Chapter 2

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Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds

1 Introduction
Sulfonation is a bimolecular electrophilic substitution reaction (sE2) which may be depicted in general terms as shown (Equation 1):



+ ,H Ar,E

2 (ArH = aromatic hydrocarbon, E+ = electrophilic species and B = conjugate base, e.g. H2SOQ)




The general SE2 mechanism involves addition of the electrophile (E+) to the aromatic nucleus to form the a-complex 1 which subsequently loses a proton to yield the substitution product 2.' In this process either the first addition step or the second stage may be rate determining. In sulfonation, the sulfonic acid group is very bulky so that in the sE2 reaction k-' becomes large in comparison with k2 which results in a kinetic isotope effect.2 The latter causes increasing resistance to sulfonation when a degree of steric hindrance is present in the aromatic substrate. In sulfonation, the ortho:para substitution ratios vary widely according to the reaction conditions which indicates that different electrophilic species may be involved. Sulfonation, unlike nitration, is a reversible process which enables the sulfonic acid group (S03H) to be employed in organic synthesis as a blocking and orientation-directing group. An example is provided by the synthesis of onitroaniline 3 from acetanilide 4 (Equation 2).

0 -& -qNo2 + ( bNo


i:: ~ ~ 4 i 1 ; ~ ~ s 0 4


(desulfonation and deacetylation)



Chapter 2

In acetanilide 4 the first sulfonation step causes the bulky sulfonic acid group to predominantly enter the para-position due to steric hindrance of the o-positions by the acetamido substituent. In the second nitration stage, the nitro group enters the aromatic nucleus ortho to the electron-donating acetamido group. In the last stage, the sulfonic acid moiety is removed by heating with dilute sulfuric acid (protiodesulfonation) which demonstrates the unique reversibility of sulfonation. The large size of the sulfonic acid group makes sulfonation especially sensitive to steric factors in the aromatic substrate and the severe resistance to sulfonation may cause the initial sulfonation products to rearrange to the most thermodynamically stable isomer in which steric hindrance is a minimum. The classic example of this phenomenon is the thermal rearrangement of naphthalene-1 -sulfonic acid 5 into the 2-sulfonic acid 6 (Equation 3).


heat, 165C



Thus, sulfonation of naphthalene with concentrated sulfuric acid at 80 "C afforded 96% of the 1-sulfonic acid 5, whereas at 165 "C 85% of the 2-sulfonic acid 6 was obtained. In the sulfonation of monosubstituted benzenes by concentrated sulfuric acid, electron-donating substituents (X) such as acetamido, alkoxy, hydroxy or alkyl groups facilitate the reaction and, in such cases, sulfonation occurs under relatively mild conditions (0-35 "C) to give a mixture of the 0- and p-sulfonic acids' (Equation 4).



The p-isomer generally predominates because of the large steric size of the sulfonic acid group and is almost the sole product when other large substituents are present as in the case of acetanilide 4. With benzenes containing electronwithdrawing substituents (Y), such as carbonyl, carboxy, nitro or sulfonic acid groups, sulfonation is more difficult and demands comparatively forcing conditions (a large excess of the sulfonating reagent and temperatures > 100 "C) then the resultant product is mainly the m-sulfonic acid (Equation 5 ) .

Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation o Organic Compounds f

conc. H2S04 or oleum heat


Y = COR, C02H, NO2, S03H

The sulfonation of halobenzenes is anomalous because, although the halogen atom exerts a powerful electron-withdrawing (-I) inductive effect with deactivation, sulfonation of halobenzenes occurs in the oh-positions and not in the mposition as would be anticipated for an electron-withdrawinggroup. The observed orientation of sulfonation is due to electron donation involving the electromeric (+E) effect from the lone electron pairs on the halogen atom in the presence of the electrophilic reagent. A similar effect is also observed with substituents of the type -CH=CHR (where R = an electron-withdrawing group such as nitro). Sulfonation can be achieved by reaction of the organic substrate with reagents such as concentrated or fuming sulfuric acid (oleum), sulfur trioxide in aprotic solvents, or halosulfonic acids. In the sulfonation of polyalkylbenzenes, the strongly acid conditions may cause migration of an alkyl group (Jacobsen rearrangement) and this occurs after sulfonation so that 1,2,4,5-tetrarnethylbenzene 7 is converted to 2,3,4,5-tetramethylbenzenesulfonicacid 8 in which the methyl groups have moved closer together (Equation 6).


