Electrical Equipment
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Equipment
INTRODUCTION fuses for automatic removal of failed diodes. Each
fuse is equipped with a spring loaded indicator that
The diesel engine drives three electrical generators, protrudes when a diode failure causes the fuse to
each of which then supplies electrical energy for lo- blow. Windows for fuse inspection are located in the
comotive operation. Basically, the main generator airbox.
(traction alternator) furnishes power to the motors for
locomotive traction; the companion D14 alternator
supplies power to excite the main generator and to
drive auxiliaries such as fans and blowers; the auxil-
iary generator supplies low voltage DC power for the
control circuits, lights, motor driven pumps, D14 al-
ternator excitation, and battery charging.
Section 8
Fig. 8-2 - D14 Alternator
All low voltage direct current electricity required dur-
TRACTION MOTORS ing locomotive operation comes from the auxiliary
generator, Fig. 8-4. This current is used for excitation
Electrical power from the main generator is distri- of the D14 alternator as well as for energizing control
buted to traction motors, Fig. 8-3, mounted in the circuits and actuating electrical switchgear. The aux-
trucks. Each motor is geared to a pair of wheels, with iliary generator is a self-excited machine that uses
the gear ratio selected for the type of service in- residual magnetism for initial excitation. To hold volt-
tended. The motors are cooled by means of an ex- age at a constant 74 volts, a static type voltage regu-
ternal blower located in the locomotive unit and me- lator is used in the field excitation circuit.
chanically driven from the engine. '
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
Section 8
DYNAMIC BRAKE REGULATOR PANEL, Fig. 8-10 This rectifier operates to increase the effectiveness
of the anticipation capacitors in the brake regulation
This panel is provided on locomotive units equipped circuit.
with dynamic brakes. It is not used on the basic lo-
Section 8
Fig. 8-11 - Dynamic Brake Warning Panel Calibrates the braking current feedback signal from
T6 to the lockout relay LOR.
BWR prevents excessive dynamic braking current by
connecting the base of the rate control transistor in RH13
the rate control panel to negative through a low value
of resistance. Calibrates the braking current feedback signal from
T7 to the decrease resistance relay DRR. RH14
CR46, BLOCKING RECTIFIER Recalibrates the braking current feedback signal
from T7 to DRR to achieve stepping of the brake
This rectifier ensures operation of the brake warning program switch at a lower current level at lower track
relay should the operator begin dynamic braking with speed.
the reverse lever improperly positioned.
This rectifier assembly changes the signals from T6
This rheostat calibrates the operating value of the and T7 to a direct current signal.
brake warning circuit.
Section 8
EXTENDED RANGE STEP CONTROL PANEL, Fig. The brake relay is energized when the selector han-
8-13 dle is placed in brake position. Its contacts set up the
dynamic braking circuits.
This relay functions to position the brake programs
switch in the exact center of its extended range brak- Provides auxiliary interlocks for BR functions. COR,
ing positions each time it steps. CUTOUT RELAY
On units equipped with traction motor cutouts this
relay is energized when the traction motor cutout
Section 8
switch is positioned to cut out a motor. Its inter- down by means of the engine stop or the emer-
locks operate in the transition and power control gency fuel cutoff switches.
circuits to establish conditions required with a
motor cut out. FPR, FUEL PUMP RELAY
ELD, EXCITATION LIMIT DELAY RELAY This relay provides the locomotive operator with
control of the fuel pump by means of a switch
When excitation limit relay ELR picks up, ELD on the control stand. The relay must be picked
immediate response contacts act to modulate up before the engine can be started. This pre-
locomotive power and recalibrate ELR dropout. cludes the possibility of starting the engine be-
If ELR fails to drop out, the time delay contacts fore the shutdown circuits are operative.
of ELD drop out the generator field contactor
GF, turn on the excitation limit light, and latch in FTRA, FORWARD TRANSITION RELAY AUXIL-
the ELD relay. The circuit is restored by placing IARY
the throttle in idle position or by isolating the This relay is used to bring about knockdown of
unit. forward transition relay FTR and pickup of back-
ER; ENGINE RUN RELAY ward transition relay BTR at proper moments in
the transition sequence.
