Private Wireless-Neutral Host-Deployment-Guide
Private Wireless-Neutral Host-Deployment-Guide
Private Wireless-Neutral Host-Deployment-Guide
Contents 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
What is a Neutral Host Network?....................................................................................................................................3
Who Are the Participating Service Providers?....................................................................................................................4
Who Should Read this Guide?..........................................................................................................................................5
CBRS Overview................................................................................................................................................................5
PAL vs. GAA......................................................................................................................................................................6
CBSDs............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
SAS................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CPIs.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Process Summary............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Gathering Requirements....................................................................................................................... 10
Understanding Needs, Use Cases, & Problems to be Solved...........................................................................................10
Scenario A: Sports Venue NHN for Capacity Expansion..................................................................................................12
Scenario B: Shopping Mall...............................................................................................................................................13
Design................................................................................................................................................... 36
Vendor Selection............................................................................................................................................................36
CBSD Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................39
Contents 2
Design Optimization.......................................................................................................................................................40
Network Design............................................................................................................................................................. 40
PSP Agreements.............................................................................................................................................................42
Tracking Areas................................................................................................................................................................44
End-User Devices (EUDs)................................................................................................................................................45
Scenario A: Sports Venue NHN Design...........................................................................................................................45
Scenario B: Mall NHN Design.........................................................................................................................................46
Install.................................................................................................................................................... 48
CBSD Installation...........................................................................................................................................................48
CPI Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
PAL Configuration & Spectrum License...........................................................................................................................48
EPC Configuration..........................................................................................................................................................49
Commissioning the CBSDs...............................................................................................................................................49
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Verification...................................................................................................................49
Scenario A: Sports Venue NHN Installation....................................................................................................................50
Scenario B: Mall NHN Installation..................................................................................................................................50
Maintain................................................................................................................................................ 51
Network Operations Center (NOC) Support..................................................................................................................51
HW/SW Alarms............................................................................................................................................................. 51
SAS Connectivity............................................................................................................................................................ 51
Channel Access...............................................................................................................................................................51
Interference from Other Networks..................................................................................................................................52
Customer Support..........................................................................................................................................................52
Service Assurance................................................................................................................................. 53
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)......................................................................................................................................53
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)...................................................................................................................................53
Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Priority Access License (PAL)...........................................................................................................................................54
Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 55
Checklist................................................................................................................................................ 59
Requirements Gathering.................................................................................................................................................59
Survey and Planning........................................................................................................................................................59
Design............................................................................................................................................................................ 60
Maintain & Service Assurance............................................................................................................................................60
With the opening up of the CBRS band to the public, the FCC removed several key
barriers to deploying LTE networks. The new requirements enable you to significantly
increase the speed and reduce the cost of deploying an LTE network. Neutral Host
Networks (NHNs) that provide services to users of multiple networks are also much
more practical to deploy. This paper is a guide for deploying an NHN using LTE
technology in the CBRS band. It is intended to familiarize you with key aspects of
designing and deploying an NHN, so you’re prepared for discussions with
equipment makers, service providers, and network operators. In addition, this guide
provides a walk-through of the deployment process and examines many of the
major design decisions involved in deploying an NHN.
At the end of this document, you'll find a glossary defining terms and acronyms used
throughout the document and a "checklist" to help drive the planning process.
MORAN NHN – This is an NHN sharing some radio network elements of multiple
operators, but with each PSP operating on a different channel.
MOCN NHN – This is an NHN that shares the radio network itself, and routes the
network traffic to the different PSP networks.
CBRS Overview
Wireless communication has become the
“fourth utility”. It has become as essential as Who’s Who in OnGo
power, water, and Internet connectivity for
OnGo is the result of work by many
most organizations. Yet, while demand for organizations:
mobile communication appears limitless, the The FCC – The Federal Communications
Commission defined the part 96
wireless spectrum, or the medium for carrying regulations that opened access to the
wireless information, is finite and increasingly CBRS band.
scarce and valuable. WInnForum – The Wireless
Innovation Forum defined the
In April 2015, the Federal Communications requirements for CBRS- compliant
physical devices.
