Mayergoyz 1998
Mayergoyz 1998
Mayergoyz 1998
4, JULY 1998
I.D. Mayergoyz
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
By taking into account that @, = BmA,the last formula By comparing formulas (13) and (17), we conclude that:
can be written in the form: -1 -1in -1in
P =P, +P,.
It is important to stress that in the previous derivations
we have not used any assumptions concerning magnetic
Non., we shall evaluate eddy current losses for the case properties of the conducting lamination. This means that,
when the magnetic flux den_sity is linearly polarized along under the “uniformity” assumption, exact equalities (14)
the y-axis, that is when B ( t ) = e‘,B,coswt. For this and (18) are valid for magnetically nonlinear isotropic as
case. the electric field has only z-component, which is given well as anisotropic laminations with (and without) hystere-
by formula ( 5 ) . By using this formula, we arrive at the sis.
following expression for the instantaneous power losses: Next, we shall depart from the “uniformity” assump-
tion and shall try t o evaluate rotating eddy current losses
plin(z,t ) = aw2B%z2cos2 w t , (11) for nonuniform distributions of the magnetic flux density
over the lamination cross-section. We shall base our anal-
which leads to the following expression for average eddy ysis on exact analytical solutions obtained in paper [4] for
current power losses: the case of circular polarizations of the magnetic field and
magnetically nonlinear isotropic media with the constitu-
1 tive relation H = ( f ) n ,where n is usually larger than ten.
jj””(z) = -aw2Biz2. (12)
2 For the case of magnetic conducting laminations. these so-
lutions can be written as follows:
By integrating the last expression with respect t o z , we
-+ + zo.
easily derive the following formula for the power losses per H , (1 - + ) a , if-+ 5 z I
5 5+
unit surface area:
&(z) = 0, if-+ + zo z - zo,
P =a&--
H, (A;”)a
1-1- , if+-zo<zi+,
24 .
By comparing formulas (10) and (13), we find: -jH, (1 - * “0
)a, if-$ 5 z 5 -$ + Z O ,
I;Ty(z)= 0, i f - + + z o < z < TA - z o
case of elliptical golarizations of the magnetic flux density, where exponent a and pentration depth zo are given by
that is when: B ( t ) = Z,,B,,sinwt +
Z,,B,,coswt. By the expressions:
using the same line of reasoning as before, it can be shown
that in the case of elliptical polarizations formulas ( 5 ) and
(6) are still valid with the replacement of B, by B,, and
B,,, respectively. This means that we have the following
zo =
[2n(n 1)(3n l)’]+ +
expressions for the peak values of E,(z, t ) and Ey(z, t): J=iG(n - 1) ’
p,=kH; . (23)
By using the last two expressions, the local eddy current Formulas (19) and (20) are valid for zo 5 First, let us e.
losses can be evaluated as follows: consider the case when we have strict inequality 20 <
To compute the eddy current losses per unit surface area
1 1
p”’(z)= ;a(E;, + EL,) = -ow2(B;,
+ B;,)z2. (16) --sir
P , we shall use the notion of surface impedance 7 . which
leads t o the formula:
By integrating the last expression with respect t o z and -cir
by using the same transformations as before, we arrive at P = 2HkRe(q). (24)
the following formula for the eddy current losses per unit
From analytical solutions (19) and (20), we can easily de-
surface area in the case of elliptical polarizations:
rive the following expression for the surface impedance:
By substituting (25) into (24) and taking into account for- By substituting formulas (25) and (29) into (24), we arrive
mulas (21) and (22), we arrive at the following result: at:
By taking into account expressions (32) and (21), we de-
In the above formula, rotational eddy current losses axe n-1
expressed in terms of the magnetic field peak value at the (34)
lamination boundary. In applications, it is desirable to ex-
press eddy current losses in terms of the total flux through
For sufficiently large n we have ei M and the last
formula assumes the form:
the lamination. This can be done by using the following
relation between the peak value @m of the total flux and
H, :