit to the village. If
pressed she will provide an advance of the pressed further he will explain that talk
commission to cover reasonable expenses. of the ghost has brought new tourists to

C astle F alkenstein 6 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

the Isle and helped stimulate the local Sheach will also recommend that they visit
economy. The Laird has even begun the village pub, named the Eider’s Down,
charging a small fee for guided tours of the for a meal before they leave. Should he be
“haunted castle.” questioned on the topic, he’ll sheepishly
The party will see evidence of this as they admit he receives a small kickback for
approach the castle. A ticket booth has been advertising the pub to visitors.
set up at one entrance to the castle gardens Investigating the haunting will require
and a servant mans it, allowing tourists gathering clues from different sources.
to enter and explore for a small fee. The These scenes may be played out in any
gardens are well maintained and the castle order, as dictated by the actions of the
itself seems in good condition but, like the Players. Hosts are reminded that the
carriage and horses, evidence of neglect Players might step outside the bounds of
can be seen by those with a discerning the Adventure Entertainment as written.
eye. As he helps unload the party’s luggage Be prepared to improvise.

A B it of H istory
The Isle of Arran, located in the Firth of Clyde, is the seventh largest of the Scottish
islands. It is a beautiful location with diverse wildlife but as of the 1870s is losing much of
its cultural heritage due to the Clearances, in which a consolidation of land in Scotland
by wealthy individuals has led to many residents leaving for cities in hopes of finding
factory work.
In our world, Brodick Castle was a seat of power for the Dukes of Hamilton, a
powerful Scottish family, during this time period. Obviously, things are different in
New Europa. The notes we received from across the Faerie Veil which inspired this
Adventure Entertainment suggest the McIlroy family had the support of some powerful
Faerie allies at some point in the distant past and were able to gain control of Brodick
Castle as a result. In New Europa, the Dukes of Hamilton claim Hamilton Palace in
Lanarkshire as their seat of power instead.

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C hapter 2: D iscoveries

In which our heroes discover the secrets

hiding within B rodick C astle .

T he L aird allowed into the gardens around that time,

either. Laird McIlroy insists this is for the
Entering Brodick castle itself, the
good of all, as the Black Lady might well
Dramatic Characters are greeted by Laird
be dangerous. Despite this, he is obviously
Thomas McIlroy. He welcomes them and
reluctant to grant permission to research
politely invites them in for tea and lunch
the supposed ghost. He will not refuse the
after their long trip. Despite his politeness,
request, however. Should anyone mention
though, he does not seem pleased by their
trying to drive off or banish the Black Lady,
arrival. Much like the carriage and the
Laird McIlroy will flatly refuse. He insists
exterior of the castle, the interior seems
she has harmed no one and deserves to be
quite impressive upon first glance but
left alone.
closer inspection shows faint signs of
decay and neglect. The food served to the
party, however, is quite delicious. T he L ady
If asked directly about the haunting, Laird The Dramatic Characters will find Lady
McIlroy will tell the Dramatic Characters Sheena McIlroy upstairs in her chambers. It
that the Black Lady is almost always seen is dark and the curtains are drawn, lending
moving through the gardens directly behind a stuffy air to the room. Lady McIlroy is an
the castle and always at dusk, where there is unattractive, thin-faced woman, who is, as
a pleasant formal garden, although she does they say “more personality than beauty.”
not appear every night. He will describe Anyone who speaks to her for a period of
the Black Lady as spectral, obviously an time may diagnose her with a successful
adult woman, and as clad in swathing Good Physician or Great Perception Feat.
black robes. She wanders the garden as if It is clear the woman is suffering from
searching for something but never takes a malaise, likely brought on due to the
the same route twice and has been known stillbirth she suffered through last year.
to wail an unworldly cry. She vanishes after She will refuse to answer questions of a
the sun completely sets. He himself has not personal nature and insist she is well but
confronted the Black Lady and has ordered simply tired due to the season.
his staff not to do so, either. Tourists are not

