Your Policy Details: MR Sudhakarreddy D: Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited
Your Policy Details: MR Sudhakarreddy D: Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited
Your Policy Details: MR Sudhakarreddy D: Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited
Dear Mr Sudhakarreddy D,
Welcome to Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited’s family & we thank you for choosing our policy for your motor vehicle
We are enclosing Policy schedule cum certificate of insurance of your vehicle. You are requested to visit our website for policy wording.
Your policy has been issued based on the information and declaration provided by you. No Claim Bonus (NCB) if shown on your policy
schedule has been allowed as you had not reported any claim in the previous policy.
Kindly go through the enclosed information/declaration provided by you and in case your policy shows No Claim Bonus, for which you
are not entitled as explained above or any other error/discrepancy then we request you to get in touch with us within 15 days of
receipt of the policy for correction otherwise all particulars will be deemed to be correct.
You may also reach us at our 24*7 helpline 1800 266 7780 for providing any information or in case you desire to have a printed copy
of policy wording.
Warm regards,
IDV of Vehicle IDV of Side Car Bi-Fuel/CNG/LPG IDV of non-built-in Accessories (`) Total Insured
Year (`) (`) Kit (`) Declared Values (IDV) (`)
Electrical Non-Electrical
1 16,443.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,443.00
2 14,798.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,798.70
A. Own Damage B. Liabiliity
Premium on Vehicle and non electrical accessories ` 197.32 Basic ` 1,428.00
Less : 50% for NCB ` 98.66 COMPREHENSIVE PREMIUM (A+B+C) ` 1526.66
IGST@18% ` 275.00
Less : 50% for NCB ` 98.66
Basic ` 1,428.00
Drivers Clause : Persons or classes of persons entitled to drive : Any person including the insured: Provided that a person driving holds an effective driving licence at
the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a licence. Provided also that the person holding an effective Learner's Licence may also
drive the vehicle and that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Limitations as to use: The policy covers use of the vehicle for any purpose other than: a) Hire or Reward b) Carriage of goods (other than samples or personal
luggage) c) Organized racing d) Pace Making e) Speed testing f) Reliability Trails g)Any purpose in connection with Motor Trade.
Limits of Liability: I/we hereby certify that the Policy to which this Certificate relates as well as
Under Section II-1 (i) of the policy (Death of or bodily injury) : Such amount as is this Certificate of Insurance are issued in accordance with provisions of
necessary to meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Chapter X and XI of Motor Vehicles Act,1988. In witness where of thisPolicy
Under Section II-1 (ii) of policy (Third Party Property Damage): ` 1,00,000.00 has been signed at MUMBAI on 13/07/2022
Under Section III: PA Owner Driver Capital Sum Insured: 0/- based on Insured’s Receipt(s): 102001032538645 Date: 12/07/2022
declaration that he/she already has a 24 hour Personal Accident cover against Deathand The stamp duty of ` 0.50 paid in cash or demand draft or by pay order,vide
Permanent Disability (Total and Partial) for Capital Sum Insured of at least 15 lakhs. Receipt/Challan no:LOA/CSD/318/2022/1601 dated the 08/04/2022
Subject to: A) IMT Endorsement No.: 22 Place of Supply: MAHARASHTRA Supply Code: 37
No Claim Bonus will only be allowed provided the policy is renewed within 90 days of the expiry date of the previous policy.
*A policy of 3 years of duration is 3 completed year or risk & policy of 2 years of duration is 2 completed year of risk.
**NCB at inception of each year of risk shall be the NCB earned at the end of previous year of risk.
If policy is renewed as annual policy, insured’s entitlement of No Claim Bonus (NCB) will be as per following table if no claim is made or pending in each
completed year of risk of the policy period.
The Insured is not indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule. Any payment made by the Company by reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to
comply with the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is recoverable from the Insured. See the clause headed “AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHT OF RECOVERY”.
Note : This Schedule, Policy terms and conditions available on company website and Endorsements mentioned herein above shall read together and word or expression to which a specific meaning has been
attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear the same meaning wherever it may appear. Any amendments/modifications/alterations made on this system generated policy document is not validand
Company shall not be liable for any liability whatsoever arising from such changes. Any changes required to be made in the policy once issued, would be valid and effective, only after written request is made to the
Company and Company accepts the requested amendments/modifications/alterations and records the same through separate endorsement to be issued by the Company.
You are advised to go through the policy schedule cum certificate of insurance which is issued based on your declaration and if any error/ discrepancy is found in respect of vehicle details, No Claim Bonus or any
other material information, it should be brought to our notice within 15 days of receipt of this policy for necessary correction along with the supporting documents, otherwise it will be deemed correct. You may visit
company website at for detailed benefits, terms & conditions & exclusions of the policy. You may also reach us at our 24*7 helpline 1800 266 7780 in case you desire to have a printed copy ofpolicy
wording. Our grievance redressal procedure and details about ombudsman is also available in our policy wording.
Please note that any misrepresentation, non disclosure or withholding of material facts will lead to cancellation of policy ab initio with forfeiture of premium and non consideration of claim, if any. We will specifically
seek confirmation on No Claim Bonus availed by you from your previous insurer. In case we receive confirmation that you had lodged claim with them then we will forfeit all the benefits under section I i.e. own damage
section of the policy.
Policy No : 0174070870 00
Received with thanks from MR SUDHAKARREDDY D a sum of ` 1802.00 ( Rupees One Thousand Eight Hundred Two And Paise Zero Only)vide Credi
t / Debit Card No 1234XXXXXXXX dated 10/07/2022 Name as in credit/debit card - abcdef drawn on PAYABLE AT PAR branch towards
Sl. Policy Total Premium (`) Utilized from the receipt for Balance (`)
No. Number policy (`)
1 0174070870 00 1,802.00 1,802.00 0.00
1. This is a computer generated receipt and does not require a signature.
2. Upon issuance of this Receipt, all previously issued temporary receipts, if any, related to this Policy shall be considered null and
3. Amounts received by cheque shall be subject to realisation.
4. Any amount received in excess of the Premium is being/shall be refunded by the Company.
PA Owner Driver Capital Sum Insured: 0/- based on Insured’s declaration that he/she already has a 24 hour Personal
Accident cover against Death and Permanent Disability (Total and Partial) for Capital Sum Insured of at least 15 lakhs.
Name of Bank & Branch: N/A Account Number: N/A IFSC Code of Bank: N/A
14. Declaration for No Claim Bonus (If NCB Confirmation is not submitted but NCB claimed)
I/We declare that the rate of NCB claimed by me/us is correct and that NO CLAIM has arisen in the expiring Policy Period (Copy of Policy
enclosed). I/We further undertake that if this declaration is found incorrect all benefits under the Policy in respect of Section-1 of the Policy
will stand forfeited.
1 I/we hereby confirm that all premiums have been/will be paid from bonafide sources and no premiums have been/will be paid out of
proceeds of crime related to any of the offence listed in Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.
2 I understand that the Company has the right to call for documents to establish sources of funds.
3 The insurance company has right to cancel the insurance contract in case I am/have been found guilty by any competent court of
law under any of the statutes, directly or indirectly governing the prevention of money laundering in India.