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Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Dhaka Medical College

3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 21

1. Mention different dosage forms.

Why there are so many dosage forms?
What is the purpose of making a drug enteric coated?
2. What do you mean by drug synergism and antagonism?
Give examples of two drug combination causing therapeutic potentiation.
3. What do you mean by ageing process?
Explain the role of Pralidoxime and Atropine in OPC poisoning.
4. What do you mean by thiazide-like diuretics? Name some drugs.
How thiazide reduces BP?
5. What is white-coat HTN and masked HTN?
How will you manage these?
6. Name the nitrates and their different formulations.
Explain the rationale of Nitroglycerin in IHD.
7. What is the drug of choice in NSAIDs induced ulcer and why?
Mention three other indications of the drug.
8. Mention three non-contraceptive use of OCP.
Mention three serious adverse effects of it
9. Categorize anti-platelet agents with name.
Explain the anti-platelet action of Aspirin.
10.A type 2 diabetic patient has a blood glucose level 400mg/dL. The physician
would like to give an insulin to bring the glucose down quickly. Which
insulin preparation he will prefer?
Mention three absolute indications of insulin.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 22

1. Name the sources from where you can get information about drugs.
What is the differences between Pharmacopoiea and Formulary?
Name the publishing authority of BDNF.
2. Define ADR according to WHO?
What are the differences between side effect and toxic effect?
What is Idiosyncrasy? Explain with an example.
3. Why adrenaline can’t be used in hypovolemic shock?
Justify the use of dopamine in heart failure?
4. What do you mean by physiological diuretics?
Name some oedematous conditions with the diuretics used for that
5. Name the drugs act inhibiting RAAS.
Which drug group will you choose from ACEI and ARB to treat HTN and
6. Although the platelet-inhibitory effect of Aspirin lasts for the life span of
platelets, patient needs to take Aspirin every day. Why?
Mention two indications of Clopidogrel.
7. How Loperamide acts in diarrhea?
Criticize the indiscriminate use of anti-motility drug.
8. Name the drugs used in hyperthyroidism.
Explain the role of beta blockers in hyperthyroidism
9. Mention three non-contraceptive use of OCP.
Mention three serious adverse effects of it
10.A 60-years-old woman had a MI. Which drug should be used to prevent
arrhythmia that can occur post-MI in this patient?
Name two other indications of the drug
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 23

1. What are the factors need to be considered while choosing a particular

route for administering a drug? Name two conditions where IV route is
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral and inhalational route.

2. Define therapeutic index. What information can you get from it?
Name two drugs with high and two drugs with low TI.
What do you mean by therapeutic window?
3. Name three drugs used as mydriatic.
Why tropicamide is superior to atropine as a mydriatic agent?
Compare the role of pilocarpine and timolol in the treatment of glaucoma.
4. Why frusemide is called a high ceiling diuretics?
Explain the role of frusemide in CCF.
5. What is the mechanism behind nitrate tolerance and how you can prevent
Explain throbbing headache after sublingual GTN.
6. Name four calcium channel blockers. How do they reduce blood pressure?
Mention three important side effects
7. Name the drugs used in PUD.
What are the advantages of combined Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3 ?
8. Name three commonly used glucocorticoids in inhalational route in
bronchial asthma.
What do you mean by permissive action of glucocorticoid? Explain with
9. How metformin reduces blood glucose level? Mention three adverse effects.
What are the other indications of Metformin?
10.A 56-years old female is diagnosed as a case of megaloblastic anaemia. How
will you treat this patient?
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 24