C astle F alkenstein 8 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

Lady McIlroy can add little to the is Scottish or a Faerie. A Partial Success
information her husband provided about reveals one of these rumors. A Full Success
the Black Lady. She has sat at her window reveals three of these rumors and a High
and watched it several times now and Success reveals all of them. Which rumors
doesn’t seem particularly interested in are revealed is determined by the Host.
speculating upon its nature. She will add
one useful nugget, however, saying “I’ve • The Isle of Arran is a shadow of what it
watched the Black Lady several times now once was. The Clearances saw wealthy
and I’ve always seen her walk around the individuals take advantage of poorly
plants and trees, not through them. Don’t written Scottish law to evict farmers
you think that odd?” and consolidate land into larger farms
focusing on sheep herding instead of

T he B arkeep food growing. Many have left the Isle

for cities on the mainland, looking for
It is only a mile’s travel from the Castle work. Those that remained ended up
to the village and, despite Lady McIlroy’s earning less due to a depressed economy
complaints about the season, the weather and less employment opportunity. The
is excellent for walking. There isn’t much McIlroys did their best to fight against
of interest in Brodick village itself. What these Clearances but there was little
few businesses there are exist either to they could do against the force of the
help facilitate the transfer of wool to the law.
mainland or to service tourists. The Eider’s
Down, as recommended by Jock Sheach, is • The McIlroys aren’t immune to the
at the very center of everything. The food problems, either. Rumor has it the
there is simple but well crafted and Jane family coffers are starting to run dry.
Ross, the owner, is always happy to talk Several servants have been let go and
to visitors. Any Dramatic Character who craftsmen in the village haven’t been
speaks Gaelic will be an instant favorite called to the castle for repairs in
and she will show deference to any party months.
member who is a Faerie. • There aren’t many Faeries left on the
Isle of Arran. Many left during the
Mistress Ross is a good source of Clearances, choosing to follow the
information but the following rumors can departing humans with whom they
be imparted by anyone in the village or had formed cultural and family bonds.
servants in Brodick Castle as well. Gathering Others vanished into the hills or the
information from Mistress Ross or waters and haven’t been seen since.
another villager requires success at a Great • The few older residents of Brodick
Exchequer, Charisma, or Connections Feat. village who remain remember a
Reduce the Requirement by one step if the Black Lady living on the Isle of Arran
Dramatic Character doing the questioning decades ago. She was a Banshee who,

C astle F alkenstein 9 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

despite their fearsome reputation, little love for strangers. If the Dramatic
looked out for the locals. She hasn’t Characters succeed at a Good Charisma
been seen since the Clearances began. or Courage Feat they can either cajole or
The original Black Lady had little to do intimidate the fetching young woman
with the castle before but some of the into admitting to her affair with Thomas.
old timers speculate that, perhaps, she He has promised her the money she
has returned and is upset about the needs to go to London and pursue her
state of the Isle. lifelong dream to “take to the stage.”
• Lady McIlroy was born on the mainland She desperately wants off the island and
and only moved to the Isle after dreams of being the next Jenny Lind. If
marrying her husband as part of an the Dramatic Characters succeed at a Great
arrangement. She has always been Charisma or Courage Feat they can push
somewhat fragile, physically, and Mistress Logan into admitting she is also
the strain of a failed pregnancy has doing “something else” for Laird McIlroy.
obviously done her in, the poor thing. Getting her to admit the truth, that she
This was the Lady’s first pregnancy is playing the part of the Black Lady at
and according to the village midwife it the insistence of the Laird, will require
is likely her last. The difficulty of the an successful Exceptional Charisma or
matter has likely left her barren. Courage Feat. Even then, she claims not to
know the exact reasons for the ruse. With a
• Laird Thomas McIlroy has been seen success on an Extraordinary Charisma or
around the village with Fiona Logan, Courage Feat, she will shamefully admit
the pastor’s daughter who has the she worries the Laird is trying to induce
“voice of an angel.” Some whisper the his wife into having a heart attack.
two might be having an affair, not that
it is anyone’s business.
T he G ardens
T he M istress by D ay
The Dramatic Characters will find Fiona Despite their status as a tourist
Logan in church. She is sitting in a back destination, Laird Thomas will not give
pew, praying. She is focused on her prayers the Dramatic Characters permission to
and will not notice the party until spoken investigate the gardens. If the Dramatic
to. At that point, she will attempt to flee, Characters press the issue he will insist
likely through the door into the vestry or a he does not wish the tourists or the Black
side door from the west transept (the part Lady herself disturbed and excuse himself.
of the church that forms the “arm” of a He is, after all, a busy man.
cross when seen from above).
Despite this refusal, sneaking into the
If cornered, Mistress Logan will gardens won’t be difficult as the Laird
vehemently deny any wrong-doing and does not employ enough staff to prevent
insist she was running because she has

