13-258 Final
13-258 Final
13-258 Final
50 1,234
4 authors, including:
Joost Walraven
Delft University of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Eva Lantsoght on 11 November 2014.
The code provisions (ACI Committee 318 2011; CEN
2005) for shear assume a linear relation between the shear
capacity and the member width. The expressions for the
beam shear capacity are semi-empirical equations resulting
from databases of shear tests (Reineck et al. 2013) on mostly
small, heavily-reinforced, simply-supported beams in a
four-point bending test as developed by Regan (1987) for
the expressions in NEN-EN 1992-1-1:2005 and by Morrow
and Viest (1957) for ACI 318-11. Recent research on wide
members subjected to line loads (Sherwood et al. 2006)
showed that the code provisions for beam shear are appli-
cable to these cases. For loads that are smaller than the full
member width, it is necessary to introduce an effective width
in shear (Chauvel et al. 2007). A loading case in which it
is necessary to define such an effective width is the case
of a solid slab bridge subjected to design truck loads (from
NEN-EN 1991-2:2003). For this case, the wheel load or axle
load should be distributed over a certain effective width to Fig. 2—(a) Load spreading under 45 degrees and resulting
determine the contribution of this load to the shear stress at effective width as used in Dutch practice; and (b) load
the support (Steenbergen et al. 2011). Very little information spreading and resulting effective width as used in French
on the shear distribution in bridges is available (Zokaie 1992). practice (Chauvel et al. 2007).
The effective width is theoretically determined from the
the farthest side of the load (Fig. 2(b)). In German prac-
stress distribution over the width of the element (Goldbeck
tice, a conservative formula is used to define the effective
and Smith 1916; Goldbeck 1917) and is defined so that the
width (Grasser and Thielen 1991). The Model Code 2010
resisting action due to the maximum stress distributed over
(fib 2012) guidelines for the determination of the effective
the effective width equals the resisting action due to the vari-
able stresses over the entire width (Fig. 1). In Dutch prac- ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 6, November-December 2014.
tice, a 45-degree horizontal load-spreading method from the MS No. S-2013-258, doi:10.14359/51687107, received February 19, 2014, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2014, American Concrete
center of the load is used to determine the effective width Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
at the face of the support (Fig. 2(a)), and in French prac- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
tice (Chauvel et al. 2007), the load spreading is taken from is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
According to NEN-EN 1992-1-1:2005 (CEN 2005)
Section 6.2.2 (1), the shear resistance for a structural member
without stirrups is calculated as follows (SI units: fck in MPa;
1 MPa = 145 psi; k1 = 0.15):
Fig. 3—Location and length of the control section beff for
determination of shear resistance of wide members with VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100ρlfck)1/3 + k1σcp]bwdl≥ (vmin + k1σcp) bwdl (1)
point loads located close to support line; simple edge
support (fib 2012).
width are given as indicated in Fig. 3. For simply supported k = 1+ ≤ 2.0 (2)
elements, the angle of horizontal load spreading is taken as dl
60 degrees, and for clamped elements, 45 degrees, as based The values of CRd,c and vmin are nationally determined param-
on the Swiss Code (SIA 162 1968). In the Model Code eters. The default values are CRd,c = 0.18/γc with γc=1.5 in
approach, the shear stress is checked at a distance x = dl from general and
the support, provided that dl ≤ av /2.
In the literature, additional methods for calculating the vmin = 0.035k 3/ 2 f ck1/ 2 (3)
effective shear width for well-defined cases are suggested,
none of which are suitable for extrapolation towards a more NEN-EN 1992-1-1:2005 Section 6.2.6(6) accounts for
general use (Diaz de Cossio et al. 1962; Graf 1933; Regan the beneficial influence of direct load transfer through
and Rezai-Jorabi 1988; Taylor et al. 2003). When slabs are a compression strut for loads close to the support. For
not supported by a line support but instead by a number of beams, the contribution of a load, applied within a distance
discrete bearings, a similar problem arises (Lubell et al. 0.5dl ≤ av ≤ 2dl from the edge of a support, to the shear force
2008; Ross et al. 2012). Experiments studying this problem VEd may be multiplied by β = av/2dl.
did not result in generally applicable expressions for the case The ACI 318-11 Section formula (11-5) for
of members not loaded over their full width. For deck slabs normalweight concrete (λ = 1, with notations altered to be
in steel-concrete bridges, Zheng et al. (2010) developed an uniform with the previously used notations), describes the
expression, but it is not suitable for solid-slab bridges. shear resistance as
If the concept of an effective width can be applied to wide
concrete members loaded in shear, then the shear capacity V d
should cease to increase as the member width is increased Vc = 0.16 f ck + 17ρl ACI l bw dl ≤ 0.29 f ck bw dl (4)
after reaching a threshold value—the effective width. As M ACI
long as the element width is smaller than the effective width, ACI 318-08 recommends the use of nonlinear analysis or
increasing widths lead to increasing shear capacities. When strut-and-tie models for members with concentrated loads
the element width is larger than the effective width, only the within a distance twice the member depth from the support.
