Sports Medicine Teacher Flashcards
Sports Medicine Teacher Flashcards
Sports Medicine Teacher Flashcards
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How are sports injuries classified How are sports injuries classified
and managed? and managed?
Ways to classify sports injuries Ways to classify sports injuries
Soft and hard tissue Overuse
How are sports injuries classified How are sports injuries classified
and managed? and managed?
Soft tissue injuries Soft tissue injuries
Tears, sprains, contusions
– E.g. a bruise
How are sports injuries classified How are sports injuries classified
and managed? and managed?
Soft tissue injuries Hard tissue injuries
How are sports injuries classified How are sports injuries classified
and managed? and managed?
Hard tissue injuries Hard tissue injuries
Fractures Dislocation
Dislocation A fracture is a broken bone. Closed remains inside
An abnormal separation in a joint between 2 bones. the body, open pierces the skin, Complicated the
It causes damage to surrounding tissue such as bone causes further damage. Complete fracture
ligaments. breaks clean through the bone, an incomplete or
greenstick does not, comminuted result in more
– E.g. a dislocated shoulder (humerous separates than 2 parts to the bone.
from scapula).
– E.g. a closed complete fracture of the humerous.
To assess injuries DRSABCD and then TOTAPS is
followed. Once it is evident that the athlete cannot
continue to perform TOTAPS is stopped and the
athlete removed from play. If the athlete completes
Children and young athletes TOTAPS pain-free they can continue to perform.
medical conditions (asthma, diabetes,
epilepsy) – E.g. An athlete with a sore ankle has DR
overuse injuries (stress fractures) completed, then is asked about the injury (how?
thermoregulation What? Where? Pain level? Sounds?). The ankle
appropriateness of resistance training is observed and compared to the other, before it
is touched (heat, tenderness, pain), active
(athlete moves), passive (assessor moves),
skills test (walk, run, change direction, jump etc)
before allowed to return. STOP TOTAPS if pain
or decreased ROM etc.
Medical Conditions
Asthma is inflammation and contraction of the
Overuse injuries bronchioles. Exercise can induce an attack. It
Overuse injuries result from repetitive movements should not affect participation. Management proper
placing repetitive stress upon the body parts warm up, asthma management plan, and First Aid.
involved. Common injuries include: stress
fractures, shin splints and tendonitis. Implications Diabetes is a condition of poor insulin efficiency, or
varied sports participation, adequate rest and lack of insulin production to control blood sugar
recovery. Management means stopping the activity levels. Implications timing and use of insulin will
until fully recovered, and is done in conjunction with vary with physical activity. It should not limit
health professionals. engagement. Management hypoglycaemia requires
sugary drink/food, while hyperglycaemia requires
– E.g. child with a stress fracture in their shin needs insulin.
to rest from running until cleared by GP.
Epilepsy disruption to normal brain activity that
causes seizure. Implications should not affect
participation in general. Management medications
used and supervision.
Heart conditions
Heart conditions include hypertension, CVD, valve
issues etc. They will need a medical clearance
Adult and aged athletes
before beginning physical activity, which is
beneficial for them. Participation options lower heart conditions
intensity sports, intensity can build up slowly under fractures/bone density
proper supervision (health professional). flexibility/joint mobility
– E.g. beginners Yoga progressing to intermediate – E.g. swimming is a low impact sport for people
etc. with low bone density.
Iron deficiency
Bone density
Iron deficiency results from loss of iron during
Bone density is the number of minerals per square
menstruation and a lack of iron in the diet. Iron
cm of bone. Poor bone density leads to fragile
deficiency affects participation in sport by
bones and increases the likelihood of fracture. This
decreasing aerobic performance (lack of
makes is less safe for the athlete to participate in
haemoglobin), causing faster fatigue and lethargy in
high impact sports.
the athlete.
– E.g. Female athlete has a poor diet, leading to a
– E.g. female athlete does not eat enough iron and
lack of calcium causing poor bone density. They
increases their marathon time due to a lack of
then suffer a stress fracture from netball and need
haemoglobin. They are also lethargic and miss
to stop playing.
A pregnant athlete can continue to do sports they
already do. Increased relaxin means care should be
taken not to overstretch a joint. Care should also be
Physical preparation
taken in relation to balance with the change in the
centre of gravity as the baby grows. Physical activity
skill and technique benefits pregnancy, though the heat of the day
physical fitness should be avoided to avoid overheating.
warm up, stretching and cool down
– E.g. a pregnant marathon runner, can continue to
train and perform, but may choose to avoid training
in the heat. They may also choose to not do
gymnastics due to changes in CoG.
Sports policy and the sports Sports policy and the sports
environment environment
Rules of sports and activities
– E.g. Kung Fu matched by age or weight, sex and – E.g. Football reduces games to 30min, size 3 ball
belt. and 30m x 20m fields.
Temperature regulation
Convection is heat transferred by the motion of a
fluid, such as air or water, taking the heat with it.