C astle F alkenstein 10 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

truly determined visitors. Entry to the
garden can be had from either the castle
T he G ardens
itself or from a single entrance on the by N ight
grounds. Three servants patrol the interior Despite his reluctance to give aid to the
of the garden during the day to ensure the party, Laird McIlroy recognizes them as
tourists do no harm to it and two man the agents of his wife’s childhood friend and
ticket booth at the entrance. Any attempt will offer them shelter for the night, should
to enter the grounds, including the simple they require it. He will kindly ask them not
purchase of tickets, will require succeeding to wander about after dark, however. His
at an Average Feat using the appropriate wife, he insists, needs her rest.
Ability for the method selected.
Dramatic Characters who retire to their
Once the party infiltrates the gardens, rooms on the third floor of the castle will
success at a Great Perception Feat will spot find themselves locked in. Picking the
a black lady’s glove which has fallen under locks will require a success on a Good
one of the hedges. The glove is velvet, Stealth Feat or a Great Tinkering Feat.
has fine stitching, and is too expensive Climbing out the window and scrambling
to belong to any woman in the village. If down the castle wall is also an option
asked, Lady McIlroy recognizes the glove but requires success on a Great Athletics
as her own but insists she hasn’t been out Feat. Reduce the difficulty to Average if
in the garden for months. A quick search a Dramatic Character is able to properly
of her wardrobe shows the other glove is improvise a rope.
missing as well.
The entrance to the gardens from the
By succeeding at an Exceptional grounds has been gated and locked and
Perception Feat a member of the party requires a Great Stealth or Exceptional
might notice a cleverly concealed corridor Tinkering Fest to unlock. Scaling the gate
in one of the hedges, most likely allowing is easier, requiring only success at a Good
castle gardeners an easy route between the Athletics Feat.
gardens and the general grounds.
Jock Sheach has been posted in front of
No other clues are to be had during the the door which leads from the castle to the
day. The garden has seen many visitors, gardens. If the party befriended him before
making the tracking of footprints in he will wink and step aside. Otherwise,
the soil impossible. Sorcerous Dramatic convincing him to look the other way
Characters who look will find no trace of will require a successful Great Charisma,
Magick activity present. Courage, or Exchequer Feat or some sort
of brute force.
Dramatic Characters who found the
secret passage in the hedge earlier can
easily use that to sneak inside.

C astle F alkenstein 11 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

If the party makes no attempt to hide once • The black lady’s glove from the garden.
in the gardens, the Black Lady will appear • Fiona Logan’s scarf which was dropped
in front of the outer hedge wall, notice by the Black Lady.
them, and vanish once more. A successful
• The testimony of Lady McIlroy and her
Good Perception Feat is all that is needed
observations about the Black Lady
to realize she isn’t dematerializing but
walking around obstacles.
passing through the secret passage built
into the hedges. If the party does hide they • The village tales about how the Faerie
will need to make a contested Stealth Feat have left the Isle and the lack of
against the Perception of the Black Lady Banshee sightings in the past many
(Fiona Logan in disguise). If she notices years.
the Dramatic Characters the Black Lady • Fiona Logan herself, still dressed in the
will escape as described above. Otherwise, robes of the Black Lady.
she will wander through the gardens for
If every piece of evidence is presented, no
several minutes before leaving through the
Feat is required. Laird McIlroy confesses
secret passage.
to stealing some of his wife’s clothing and
Should the party confront the Black Lady convincing his mistress, Fiona Logan, to
she will run and attempt to flee through dress up as the Black Lady of legend. He
the secret passage, dropping a scarf as she did so to spread rumors of ghost stories in
does. If Fiona is caught, she will confess the hopes of attracting tourists to rebuild
her role in things. Otherwise, the scarf will both the local economy and his own
be a vital clue. She was wearing it earlier personal coffers. Ever since the Clearances
that day and any resident of the village will his family’s fortunes have been dwindling
recognize it as belonging to her. and without a windfall he is likely going to
have to sell the Brodick Castle.

