CBYDP-2024 (AutoRecovered)

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Republic of the Philippines

City Government of Davao

Brgy. Cadalian, Baguio District, Davao City


Year: 2023-2025

Region : XI______

Province/ City: DAVAO CITY_

Municipality: _______________

Barangay : CADALIAN_

PYDP LYDP Issues and Objective/s Activity Location Schedule Lead Budget Remarks
Objective/Area/ Objective/ Concerns Committee and
Agenda area/ Person
Agenda Responsible
1.1 To ensure youth The lack To educate the Anti-Drug Cadalian, January- SK Council, 50,000
participation in involvement of the youth to prohibit Symposium Baguio District December Brgy. Council,
healthy living and --- youth to the effects using illegal drug. Davao City 2023-2025 BADAC, PNP,
prevention of drug of illegal drugs. PDEA
1.2 To strengthen The ignorance of the To educate the Reproductive Cadalian, January- SK Council,Brgy. 50,000
youth participation --- youth on sex youth about Health and sex Baguio District December Council,CHO,
in responsible education and comprehensive education Davao City 2023-2025 DOH, FPOP
health. reproductive health sex education and Symposium

--- The alarming To be able to To conduct Cadalian, January- SK Council,Brgy. 50,000

increase of early educate the youth prevention of Baguio District December Council,CHO,
pregnancy rate about the negative early Davao City 2023-2025 DOH
effects of early pregnancy
pregnancy. symposium.

1.3 To address The stigma of the To be able to To conduct a Cadalian, January- SK Council,Brgy. 50,000
psychosocial youth on mental educate the youth psychosocial Baguio District December Council,CHO,
concern. health and seeking about the danger symposium or Davao City 2023-2025 DOH
professional help. of depression, that anti depression
it may cause them seminar.
to commit suicide.

1.4 To address and The increasing To be able to AIDS and HIV Cadalian, January- SK Council,Brgy. 50,000
mitigate youth --- number of youths decrease the symposium and Baguio District December Council,CHO,
participation in who are having increasing rate of testing Davao City 2023-2025 DOH
sexual risk-taking AIDS and HIV HIV and AIDS
behavior. positive positive.

--- The lack of access To be able to Project Cadalian, January- SK Council,Brgy. 50, 000
1.5 To empower of menstrual empower women PERIOD: Baguio District December Council,CHO,
women by creating hygiene in to take charge of Creating a safe Davao City 2023-2025 DOH
a safe space. marginalized area their menstruation Space for
and the stigma and and break down Women
taboos regarding taboos and stigma.
2.1 To increase and Lack of materials To participate and Assistance to Cadalian, May-June SK Council, 80,000
improve youth --- during brigada assistance to the Brigada Baguio District 2023-2025 Brgy. Council
participation in eskwela success of brigada Eskwela Davao City
education. eskwela.

2.2 To improve Lack of Material for For conducive Establishment Cadalian, January-June SK Council, 20,000
educational --- the (Cadalian High learning of Learning Baguio District 2023-2025 Brgy. Council
performance and School) environment of Hub Davao City
quality. Learning Hub the Cadalian

2.3 To improve Lack of educational Purchase and Cadalian, January- SK Council, 80,000
educational --- materials of the less To be able to distribution of Baguio District December Brgy. Council
performance and fortunate students distribute an educational Davao City 2023-2025
quality. educational materials for
material for less less fortunate
fortunate students learners.

EMPOWERMEN The youths’ lack of To impart Livelihood Cadalian, January- SK Council, 50,000
TS: --- knowledge in having knowledge and program Baguio District December Brgy. Council,
3.1 To promote a livelihood activity. give additional Davao City 2023-2025 JCTC
youth participation income to the
in entrepreneurial youth.

3.2 To optimize --- Lack of income To promote “Magnegosyo Cadalian, January- SK Council, 50,000
youth participation sources of the out of economic ta Kabatan- Baguio District December Brgy. Council,
in the labor force. school and in school empowerment to onan” Davao City 2023-2025 JCTC
youth the youth
4 SOCIAL The lack of To develop the Sports Cadalian, March SK Council, 150,000
INCLUSION communication communication development Baguio District 2023-2025 Brgy. Council
AND EQUITY: skills of the youth skills and activity Davao City
4.1 To promote the and the desire to be sportsmanship of
prosocial --- in sports the youth, and to
participation of the fulfill their desire
youth with specific to be in sports.

4.2 To promote --- Dying language of To revive the PAGBUHI Cadalian, January- SK Council, 50,000
cultural the Bagobo people. dying language of FOUNDATIO Baguio District December Brgy. Council
preservation of the the Bagobo N Davao City 2023-2025
Indigenous people. people.

