MCQ-Digital Marketing
MCQ-Digital Marketing
MCQ-Digital Marketing
a. E-mail Marketing
b. Social Media Marketing
c. Web Marketing
d. All of the above
a. TV
b. Billboard
c. Radio
d. All of the above
Explanation: All the given options are totally irrelevant to the concept of digital marketing.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Answer: b) 2
Explanation: There are two main pillars in digital marketing such as online marketing and offline
5) Which of the following is involved in the digital marketing process?
a. RSA
b. Voice Broadcasting
c. Podcasting
d. All of the above
Explanation: Digital marketing includes e-mail marketing, RSS, voice broadcast, fax broadcast,
blogging, podcasting, video streams, wireless text messaging, affiliate marketing, social media
marketing, and instant messaging.
Explanation: All the options explained above are irrelevant in terms of the company's front or
7) What is the name of the process in which marketing is achieved by incorporating tools, techniques,
electronic devices, technologies, or systems?
a. Internet Marketing
b. Direct Marketing
c. Electronic Marketing
d. Interactive Marketing
Explanation: Electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques
via electronic media and, more specifically, the Internet.
9) Which of the following factors are responsible for leaving an impact on the Google PageRank?
Explanation: The total number of inbound links to a website's page impacts the Google Page
Explanation: The correct abbreviation of FFA is Free for All links, where the webpages enable
everyone to submit his/her web site's URL in their own website for free.
Explanation: Grey Hat Techniques is the correct depiction of optimization strategies that are
found in an unknown area of reputability.
Answer: b) Utilizing the same colors of texts as that of your background pages.
Explanation: Utilizing the same colors of texts as that of your background page results in
hampering the search rankings.
13) Which of the following is the correct name for Facebook's ranking algorithm?
a. Face Rank
b. Edge Rank
c. Like Rank
d. Page Rank
Explanation: Facebook utilizes the edge rank algorithm to determine where and what posts are
posted on each individual's newsfeed.
Answer: c) Blogs encompassing limited individual posts, which are typically limited by character
15) Name the features offered by LinkedIn for paid business accounts.
Explanation: LinkedIn eases the paid accounts to connect and send messages to people directly.
16) In what ways can site traffic help in assessing the market value?
a. Overall site traffic can be followed, and a general idea of marketing's impact can be
b. There is no association between the site traffic and marketing
c. Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked
d. Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the marketing
Answer: c) Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked
Explanation: Ads direct their receiver to a specific landing page that is easily traceable to help in
assessing the marketing.
Explanation: Creative marketing can be understood as a marketing strategy that ensures that all
the advertising campaign objectives meet the business requirement.
19) Which of the following doesn't define the correct roles and responsibilities of content marketing
Explanation: In order to derive profitable customer action, content marketing is one such strategic
technique, which is more focused on creating and distributing valuable as well as relevant content
to its users/audiences for appealing and retaining its target audiences.
20) Which of the following practices are not suggested for producing relevant content?
a. For creating notable content recurrently, create hero "content for tent-pole events".
b. For creating valuable content constantly, create a series of scheduled hub" content."
c. For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short,
unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.
d. For creating relevant content consistently, create help" content to answer queries."
Answer: c) For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short,
unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.
Explanation: Producing irrelevant content with little or no added value may have done wonders
for a website before Google's first Panda update in February 2011, but in the current situation, it is
definitely not going to work. It won't rank the low-quality content or shallow pages on Google
21) Which of the following are essentially required to make a business case for content marketing?
Explanation: The business cases built on assessable business results are more valued by the
executives. So, it is necessary to compare the value of Content Marketing with that of other
marketing strategies carried out by competitors.
a. If you know about your target audience's intent, you can easily focus on creating valuable
b. You should compare the value of Content Marketing with that of other marketing
strategies carried out by competitors.
c. Both (a) and (b) are true
d. Both (a) and (b) are false
Explanation: None.
23) Which of the following metric is used for tracking the status of email marketing?
a. Conversion Rate
b. Open Rate
c. Bounce Rate
d. All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The following are some of the essential tools required for tracking the status of email
24) Which of the following features corresponds to the role of the lead nurturing platform?
a. A/B Testing
b. Campaigning
c. Landing Page Creation
d. All of the above
Explanation: All of the above features correspond to the roles of the lead nurturing platform.
25) In the email campaign, __________ delivers the advertisements into the group of targeted customers.
a. Spoofing
b. Indirect email marketing
c. Direct email marketing
d. Spamming
Explanation: Direct email marketing is one such campaign of email marketing that broadcasts the
advertisement directly to its subscribers.
26) What will happen if white space is repeatedly used around the object?
Explanation: Constantly using white space around the object will eventually result in
comprehending the content.