The function of the engine run relay is to set up
control circuits to governor speed setting sole- FTX, FORWARD TRANSITION RELAY AUXIL-
noids. Therefore, if the engine run relay is de- IARY
energized, such as during operation of certain Provides auxiliary interlocks for FTR functions.
safety devices, the diesel engine will not run GDL, GROUND DETECTION LIGHT RELAY
above idle speed. This relay is energized when the ground relay
FOR, RER; FORWARD AND REVERSE RE- GR picks up. GDL is then held picked up by a
LAYS mechanical latch within the relay. When GDL
picks up, the HV GRD/FAULT light on the en-
These relays control the direction in which the gine control panel comes on.
locomotive will move. The designations FOR
and RER are related to the No. 1 end of the Operation of the ground reset button will put out
unit. The relays are energized by trainlined con- the light on the engine control panel, but a light
trol current when the reversing lever is placed in affixed to the GDL relay itself will remain on un-
the appropriate position. Contacts of the relays til the release button on the relay is pressed.
make or break circuits using local current to ac- Units equipped with fault counters will lock out
tuate heavy duty electromagnetic switchgear. after three pickups.
The switchgear establishes the direction of high GFR, GENERATOR FIELD RELAY
voltage main generator current flow through the
traction motor fields. This relay is energized when the throttle is
opened for power. It is not energized during dy-
Crossover wires at each of the jumper cable re- namic braking. Its interlocks perform functions
ceptacles between units of a locomotive consist associated with excitation of the generator field.
are so arranged that whatever the makeup of GR,
the consist, the appropriate relays in trailing
units will be energized. GROUND RELAY
FPC, FUEL PUMP CONTACTOR The ground relay is a protective device that de-
tects the low voltage grounds during engine
Use of this contactor relieves the fuel prime/ starting and high voltage grounds during opera-
engine start switch of the fuel pump motor cur- tion. When the relay is tripped, the HV GRD/
rent load. FAULT light comes on, the alarm bell rings,
generator excitation is lost, and the diesel en-
FPCR, FUEL PUMP CONTROL RELAY gine is restricted to idle speed. The relay is held
in its tripped position by a mechanical latch and
The fuel pump control relay is picked up when
must be reset by pressing the ground relay re-
the engine is started. Pickup of this relay sets
set button on the locomotive control stand.
up circuits that enable immediate engine shut-
Section 8
This relay is energized by AC current during opera- PRA; PARALLEL RELAY AUXILIARY
tion. In the event that the D14 alternator fails or auxil-
iary AC power is otherwise lost, NVR drops out. This This relay is used to set up time delay circuits to pre-
sets up circuits to sound the alarm, restrict the en- vent transition cycling. It is also used to set up the
gine to idle speed, and start the turbocharger auxil- wheel overspeed correction circuit.
iary lube oil pump motor. The turbocharger auxiliary RCP, RATE CONTROL PANEL, Fig. 8-14
pump light and the no power light will come on.
This solid state electronic device controls the rate at
CAUTION: The NVR relay is equipped with a locking which changes in power are made. Refer to
mechanism to hold the relay in a picked
up position. Failure to release this lock-
ing mechanism after locomotive test can
result in serious turbocharger damage.
Section 8
Section 8
with the exception of a starting relay it uses no mov- Calibrates ELR pickup. The magnetic field set up by
ing parts. low voltage control current from "R" to "L" in the ELR
coil opposes the magnetic field set up by the current
It is often desirable to change auxiliary generator flow in cables through the relay frame.
voltage in order to change the charging rate at the
locomotive batteries. It is however, necessary to HEAVY DUTY SWITCHGEAR
maintain a stable reference voltage at the locomotive
excitation and power control circuits. For these rea- The switchgear mounted at the lower portion of the
sons the voltage regulator is provided with a rheostat electrical cabinet generally operates in the high volt-
that may be turned to adjust generator voltage be- age, high current circuits. Other devices in the same
tween 72 and 76 volts while a stable 72 volt refer- general area are concerned with generator excita-
ence is maintained at the terminal marked 72V REF. tion, with engine starting, and with current and volt-
age sensing.
During dynamic braking this power contactor is con-
nected in series with the traction motor fields and the
These switches are located at the electrical cabinet main generator. It has high current interrupting ca-
cross member that is located at the base of the main pability, and during transfer from
control panel access doors. The switches isolate the
transition relays from the high voltage circuits and
make use of low voltage control current to operate
the transition relays.
Limits the current flow through FTR coils J-K and L-
M during manual transition sequence test.
Limits the current flow through BTR coils J-K and L-
M during manual transition sequence test.