Me 8

In sulfonation, disulfonation may occur and also formation of byproducts when free sulfur trioxide is present, e.g. sulfonic anhydrides (from intermolecular dehydration of monosulfonic acids or from intramolecular dehydration of orthodisulfonic acids). Sulfones may also be produced by electrophilic substitution by the sulfonic acid or by the sulfonyl chloride when chlorosulfonic acid is the sulfonating reagent; the latter reagent also tends to form sulfonyl chlorides as byproducts.

2 Mechanism of Sulfonation
The reaction mechanism is complex because of the large number of different electrophilic species that may be present depending on the nature of the sulfonating reagent and the experimental conditions.2 The mechanism of sulfonation by sulfuric acid has been extensively reviewed,24 and it has been observed that the rate of sulfonation speeds up as the concentration of the sulfuric acid used increases. The rate increase is very pronounced in the region of 100 wt% acid;5 this implies that the mechanism of sulfonation in sulfuric acid containing



free water is different from that obtained in sulfuric acid containing free sulfur trioxide. Sulfonation is accompanied by some degree of protiodesulfonation, but the latter is less pronounced in high concentrations of sulfuric acid; no byproducts are observed in sulfonation in aqueous sulfuric acid. The complexity of the sulfonation mechanism arises from the large number of different species that may be present. Any water present in the medium will be ionized (Equation 7) and consequently the different equilibria resulting in the formation of potential electrophilic sulfonating species are as depicted by Equations 8- 12.

Kinetic studies3 supported the idea that, under some conditions, the precise nature of the electrophile remains in doubt because several kinetically equivalent species are possible. When the concentration of sulfuric acid is < 85%, the predominant electrophilic species is H3SO4+ and the sulfonation mechanism is shown by Equations 13- 15.







In 90-96 wt% acid, the electrophile becomes Sulfuric acid solvated with sulfur trioxide (pyrosulfuric acid, H2S207)and the mechanism is modified so that the first step is as shown in Equation 16.

In 97- 100 wt% acid, the observed isotope effect indicated that removal of the proton from the intermediate is rate decisive, consequently the reaction of the electrophile with the aromatic species (Equation 16) is now fast while Equation 14 is slow. In fuming sulfbric acid (oleum), the electrophile is probably free sulfur trioxide which is more reactive than the solvated species and reacts rapidly with the aromatic moiety (Equation 17).





Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds


This step is subsequently followed by the reactions shown in Equations 14 and 15, one of which must be a relatively slow stage. When the sulfonation is effected by sulfur trioxide in aprotic solvents, the mechanism varies with the solvent because complexes are formed in nitromethane and nitrobenzene, but not in halogenated solvents. Hinshelwood and co-worker$ showed that in nitrobenzene and nitromethane sulfonation was second order in sulfur trioxide which is in agreement with one molecule of sulfur trioxide assisting the polarization of the other. On the other hand, Cerfontain4 proposed the mechanism depicted in Equations 18 and 19.
+ ,H


+ ,H


The last stage (Equation 19) of the mechanism is relatively fast but can be the rate-determining step when the site of sulfonation is sterically hindered. When the sulfonation is performed in halogenated solvents, the reaction is first order in both the aromatic substrate and sulfur trioxide7 which agrees with the mechanism given by Equation 20.


+, H



Sulfonation by Halosulfonic Acids

Fluorosulfonic acid readily dissociates into sulfur trioxide and hydrogen fluoride and consequently is not a very useful sulfonating agent. With aromatic compounds, fluorosulfonic acid yields sulfonic acids, sulfones and sulfonyl fluorides, but no mechanistic studies have been r e p ~ r t e d . In. ~ ~ contrast, chlorosulfonic acid is more stable and is a valuable sulfonating agent; it similarly yields sulfonic acids, sulfones and sulfonyl chlorides. The latter are only formed in large amounts, when an excess of the reagent (at least two molar equivalents or more) is employed.'" Chlorosulfonic acid is a more powerful sulfonating agent than sulfuric acid' and sulfonation consequently generally occurs under mild conditions (approximately one molar equivalent of reagent at -5 to 25 "C in the presence of an inert solvent). The latter is important to reduce the amount of sulfonyl chloride formed as a byproduct. Under these conditions, sulfonation by chlorosulfonic acid generally gives high yields (75-80%) of the sulfonic acids. The following are some illustrative examples, thus 1 -methylnaphthalene reacts with an equimolar quantity of the reagent in carbon tetrachloride at -7 to 0 "C to give potassium 1-methylnaphthalene-4-sulfonate(88%) after neutralization with potassium hydroxide.'O Chlorobenzene has been sulfonated with chlorosulfonic acid," and chlorosulfonic acid in acetic anhydride was found to be the best reagent for the mono- and disulfonation of ferrocene.I2 S ~ h u l t z discovered that '~ biphenyl was selectively converted into the 4-sulfonic acid by treatment with