Commission (FCC) formally established the OnGo Alliance (OnGoA) – The OnGo
Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) to Alliance defines the requirements for
address current and future needs for the OnGo technologies in the 3.5 GHz band
and certifies OnGo-compliant
wireless spectrum. Previously reserved solely equipment. (The OnGo Alliance was
for military and other government-approved previously known as the CBRS
uses, the CBRS band opens up 150 MHz of 3GPP – The 3rd Generation
spectrum at 3.5 GHz so private organizations Partnership Project standards body
can share this spectrum with incumbent users. represents the community of 3GPP
equipment manufacturers and service
The OnGo Alliance created OnGo to promote providers, and defines the LTE and 5G
the use of LTE in the 3.5 GHz band, although
other technologies can also use the band. The FCC partitioned 150 MHz of the 3.5 GHz
band into 15 x 10 MHz channels. Access to the channels is dynamic and controlled by
dedicated spectrum-management services known as Spectrum Access Systems (SAS).
Access Points are termed Citizens Broadband Radio Service Devices (CBSDs) in CBRS.
CBSDs come in many types – fully integrated small-cells, distributed radio heads, or
antenna clusters. CBRS defines a CBSD as a logical
Band 48 Properties
entity that radiates RF power, has antenna
For wireless communications,
characteristics, and is geolocated. CBSDs come in different frequency bands have
two classes, defined by their output power and different properties. In general, lower
range. Category A devices emit less than one watt frequencies are better for long-range
communications, while higher
of power per 10 MHz channel. Category B devices, frequencies have larger bandwidths,
typically used outdoors, emit up to 50 watts per 10 which allow for higher data rates. At
3.5 GHz, the CBRS Band (Band 48)
MHz channel. In an OnGo network, the LTE
provides a balanced "mid-band” mix
eNodeBs (base stations) are physically connected of capabilities – good propagation
to CBSDs and are often in the same device. characteristics, with good data
Maxim um EIRP
Device Type Lim itations
(dBm /10 MHz)
Outdoor antenna height limited to six meters Height
Above Average Terrain (HAAT).
Category A CBSD 30 (1W)
If operation exceeds antenna height or max Category A
power limits, the device is subject to Category B
Limited to outdoor operation.
Category B CBSD 45 (50W)
Must be professionally
In CBRS, End User Devices (EUDs) are the user-facing element. These devices can be
either mobile or fixed and the power can’t exceed < 23 dBm/10 MHz (<200 mW). EUDs
may operate with permission by a CBSD. In an OnGo network, the EUDs are generally
LTE User Equipment (UE) devices.
All CBSDs must register with an FCC-certified Spectrum Access System (SAS) and obtain
a channel grant from the SAS before transmitting in the CBRS band. To prevent
interference with incumbent systems, the SAS allocates the spectrum to individual
CBSDs and PAL license holders. To coordinate the CBRS band's usage, the SAS
maintains a database of CBSDs and incumbent devices to calculate the aggregate
For a SAS to grant access to channels in the lower 100 MHz of the CBRS band, the SAS
must have access to an Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC). The ESC is a network of
sensors used to detect federal frequency use in the 3550–3650 MHz band where U.S.
Navy radar systems can operate, primarily along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts.
The ESC informs the SAS of radar operations so the SAS can prevent CBRS interference
with the naval operation. The SAS uses propagation models to predict potential
interference with incumbent systems and transmits operating parameters to CBSDs so
potential interference can be avoided.
A new CBSD requests access to a range of frequencies from the SAS, and, based on the
location of the CBSD, its category, and its antenna characteristics, the SAS grants
access to one or more CBRS channels. When higher-priority users need channel access,
the SAS can direct the CBSDs to reduce their output power, stop using currently
allocated channels, or shut down entirely to avoid interference with PAL users or
incumbent systems.
Several FCC-certified SAS systems are deployed across the country. These systems are
operated by various companies that share information. Before a CBRS user deploys a
CBSD, they need to subscribe to a SAS service from an FCC-certified SAS administrator.
