Question Bank For Pharmacology

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Question Bank

Pharmacology (4th sem.)

Very Long Questions
1. Classify the anticholinergic drugs. Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects
of atropine.
2. Classify the adrenergic drugs. Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects of
3. Classify skeletal muscle relaxants. Write mechanism of action and uses of non-
depolarizing neuromuscular blockers.
4. Classify NSAIDs. Write important uses and side effects of Aspirin.
5. What are Gluucocorticoids? Write down the pharmacological action and adverse effects
of Glucocorticoids.
6. Classify drugs used in parkinson’s disease. Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse
effects and therapeutic use of Levodopa.
7. Classify β-blockers and discuss their therapeutic/pharmacological action and adverse
8. Describe narcotic analgesics. Discuss the pharmacology of Morphine.
9. Elaborate the metabolism of drugs and factors affecting the metabolism of drugs.

Long Questions

1. Give the classification of antihypertensive drugs.and mechanism of action of diuretics.

2. Differentiate the sympathetic and parasympathetics nervous system.
3. Discuss the drugs used in the treatment of Myasthenia gravis.
4. Discuss the basic principle of chemotherapy and elaborate the mechanism of action of
5. Explain the source and route of drug administration.
6. Classify the drugs used in the peptic ulcer.
7. Describe the antipsychotics drugs.
8. Brief a note about adverse drug reactions
9. Classify the sedative and hypnotic drugs and describe the mechanism of action of

Short Questions
1. Enumerate drug used in the treatment of the following-
a) Cox 2 inhibitor
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
d) Diabetes mellitus
2. Write short note on the following
a) Drug potency
b) Antagonist
c) Drug efficacy and affinity
d) Acetylcholine
3. Write uses of the followings-
a) Nitrates in angina
b) Barbiturates
c) Beta lectum antibiotics
d) Aminoglycosides
4. Explain the drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy
5. What is cardiac glycoside? Write is mechanism of action.

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