27) __________ plays a vital role in persuading the open rates.
a. Word choice
b. Industry
c. Personalization
d. None of the above
Answer: c) Personalization
Explanation: Personalization is one of the important factors that help in email design and
development. Details such as products, words, and industry, along with the personalization,
increase the effectiveness.
28) Which of the following is the most common delivery channel in terms of mobile marketing?
a. Graphic
b. Text
c. Voice call
d. Search engine marketing
Answer: b) Text
Explanation: Texting is the most common delivery channel for mobile marketers to perform
mobile marketing.
a. Location-based service
b. List-based service
c. Lead-based service
d. None of the above
a. The percentage of times your ad was displayed divided by all possible impressions for that
search term.
b. The percentage of times your ad was displayed when it was eligible to be displayed.
c. The percentage of times your ad was displayed higher than your primary competitor.
d. The percentage of impressions you lost due to a low ad rank.
Answer: c) The percentage of times your ad was displayed higher than your primary competitor.
Explanation: None.
31) In order to assess the maximum revenue generated by an Ad on the app, which of the following
metrics is chosen by the developer?
a. eCPI
b. eCOM
c. eCPA
d. None of the above
Answer: c) eCPA
Explanation: eCPA is used to assess the maximum revenue generated by an Ad on the application.
32) Which of the following options can help monetize a free app?
a. In-App Purchase
b. Ad Revenue
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
Explanation: Both Ad Revenue and In-App Purchase can monetize a free app.
Explanation: The basic formula of pay-per-click is Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#).
Explanation: All of the above options are responsible for a successful PPC advertisement.
35) The correct formula for determining an actual CPC as when an advertisement is clicked can be
mathematically derived as __________.
a. Position * QS
b. Impressions * Clicks
c. Clicks / Impressions
d. QS * Max CPC (bid)
Explanation: Google uses QS * Max CPC (bid) formula for assessing the actual CPC as when an
advertisement gets clicked.
Explanation: Affinity marketing is a process carried out to build a partnership between a company
and an organization, which gathers similar interest people so as to bring a massive consumer base
to the opposition party.
37) In which case the conversion rate optimization results in diminishing returns?
Answer: d) Never
Explanation: One can never expect diminishing returns by the conversion rate.
38) Which of the following correctly defines the main concept behind Conversion Optimization?
a. Rapidly making significant changes to check which one possesses the fastest results
b. Making insignificant incremental changes over time to check which one possesses the best
c. Making numerous changes on your website to check the result
d. Frequently changing the website's layout to see if it appeals to more audience
Answer: b) Making insignificant incremental changes over time to check which one possesses the
best results
Explanation: You can beat your customer's expectations by offering unique services.
a. Authenticate users
b. IP Address
c. User Agent
d. All of the above
Explanation: The user session can be identified with the help of authenticating users, IP address,
and user agent as well.
Explanation: None.
42) Google Analytics can never recognize returning users on mobile apps.
a. True
b. False
c. Can be true or false
d. Not defined
Answer: b) False
Explanation: Google Analytics is a tool provided by Google for analyzing the client or user
behavior on your website.
43) Which of the following option will correctly give the success rate of the latest Facebook post?
Explanation: In terms of Facebook or any other social media platform, reach refers to the total
number of people to which your ad or post has reached. However, engagement is the term that
refers to the total number of people who got engaged on your post.
a. Inbound link
b. Outbound link
c. IFTTT link
d. KPI link
Explanation: The hyperlink refers to an inbound link, which is nothing but a hyperlink present on
the third-party website points to your website's webpage.
Explanation: None.
o More interactive
o Low-risk factor
o Increased product and service exposure to the market
o Easy to collect the data
o Using electronic media has reduced the automation cost
o Universally accessible
a. Tags
b. Title
c. Description
d. All of the above
Explanation: Keywords can be used in the title, in the description, and in tags. While ranking your
videos, crawlers never view or listen to your video; instead, they depend on the keywords present
in the title, description, and tags as they are self-explanatory.
48) How many lines are essentially required to write in the description box of a channel?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1
Answer: a) 5
Explanation: The First 5 lines play an essential role while writing the channel's description as the
initial two lines are shown next to the video in the search bar or when it gets posted on social
media. However, as a whole, the first 5 lines are included, shown below the video and above the
read more tab.
a. Risk on investment
b. Return on income
c. Risk on income
d. Return on investment
Explanation: Return on Investment refers to a profitability ratio that can be affected by the
Invested amount and Return amount.
50) __________ falls under the A/B testing tools.
Explanation: Visual Website optimizer (VWO), Google Content Experiments, and Optimizely are
the most commonly used A/B testing tools.