➢ The purpose of cell division is to heal wounds, replace damaged cells, and help tissues
and organs grow.
➢ Normal cells are programmed to divide a certain number of times— usually 60– 70—
and then they die.
➢ Cancer cells do not obey these life-span limits, instead they are immortal .
➢ This is because cancer cells can activate a gene that is usually turned off after early
➢ This gene produces an enzyme called telomerase . This enzyme, only active early in
development and in cancer cells, allows cells to divide without limit. Cells with active
telomerase enzyme are immortal.
Apoptosis is needed to destroy cells
Examples: Cells infected with viruses Cells of the immune system Cells with DNA damage
Cancer cells
suppressor genes
Oncogenes are currently a major molecular target for anti-cancer drug design.
Example: Gleevec targets bcr-abl
20 Copies of p53 keeps cancer away!!