C onfronting T he
L aird E nter the
The party can confront Laird McIlroy
at any time. Forcing him to confess
B anshee
As Laird McIlroy confesses his guilt,
requires success against an Extraordinary the castle doors fly open. There stands
Charisma, Connections, or Courage Feat. another woman in black, her tattered
If need be, he will try to deflect blame robes whipped around by the wind. She
on Mistress Logan and insist this was points one long, bony finger at Thomas
obviously some prank on her part. Reduce McIlroy and speaks in a voice which
the Requirement of the Feat by one step sounds much like rusting nails dragging
for each of the following evidentiary pieces across pitted metal sheets.
the Dramatic Characters can present.

C astle F alkenstein 12 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

C hapter 2: D iscoveries

In which our heroes must confront an angry

F aerie and decide the fate of a L aird .
“I am Caitir Mac An Aba and I am the is recommended the Host does not tell
Banshee of the Isle of Arran. For years now I the Players if they succeeded or failed
have wandered afar, looking for a way to take at the Feat. Instead, make the moment
back my home from the greedy and the cruel. tense by requiring roleplay and acting
Now I have returned and discovered the Laird the Banshee’s supernatural fury to the
of this castle repaying my good intentions by hilt.
mocking both my name and my legacy with a • Finally, the Dramatic Characters can
pale imitation!” attempt to fight or drive the Banshee
The Players have several choices once away. She is a formidable opponent
the Banshee reveals herself. and Hosts shouldn’t be afraid of using
• They can decide to let the Banshee cards from their hand to augment
punish Thomas and Fiona. This will her abilities. Should things look
mean their brutal deaths as she plagues grim for the Dramatic Characters, a
them with Glamour nightmares Good Education Feat might remind
before ripping them apart with her one that Banshees are repelled by
bare hands. Once the two, and any who clothes turned inside out, significant
try to defend them, are dead she will quantities of iron, holy symbols, and
depart. She has no desire to punish ringing bells.
anyone but the two conspirators.
The outcome of the Adventure
• They may attempt to reason with the
Entertainment depends upon the actions
Banshee. No one knew she still existed,
and successes of the Dramatic Characters.
after all, or that she had left the Isle
Should Laird McIlroy and Mistress Logan
in search of a way to save it. In fact,
be killed, the Banshee’s fury will temporarily
Laird McIlroy was attempting to do
be sated and she will depart. The village will
the same thing! Calming Caitir Mac
come together to mourn Fiona while Lady
An Aba down will require a successful
McIlroy will have no choice but to sell the
Exceptional Charisma or Social Graces
castle and move to the mainland. Months
Feat. Reduce the Requirement to Great
later rumors will be heard from the Isle of
if a member of the party is a Faerie. It

C astle F alkenstein 13 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

Arran as wealthy landowners first report buy back as much of their land as possible.
hear intense keening outside their homes The banshee even has a possible lead.
and then die bloody deaths as if torn apart While wandering abroad she discovered
by the claws of a wild animal. the location of a hidden treasure. All she
If the Banshee is repelled or sent back and the Laird will need now is a group of
to the Veil she will vanish for a time but stalwart adventurers willing to retrieve it…
eventually return to nurse her grudge No matter the outcome, the Dramatic
against a new target: the Dramatic Characters will receive the agreed upon
Characters. Lord McIlroy and his wife payment from Mrs. Memory Lord of the
will sell Brodick Castle and move to the London Society of Phantasmal Research
mainland and the Isle of Arran will struggle upon filing their report. Once she has given
along, slowly losing its Gaelic identity as birth, Mrs. Lord intends to travel and visit
more locals leave to find work. her childhood friend, Lady McIlroy. It is
If Caitir Mac An Aba is calmed and a peace Mrs. Lord’s hope that the presence of a baby
is brokered, she will agree to work with the in the Lady’s life will help cure the malaise
Laird and the people of the Isle of Arran to which ails her.

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S ample D ramatic C haracters
The following six Dramatic Characters are provided for the convenience of groups who
wish to proceed right to playing the Great Game. They were built using the standard rules
as presented in Castle Falkenstein unless otherwise noted.