Calibrates ELR dropout. This resistor is preset at the
Fig. 8-18 – Power Contactor
Section 14
braking to power operation will always open before B32, B42, B51, B65, BRAKE TRANSFER SWITCH-
the dynamic braking transfer switches which have GEAR, Fig. 8-20
only low current interrupting capability. Construction
of the "B" contactor is the same as the parallel "P" These transfer switches are energized during dy-
and series "S" contactors. namic braking to connect traction motor fields in a
series circuit with the main generator and to connect
BPS, BRAKE PROGRAM SWITCH, Fig. 8-19 traction motor armatures with braking resistor grids.
During operation under power the switches are de-
The extended range dynamic brake utilizes nine val- energized and operate to connect motor fields in se-
ues of braking grid resistance to obtain optimum ries with their respective motor armatures.
braking strength between speeds of approximately
23 MPH and 6 MPH. These values are obtained by
shorting out various braking resistors. Circuits to op-
erate the shorting contactors are established by a
multiple pole, nine position cam switch called a brake
program switch.
Section 8
ELR, EXCITATION LIMIT RELAY excitation circuit, and acts to increase FCT primary
windings, thereby increasing FCT sensitivity during
This through-cable relay senses generator field cur- braking.
rent and operates to prevent excessive excitation of
the main generator. Excessive excitation may result GS, ENGINE CRANKING CONTACTOR
from a transient condition related to timing of forward
transition steps or it may indicate an electrical fault When the fuel prime - engine start switch is placed in
that would result in excessive current from the main the ENGINE START position, the GS contactor
generator. closes to apply battery power to starting solenoids
that are part of the cranking motor assembly. The
Pickup of ELR energizes the excitation limit delay solenoids drive the cranking motor pinions in to
relay ELD. Immediate response contacts of ELD mesh with the starting ring gear. When the pinions
close to modulate power through action of the rate are meshed, solenoid operated contacts close to en-
control panel RCP. If the fault persists, one set of ergize an auxiliary cranking contactor GSA, which
time delay contacts of ELD operate to drop out the applies battery power to the cranking motors.
generator field relay GF. Another set of ELD time
delay contacts keeps ELD energized until the throttle GSX, ENGINE STARTING AUXILIARY CONTAC-
is returned to idle position. TOR
FTR, FORWARD TRANSITION RELAY As a special extra, the locomotive may be provided
with equipment for reduced voltage initial cranking.
Sixty percent of total generator current in a bus that On such locomotives, a dropping resistance is in-
passes through the relay frame operates the forward serted between the battery and the cranking motors
transition relay. Generator voltage applied to two for the first few seconds of cranking (timed for about
coils that are part of the relay works to oppose the one revolution of the engine). The reduced voltage to
current pickup; therefore, the relay will operate on the cranking motors prevents the motors from build-
low current when voltage is low and on high current ing up momentum, and should a hydraulically locked
when voltage is high. cylinder be encountered, the craning motors will stall.
After a few seconds, GSX picks up to short out the
Pickup of FTR initiates transition from series-parallel resistance between the battery and the motors, and
to parallel motor connections. full cranking power is applied. However, this power,
when applied to an engine with a locked cylinder will
CAUTION: It is necessary to remove magnetic tie
not cause any damage.
bars from the back of the relay in order
to position the relay on the main genera- M36, MOTOR CURRENT TRANSFER SWITCH
tor bus. Non-magnetic shims are pinned
to the tie bars. The tie bars must not be This electro-magnetic switch is energized during
interchanged between transition relays, power operation to connect the No. 3 and 6 motor
and the shims must be positioned armatures to their respective fields. When the switch
against the magent core. is de-energized, it connects the No. 3 and 6 motor
armatures to braking resistor grids.
This contactor connects the D14 alternator to the
silicon controlled rectifier when circuits are set for This voltage sensitive relay is connected in a bridge
operation under power or in dynamic brake. circuit with dynamic braking grids and traction mo-
tors. If a dynamic braking grid or cable burns open,
GFA, GENERATOR FIELD high voltage appears across the relay operating coil
AUXILIARY CONTACTOR and the relay picks up. As it picks up it energizes the
latching relay OCL and it also releases its own latch.