Under Part 96 rules, a SAS does not guarantee interference protection among GAA
users. However, WInnForum, the OnGo Alliance, and other standards bodies have
developed a coexistence framework for GAA users to help manage GAA operations.
Most CBSDs must be registered by a Certified Professional Installer (CPI), who collects
and registers information about the CBSD and provides detailed location information
to the SASs. The FCC doesn’t require a CPI to install CBSDs, but a CPI needs to register
each new CBSD with the SAS. CPIs are certified by one of the Training Program
Administrators (TPAs) approved by WInnForum.
Process Summary
Deploying and operating an NHN involves multiple steps. They consist of the following
1. Gather Requirements. Information should include how many people will use the
network, which network operators are the best PSP choices, and determine the
requirements the PSPs need to participate in your NHN.
2. Survey and Planning. In this stage, you survey the physical space the NHN
needs to cover, identify vendors of the system elements and services, and
estimate bandwidth needs and capabilities.
3. Design. Now you begin selecting vendors and refining your network design.
During this phase you’ll conduct signal measurements and modeling to make sure
your network provides the needed level of coverage and satisfies the
requirements from the PSPs.
4. Installation. It's time to begin installing your network – CBSDs, radio hardware,
backhaul connections, etc.
5. Maintain. Once the NHN is deployed and operating, you’ll need to stay on top of
monitoring to ensure that the network is operating correctly and is in
compliance with the key requirements from the PSPs.
The rest of this guide walks you through the process, providing further details on each
of these steps.
Gathering 10
The first step in any successful deployment requires a detailed understanding of your
organization’s needs and the problems you want to solve by deploying an OnGo NHN.
Start by identifying your critical use cases so your networking team, or an OnGo
service provider, can design a system to meet your needs.
Once you've determined your primary use cases and requirements, the next step is to
begin planning your deployment.
Nominal Design
For in-building or venue applications, collect floorplans and do an initial coverage
design. Working this out during the initial design will create a proposed blueprint for
antenna/CBSD placement. The site survey, described below, offers you the
opportunity to verify the design and make changes based on constructability.
Site Survey
To begin, you'll also need to survey the area you intend your network to cover and
how many CBSDs will be required, along with their location. The frequency band
where CBSDs operate (3.5 GHz) does not propagate in the same way as "regular" LTE
signals and operates at a lower power level (<50 watts) than a macro LTE cell. While
the actual list of information required to plan a full deployment may be longer, here
are some examples of the type of information you'll need to cover the overall
dimensions of the area, such as the length, width, height, area usage type, etc.
Dimensions of the outdoor coverage areas.
Dimensions of the indoor coverage areas.
Wall dimensions and construction materials, such as concrete, wood, metal
studs, etc.
Location and dimensions of structures in the coverage area, including large pieces
of furniture, large objects, obstructions, construction materials, etc.
Locations of power and data sources, as well as inaccessible areas. Note: If the Wi-
Fi infrastructure already exists, you can use the Wi-Fi Access Points as a simple
way to map out convenient locations for CBSDs.
The location of Wi-Fi Access Points and other wireless communications
infrastructure, such as DAS or small-cells.
Areas of potential interference (incumbents, radars, cell towers, etc.).
Survey & Planning
The current and expected device and subscriber density. You need to
understand the expected end use cases, such as IoT device types, mobile users,
Location and availability for onsite infrastructure elements as required (data
center, networking elements, network management systems, controllers, etc.).
Location and interfaces, including wired and wireless, and any existing
devices that will connect to your network.
Location of equipment closets, fiber point of presence, power and grounding,
cable trays, and the conduit between floors, etc.
Any future planned remodeling or construction.
These questions are here to help you scope out the overall scale of the deployment.
During deployment, installers will require special tools for measuring signal strength
and propagation to ensure complete network coverage. It's also good to conduct a
baseline walk test with a scanner to understand what other signals are present and
their relative strength in the planned coverage area so you can determine what design
margins are required for co-channel penetration.