effective width at the support can carry the shear load, and
further increasing of the element width will not result in an EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
increase in the shear carrying capacity. Previous research Specimens
(Regan and Rezai-Jorabi 1988) showed increasing shear The experimental program consisted of three reinforced
capacities for slabs with a concentrated load placed at such a concrete elements (BS series) sized 5.0 x 0.5 x 0.3 m (16.4 ft x
location that a/dl = 5.42 for increasing widths (0.4 to 1.2 m 1.6 ft x 11.8 in.); three elements (BM series) sized 5.0 x 1.0 x
[1.3 to 3.9 ft]) up to a certain value (1 m [3.3 ft]), after which 0.3 m (16.4 ft x 3.3 ft x 11.8 in.); three elements (BL series)
the shear capacity remained constant. In other experiments sized 5.0 x 1.5 x 0.3 m (16.4 ft x 4.9 ft x 11.8 in.); and three
(Reißen and Hegger 2013), however, a threshold value was elements (BX series) sized 5.0 x 2.0 x 0.3 m (16.4 ft x 6.6 ft
not observed for a load placed at a/dl = 4.17 as the width x 11.8 in.). The results of slabs S8 and S9, sized 5.0 x 2.5 x
increased (0.5 to 3.5 m [1.6 to 11.5 ft]). 0.3 m (16.4 ft x 8.2 ft x 11.8 in.), from a previous series of
experiments (Lantsoght et al. 2013) were used to complete
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE the series of specimens with increasing widths. The depth of
The influence of the member width on the one-way shear 0.3 m (11.8 in.) is a 1:2 scale representation of typical Dutch
capacity of reinforced concrete wide beams subjected to solid slab bridges. An overview of the properties of these
concentrated loads is studied in a comprehensive series of specimens is given in Table 1.
experiments. Based on these experiments, recommendations All specimens were reinforced with deformed steel bars
are given for the effective width, which previously was only with a yield strength of 500 MPa (72.5 ksi). The deformed
based on local practice and rules of thumb. The conducted bars with a diameter of 20 mm (0.79 in.) had fym = 542 MPa
experiments are important as they explore the transition (78.6 ksi) and fum = 658 MPa (95.4 ksi), and the bars with a
zone from one-way shear to a mixed mode of one-way and diameter of 10 mm (0.39 in.) had fym = 537 MPa (77.9 ksi)
• Failure as a wide beam in shear with cracks at an angle B-series specimens are made from high-strength concrete,
of the span direction, resulting in inclined cracks on the while S3 and S5 were made from normal-strength concrete.
bottom (WB, Fig. 6(b)); or The experimental observations are summarized in Table 3,
• Development of a partial punching surface on the showing the measured average ratio of the shear capacity
bottom face (P, Fig. 6(c)). for a = 400 mm (15.7 in.), Vexp,400, to the shear capacity for
a = 600 mm (23.6 in.), Vexp,600. The results in Table 3 show
Shear span-depth ratio a clear increase in shear capacity with decreasing distance
To study the relation between the member width and the to the support, as known from the literature (Kani 1964)
influence of the shear span-depth ratio (a/dl), the results of and observed in the previous experiments on one-way slabs
BS3, BM3, BL3, BX3, and the previously tested specimen subjected to concentrated loads (Lantsoght et al. 2011).
S3 (Lantsoght et al. 2013) with the concentrated load at Moreover, the results in Table 3 show an influence of the
a = 600 mm (23.6 in.) are compared to the results of BS2, overall member width b on the quantity of the increase of the
BM2, BL2, BX2, and S5 with the concentrated load at a = shear capacity with a decrease in the shear span-depth ratio.
400 mm (15.7 in.). Loading close to the support is studied, For members with a small width (0.5 m [1.6 ft]), the increase
as initial assessment of the existing solid slab bridges indi- in the shear capacity, when the load is placed closer to the
cated that the largest shear stresses at the support are found support, is larger than for wider members (b ≥ 1.5 m [4.9 ft]).
when the design truck is placed at a distance dl from the The lower increase in capacity for a decrease in a/dl as
support. For the B series of experiments, the size of the observed for wider members can be explained when studying
loading plate is 200 x 200 mm (7.9 x 7.9 in.), while for S3 the compressive struts in wide members under concentrated
and S5, a 300 x 300 mm (11.8 x 11.8 in.) plate was used. The loads. In wide members, a fan of struts (Fig. 7) can develop,
while for beams, a single strut develops over the distance a the shear capacity of slabs S1 and S2 of 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) wide
(shown as a/dl = 1 in Fig. 7). In wide members, the resulting (Lantsoght et al. 2010). It should be noted that all specimens
a/dl will depend on the fan of struts and their resulting load from the B-series are made of high-strength concrete, while
path, which is on average longer than the direct straight strut. slabs S1 and S2 were made of normal-strength concrete.
This larger average a/dl can explain the smaller influence of The results are shown in Table 4, displaying the measured
the shear span-depth ratio in wider members, as was previ- average increase in shear capacity for an increase in size of
ously shown in preliminary research on slabs subjected to the loading plate. The results of the specimens with widths
concentrated loads (Lantsoght et al. 2013). ranging from 1 to 2.5 m (3.3 to 8.3 ft) in Table 4 show an
increasing influence of the loading plate size on the shear
Size of loading plate capacity as the overall width of the specimen increases. The
To study the relation of the overall member width to the influence of the size of the loading plate and its relation to
influence of the size of a square loading plate (representing the member width can be explained based on the transverse
a tire contact area) on the shear capacity of wide beams, the load-distribution capacity in wide members. From this point
results of BS1 and BS3 can be compared, as well as BM1 and of view, it is clear that a larger loading plate provides a larger
BM3, BL1 and BL3, and BX1 and BX3. These results can be base from which the compressive struts can fan out.
compared to the influence of the size of the loading plate on
Fig. 9—Comparison between experimental results and expected values according to ACI 318-11 and NEN-EN 1992-1-1:2005.
(Note: 1 kN = 0.225 kip.)