1. A drug is available in tablet, capsule and syrup form. In which

formulation, the drug will be absorbed fast and why?
Give two examples of co-administered drug affecting absorption.
2. Define Pharmacological and Physiological antagonism.
Explain with examples.
3. Discuss the dose-dependent effects of dopamine on blood vessels. Explain
the role of dopamine in cardiogenic shock.
4. What do you mean by: i) severe HTN
ii) hypertensive emergency
iii) hypertensive urgency
iv) malignant HTN
5. Classify the lipid lowering agents with name.
Mention 2 indications and adverse effects of statin.
6. Discuss the role of ORS in acute watery diarrhea.
Criticize the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials in AWD.
7. What do you mean by HRT?
What factor will you consider before prescribing OCP?
8. Enumerate different insulin preparations.
Mention three indications and three adverse effects of insulin.
9. Name the anti-coagulant drugs.
What is the difference between HMW and LMW Heparin?
10.A 75-year old woman with hypertension is being treated with a thiazide
diuretic. Her blood pressure becomes normal. After several months on the
medication, she complaints of being tired and weak. What is the reason
behind such complain?
Mention 3 indications and metabolic adverse effects of thiazide.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 25

1. Define bioavailability, bioequivalence and therapeutic equivalence.

How will you interpret a drug having 50% bioavailability?
2. Define affinity, potency and efficacy with example.
Define agonist, antagonist, partial agonist and inverse agonist with example.
3. How does Neostigmine reverse the action of gallamine?
Compare physostigmine with Neostigmine.
4. Justify the use of thiazide in nephrolithiasis and nephrogenic diabetes
5. Classify drugs used in arrhythmia with names.
Explain the role of calcium channel blocker in arrhythmia.
6. Explain the mechanism of Warfarin.
Why there is a delay in the mechanism of action of Warfarin?
7. Why anti-motility drug should be avoided in infective diarrhea?
How probiotics act?
8. Mention two indications of injectable contraceptives.
What are the adverse effects she may face while using it?
9. What is insulin resistance? How will you treat this condition?
10.A 70-years-old male needs to be treated with an alpha-blocker for overflow
incontinence due to his enlarged prostate. Which drug will you prescribe for
the condition?
Mention 3 clinical use of alpha blocker.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 26

1. What are the consequences of plasma protein binding of a drug?

Give two clinically important examples of drug interaction at the level of
Name two highly plasma protein bound drugs.
2. What is ADR reporting?
From where you can get an ADR reporting form in Bangladesh?
What are the components of it?
3. Explain the role of α-blocker in BPH.
Justify the preference of prazosin over other α-blockers as an anti-
hypertensive agent.
4. Explain hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia after thiazide administration.
5. Mention the drugs used to treat acute heart failure.
Explain the role of diuretics in heart failure
6. Compare Heparin and Warfarin as an anticoagulant.
How would you treat overdose of Heparin and Warfarin?
7. Mention 5 indications with choice of laxatives.
Justify the use of lactulose in hepatic coma.
8. Name three DPP-4 inhibitors.
A pregnant lady was diagnosed as a case of Diabetes mellitus by OGTT.
How will you manage her?
9. Mention five indications of steroids.
Mention five adverse effects due to long term use of steroids.
10.A 58-ears old female reports that she recently stopped taking her anti-
hypertensive medications because of swelling in her feet that begins shortly
after she started treatment. Which anti-hypertensive she was prescribed?
How it exerts its anti-hypertensive action?
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 27

1. What is tissue binding of drug? Name two drugs with particular tissue
What is the clinical significance of tissue-binding of drug?
2. Give one example of drug interaction:
a) At the level of absorption
b) At the level of distribution
c) At the level of biotransformation
d) At the level of excretion
3. How will you manage a case of anaphylactic shock?
Explain the pharmacological basis of adrenaline in anaphylactic shock.
4. Explain the rationale of combining spironolactone with frusemide/ thiazide.
What are the precautions to be taken during prolonged diuretic therapy?
5. What are the first line drugs used to treat HFrEF?
Explain the role of ACEI/ARB in heart failure.
6. Name the vitamin-B12 preparations.
Folic acid should be administered only after exclusion of vitamin-B12
7. What are the drugs that are used to treat IBD (Categorize)?
Explain the mechanism of Sulphasalazine used in the treatment of IBD.
8. Mention four indications of insulin?
What is the management of insulin induced hypoglycemia?
9. Name three life-threatening conditions where corticosteroids are used.
Mention three adverse effects of glucocorticoids after prolonged use.
10.A 65-years old man presents to his physician for the management of
dyslipidemia. His lipid profile reveals elevated LDL cholesterol with
normal triglyceride and HDL level. Which lipid-lowering agent will you
prescribe in this scenario? How it lowers blood cholesterol level?
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 28