Chapter 2

chlorosulfonic acid in chloroform. 2,6-Dialkylnaphthalenes react with chlorosulfonic acid (one molar equivalent) in dichloromethane at 0 "C to give the 3,7-dialkylnaphthalene-1-sulfonic acids.l 4 1-Nitronaphthalene with chlorosulfonic acid (one molar equivalent) in 1,2-dichloroethane at 0 "C affords mainly 1nitronaphthalene-5-sulfonicacid (78-82%), with the 1,6- (8- 16%) and the 1,7(6- 10%) isomers.15 Cerfontain and van AlbadaI6 determined the kinetic isotope effect (kH/k,) in the sulfonation and sulfonylation of benzene by chlorosulfonic acid in nitromethane and dichloromethane; they also carried out detailed kinetic studies on these rea~tions.''~'~ sulfonation of o-alkylphenols with chlorosulfoThe nic acid has been examined and the kinetics shown to be fist order in the intermediate phenyl hydrogen sulfate.l9 Less mechanistic studies have been carried out with chlorosulfonic acid than with sulfuric acid and generally the precise nature of the electrophilic species involved remains uncertain and appears to vary with the nature of the substrate and the reaction conditions. Experimental data and thermodynamic studies indicated that when an aromatic substrate reacts with an equimolar quantity of chlorosulfonic acid, the fist step yields the sulfonic acid (Equation 21). In the presence of an excess of the reagent, the initially formed sulfonic acid is slowly converted into the sulfonyl chloride with liberation of sulfuric acid2' (Equation 22).
ArH ArS03H

+ +


= ArS03H + HCI



The first stage may be driven to completion by removal of the hydrogen chloride gas and the progress of the reaction can be monitored by measurement of the volume of gas evolved.21Kinetic studies22demonstrated that the rate of the second stage (Equation 22) was slower than the observed overall rate of formation of the sulfonyl chloride and therefore the earlier proposed mechanism2' shown by Equations 21 and 22 must be incorrect.2 Studies22 of the reaction of benzene with chlorosulfonic acid (one molar equivalent) showed that the major product was benzenesulfonic acid (Equation 2 1) with a little diphenyl sulfone. When an excess of chlorosulfonic acid was used benzenesulfonyl chloride was obtained (Equation 22). Spryskov and K ~ z ' m i n a ~ ~ demonstrated the reversibility of Equation 22 and measured the equilibrium constants for several different aromatic substrate^.^ In the benzene-chlorosulfonic acid reaction, the quantity of diphenyl sulfone produced was increased by addition of anhydrous benzenesulfonic acid, but not by benzenesulfonyl chloride.l6 The sulfone therefore apparently derived from reaction of benzenesulfonic acid and benzene under the influence of chlorosulfonic a ~ i d .Sulfone formation appeared ~,~~ to be relatively favoured at low temperatures and this may be due to the formation of an intermediate pyrosulfuric acid2' (Equations 23,24).




