Mazes Games by Artificial Ant
Mazes Games by Artificial Ant
Mazes Games by Artificial Ant
Dawid Połap
Institute of Mathematics
Silesian University of Technology
Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Abstract—In this paper a novel approach to designing boards game, in [15] described an attempt at the implementation an
for 2D games is proposed. The author proposes a solution agent based on tree search methods. Interesting topic in which
based on application of Computational Intelligence to create CI found considerable application is assessment the playability
mazes used for entertainment like ”find the exit games” or of games eg.: [27], [40].
as an environment for other popular 2D games. The use of
Computational Intelligence in the form of adapting the behavior
of ants to build roads in the map is based on the phenomenon
of leaving pheromones while searching for the source of the
food. In order to adapt the algorithm to create mazes, author Logic puzzles are an integral part of entertainment which
presents the march of the queen as a condition for stopping the
find place in various newspapers, magazines and even mobile
algorithm. Experiments have been performed on various shape
and dimensions of mazes, to prove effectiveness and speed of the applications or web pages. These types of tasks are to find a
presented method and its many advantages. solution or answer by using reasoning based on knowledge or
intuition. In [35], the authors describe two directions of game
design courses. Depending on the specific objectives of the
I. I NTRODUCTION puzzle, the solution may require time and patience. The main
Nowadays, CI is in its heyday. Computational Intelligence purpose of such puzzles is not only entertainment but also
(CI) methods are used in almost every field of Information teaching by increase our knowledge and stimulate curiosity.
Science. Behind this success is an innovation, speed of action For example, in the case of crossword puzzle, the purpose is to
or simplicity of implementing and multifarious adaptability. find the hidden password. Another example is the maze. Maze
For instance, in [16], [22], [23] presented the application of is a system constructed of many different paths of which only
various methods of Evolutionary Computation for finding key- a few lead to the exit. The problem is to find the way through
points on 2D images for classification and recognition purpose the maze from entrance to the exit. Besides the obvious use
[1], [2]. In [30], the authors proposed a novel approach to of mazes as riddle, it has also many applications in games
automatic medical signal diagnosis. Their research showed that of all kind. For instance, in 2D games like Pacman, where
CI solutions can be used to retrieve missing or incomplete each level is another board. The board in such a game is
medical data and used as a training set in neural network to nothing but a maze, where some rules were assumed during
recognize health threats. In [39] presented the use of CI meth- the construction of the board. The authors [10] introduced
ods to create a classifier analysing employees to form work a new concept in robot-maze solving, where they presented
groups using a probabilistic neural network. Again in [26], the use of Modified Following Wall Navigation algorithm to
[31] described the use of swarm intelligence algorithms in the navigate its way in virtual mazes. Similarly, the crossword
positioning and queuing systems through the use of dedicated puzzles are some kind of mazes. The creation of the generator
fitness function. In [12] presented a new adaptive technique for allow us to create an infinite number of different combinations
image compression which uses a Discrete Wavelet Transform of mazes. As a result, it could become an additional mine of
and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks [3], [4], [5], [6]. different environment for many games. For instance, in [29]
Again, in [19], CI methods is used for graphics processing several algorithms for designing mazes based on images were
such as image edge detection, in [42] showed using CI and presented. The increased interest in the game Pacman among
histograms for image segmentation and in [24] described the researchers and computer users brought back the era of Arcade
application of firefly algorithm and cuckoo search algorithm Games that after many years return, but in a computerized
in multilevel image thresholding. The authors [17] showed form, resulting in greater demand for new game levels (most
application of an evolutionary algorithm for finding the optimal of these games uses simple boards like mazes) and artificial
scaling factors in digital image watermarking. CI algorithms intelligence engines to improve the quality of the game. For
find their utility also in image compression algorithms (see example in [9], [21], [34], the authors describes a learning
[41], where the authors compare different heuristic algorithms version of Pacman game using different methods ie.: artificial
used to vector quantization). In games CI has various appli- neural networks supporting a mathematical models (as in [7] or
cations, i.e. [36] proposed general game playing player which [8]). The authors [11] used a genetic algorithm for procedural
is based on selecting the most attractive strategy for spesific generation of levels for platform games, and in [37] introduced
an evaluation platform for general agents called the Arcade
Copyright c 2016 held by the authors. Learning Environmnet.