1. Define volume of distribution.

What are the factors that influence volume of distribution?
What do you mean by redistribution of drugs? Explain with example.
2. Name the factors that modify drug action.
How duration of action of drugs can be prolonged? Explain with examples.
3. Justify the use of atropine in peri-operative period.
Explain the pharmacological basis of using adrenaline in cardiac arrest?
4. Explain the role of osmotic diuretics in acute renal failure and glaucoma.
5. Name some drugs that reduce both preload and afterload in CCF.
Explain the role of carvedilol in CCF.
6. Mention three indications of Heparin.
Explain heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
7. Name three drugs used in the treatment of IBS.
Justify the use of Mebeverine in IBS.
8. Mention the groups of drugs used in type-II diabetes mellitus.
Explain the mechanism of action of sulfonylureas.
9. How does OCP produce contraception?
Mention three non-contraceptive indications of OCP.
10.A 62-years old patient with a history of asthma and vasospastic angina states
that he gets chest pain about ten times per week. He used to get relief with
nitroglycerin tablet but complaints an awful headache every time he takes
it. Which alternative drug is the best option for improving his angina?
Justify your answer.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 29

1. Define pro-drug. Give three examples.

Mention three advantages of using pro-drug with examples.
2. What do you mean by maintenance dose and loading dose?
What are their clinical significance?
Mention two clinical conditions in which loading dose is used.
3. Why β-blockers are to be avoided in diabetic patient?
What is the consequence of sudden withdrawal of β-blockers?
4. Name the drugs that are safe in gestational HTN.
Mention three clinical uses and adverse effects of calcium channel blocker?
5. Name four anti arrhythmic drug.
Explain the anti-arrhythmic action and mention two adverse effects of
6. Name some conditions, where iron overload can occur.
How will you manage a case of acute iron toxicity?
7. How Loperamide acts in diarrhea?
Criticize the indiscriminate use of anti-motility drug.
8. What are the absolute indications of Insulin?
Name the different insulin preparations. What is Insulin resistance?
9. Which oral pill could be prescribed to a lactating mother and why?
How does it play its contraceptive action?
10.A male patient is placed on a new medication and notes that his breasts have
become enlarged and tender to touch. Which drug is he most likely taking?
Mention three indications of the drug.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Dhaka Medical College
3rd Professional MBBS Examination
Structured Oral Examination
Board A: Card 30

1. What is pharmacovigilance?
In which phase of clinical trial it is conducted?
What are the importance of it?
2. Define plasma half-life.
Mention its clinical significance.
3. Explain postural hypotension and reflex tachycardia following α-blocker
4. Name three beta blockers.
Tell their current status in treating hypertension.
5. Name the nitrates and their different formulations.
Explain the rationale of Nitroglycerin in IHD.
6. Why frusemide is called a high ceiling diuretics?
Explain the role of frusemide in CCF.
7. Name the drugs used to treat iron deficiency anaemia.
What are the adverse effects of iron therapy?
8. What is the drug of choice in NSAIDs induced ulcer and why?
Mention two other indications of the drug.
9. What do you mean by HRT?
What factor will you consider before prescribing OCP?
10.A type 2 diabetic patient has developed severe palpitations and sweating in
the morning following heavy physical exercise. What is the reason behind
such symptoms? How will you manage the case?

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