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Daily Lesson School Grade level VI

Log Teacher Learning Area English

Date & Time Week 7 Day 2 Quarter 3rd

A .Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/
Infer meaning of content specific terms using
-context clues
Write the LC code for each
-affixes and roots
EN6V-IIIg-12.3.3, EN6V-IIIg-, EN6V-IIIg-
Infering meaning of content specific terms using
II. CONTENT -context clues
-affixes and roots
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Reading for Meaning 5 pp.65-73
4Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, chart

If you belong to a family that plays favoritism, what The teacher uses a range of
would you feel? Why would you feel that way? teaching strategies that
enhance learners
A. Reviewing previous lesson
achievement in literacy an
or presenting the new lesson
numeracy skills.

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson Are you familiar with the story of “Parable of Division”?
What is your thought regarding the title?
1. What good value have the parents of the two The teacher uses a range of
boys taught them? teaching strategies that
2. To make sure that equitable division is enhance learners
guaranteed, what practice was observed by achievement in literacy an
them? numeracy skills.
C. Presenting examples /
3. Why did the younger brother drink all the
instances of the new lesson
contents of the whole bottle?
4. Would you agree with what the younger/older
brother did? Why?

Have you experienced the same with the two brothers

in the selection?
D. Discussing new concepts What good values we should exercise in case like that?
and practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills # 2 GROUP 1- Use the context clues that follow to choose the
meaning for the italicized word. The teacher manages
1.Words such as prithee, twere, thy, and yore are classroom structure to engage
obsolete and are no longer used today. Obsolete learners individually, or in
means________ groups, in meaningful
A. familiar B. difficult C. no longer used exploration and hands-on
2.The truck made a jolt as it hit the lamppost. activities
A. a slide B. a smooth stop C. sudden
3.”Well, that’s a relief,” the man said. “He’s Okay.”
A. joke B. comfort C. surprise
4.The old man was aloof because he preferred the
wisdom of nature to the opinions of people.
A. isolated B. dissatisfied C. coolly reserved
GROUP 2-Match column A with column B
1.He was unscrupulous when he A. brave
Short-changed the 4-year old boy
Who had bought some candy. B. dishonest
2.The lost child was hysterical as
she tried to find her parents in C. teacher
the crowd.
3.The employees work earnestly
In order. D. delirious
4.The hardest part of an educator
Is being bashed by parents. E .sincerely
5.She was a courageous woman
Who wasn’t afraid of anything.
Many dogs are terrified during thunderstorms. They may
pant and breathe heavily as they run around the room.
Some dogs cannot be calmed, but here are a few ways to
help keep a dog quiet during a storm. Turn on the light to The teacher plans and
distract the dog from flashes of lightning. Keep the dog manages developmentally
busy. Some dogs like to wait out a storm sitting inside the sequenced teaching and
bathtub or enclosed inside a closet. learning processes to meet
1.In this story, calmed means____________. curriculum requirements and
A. got excited B. fell asleep C. made quiet and still varied teaching contexts.
2.In this story, the word distract means__________.
A. put in a closet B. take attention C. draw attention to
3.The web shows context clues for the word terrified.
Which word best fits the web?

F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)


A.many dogs B. put in closet C. cannot be calmed

4.The thunder rumbles and lightning flashes during
A.glance B.auster C.severe
5. Aunt Myrna’s house has a bathtub inside their
A.drainer B.sprinkler C.Container used in

G. Finding practical application

of concepts and skills in daily

How do you infer meaning of some specific terms or

H. Making generalizations and
unfamiliar words?
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning *Read each paragraph. Use context clues and affixes to The teacher designs, selects,
find the meaning of each underlined word. organizes and uses formative
1. An ostrich is a colossal bird. It is the largest bird in the assessment strategies
world. Male ostriches grow to be about 8 feet and weigh consistent with the curriculum
over 300 pounds. The females are just a little smaller. requirements.
A. color B. size C. shape
2. Most ostriches live in south Africe, but not all ostriches
are wild. People in South Africa raise domestic ostriches.
The ostrich were tamely trained They are raised in a farm
like chicken or turkeys.
A.near to human;not wild
C.savage;close to nature
3.In the wild ostriches live in large groups. They are very
special animals. Several hundred ostriches often join
together and live peacefully.
A.alone; angrily
B.in the wild:fiercely
C.in groups;calmly
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on this formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons __Yes ___No
No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teacher?

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