ArS206H ArS02Ar

+ HCI + H2S04


Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonationof Organic Compounds


In chlorosulfonation, since the chlorination step (Equation 22) is reversible, the experimental conditions must be adjusted with a given aromatic substrate to obtain the maximum yield of the sulfonyl chloride. An excess of chlorosulfonic acid can be employed to drive this stage to completion and it has been shown26 that where reaction costs are important a ratio of reagent to substrate of 5:l was desirable. However, greater efficiency has been claimed2' by a stepwise reaction of substrate with reagent at moderate temperatures. The yield of sulfonyl chloride may also be enhanced by removal of the sulfuric acid formed in Equation 22. This can sometimes be achieved by addition of sodium chloride,2' but this may sometimes reduce the yield due to conversion of chlorosulfonic acid into the unreactive chlorosulfonate anion as shown (Equation 25).8b*28 Ideally, the sulfuric acid may be removed by conversion into chlorosulfonic acid which can be effected by addition of carbon tetrachloride, sulfur and chlorine, or by treatment with sulfur trioxide in the presence of hydrogen chloride; in the latter case both byproducts are removed. Addition of a mixture of sodium chloride and carbon tetrachloride or the use of thionyl chloride as a chlorinating solvent has reduced the amount of chlorosulfonic acid required for chlorosulfonation of a given aromatic substrate.21





The sulfonating power of pyrosulfuryl chloride or chlorosulfonic anhydride (C12S205)is less than that of chlorosulfonic acid; however, addition of the anhydride to the reagent enhances the yield of the arylsulfonyl chloride. The anhydride probably acts by converting the sulfonic acid and sulfuric acid into the sulfonyl chloride and chlorosulfonic acid respectively (Equations 26, 27).

The relative rates of sulfonation of sulfonyl chlorides, sulfonic acids and sulfonate anions with chlorosulfonic acid follow the order:

The order is in agreement with the conversion of the sulfonic acid into the sulfonyl chloride and can be explained in terms of the latter two substrates destroying part of the reagent29(Equations 28, 29).

+ CIS03H + CIS03H




G=====- ArS03H2+


The kinetics of the conversion of benzenesulfonic acid into the sulfonyl chloride were studied in chlorosulfonic acid.30 Other studies3' showed that the equilibria between benzenesulfonyl chloride, sulfuric acid and chlorosulfonic acid


Chapter 2

at 20-50 "C were acid-catalysed and the equilibrium constants were almost independent of the temperature. In the synthesis of the majority of aromatic sulfonyl chlorides by the action of chlorosulfonic acid, the reagent is used neat and in large excess without additional solvent. In view of the lack of precise detail on the stoicheiometric composition of chlorosulfonic acid and of the reactive entities present, all the mechanistic studies have been carried out with the reagent dissolved in suitable solvents, e.g. dichloromethane.17

") oL



However, the formation of the intermediate sulfonic acid and the sulfonyl chloride may possibly be depicted as shown (Equations 30, 31).32There is little precise mechanistic detail regarding these two reactions (Equations 30, 3 1). When the chlorosulfonation is performed under relatively mild conditions (low temperatures) using excess chlorosulfonic acid as solvent, it is possible that the initial On the other hand, at electrophilic species may be intact chlorosulfonic higher temperatures, (> 100 "C) chlorosulfonic acid slowly decomposes as indicated2' (Equation 32).




At higher temperatures, therefore, appreciable amounts of hydrogen chloride and sulfur trioxide may be present in the reagent. Hence at elevated temperatures, sulfur trioxide may play a significant role in the sulfonation process either as itself or as chlorosulfonic acid solvated by SO3 (namely ClS206H)as the electrophilic species.32 Kinetic data for the chlorosulfonation of p-dichlorobenzene by chlorosulfonic acid agreed with the two-step reaction mechanism via the intermediate sulfonic acid.33 The sulfonation of the secondary aromatic amines (N-methyl and N-ethylaniline) by chlorosulfonic acid in o-dichlorobenzene was determined to be an irreversible second order reaction which involved direct action of the amine with S03H+.34 the other hand, the analogous reaction with On the tertiary aromatic amines ("-dimethyland NN-diethylaniline) was found to be a first order irreversible process involving initial formation of the amine-sulfur trioxide complexes which subsequently rearranged to give the p-aminobenzenesulfonic The kinetics of the chlorination of p-carbomethoxyaminophenylsulfonic acid have been examined photometrically at 295 The results indicated that the initial step was addition of two protons to the sulfonic acid, followed by equilibration with chlorosulfonic acid and the equilibrium constant

Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds


was 3.65 at 20-70 "C. Phenols react with chlorosulfonic acid to yield arylsulfates which with an excess of the reagent afforded the corresponding sulfonic acids and the kinetics of the complex sulfonation of tertiary butylphenols have been e l ~ c i d a t e d .The sulfonation of naphthalene with chlorosulfonic acid at 0 and ~~ 170 "C gave the 1,l and 2,2'-dinaphthyl sulfones respectively as the major byproducts. The isomerization of naphthalene- 1-sulfonic acid into the 2-sulfonic acid was concluded to be relatively fast in comparison with the conversion of the sulfonic acid into the ~ u l f o n e The sulfonation of benzene by chlorosulfonic acid .~~ in dichloromethane as solvent has been studied.38The extent of the reaction at 020 "C was found to increase from 60% after a few minutes to 70% after 1 hour and at low temperatures (-30 to -7 "C), there was an induction period. The sulfonation was determined to be kinetically a third order reaction (first order with respect to benzene and second order with respect to chlorosulfonic acid). The mechanism was therefore concluded to involve the successive reaction of benzene with two moles of chlorosulfonic acid to yield benzenesulfonic anhydride. In contrast, kinetic studies of the chlorosulfonation of benzene and toluene with chlorosulfonic acid in dichloromethane showed that the reaction was first order in the aromatic moiety and third order in chlorosulfonic acid.22 The latter order is probably associated with the formation of the ion pair as the electrophile (Equation 33); this reacted with the aromatic substrate to give the a-complex which subsequently decomposed to yield the sulfonyl chloride (Equation 34).


SO2CI+ + 2SO3CI-


H0 3'



-[ c Is031

(-HCI, 4 0 3 )


In this work, toluene was observed to be five times more reactive than benzene. In the sulfonation of benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene by chlorosulfonic acid (just more than one molar equivalent) in dichloromethane or nitromethane, the major products were the corresponding arylsulfonic acids with only small amounts of the sulfones and sulfonyl chloride^.'^^'^ Kinetic and product studies were carried out on the reaction^;'^ in dichloromethane for the reaction of chlorobenzene with chlorosulfonic acid, the electrophilic species was probably C1S206H. In the analogous reaction with benzene, unlike chlorobenzene, there was an induction period in the sulfonation. The sulfonating entity for the main reaction was concluded to be PhS206H.ClS03H,whereas for the initial reaction the electrophile was the same as for chlorobenzene, namely C1S206H.The sulfonation therefore may proceed as shown in Equations 35 and 36, in which the formation of the a-complex is the rate-decisive step.


Chapter 2



On the other hand, in nitromethane, kinetics indicated that the electrophile was probably MeN02.S03H+.2717 From observations of the substituent effect on the rate of sulfonation, the reaction constant ( p ) was estimated as -lO.I7 In the sulfonation of benzene by chlorosulfonic acid in dichloromethane and in nitromethane at 25 "C, the kinetic isotope effects (kH/kD)were 1.50-1.70.16 The sulfonation was discovered to be faster in dichloromethane than in nitromethane under otherwise identical reaction conditions. When sulfonation is performed by chlorosulfonic acid in acetic anhydride, the active electrophilic species is probably acetylsulfuric acid (MeC02S03H). The same electrophile is also involved in sulfonations using oleum, sulfuric acid or sulfur trioxide in acetic anhydride or acetic acid.39 In conclusion, the mechanistic studies of sulfonation and chlorosulfonation using chlorosulfonic acid are quite limited and somewhat contradictory. They indicate that the precise nature of the electrophile involved in these conversions appears to vary according to the polarity of the solvent, the reaction temperature and the nature of the aromatic substrate. Chlorosulfonic acid (an excess of at least two molar equivalents) is the reagent of choice for the direct conversion of organic compounds, especially aromatic and heteroaromatic substrates, into their sulfonyl chlorides. The optimum conditions for chlorosulfonation vary widely and depend on the nature of the compound; as with sulfonation, the process is facilitated when the aromatic nucleus contains electron-donating groups when it occurs under mild conditions. For instance, a comparatively small excess (approx. two equivalents) of the reagent at fairly low temperatures (-5 to 25 "C) and a short reaction time. However, when electronwithdrawing substituents are present more vigorous conditions are needed (see p 8 and 16). For instance, prolonged treatment with a very large excess of chlorosulfonic acid (five to ten equivalents or more) at temperatures of 100150 "C is often required to optimise the yield of the sulfonyl chloride.40 In some cases, chlorosulfonation has been promoted by using a mixture of chlorosulfonic acid and thionyl chloride; sometimes it was found preferable to react the substrate with chlorosulfonic acid alone first and then add the thionyl chloride later." This modification allows the amount of chlorosulfonic acid to be reduced sometimes to just one molar equivalent, and may convert the intermediate sulfonic acid to the sulfonyl chloride where the conversion does not occur effectively in the absence of thionyl chloride. An example would be a substrate containing a substituent capable of hydrogen bonding with the sulfonic acid group, such as an ortho-hydroxy or amino group. The use of sulfuryl chloride, instead of thionyl chloride, as a chlorinating solvent was not successful because it

Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds


resulted in the formation of many chlorinated byproducts. Chlorosulfonation is a two-stage process (p 12) and it is vital that adequate time is allowed for the excess of chlorosulfonic acid to convert the intermediate sulfonic acid into the sulfonyl chloride, since the chlorination stage is a relatively slow reaction. In the synthesis of arylsulfonyl chlorides, it is generally preferable to add the aromatic substrate gradually to the excess of chlorosulfonic acid rather than the other way about. Under these conditions, the reagent is mostly present in a large excess during the reaction which minimizes the formation of both the diary1 sulfone and the arylsulfonic acid. With highly reactive substrates, an inert solvent is used and the reaction temperature must be carefully controlled and kept as low as feasible to avoid unwanted di- and trisulfonation.' The following are some well-known examples of the application of chlorosulfonic acid in the synthesis of arylsulfonyl chlorides. They provide illustrations of the effect of electron-donor and electron-withdrawing substituents on the ease and orientation of chlorosulfonation. Sulfonic acid groups (SO,)are both bulky and electron-withdrawing; consequently once one sulfonic acid group has been introduced into the aromatic nucleus, the resultant arylsulfonic acid will be more resistant towards further sulfonation. The latter will require more drastic conditions and the product will contain the two sulfonic acid groups in the 1,3-position with respect to each other. With reactive substrates, e.g. aromatic hydrocarbons, halides or ethers, monochlorosulfonation is often best achieved at low temperature in the presence of chloroform, dichloromethane or 1,2-dichloroethane to moderate the reaction and avoid disulfonation. Suter and Weston4*described the experimental procedures for the sulfonation of aromatic hydrocarbons, halides and ethers and many early references and details of the synthesis of sulfonic acids and sulfonyl chlorides are included in Suter's comprehensive Benzenesulfonyl chloride is easily prepared by addition of benzene to excess chlorosulfonic acid (3 equivalents) at 20-25 "C (1 hour). The reaction yields the product (75%) together with a little diphenyl ~ u l f o n e . ~ ~ ~ ~ When benzene is heated with a large excess of chlorosulfonic acid (-10 equivalents) at 150- 160 "C (2 hours), the major product is benzene-rn-disulfonyl chloride. Toluene 9 is more reactive towards sulfonation than benzene due to the electron-donating (+I) methyl group, and treatment with chlorosulfonic acid (two molar equivalents) at 0-5 "C yields a mixture of the ortho- (58%) and para(14%) toluenesulfonyl chlorides 10 and 1142(Equation 37).



When the oily product mixture is cooled (-10 to -20 "C), the p-sulfonyl


140-1 50 "C 8CISOsH







Chapter 2

chloride 11 crystallizes out and is filtered off, leaving the liquid o-isomer 10 in the filtrate; the latter is used in the manufacture of the artificial sweetener saccharin.1,43 In this reaction, low temperatures tend to favour o-sulfonation; thus when toluene is reacted with chlorosulfonic acid (two equivalents) at 36 "C, the product contained 59% p- and 37% o-sulfonyl chloride.43However, at 80 "C the p-sulfonyl chloride (95%) was much more predominant. When toluene was heated with a large excess of the reagent (eight equivalents) at 140-150 "C (5 hours), the 2,4-disulfonyl chloride 12 (60%) was isolated (Equation 37). One of the most important examples is the chlorosulfonation of acetanilide 13 to p-acetamidobenzenesulfonyl chloride 1444 (Equation 3 8), since the latter is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of sulfonamide antibacterial drugs.' The optimum reaction conditions were found to be the use of a relatively large excess of the reagent (five equivalents) at 60 "C (2 hours). In acetanilide (Nphenylacetamide) 13, the bulky acetamido (MeCONH) group is electron-donating (+M effect) and its large size virtually excludes o-sulfonation, so the p-sulfonyl chloride 14 is isolated as almost the sole product.



