Unitek Midterm Term 1 VN With Complete Solution
Unitek Midterm Term 1 VN With Complete Solution
Unitek Midterm Term 1 VN With Complete Solution
What is the most effective process to ensure that the care plan is meeting the needs
of the patient? - ANSWER Evaluation
How may a newly licensed LPN/LVN practice? - ANSWER Under the supervision
of a physician or RN
Whose influence on nursing practice in the 19th century was related to improvement
of patient environment as a method of health promotion? - ANSWER Florence
What does documentation of type of care, time of care, and signature of the person
prove? - ANSWER That interventions were implemented to meet the patient's
The nurse charts only additional treatments done, changes in patient condition, and
new concerns. What is this system of documentation? - ANSWER Charting by
What form explains the lapse when events are not consistent with facility or national
standards of expected care? - ANSWER Incident report
Although the patient denies pain, the nurse observes the patient breathing rapidly
with clenched fists and facial grimacing. What is the nurse's best response to these
A. "I am glad you are feeling better and have no discomfort."
B. "Where do you hurt?"
C. "What you are saying and what I am observing don't seem to match."
D. "It makes me uncomfortable when you are not honest with me." - ANSWER C.
"What you are saying and what I am observing don't seem to match."
What framework does the establishment of priorities of care during the planning
phase of the nursing process often use? - ANSWER Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
1. physiologic
2. safety and security
3. love and belongingness
4. esteem
5. self-actualization
What bacteria can lie dormant when conditions for growth are not favorable? -
ANSWER spores
A patient with a respiratory infection reports that he is not yet on an antibiotic. The
nurse explains that the health care provider is waiting on the results of the culture
and sensitivity. What does this test determine? - ANSWER Culture tests to find
Sensitivity tests to see what kind of medicine (antibiotic) will work best to treat the
What bacterium is responsible for more diseases than any other organism? -
ANSWER streptococcus
What is the branch of science that studies how the body functions? - ANSWER
Which of the following is considered the control center of the cell? - ANSWER
What are the names of the synthesize myelin sheath of neurons in the brain, spinal
cord, and peripheral nerves? - ANSWER CNS - Oligrodendrocytes
PNS - Schwann cells
Nodes of Ranvier are? - ANSWER locations on the axon where the myelin sheath
is absent
motor neurons - ANSWER Efferent neurons that carry outgoing information from
the brain and spinal cord to the muscles AND glands
Ascending tracts of the spinal cord? - ANSWER carry sensory information TO the
Which blood cell fits this description: granulocytic, phagocytic, and motile? -
ANSWER Neutrophil
Which of the following causes granulocytopenia? - ANSWER myelosuppression
(bone marrow depression)
2. 4 chambers:
- left atrium and ventricle
- right atrium and ventricle
3. Valves:
- Aortic seminlunar valves (LV)
- Pulmonic semilunar valve (RV)
- Tricuspid valve (RA)
- Bicuspid (Mitral) valve (LA)
4. Pericardium
- epicardium
- myocardium
- endocardium
Starling's law of the heart? - ANSWER The greater the stretch of the myocardium,
the stronger the force of contraction
Diuretics affect on the heart? - ANSWER - Blocks the absorption of sodium and
water by the kidney
- Gets rid of excess water, decreases edema
Ejection Fraction (EF) - ANSWER When the ventricle contracts, it pumps about
67% of its volume (End-Diastolic Volume), some blood remains in the ventricle. The
% of the EDV that is pumped is called the ejection fraction.
Cardiac reserve is: - ANSWER The capacity to increase cardiac output above the
resting cardiac output.
right lymphatic duct - ANSWER receives lymph from the right upper part of the
thoracic duct - ANSWER receives lymph from the left side of the head, neck, chest,
abdomen, left arm, and lower extremities
function of spleen - ANSWER - Red pulp: venous sinuses with blood and
- White pulp: lymphocytes
- Stores and removes RBCs and platelets
palatine tonsils location - ANSWER located on the left and right sides of the throat
in the area that is visible through the mouth
phrenic nerve function - ANSWER Carries impulses to the diaphragm from the
external intercostal muscles - ANSWER A muscle that raises the rib cage,
decreasing pressure inside the chest cavity
What vascular structure is found between the afferent and efferent arterioles? -
ANSWER Capillaries
What is the major artery that supplies the kidneys? - ANSWER renal artery
renal capsule function - ANSWER Made of Dense Fibrous Tissue. maintains shape
of the kidney, and forms a barrier that can inhibit the spread of infection
What are peritubular capillaries? - ANSWER tiny blood vessels that travel
alongside nephrons allowing reabsorption and secretion bw blood and the inner
lumen of the nephron
Another name for the hormone ICSH is? - ANSWER Luteinizing hormone (LH)
hepatic portal system - ANSWER the veins that carry blood from the digestive
organs to the liver
Lipases do what? - ANSWER Break down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
Pepsin does what? - ANSWER Enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach
Amylase does what? - ANSWER Enzyme in saliva that breaks down starches