Module Chapter 3 2023
Module Chapter 3 2023
Module Chapter 3 2023
Economic Analysis
Learning Outcomes
Purpose: Utilize different economic worth techniques to evaluate and select alternatives.
Understand public sector projects and select the best alternative on the basis of incremental
benefit /cost analysis
Identify mutually exclusive and independent projects; define revenue and cost
Select the best of equal-life alternatives using present worth analysis
Select the best of different-life alternatives using present worth analysis
Select the best alternative using future worth analysis
Select the best alternative using an annual worth analysis.
Select the best alternative using capitalized cost (CC) analysis.
Explain some of the fundamental differences between private and public sector projects.
Calculate the benefit/cost ratio and use it to evaluate a single project
Future amount of money converted to its equivalent value now has a present worth (PW) that is
always less than that of the future cash flow, because all P/F factors have a value less than 1.0
for any interest rate greater than zero. For this reason, present worth values are often referred to
as discounted cash flows (DCF) , and the interest rate is referred to as the discount rate. Besides
PW, two other terms frequently used are present value ( PV ) and net present value ( NPV ). Up
to this point, present worth computations have been made for one project or alternative. In this
chapter, techniques for comparing two or more mutually exclusive alternatives by the present
worth method are treated. Two additional applications are covered here—future worth and
capitalized cost. Capitalized costs are used for projects with very long expected lives or long
planning horizons.
Mutually exclusive alternatives: Only one of the proposals can be selected. For terminology
purposes, each viable proposal is called an alternative.
Independent projects: More than one proposal can be selected. Each viable proposal is called a
The do-nothing (DN) proposal is usually understood to be an option when the evaluation is
A parallel can be developed between independent and mutually exclusive evaluation. Assume
there are m independent projects. Zero, one, two, or more may be selected. Since each project
may be in or out of the selected group of projects, there are a total of 2m mutually exclusive
This number includes the DN alternative, as shown in Figure 3–1. For example, if the engineer
has three diesel engine models (A, B, and C) and may select any number of them, there are
23 = 8 alternatives: DN, A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC. Commonly, in real-world applications,
there are restrictions, such as an upper budgetary limit, that eliminate many of the 2 m
Finally, it is important to recognize the nature of the cash flow estimates before starting the
computation of a measure of worth that leads to the final selection. Cash flow estimates
determine whether the alternatives are revenue - or cost-based. All the alternatives or projects
must be of the same type when the economic study is performed. Definitions for these types
Revenue: Each alternative generates cost (cash outflow) and revenue (cash inflow) estimates,
and possibly savings, also considered cash inflows. Revenues can vary for each alternative.
If the alternatives have the same capacities for the same time period (life), the equal-service
requirement is met. Calculate the PW value at the stated MARR for each alternative.
For mutually exclusive (ME) alternatives, whether they are revenue or cost alternatives, the
following guidelines are applied to justify a single project or to select one from several
One alternative: If PW ≥0, the requested MARR is met or exceeded and the alternative is
economically justified.
Two or more alternatives: Select the alternative with the PW that is numerically largest, that
is, less negative or more positive. This indicates a lower PW of cost for cost alternatives or a
larger PW of net cash flows for revenue alternatives.
Note that the guideline to select one alternative with the lowest cost or highest revenue uses the
criterion of numerically largest. This is not the absolute value of the PW amount, because the
sign matters. The selections below correctly apply the guideline for two alternatives A and B.
The independent projects must have positive and negative cash flows to obtain a PW value that
can exceed zero; that is, they must be revenue projects.
All PW analyses require a MARR for use as the i value in the PW relations.
LCM: Compare the PW of alternatives over a period of time equal to the least common
multiple (LCM) of their estimated lives.
Study period: Compare the PW of alternatives using a specified study period of n years.
This approach does not necessarily consider the useful life of an alternative. The study period is
also called the planning horizon.
❶A study period analysis is necessary if the first assumption about the length of time the
alternatives are needed cannot be made. For the study period approach, a time horizon is chosen
over which the economic analysis is conducted, and only those cash flows which occur during
that time period are considered relevant to the analysis. All cash flows occurring beyond the
study period are ignored. An estimated market value at the end of the study period must be made.
The time horizon chosen might be relatively short, especially when short-term business goals are
very important.
❷ It is also useful when the LCM of alternatives yields an unrealistic evaluation period, for
example, 5 and 9 years.
For independent projects , use of the LCM approach is unnecessary since each project is
compared to the do-nothing alternative, not to each other, and satisfying the equal-service
Example: The Examples given in the class illustrates the use of FW analysis.
When all cash fl ow estimates are converted to an AW value, this value applies for every year of
the life cycle and for each additional life cycle.