If your site already has Wi-Fi infrastructure, you can use a high-level rule-of-thumb to
determine your CBSD requirements. For indoor deployments, one CBSD will typically
supply the equivalent coverage of two to three Wi-Fi Access Points. For outdoor
deployments, one CBSD can replace 12 to 20 Wi-Fi Access Points depending on terrain
and other factors.
The Tracking Area Codes, Mobility Management Entity Codes and Group IDs
(MMEC and MMEGI), and the Physical Cell Identities used by those networks (see
the Identifiers section for more information).
You can get some of this information using the Field Test Mode on devices connected
to that network. The details on how to activate and use this mode depend on the
device. Typically, activation involves dialing a unique code on the phone, which you can
find with a basic internet search. Several websites (such as or provide tower and
network information and can help identify other networks in your area. The PSPs can
also provide this information for their networks.
case available bandwidth and confirm if there will be sufficient capacity on a given
CBSD for different channel configurations.
OnGo networks use Time Division Duplexing (TDD), with the CBSDs/eNBs and
EUDs/UEs on the same frequency channel transmitting and receiving at specific times.
The throughputs can be calculated depending on several parameters such as the TDD
configuration, channel bandwidth, downlink, and uplink modulation supported, and
the MIMO capability of the CBSD. See examples in the table below. The table lists
peak rates shared across all connected users. You can use an online calculator
( to determine the available bandwidth. The
further you are away from the CBSD you can expect total throughput to drop. To
compensate, we recommend designing your RF footprint to maintain a cell edge that
sustains 15/5Mbps DL/UL throughput. The OnGo signal will typically reach longer
ranges and perform more reliably at the cell edge than a Wi-Fi signal.
TDD Config
(with: Normal Cyclic Channel
Prefix + Special Config0) Bandwidth Modulation MIMO Peak DL Peak UL
1 10 DL - 64 QAM 2x2 33.48Mbps 10.44Mbps
UL – 16 QAM 4x4 66.96Mbps 10.44Mbps
1 20 DL - 64 QAM 2x2 66.96Mbps 20.88Mbps
UL – 16 QAM 4x4 133.92Mbps 20.88Mbps
2 20 DL - 64 QAM 2x2 97.2Mbps 10.8Mbps
UL – 16 QAM 4x4 194.4Mpbs 10.8Mbps
6 20 DL - 64 QAM 2x2 51.84Mbps 103.69Mbps
UL – 16 QAM 4x4 25.92Mbps 25.92Mbps
6 20 DL - 256 QAM 2x2 69.12Mbps 38.88Mbps
UL – 64 QAM 4x4 138.24Mbps 38.88Mbps
1 20+20 DL-CA DL - 256 QAM 2x2 178.56Mbps 31.32Mbps
20+20 UL-CA* UL – 64 QAM 2x2 178.56Mbps 62.64Mbps
* In development now.
You should also note where the data streams are going. If your traffic is staying entirely
within your private network, any connection to external networks will be unaffected.
However, if you are going to send multiple video streams to the Internet, your
backhaul infrastructure will need sufficient capacity to handle the load.
Survey & Planning
TDD Synchronization
In the CBRS band, LTE systems must operate in TDD mode. In that mode, CBSDs (eNBs)
need to coordinate with nearby LTE CBSDs to prevent interference. Without
coordination, the higher power transmissions of the CBSD can effectively drown out
the lower power transmissions of UEs in nearby cells, even when they are on adjacent
frequency channels. This interference can occur when the CBSDs use different TDD
frame configurations or if the timing is not synchronized between the CBSDs to
transmit at the same time.
Survey & Planning
Being in the same TDD configuration and aligning the timing between cells significantly
reduces interference. LTE has existing mechanisms for synchronizing timing between
eNBs, using GPS or similar signals for a common timing reference, which is critical for
proper functioning. However, the SAS doesn’t currently have provisions for
coordinating the TDD configurations.