C astle F alkenstein 15 The Black Lady of Brodick Castle

H iromiko H ashiyama
The men all laughed when Hiromiko Hashiyama showed up in California with her pickaxe and her
panning gear but damned if she didn’t show them a thing or three. She struck her claim, worked it, and
came up with enough gold to make her rich for life. Tired of working for a living, the newly wealthy
Hiromiko set off from San Francisco aboard an aeroship, intending to see the world! She landed in Paris
and has been traveling around New Europa ever since!
A few tips on playing Hiromiko Hashiyama: Early in life, you made a vow. You’d always speak your
mind and never bow to anyone. Luckily, people in New Europa seem to expect that kind of behavior from
Americans so your attitude, plus your money, have won you a few friends on this side of the Atlantean.
Just remember, there’s not much honesty and a good think can’t solve and if a problem gets too ornery,
you’ve always got your Colt to back you up.
Working with the Others: Maybe you’ve taken a fancy to one of the others or maybe you’re just bored.
You left home looking for adventure and a haunted castle is just the ticket!
Abilities: Charisma [GR] ● Courage [GD] ● Exchequer [EXC] ● Fencing [PR] ● Marksmanship [GD] ●
Physique [GD] ● Social Graces [PR] ● Sorcery [PR]
Health: 7
Notable Possessions: .44 Colt (Range 50 ● 300 / Load 6 / Damage 4 (P) ● 5 (F) ● 6 (H) ● Harm Rank D),
bank book, passport.
M arquess M arie -C hristine B ourdon
Though she was born to the aristocracy of both France and Brazil, Marie-Christine Bourdon has
always been a tinkerer at heart, much to the exasperation of her parents. In her youth, Marie-Christine’s
governess often found her taking apart some device or another as she attempted to discover how it
worked. As the young aristocrat grew older, Marie-Christine made something of a truce with her parents.
She would act more properly like a lady if they would arrange for her to learn engineering from experts.
Recently, as part of her exploration of technology, she has become interested in the camera obscura.
A few tips on playing the Marquess Marie-Christine Bourdon: To please your parents, you have learned
how to act like a proper lady but, at heart, you are a tinkerer. Any chance to talk shop with another
inventor should be leapt upon, and any new device must be examined and documented thoroughly. You
are, in many ways, the original geek girl even if you were born to wealth.
Working With the Others: In theory, you are likely engaged to photograph spirits with your camera
obscura. In truth, both your aristocratic title and your tinkering skills have come in handy in past cases.
Abilities: Connections [GD] ● Education [GD] ● Marksmanship [GD] ● Performance [PR] ● Social
Graces [GD] ● Tinkering [GR]
Health: 5
Notable Possessions: .22 Derringer [Range 10/25 ● Load 2 ● 1 (P) ● 2 (F) ● 3 (H) ● Harm Rank A], a
selection of useful tools, camera obscura.
D octor M ontague M ac T aggart
Born to a well-off merchant family, Montague MacTaggart was sent by his parents to London
to attend school with the hopes of becoming a medical doctor. During his time in the Empire’s
capital young Montague was introduced to the works of Andrew Jackson Davis, an early pioneer of
spiritualism and became fascinated. While Montague did eventually complete his studies and become
a doctor he did not return to Scotland to take up a medical practice. Instead, much to the chagrin of
his parents, he presented himself to the London Society of Phantasmal Research and was inducted
into their ranks as a field researcher.
A few tips on playing Montague MacTaggart: You are a man of science and believe, given enough time,
energy, and resources, science can explain anything. This includes the so-called Magick of Sorcerers and the
Faeries. You are calm, collected, and rational in the face of the unexplained. Yet, in your darkest moments
you must admit to a hint of uncertainty. Being Scottish in an English medical school, you suffered more
than your share of bullying from your fellow students and you have never quite shaken the need to prove
yourself to others.
Working with the Others: As an actual member of the London Society of Phantasmal Research and
a Scotsman, you naturally consider yourself the leader of this investigation However, you recognize
the value in exploring a problem from multiple perspectives.
Abilities: Athletics [GD] ● Charisma [PR] ● Education [GR] ● Exchequer [GD] ● Perception [GD]
● Physician [GR] ● Stealth [PR] ● Tinkering [GD]