A. A brief history of mazes and their applications
Designing the maze requires a few basic rules that should Artificial Ant Colony Algorithm (AACA) maps behavior
be followed during its creation. At the beginning, it is nec- of ants while searching for the source of food. One of the
essary to choose the size of the maze, shape (i.e.: square, first version of AACO was presented in [20] and [25] for
rectangular), the number of entrances/exists and their locations. optimization purpose.
Then, create a maze. An important aspect is the difficulty of Ants move randomly leaving a pheromone. Left
navigating a maze that will define blind alleys and winding pheromones create a trail of the pheromones that allows
roads. an access to the sought source of food. If the food is found
by an ant, the ant returns home leaving the larger trail of the
One of the most known approaches to create mazes is to pheromone. As a result, another ants will be able to reach the
apply graph theory. In [33], the author presents the greedy source because the ant decides on its movement by choosing
algorithm, which seeks tree containing vertices of the smallest the place where the level of pheromones is significant.
weight. Kruskals algorithm is used to create labyrinths using
the set of points and weights. In [14], the authors showed algo- At the beginning, the level of pheromone is everywhere
rithm called Hunt-and-Kill maze generating algorithm, which the same. Then, after starting a new iteration it is updated in
works by carvings the walls. The algorithm randomly moves accordance with
from one cell to the neighboring one and removes the wall on
the basis of assumptions. Another methods is shown in [28] f t+1 (xi , xj ) = (1 − ρ)f t (xi , xj ) + Γti , (1)
which creates mazes based on a rectangular black-and-white
raster image. For comparison, in [13] presented an algorithm where ρ means evaporation rate, t is the number of iterations
based on steganographic method which is an improved version and n is the number of insects in population that must come
of the algorithm presented in [14]. The described improvement to an ant xi over Γti distance, which is defined as
is to consider multipaths to gain embedding capacity. n
X 1
Γti = t , (2)
In this paper, I would like to present an alternative method L
i=1 ij
for creating mazes based on Computational Intelligence. CI is
considered as a modified version of the heuristic algorithm - where Ltij is the length of the road from ant i to ant j. The path
Artificial Ant Colony Algorithm. length Lij between the two ants i and j located at the points
xi and xj on the coordinate system is defined as Cartesian condition is to obtain road from the entry point to the exit
metric point located on the other side of the maze.
u 2
uX At the end of each iteration, the queen tries to go through
Lij = kxi − xj k = t (xi,k − xj,k )2 , (3) the created maze to evaluate the work of its colonies. If the
k=1 queen finds a way out of the maze, it means that she is satisfied
with the work of ants and this part of the algorithm is done.
where xi and xj are points in R × R space, xi,k , xk,j -k-th Otherwise, the next iteration of the algorithm starts because
components of the spatial coordinates xi and xj representing the ants did not manage to build a road. While searching for
ants. a way out, the queen moves according to the Cartesian metric
In each iteration, each ant xi selects a road. The probability defined in (3). The queen movement is prevented through the
of choosing the road to the ant xj is calculated by crossing on the diagonal by the following condition
h iβ Lij = 1. (7)
[f t (xi , xj )]α L1t
pt (xi , xj ) = P ij
h i , (4) In addition, area with the wall is deleted before choosing it
t α 1
α∈N k [f (xi , xα )]
i iα L t
in the march of the queen. The algorithm with a stop condition
is shown in Algorithm 1.
where Nik is a set of unvisited places by ant k but leading to
i and α is the impact of left pheromones.
Algorithm 1 The march of the Queen
The movement of ant xi is based on the selection of path 1: Start,
with the best probability to the ant xj . It may be represented 2: Create an array of pheromones in accordance with (6),
as the following equation 3: Find all the entrances to the maze,
xt+1 = xti + sign(xti (ind(t)) − xti ), (5) 4: for each entry to the maze do
5: while there is no other movement do
where ind(t) is an array of neighbor indices after sort. In 6: Find neighboring fields,
practice, each ant can move in one of eight directions where 7: Remove fields in a row, in which the Queen was in
the pheromone level is the highest. the previous step,
8: for each neighboring fields do
B. AACA adapted to generate mazes 9: if equation (7) is not true or the field is a wall then
10: Delete field,
In each iteration, the ants move in search of food which 11: end if
represents the exit of the maze. Each ant strives to find a way 12: end for
out, which is created at random on one of the walls in the initial 13: Select at random one of the existing movements,
phase of the algorithm. This exit is marked by increasing the 14: end while
value of pheromones. Such adaptation algorithm allows us to 15: if the last field is one of the entrances then
create an array of pheromones, which will represent the maze. 16: End of the algorithm - there is a way out of the maze,
For each value of the array of pheromones a corresponding 17: end if
function is adopted 18: end for
19: End of the algorithm - there is no way out of the maze,
y ∈ h0, ζ) empty space
Λ(y) = , (6) 20: Stop.