4.3 To maximize --- The least To increase the Special Cadalian, January- SK council, 40,000
the participation of participation of participation of assistance for Baguio District December Brgy. Council,
youth with youth with disability youth with youth with Davao City 2023-2025
disability. disability. disability needs

BUILDING AND The least To be able to Kabataan Para Cadalian, January- Sk Council, 90,000
SECURITY: participation of the encourage the sa Kaayosan ng Baguio District December Brgy.Council
5.1 Strengthen youth in maintaining youth to Lipunan Davao City 2023-2025
youth participation --- peace and order. participate in
in promoting peace maintaining peace
and order. and order.

5.2 Promote the --- The increasing To decrease the Balik Loob Cadalian, January- Sk Council, 90,000
prosocial incidents of crimes number of youths Programs Baguio District December Brgy.Council
participation of that has youth who are involve in Davao City 2023-2025
youth offenders, involvement crimes
delinquent youth,
and youth conflict
with the law.
6.1 To ensure Skills of SK To enhance Attendance to Davao City, or January- DILG, SK 200,000
universal --- Officials leadership skills the conduct of National December council
participation in the and to have 100% the mandatory 2023-2025
Sangguniang attendance of SK SK training/
Kabataan (SK) Council seminar and

CITIZENSHIP Least participation The youth will Linggo ng Cadalian, January- SK Council, 150,000
7.1To strengthen of the youth in exercise their Kabataan Baguio District December Brgy. Council
youth participation: showcasing their rights as a citizen Davao City 2023-2025
accreditation, --- capabilities, and and will showcase
assistance, and their rights as a the capabilities
awareness. citizen. and talents.

7.2 To strengthen
enabling The youths’ least To promote KK Assembly Cadalian, January- SK Council, 100,000
mechanisms for --- participation and transparency and Baguio District December Brgy. Council
youth organization involvement to good good governance Davao City 2023-2025
and participation: governance of SK Council
assistance and
Creation of Movable To be able to have Creation of Cadalian, January- BAC, Sk 150,000
Stage presentable stage Movable Stage Baguio District December Council, Brgy.
area. Davao City 2023-2025 Council

The unstable board To install a fiber Installation of Cadalian, January- BAC, SK 70,000
of Purok 9 gym board for Purok 9 fiber board at Baguio District December Council, Brgy.
Court Purok 9 Court Davao City 2023-2025 Council

To promote youth --- The lack of To promote the Socio_Cultural Cadalian, April 2023- Sk Council and 100,000
participation representation of culture of the Activity Araw Baguio District 2025 Barangay
through teamwork, Culture heritage and Barangay ng Cadalian Davao City Council
community resources Cadalian
inclusivity, and
social cohesion
across diverse
ENVIRONMENT --- The very alarming To be able to Climate Cadalian, January- DENR, SK 100,000
8.1 With active change of the mitigate climate Change Baguio District December Council, Brgy.
citizenship; climate change. Adaptation Davao City 2023-2025 Council
strengthen youth Activity
participation in
To encourage the PAKIGBISOG: Cadalian, January- SK council, 100,000
8.3 With active --- The people are not youth to do Building Baguio District December Brgy. Council,
citizenship; ready to disasters. disaster proactive Resilient Davao City 2023-2025 DRRMC
strengthen youth activities. Communities
participation in

8.4 Promote --- The improper To promote Basura mo, Cadalian, January- SK Council 50,000
environmental segregation of waste environmental Bigas ko Baguio District December
sustainability and sustainability and Davao City 2023-2025
reduce poverty by reduce poverty by
encouraging encouraging
community community
involvement and involvement and
solving ecological solving ecological
and food security and food security
issues. issues.
9.1 With economic Lack of participation To be able to SK Davao City, January- SK Council 150,000
empowerment; --- of the youth in cross participate in cross Participation in National or December
Support youth border economic border economic economic cross International 2023-2025
participation in activities activities. border
cross border activities
economic activities
PROGRAMS Lack of support and To be able to Gulayan Sa Cadalian, January- SK Council,
access to trainings promote youth Kabataan Baguio District December JTCC, Golden
10.1 Promoting and services for that embrace Davao City 2023-2025 Farmers
sustainable food youth farmers. agriculture.
practices and also
providing hands-
on learning
opportunities for
the youth.
10.2 Promote
activities through

Prepared by: Approved by: Noted by:


SK Secretary SK Chairperson Punong Barangay

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