– E.g. pouring water over the skin is a useful
Environmental considerations
Radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of temperature regulation (convection,
electromagnetic waves. radiation, conduction, evaporation)
– E.g. exposing the athlete to the sun for heat. climatic conditions (temperature, humidity,
wind, rain, altitude, pollution)
Conduction the transfer of heat between two (2) guidelines for fluid intake
objects in contact with each other. acclimatisation
– E.g. wearing an ice-vest on a hot day.
Climatic conditions
Rain removes heat from the body through both Climatic conditions
conduction (heat moving to the water) and Wind removes heat from the body using convection.
evaporation. When it is hot rain is a welcome way to When combined with cool conditions the amount of
cool down, but when combined with cool weather heat removed increases the likelihood of
and/or wind this increases the likelihood of hypothermia. Appropriate clothing can help to
hypothermia dramatically. Appropriate clothing can reduce the heat loss.
help reduce the heat lost in such conditions.
– E.g. players wearing windbreakers (jacket) during
- E.g. wearing a waterproof jacket when going for a their warm up.
run in the rain when it is cold.
Climatic conditions
Altitude affects the oxygen concentration in the air.
Climatic conditions The higher we go, the lower the concentration. If an
Pollution is dangerous for the athlete because they athlete is not acclimatised beforehand their
breathe more deeply during a performance, performance will decrease, but they also run the
increasing the pollution inhaled that affects their danger of becoming hypoxic (not enough oxygen)
health, both in the short and long term. and feel dizzy, nauseous or worse.
– E.g. An athlete running a marathon in pollution – E.g. a skier starts at the top of a mountain but
may get a chest infection from the pollution. becomes hypoxic, losing balance and crashing
requiring emergency assistance to be taken down
the mountain and treated for hypoxia.
Preventative taping
Preventative taping is when the athlete tapes a joint,
such as the ankle, in order to prevent injury from
occurring. Athletes who use preventative taping
often have a history of injury in the joint taped. It Taping and bandaging
works by providing feedback to the athlete by pulling preventative taping
not the skin when the tap is stretched. Long-term taping for isolation of injury
taping can decrease the strength of the joint and bandaging for immediate treatment of
affect the athlete’s proprioception negatively. injury.
However, taping decreases the rate of injury in
those who use it.
– E.g. a cricket player bandages his wrist after – E.g. a rugby player with an injured shoulder will
spraining it in the field to help promote healing and tape the shoulder to help limit the range of motion,
prevent further injury. and provide extra stability in as they begin to return
to training.
Graduated exercise
It is used in rehabilitation to ensure exercise
Training intensity and activities progress with healing and do
Training during rehabilitation helps to prevent not cause further injury. It is the gradual increase in
reversibility. Training should use the non-injured range of motion, intensity, and activities, to help
areas when possible. Athletes should return to light ensure the athlete’s recovery is as pain-free as
and then full training and show they have recovered possible. There are three (3) stages – stretching,
before returning to play. then conditioning, then total body fitness – these
stages overlap.
– E.g. a rugby player returning from a dislocated
shoulder can maintain lower body training while – E.g. after a shoulder dislocation a rower will
resting the shoulder. They then return to light stretch their rotator cuff muscles slowly increasing
training progressing to full training, including the ROM, strengthen the rotator cuff slowly
repeated tackling showing they have fully recovered increasing the workload, maintain fitness using an
before returning to play. exercise bike, as recovery progresses move into
low-intensity shoulder exercises progressing to
higher intensities. Then move into developing total
body fitness using a rowing machine.
Use of heat and cold
Heat is used to increase blood flow and flexibility
around the injured area. This helps speed up
Return to play recovery delivering nutrients for rebuilding damaged
indicators of readiness for return to play tissue and helping rehabilitation activities.
(pain free, degree of mobility) – E.g. heat pack applied to a sprained ankle 3
monitoring progress (pre-test and post-test) weeks after injury in order to increase ROM and
psychological readiness deliver blood for rebuilding.
specific warm-up procedures
return to play policies and procedures Cold is used to decrease blood flow and
ethical considerations, eg pressure to inflammation. It is used particularly in the first 48 hrs
participate, use of painkillers. after injury and any other time inflammation may
occur (after rehabilitation session).
– E.g. ice pack applied to a strained hamstring after
a rehabilitation session to reduce inflammation.
Psychological readiness
Specific warm-up procedures Athletes can feel anxious after injury and
A specific warm-up is given in addition to the normal rehabilitation and lack confidence in the injured
warm-up and can be done before or after this. It area. If an athlete is not psychologically ready they
helps to protect the athlete against re-injury by will shield the injured area, which can affect
ensuring the area has an adequate blood supply technique and cause other or further injury. An over-
and is ready for competition. confident player may reinjure the area by returning
to quickly
– E.g. after a hamstring tear an ice-hockey player is .
given a lower limb sports massage to help avoid re- – E.g. after a knee reconstruction a rugby player
injury. shields his knee always tackling using his other leg,
leading to injury to the other knee.