The annual worth method offers a prime computational and interpretation advantage because the
AW value needs to be calculated for only one life cycle. The AW value determined over one life
cycle is the AW for all future life cycles. Therefore, it is not necessary to use the LCM of lives
to satisfy the equal-service requirement.
As with the PW method, there are three fundamental assumptions of the AW method that should
be understood. When alternatives being compared have different lives, the AW method makes
the assumptions that
1. The services provided are needed for at least the LCM of the lives of the alternatives.
2. The selected alternative will be repeated for succeeding life cycles in exactly the same manner
as for the first life cycle.
3. All cash flows will have the same estimated values in every life cycle.
The annual worth method is typically the easiest to apply of the evaluation techniques when the
MARR is specified. The AW is calculated over the respective life of each alternative, and the
selection guidelines are the same as those used for the PW method. For mutually exclusive
alternatives, whether cost- or revenue-based, the guidelines are as follows:
One alternative: If AW ≥ 0, the requested MARR is met or exceeded and the alternative is
economically justified.
Two or more alternatives: Select the alternative with the AW that is numerically largest, that
is, less negative or more positive. This indicates a lower AW of cost for cost alternatives or a
larger AW of net cash flows for revenue alternatives.
If any of the three assumptions in Section 3.3 is not acceptable for an alternative, a study period
analysis must be used. Then the cash flow estimates over the study period are converted to AW
If the projects are independent, the AW at the MARR is calculated. All projects with AW≥0 are
Evaluation of public sector projects, such as flood control dams, irrigation canals, bridges, or
other large-scale projects, requires the comparison of alternatives that have such long lives that
they may be considered infinite in economic analysis terms. For this type of analysis, the annual
worth (and capital recovery amount) of the initial investment is the perpetual annual interest on
the initial investment, that is, A = Pi = (CC) i.
Cash flows recurring at regular or irregular intervals are handled exactly as in conventional AW
computations; convert them to equivalent uniform annual amounts A for one cycle. This
automatically annualizes them for each succeeding life cycle.
The formula to calculate CC is derived from the PW relation P=A ( P/A , i %, n ), where n = ∞
time periods. Take the equation for P using the P/A factor and divide the numerator and
denominator by (1 / i )n to obtain
As n approaches ∞, the bracketed term becomes 1/i . We replace the symbols P and PW with CC
as a reminder that this is capitalized cost equivalence. Since the A value can also be termed AW
for annual worth, the capitalized cost formula is simply
Solving for A or AW, the amount of new money that is generated each year by a capitalization of
an amount CC is
AW = CC (i) Equation 3.2
This is the same as the calculation A=P ( i) for an infinite number of time periods. Equation [3.2]
can be explained by considering the time value of money. If $20,000 is invested now (this is the
capitalization) at 10% per year, the maximum amount of money that can be withdrawn at the end
of every year for eternity is $2000, which is the interest accumulated each year. This leaves the
original $20,000 to earn interest so that another $2000 will be accumulated the next year.
The cash flows (costs, revenues, and savings) in a capitalized cost calculation are usually of two
types: recurring, also called periodic, and nonrecurring. An annual operating cost of $50,000
and a rework cost estimated at $40,000 every 12 years are examples of recurring cash flows.
Examples of nonrecurring cash flows are the initial investment amount in year 0 and one-time
cash flow estimates at future times, for example, $500,000 in fees 2 years hence.
The procedure to determine the CC for an infinite sequence of cash flows is as follows:
1. Draw a cash flow diagram showing all nonrecurring (one-time) cash flows and at least two
cycles of all recurring (periodic) cash flows.
2. Find the present worth of all nonrecurring amounts. This is their CC value.
3. Find the A value through one life cycle of all recurring amounts. (This is the same value in all
succeeding life cycles. Add this to all other uniform amounts (A) occurring in years 1 through
infinity. The result is the total equivalent uniform annual worth (AW).
4. Divide the AW obtained in step 3 by the interest rate i to obtain a CC value. This is an
application of Equation [3.1].
5. Add the CC values obtained in steps 2 and 4.
The evaluation methods of previous lessons are usually applied to alternatives in the private
sector, that is, for-profit and not-for-profit corporations and businesses.
This portion introduces public sector and service sector alternatives and their economic
consideration. In the case of public projects, the owners and users (beneficiaries) are the citizens
and residents of a government unit—city, county, state, province, or nation. Government units
provide the mechanisms to raise capital and operating funds. Public-private partnerships have
become increasingly common, especially for large infrastructure projects such as major
highways, power generation plants, water resource developments, and the like.
