Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Maxwell’s Equations
It’s OK only
J for steady current.
(Charge conservation law)
J t ( Continuity equation)
J 0 For steady current
For nonsteady currents,
The conflict arises only when charge is piling up somewhere (in this case, on the capacitor
For nonsteady currents, "the current enclosed by a loop" is an ill-defined notion,
since it depends entirely on what surface you use.
J 0 0
J J 0
( B) µo E
J t 0 The inconsistency in Ampere’s law is now cured.
B 0 E
B 0 J 0 0 t
How Maxwell Fixed Ampere's Law
Maxwell: E
J J 0
J d 0 E Displacement current
Amperian surface
The electric field between the capacitor plates Amperian surface (S1)
is (S2)
B 0 J 0 0 t
2.3 Maxwell's Equations
(Note again, the continuity equation, can be derived from Maxwell’s equations.)
Maxwell's Equations
It may logically be preferable to write with the sources ( and J) on the right.
Maxwell's equations tell you how (static or dynamic) charges produce fields.
The force law tells you how fields affect charges.
2.4 Magnetic Charge
There is a pleasing symmetry about Maxwell's equations; it is particularly striking
in free space, where ρ and J vanish:
The ρm would represent the density of magnetic "charge," and ρe the density
of electric charge; Jm would be the current of magnetic charge, and Je the
current of electric charge. Both charges would be conserved
The former follows by application of the divergence to (iii), the latter by taking
the divergence of (iv).
As far as we know, ρm is zero everywhere, and so is Jm; B is not on equal
footing with E:stationary sources for E (electric charges) but none for B. (This
is reflected in the fact that magnetic multipole expansions have no monopole
term, and magnetic dipoles consist of current loops, not separated north and
south "poles.")
In the quantum theory of electrodynamics, by the way, it's a more than merely
aesthetic shame that magnetic charge does not seem to exist.
Example: Assuming that "Coulomb's law" for magnetic charges (qm) reads
work out the force law for a monopole qm moving with velocity v through
electric and magnetic fields E and B
2.5 Maxwell's Equations in Matter
For inside polarized matter there will be accumulations of "bound" charge and
current over which you exert no direct control.
It would be nice to reformulate Maxwell's equations in such a way as to make
explicit reference only to those sources we control directly: the "free" charges
and currents.
From the static case, that an electric polarization P produces a bound charge
consider in the nonstatic case: Any change in the electric polarization involves
a flow of (bound) charge (call it Jp), which must be included in the total
For suppose we examine a tiny chunk of
polarized material as seen in figure
The polarization introduces a charge density at one end and at the
other. If P now increases a bit, the charge on each end increases accordingly.
giving a net current
If P points to the right and is increasing, then each plus charge moves a bit to
the right and each minus charge to the left; the cumulative effect is the
polarization current Jp
The polarization of current is consistent with the continuity equation:
Therefore the total charge density can be separated into two parts:
where, as before
Where and
Applying (i) to a tiny, wafer-thin Gaussian pillbox extending just slightly into the
material on either side of the boundary
we obtain
That is, the components of E parallel to the interface are continuous across the
boundary. By the same token, (iv) implies
where Ifenc is the free
current passing through the Amperian loop.
In fact. If is a unit vector perpendicular to the interface (pointing from 2 toward
I), so that is normal to the Amperian loop, then