This auxiliary contactor is energized during operation
Interlock of both OCP and OCL operate to drop out
under power and de-energized during dynamic brak-
the "B" power contactor, which in turn drops out the
ing. During braking it nullifies one set of GF contacts
generator field contactor GF. As generator excitation
and allows only single phase AC to be directed to the
decays and voltage falls off, OCP drops out, but OCL
silicon controlled rectifier for generator field excita-
is held latched.
tion. It also inserts limiting resistance in the AR10
Section 8
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6; POWER CONTACTORS, consist of coils wound on gapless iron cores. Ca-
Fig. 8-18 bles that carry braking current pass through the
cores. The transductor coils are connected in se-
These electro-magnetic contactors are energized ries with transformers T6 and T7 and with the al-
and closed to connect all of the traction motors in ternator. The strength of dynamic braking current
full parallel with the main generator. Auxiliary con- controls the impedance of the BCT coils; and the
tacts of these contactors perform various func- output of transformers T6 and T7, which are con-
tions in the control circuits. nected in series with the brake current transduc-
RVF1, RVF2, RVF3; REVERSER SWITCHGEAR tors, is proportional to braking current. The output
FORWARD, Fig. 8-20 of T6 and T7 is directed to the dynamic brake
control devices that cause the brake program
These electro-magnetic switches control the di- switch to respond to given values of braking cur-
rection of current flow through the traction motor rent.
fields and thus control their direction of rotation.
The forward reversing switches are energized CR-BC BATTERY CHARING RECTIFIER
when the reverse lever on the locomotive con- The battery charging rectifier consists of a pair of
troller is placed in the forward position. They are heat sink mounted silicon diodes in parallel with a
energized by local control power through action of selenium suppression rectifier that protects the
the forward relay FOR. silicon diodes from high voltage spikes. The recti-
RVR4, RVR5, RVR6; REVERSER SWITCHGEAR, fier prevents battery. current from flowing through
REVERSE, Fig. 8-20 the windings of the auxiliary generator and D14
alternator when the diesel engine is stopped.
These reversing switches are energized when the
reverse lever on the locomotive controller is FCT, FIELD CURRENT TRANSDUCTOR
placed in the reverse position. They are energized At normal operating range of the SD40 loco-
by local control power through action of the re- motive, generator field excitation current is essen-
verse relay, R E R . tially proportional to AR10 main generator DC cur-
S14, S25, S36; POWER CONTACTORS, Fig. 8- rent output. The field current transductor therefore
18 is able to sense field current and send to the lo-
comotive power control system a signal that is
These electro-magnetic contactors are energized proportional to main generator output. The signal
and closed to connect the traction motors in se- is controlled at a proper range by AR10 DC volts
ries-parallel with the main generator during opera- in transductor windings, and it is calibrated by a
tion under power. During dynamic braking these transformer using D14 current.
contactors close to connect traction motor arma-
tures to braking resistor grids. Auxiliary contacts GFD, GENERATOR FIELD DECAY CONTACTOR
of these contactors perform various functions in Pickup of the ground relay GR drops the feed to
the control circuits. GFD. Drop out of GFD drops the feed to the gen-
erator field contactor GF and inserts resistance in
series with the main generator field to increase
AC power from the D14 alternator is rectified and the rate of decay of the field.
applied to the main generator in controlled
amounts by this rectifier assembly. A triggering
device in the power control system signals the
amount of power that SCR sends to the generator The cranking motor assemblies are equipped with
field. heavy duty contact tips that make contact when
the starting solenoid has operated to engage the
HIGH VOLTAGE CABINET, cranking motor pinion with the starting gear. Such
AIR COMPARTMENT SIDE, Fig. 8-21 contacts are normally used to carry current to the
cranking motors; however, to ensure reliability of
the cranking devices, the locomotive uses the so-
lenoid operated contacts to pilot a still heavier
On locomotives equipped with extended range
dynamic brakes, the brake current transductors
Section 8
Section 8
duty auxiliary contactor GSA. Use of this auxiliary cables leading to the motors is equal in all cables.
starting contactor also ensures engagement of But when a pair of wheels slips, the traction motor
each of the paired cranking motor pinions before that they are geared to rotates at a greater rate,
power is applied to the cranking motors. and current in the cable to that motor differs from
that in the cables to normally rotating motors. This
RE-BC, BATTERY CHARGING RESISTOR current differential and the resulting magnetic flux
around the cables is sensed by the wheel slip
This limiting resistor is installed to protect the transductors. The transductors send a signal to
auxiliary generator and battery charging circuit the wheel slip control devices.
against high currents in the event that the battery
has a very low charge. RESISTOR PANEL, Fig. 8-22
T1, FEEDBACK SIGNAL TRANSFORMER This panel is located at the back of the electrical
cabinet and adjacent to the outside air intake to
Field current transductor FCT senses main gen- provide ample cooling of the following heavy duty
erator excitation current and main generator DC equipment.
voltage. It varies the impedance of coils that are
part of the transductor assembly. AC voltage from CA11, ANTICIPATION CAPACITOR, BRAKE
the D14 alternator is applied to FCT coils, and an REGULATION
AC signal proportional to generator output results.