y ∈ (ζ, 1i walls
where y is the value of the pheromone, ζ is a parameter
denoting a minimum value for which formed the wall. In III. E XPERIMENTS
order to create more complicated maze, we can add parameter Tests were performed to create different mazes using
r which means the number of random alleys. The parameter AACA. Results were examined in velocity and correctness.
is the amount of the walls, which also will be removed. For Research carried out for mazes are presented in the form of
example, for the number 1 in the array of pheromones it means a square (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 5) and rectangular (see Fig. 4),
four walls. If the value r is greater than 0, there it is 50% where the following parameters were applied
chance that one of the walls does not create. The entire process
takes place in a random way depending on the value of the • for square maze - α = 0, 3, ρ = 0.3, ζ = 0.5, r = 15;
r. Again the value is 0 and the walls are removed but only
• for rectangular maze - n = 20, α = 0, 3, ρ = 0.3,
those that are adjacent to the same value. Visualization of the
ζ = 0.5, r = 40.
process is shown in Fig. 1. A complete algorithm is described
in Algorithm 2. The Fig. 4 shows generated mazes depending on the
number of indiviuals in the population. The results show a
C. The march of the Queen correlation between the amount of ants and the quality of maze
- the more ants, the more winding roads and consequently
In order to generate a maze, stop condition must be maze became too trivial. For this reason, the number of ants
modified. In [18], the authors selected number of iterations, should fulfill the following condition
again in [32] accuracy of the obtained solution was chosen as
a condition for the end of the algorithm. Modification of stop n2 < S, (8)
(a) n = 3 (b) n = 4 (c) n = 5
Fig. 2: Generated mazes depending on the number of ants in the population. All mazes are 9 × 9 and exits are located in the
same place for each maze.
where n is the number of ants and S means the value of the During each test, 1000 measurements were performed.
area of the maze. Each of the resulting mazes was different from the other, which
leads to the conclusion that uniqueness was obtained. In addi-
tion, the measurements of labyrinths create time depending on
the value of the field area are considered. Time measurements Algorithm 2 AACA to create mazes
were averaged using the arithmetic mean and the results are 1: Start,
shown in Fig. 3. Based on the chart, creating a large maze 2: Define all coefficients: n size of workers population, α
does not require a lot of time but the greater area of the maze, impact of left pheromones, ρ evaporation rate, ζ the
the more time is needed to construct. minimum value of the pheromone, r number of random
IV. C ONCLUSIONS 3: Create array with α values and two different exits,
4: while the queen does not pass the entire maze do
In the research, tests were performed on multiple mazes in 5: Update pheromone values using (1),
terms of different combinations of inputs. The results showed 6: Calculate distances between worker ants (3),
that Artificial Ant Colony Algorithm can create mazes that may 7: Calculate possible path to follow by worker i to location
serve as boards for 2D games. Even with large dimensions, j pt (xi , xj ) using (4),
the algorithm creates labyrinths in various configurations very 8: Determine the best position to follow,
quickly, what is the effect of the application of the additional 9: Move population of workers using (5),
algorithm as a condition for stopping the algorithm. Large ran- 10: end while
domness of AACA provides an additional advantages, which 11: Calculate the value of pheromone according to (6),
is uniqueness for the same input data. 12: Create a bitmap I,
13: for each value v of pheromone do
This paper presents an alternative method to the existing 14: if v is 1 then
algorithms ([13], [14], [28], [33]) designed to create mazes of 15: if r > 0 then
different sizes. In addition to the aforementioned advantages, 16: if random value is less than 0.5 then
an important aspect is the quality of generated mazes. Quality 17: Create a wall.
can be called the amount of fun while searching for a solution. 18: end if
Unfortunately, it is immeasurable from a mathematical point 19: else
of view. The quality can also be understood as the size and 20: Create a wall.
number of winding roads that make it difficult to find a way 21: end if
out. In this case, the proposed algorithm allows the user to 22: else
control the quality of the mazes through a number of input 23: for each neighbor of v do
parameters. 24: if neighbor is 1 then
25: Create a wall.
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