The benefit/cost (B/C) ratio introduces objectivity into the economic analysis of public sector
evaluation, thus reducing the effects of politics and special interests. The different formats of
B/C analysis, and associated disbenefits of an alternative, are discussed here. The B/C analysis
can use equivalency computations based on PW, AW, or FW values. Performed correctly, the
benefit/cost method will always select the same alternative as PW, AW, and ROR analyses.
This section also introduces service sector projects and discusses how their economic
evaluation is different from that for other projects. Finally, there is a discussion on professional
ethics and ethical dilemmas in the public sector.
3.7.1 Public Sector Projects
Here we will explore projects that concentrate on government units and the citizens they serve.
These are called public sector projects.
The long lives of public projects often prompt the use of the capitalized cost method, where
infinity is used for n and annual costs are calculated as A = P ( i ). As n gets larger, especially
over 30 years, the differences in calculated A values become small.
Public sector projects (also called publicly owned) do not have profits; they do have costs that
are paid by the appropriate government unit; and they benefit the citizenry. Public sector projects
often have undesirable consequences, as interpreted by some sectors of the public. It is these
consequences that can cause public controversy about the projects. The economic analysis
should consider these consequences in monetary terms to the degree estimable. (Often in private
sector analysis, undesirable consequences are not considered, or they may be directly addressed
as costs.) To perform a benefit/cost economic analysis of public alternatives, the costs (initial and
annual), the benefits, and the disbenefits, if considered, must be estimated as accurately as
possible in monetary units.
Costs—estimated expenditures to the government entity for construction, operation, and
maintenance of the project, less any expected salvage value.
Benefits—advantages to be experienced by the owners, the public
Disbenefits—expected undesirable or negative consequences to the owners if the alternative is
implemented. Disbenefits may be indirect economic disadvantages of the alternative.
The bases and standards for benefits estimation are always difficult to establish and verify.
Relative to revenue cash flow estimates in the private sector, benefit estimates are much harder
to make, and vary more widely around uncertain averages. And the disbenefits that accrue from
an alternative are even harder to estimate. In fact, the disbenefit itself may not be known at the
time the evaluation is performed.
The modified B/C ratio includes all the estimates associated with the project, once operational.
Salvage value is usually included in the denominator as a negative cost. The modified B/C ratio
will obviously yield a different value than the conventional B/C method. However, as with
disbenefits, the modified procedure can change the magnitude of the ratio but not the decision to
accept or reject the project.
The benefit and cost difference measure of worth, which does not involve a ratio, is based on the
difference between the PW, AW, or FW of benefits and costs, that is, B − C . If (B − C ) ≥ 0, the
project is acceptable. This method has the advantage of eliminating the discrepancies noted
above when disbenefits are regarded as costs, because B represents net benefits. Thus, for the
numbers 10, 8, and 5, the same result is obtained regardless of how disbenefits are treated.
Before calculating the B/C ratio by any formula, check whether the alternative with the larger
By the very nature of benefits and especially disbenefits, monetary estimates are difficult to
make and will vary over a wide range. The extensive use of sensitivity analysis on the more
questionable parameters helps determine how sensitive the economic decision is to estimate
Exercise: The cash flow details of a public project is as follows Initial cost = Br. 21000000
Annual operating cost = Br. 1600000 Worth of annual benefits = Br. 5000000 Worth of annual
In all our preceding discussions we had arrived at a particular decision (in the form of acceptance
or rejection of a proposal, and the selection of one alternative among different possible
alternatives) in a given situation assuming that the estimates or the expected value for different
variables such as initial cost, receipts, disbursements, interest rate, life of the assets, salvage
value etc. were accurate and constant. Unfortunately in real life situation it is not the case.
Barring few variable, such as initial cost of the asset, rest all the variables are all our estimates or
forecasts which may prove to be wrong on most of the occasions. The life of the asset could be
longer or shorter than our estimate; the interest rate could be higher or lower than the assumed
value and so on. The salvage value may be more or less than the assumed value.
We may like to know what will happen to the net present worth associated with a particular
investment alternative when some variables like incomings (receipts) value or outgoings
(disbursement) value vary from its expected value. Sensitivity analysis thus is aimed to study the
impact of change in the value of variable(s) on the economic decision in a particular situation.
In a sense it aims to answer “what if”. For example what will happen if the annual disbursement
value increases by 10% or 20% from the current value? Will it turn the positive present worth
into negative? Will it change the earlier decision?
The changes (increase or decrease in the assumed values) in the variable values may or may not
lead to reversal of our earlier decision. If even a slight change in one variable makes the reversal
of decision from let’s say acceptance of one alternative to the rejection we say that the variable is
highly sensitive. Whereas, even if a large change in one variable does not change the decision we
say that the variable is not sensitive or insensitive.
Sensitivity analysis is basically a non- probabilistic technique as it does not consider the
probability of occurrence associated with the variation in variables. There could be different
forms of sensitivity analysis. These are depicted in Figure 3–2.