Health: 5
Notable Possessions: Doctor’s bag with appropriate tools, several books on spiritualism,
Abercrombie’s automatic recorder (portable typewriter)
P eter L ast
Peter Last’s father was a butler as was his father before him. Peter, however, has no desire
to become just another domestic servant in a long line of domestic servants. Instead, he
wishes to roam the world and have adventurers like the men and women he has read about
in the pages of the Strand Magazine. With a keen eye, a strong frame, and a good heart, the
young man has struck out to travel the continent in search of his fortune.
A few tips on playing Peter Last: Being on the cusp of manhood marks you as the
youngest member of the party. As a result you are full of vim and vigor and always eager
for an adventure. You are eager to prove your worth and happy to rush ahead where others
might fear to tread. Any moment might be an opportunity in disguise if you are ready to
seize it!
Working with the Others: If this isn’t adventure, what is? There’s people to protect,
a madman to stop, and all sorts of interesting people to chat with. Growing up as a
member of a serving family means you aren’t likely to take the lead but you’re happy to
assist the others as they come up with clever plans and push forward to stop evil from
Abilities: Athletics [GD] ● Charisma [GD] ● Connections [PR] ● Courage [GR] ● Fisticuffs
[GD] ● Perception [GD] ● Performance [PR] ● Physique [GR]
Health: 8
Notable Possessions: Brass knuckles (1 (P) / 2 (F) / 3 (H) / Harm Rank A / Causes blows
only), a waterproof box of lucifers, extra handkerchiefs packed by your mother.
D uck
Let Brownies have their boring work and Faerie Lords their courtly intrigues. Life for Duck is nothing
but adventure! After all, adventure is so very easy to discover! All it takes is finding an interesting group
of humans and befriending them. Before Duck knows it they’ve been taken to a new place and are having
quite a bit of fun!
A few tips on playing Duck: You look like a dog, though anyone with a lick of sense who pays close
attention knows you’re a Padfoot, a type of Faerie and as intelligent of any human (and fully capable of
speech to boot!). You are kind hearted and enjoy helping others but the trickster in you is always looking
for an opportunity to work a bit of mischief.
Working with the Others: These humans are fascinating! You simply have to know more. Fortunately,
your canine charm and Faerie powers mean tagging along won’t be difficult at all. They’ll be glad you’re
there, too, once they realize just what you can truly do!
Abilities: Athletics [GD] ● Etherealness [AV] ● Glamour [AV] ● Leadership [GR] ● Rule the Animals
[AV] ● Stealth [GD] ● Shapeshift [GD] ● Stealthy Tread [EXC] ● Sorcery [PR] ● Tinkering [PR]
Health: 5
Notable Possessions: Collar with tag which reads “Duck”.
Repulsions: As a Padfoot, Duck is repulsed by clothing turned inside out, large quantities of iron, and holy
A nne C rowe
Young Anne was a mere five years of age when her grandmother, the writer Catherine Ann Crowe,
caught her dancing naked in the roaring fireplace without care or harm. It was then that Catherine
knew Anne was the next in a long line of witches whose knowledge was passed down from mother to
daughter over centuries. As Anne grew older, she learned the art of Magick from her grandmother but
also explored other occult subjects, from mesmerism to spiritualism. Of course, the pursuit of arcane
knowledge rarely pays the bills and, thus, Anne has taken on work as a Consulting Mystic.
A few tips on playing Anne Crowe: You are a witch from an ancient and proud lineage with a thirst for
knowledge about the strange and unusual. Others might think you a touch odd but, truth be told, you
enjoy that they do. After all, what sort of witch would you be if you didn’t wear mystery about you like a
Working with the Others: You are an expert in matters strange and occult. Since this haunting might
involve either spirits or the Fae, you have been sent along to provide insight into their unusual abilities
and possible motivations.
Abilities: Athletics [PR] ● Courage [GD] ● Education [GR] ● Mesmerism [GD] ● Physician [GD] ●
Sorcery [GD]
Health: 6
Notable Possessions: Grimoire, notebook containing clippings from newspaper stories on the occult,
collection of herbs, athame.
Spells: Rather than belonging to a specific Sorcerous Order, Anne is a Witch. She has the spells for a
Witch as noted on page 92 of Comme il Faut.

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