Transformer T1 transforms this signal to a usable Current to charge the capacitor will flow in the
value. operating coil of DBR before zener diode Z1 ref-
erence voltage is exceeded at the center tap of
WST16, WST24, WST35; WHEEL SLIP TRANS- RH10. This means that DBR will operate if dy-
DUCTORS namic braking current is rapidly approaching the
700 ampere regulating point as determined by Z1
When all traction motors on a locomotive are ro- and the RH10 setting. The anticipation effect re-
tating at the same rate, current flow in the sults in stable DBR function with little or no over-
Section 8
When the controlled rectifier SCR is turned on this Calibrates high voltage pickup and dropout of back-
capacitor in conjunction with RE 13 suppresses the ward transition relay BTR.
voltage spike that occurs when the "freewheeling"
diode around the AR10 field is turned off. RE17
CA20, OVERVOLTAGE TIME DELAY CAPACITOR Calibrates high voltage pickup and dropout of for-
ward transition relay FTR.
This capacitor delays pick up of the OVR relay to
prevent pickup from high voltage transients. CR17 RE18, RE20
This rectifier is connected as a discharge rectifier
around the D14 field to stabilize D14 output. RE1 Calibrates high voltage bias applied to the high volt-
Provides limiting resistance between the SCR as- age bias winding of FCT.
sembly and the AR10 field during dynamic braking.
This is done to obtain improved control of the low RE19
field current required during dynamic braking.
Calibrates pickup of the overvoltage relay OVR.
Provides loading to establish the proper range for the
voltage regulator rheostat. Part of wheel slip detection bridge circuits.
Calibrates pick up of open circuit protection relay
Provide limiting resistance in the circuits for the OCP.
ground relay.
RE4, RE5
The AC cabinet, Fig. 8-23, is located on the equip-
Part of the wheel slip detection bridge circuits. ment rack in the engine room. It houses electrical
Section 8
contactors used to control the AC motor driven cool- compressor control switch in the individual unit or to
ing fans, and it also contains relays used for control the compressor control switch in each or any unit of
of air compressor loading and unloading, for control a consist.
of automatic air filter strainer drains, and for fuel
AC1, AC2, AC3; FAN CONTACTORS When the No. 2 cooling fan begins to operate, inter-
locks of the cooling fan contactor pick up to energize
The fan contactors operate radiator cooling fans and the shutter magnet valve and compressed air is ad-
the radiator shutters. Temperature switches located mitted to shutter operating pistons.
in a water manifold control operation of the fan con-
CCS, COMPRESSOR CONTROL SWITCH This device is applied on special order to time the
operation of the automatic drain valves in the com-
The compressor control switch senses main reser- pressed air system of the locomotive. With the sys-
voir pressure. It trips to energize the compressor re- tem, automatic drain valve blowdown occurs at ap-
lay in all units of a consist when main reservoir in proximately 3 minute intervals regardless of locomo-
any one unit falls below the desired pressure. On tive circumstances (operation, standby, or shutdown)
special order a second sensing device can be in- as long as the control circuits are energized.
cluded in the compressor control switch. This device
will de-energize the compressor relay in any individ- DYNAMIC BRAKE HATCH
ual unit if main reservoir pressure in that unit ap-
proaches the safety valve setting of that unit. D1 THROUGH D6, GRID SHORTING CONTAC-
An additional function of the compressor control TORS, Fig. 8-24
switch is the pickup (through compressor relay CR
contacts) of magnet valves at main and auxiliary On the locomotives equipped with extended range
strainer drains. The strainer drains will blow free for a dynamic brakes all braking resistor grids and all trac-
moment whenever the magnet valves are energized tion motor armatures are connected in a single se-
or de-energized. ries loop during dynamic braking. The power contac-
tors D1 through D6 close single and in combination
CR, CRL; COMPRESSOR RELAYS to short out increasingly large increments of the
braking resistor grids as locomotive speed de-
On units equipped with synchronization of all com- creases. The contactors act to reduce total resis-
pressors in a consist, the compressor relays in all tance of the grids and allow current flow through the
units of the consist are energized when the main air grids to remain at a high level even though voltage
reservoir pressure in any unit falls below a preset from the motors decreases as train speed drops.
level. The compressor relays in the individual units
will remain energized until all reservoir pressures
build up to the normal level. FPC,
Section 8
Plastic sealing compound and liquid neoprene are used to seal electrical cabinets and gen-
erator pit area from external dirt and water, and to seal pressurized areas.