There are different forms of sensitivity analysis. In its simplest form, sensitivity analysis for a
single alternative can be performed and the impact (on decision) of change in single variable can
be studied. Then there could be simultaneous changes in two variables corresponding to a single
alternative can be studied. Or for a single alternative one can study the changes in more than two
variables at a time.
Sensitivity analysis can be performed with any method of evaluation of alternatives for example,
present worth analysis, annual cost or worth analysis or internal rate of return method of
analysis. Also the analysis can be performed at different stages of project either with the pre-tax
cash flow or post-tax cash flows. However, it is preferable to perform sensitivity analysis with
post-tax cash flow. It is customary to show the results of sensitivity analysis in the form of
sensitivity graphs.
i. It is non-probabilistic in nature. One may recollect that for none of the cases we
considered the likelihood of occurrence of a particular variable value. It merely shows us
what happens to the net present worth, or annual worth or rate of return when there is a
change in some variable(s), without providing any information on the likelihood of the
ii. Commonly, in sensitivity analysis only one variable is changed at a time which may not
reflect the real world situation as variables tend to move together.
iii. There is subjectivity involved in the sensitivity analysis. Thus the sensitivity analysis
may lead one decision maker to accept the proposal while other may reject it.
It is another way of performing sensitivity analysis. Here we are more concerned about finding
the value (called the break-even point) at which the reversal of decision takes place. In the
sensitivity analysis not much emphasis was given on finding this break even value. In sensitivity
analysis we ask what will happen to the project if the invoice or billing declines or costs increase
or something else happens. We will also be interested in knowing how much should be produced
and sold at a minimum to ensure that the project does not 'lose money'. Such an exercise is called
break-even analysis and the minimum quantity at which loss is avoided is called the break- even
point. The break even analysis is also referred to as cost-volume-profit analysis.
Using dollars as the currency, dollars in period t1 are called constant-value dollars or today’s
dollars. Dollars in period t2 are called future dollars or then-current dollars and have inflation
taken into account. If f represents the inflation rate per period (year) and n is the number of time
periods (years) between t1 and t2, above equation becomes
future dollars
Constant − value dollars = (1+f)n
When the dollar amounts in different time periods are to be expressed in constant-value dollars,
the equivalent present and future amounts must be determined using the real interest rate i .
The calculations involved in this procedure are illustrated in below, where the inflation rate is
4% per year. Column 2 shows the inflation-driven increase for each of the next 4 years for an
item that has a cost of $5000 today. Column 3 shows the cost in future dollars, and column 4
verifies the cost in constant-value dollars via Equation [4.2]. When the future dollars of column 3
are converted to constant-value dollars (column 4), the cost is always $5000, the same as the cost
at the start. This is predictably true when the costs are increasing by an amount exactly equal to
the inflation rate. The actual cost (in inflated dollars) of the item 4 years from now will be $5849,
but in constant-value dollars the cost in 4 years will still amount to $5000. Column 5 shows the
present worth of future amounts of $5000 at a real interest rate of i = 10% per year.
For example, when we quote a market rate of 10%, the inflation rate is included. Over a 7-year
period, $1000 invested at 10% per year will accumulate to
F = 1000 (P , 10%, 7) = $19448
This relation, in effect, recognizes the fact that inflated prices mean $1 in the future purchases
less than $1 now. The percentage loss in purchasing power is a measure of how much less. As an
illustration, consider the same $1000 now, and a 10% per year market rate, which includes an
inflation rate of 4% per year. In 7 years, the purchasing power has risen, but only to $1481.
P1000( ,10%.7) $1948
F= (1.04)7
= 1.3159 = $1481
This is $467 (or 24%) less than the $1948 actually accumulated at 10% (case 1). Therefore, we
conclude that 4% inflation over 7 years reduces the purchasing power of money by 24%.
Case 3: Future Amount Required, No Interest.
This case recognizes that prices increase when inflation is present. Simply put, future dollars are
worth less, so more are needed. No interest rate is considered in this case—only inflation. This is
the situation if someone asks, “How much will a car cost in 5 years if its current cost is $20,000
and its price will increase by the inflation rate of 6% per year?” (The answer is $26,765.) No
interest rate—only inflation—is involved. To find the future cost, substitute f for the interest rate
in the F /P factor.
F = P(1 + f)n = P (P , f, n)
Reconsider the $1000 used previously. If it is escalating at exactly the inflation rate of 4% per
year, the amount 7 years from now will be
F = 1000 (P , 4%, 7) = $1316
This calculation shows that $1948 seven years in the future will be equivalent to $1000 now with
a real return of i = 5.77% per year and inflation of f = 4% per year.