/ \

5CIS03H 60C



Anisole (methyl phenyl ether) is extremely reactive towards sulfonation due to the presence of the strongly electron-donating (+M) methoxy group. It therefore reacts with chlorosulfonic acid (two equivalents) at 0 "C to give mainly p methoxybenzenesulfonyl chloride.42With chlorobenzene, the chlorine atom exerts a strong electron-withdrawing (-I effect) so sulfonation will be rather less easy than for benzene. Treatment of chlorobenzene with chlorosulfonic acid (four equivalents) at 25 "C (3 hours) afforded p-chlorobenzenesulfonyl chloride (84%) and di(p-chlorophenyl sulfone) (6%).43 Chlorobenzene with chlorosulfonic acid (six equivalents) at 150-160 "C (8 hours) gave the 2,4-disulfonyl chloride. With p-dichlorobenzene, the molecule is more deactivated due to the presence of the two chlorine atoms; consequently chlorosulfonation to yield 2,5-dichlorobenzenesulfonyl chloride requires more drastic conditions; namely heating with chlorosulfonic acid (five equivalents) at 150 "C (1 hour).4' Other examples involving electron-withdrawing groups include nitrobenzene and benzoic acid. In the former compound 15, the nitro group is strongly electron-withdrawing (-1, -M effects) so forcing conditions are required for chlorosulfonation. Heating nitrobenzene 15 with excess chlorosulfonic acid (four equivalents) at 100- 120 "C (8 hours) yields the rn-sulfonyl chloride 16 (60%) (Equation 39).45

100-1 20 "C




Benzoic acid, containing the electron-withdrawing carboxy group also needs

Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds


forcing conditions for chlorosulfonation, namely heating with a large excess of chlorosulfonic acid (five equivalents) at 125 "C (1 hour) to yield m-chlorosulfonylbenzoic acid.46 Chlorosulfonic acid is to act as a chlorinating agent for aromatic compounds at high temperatures and consequently in chlorosulfonation by chlorosulfonic acid under forcing conditions chlorinated byproducts may be formed. Iodine has been dem~nstrated~~ to catalyse chlorination by chlorosulfonic acid even under comparatively mild conditions. This effect causes problems when attempting the chlorosulfonation of aromatic compounds containing iodine; thus the action of excess chlorosulfonic acid (five equivalents) on p-diiodobenzene 17 at 50 "C did not yield the expected sulfonyl chloride, but instead chlorination occurred to give 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-diiodobenzene 1849 (Equation 40).
5CIS0 3 H

50 "C




A general procedure for the chlorosulfonation of reactive aromatic substrates, e.g. hydrocarbons, ethers and halides has been developed by Huntress and cow o r k e r ~ The~method involves the dropwise addition of an excess of chloro.~ ~~~ sulfonic acid to a solution of the aromatic compound in chloroform at 0 "C, and then allowing the solution to warm to room temperature. In the sulfonation of polyalkylbenzenes, an intramolecular rearrangement of an alkyl group may occur (see p 9). Similarly during the chlorosulfonation of polyalkylbenzenes, alkyl groups are sometimes displaced from the aromatic nucleus. For example, when 1,2,4,5-tetraisopropylbenzene 19 is reacted with excess chlorosulfonic acid, the product is 2,4,5-triisopropylbenzenesulfonylchloride 20 (Equation 4 1) involving displacement of the 5-isopropyl moiety.51


HMe2 excess CIS03Ht





CHMe2 19

CHMe2 20

Chlorosulfonic acid also reacts with aliphatic compounds, but the yields of the sulfonyl chlorides are usually poor.21However, chlorosulfonic acid does react with aliphatic carboxylic acids 21 in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride to form the disulfonyl chlorides 22 in excellent yields (Equation 42).52

RCH2C02H 21


RCH(S02CI)z 22


Chlorosulfonic acid is an important reagent for the sulfation of alcohols to


Chapter 2

prepare alkyl sulfates, many of these are used as commercial detergents (see Chapter 1, p 5 ) . Chlorosulfonic acid also reacts with alkenes to form alkyl chlorosulfonates 23 (Equation 43)21 and the reagent will sulfonate a vinylic hydrogen atom (Equation 44).53



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Sulfonation and Chlorosulfonation of Organic Compounds


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