The OnGoA defines an optional coexistence manager system element to help
coordinate between OnGo networks and to minimize TDD-related interference within
the CBRS band. This system will coordinate between OnGo networks to select an
appropriate TDD configuration. That may constrain what TDD configurations your
network can use, but you'll experience significantly reduced interference. Until these
systems are online, you'll need to coordinate directly with other OnGo networks in
your area to determine which TDD configuration won't interfere with those networks
or with your network. An integrated solution provider will be able to help with these
issues if needed.
If any of the PSPs in your NHN have a PAL in the area, they may be willing to sublicense
access to the PAL. Likewise, any PAL holders in your area might want to participate in
your NHN as a PSP.
Carrier Aggregation
LTE supports the bundling of channels to provide additional bandwidth via a
mechanism known as Carrier Aggregation (CA). CA can operate within the CBRS band,
allowing multiple 10 MHz channels to be combined. These channels can be contiguous
or non-contiguous for maximum flexibility.
In addition, CA can be used across bands. For NHNs, this means that a PSP could use CA
to combine channels from their licensed spectrum bands with channels provided via
Survey & Planning
the NHN. Combining channels requires all system elements to support such CA and
close coordination with the PSP.
Roaming-Based NHN
Standard LTE, as defined by the 3GPP, has built-in mechanisms to handle roaming
when coverage isn't available from the user's home network provider. Roaming
agreements need to be in place with each PSP and special interfaces are required
between the hosting and PSP network systems. Users can see that they are operating
on a different network and are usually notified when roaming. Different charging and
billing plans usually apply to roaming users who are traveling internationally. While
not strictly speaking a Neutral Host Network, this is the form of network sharing that is
in common use.
Survey & Planning
A Multiple-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) NHN is a system that shares
some elements of the radio interface between multiple operators, but they use
separate radio channels. In other words, they use the same radio hardware, but end
devices and users see entirely separate networks. Usually, each PSP provides its EPC
network hardware for the MORAN system to connect with the radio control
hardware. Each PSP can configure the radio network as needed, with minimal
A MORAN system is the best choice when traffic loads are relatively low, or few PSPs
need support since each PSP uses their own separate 10 MHz channel.
A Distributed Antenna System (DAS) NHN is, functionally, a type of MORAN NHN.
In a Multiple-Operator Core Network
(MOCN) NHN, the eNodeB is shared DAS, NHNs, and CBRS
between PSPs, with the shared eNB A Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is a type of
routing traffic of a given UE to the MORAN system. Multiple service providers share an
antenna system, with each PSP transmitting on a
appropriate PSP. From the user's separate carrier on the same antennas. In addition,
perspective, the connection appears each PSP has onsite hardware responsible that is for
the system.
to come from their home network,
transitioning seamlessly to and from For example, you may already have a DAS system
deployed but need additional capacity/coverage. In
the network. The NHN can only that case, it may make sense to simply add a CBRS-
support up to six PSPs per channel, based NHN in parallel to the DAS system, as
modifications to the DAS system may require re-
but the PSPs don’t have to provide certification.
dedicated equipment to support the As of this writing, passive DAS systems will be able to
system. operate in the CBRS band soon, with some additional
complexity for handling the interface with the SAS.
MOCN functionality is typically Such a system would allow adding a Private LTE
integrated into the eNB as a feature. If capability and additional PSPs without needing
additional channels. The specific details are being
the eNBs do not support MOCN resolved within the WInnForum. Active DAS systems
directly, a MOCN gateway system can cannot currently be deployed in the CBRS band but
be used to provide the needed MOCN are being considered by the FCC and may be allowed
in the future.
interfaces. A MOCN gateway can also
Survey & Planning
Vendor Identification
As part of deploying an NHN, you will need many vendors. In the planning stage you
should begin to identify potential vendors based on your NHN architecture. Once you
reach the design stage, you will need to select your vendors.
Survey & Planning
SAS Administrators
The FCC has approved several SAS administrators. While the FCC defines the essential
functions of the SAS, each SAS administrator offers a variety of additional services and
a range of commercial terms. You can view a list of current SAS administrators here:
CBSD Vendors
Multiple CBSD vendors offer OnGo-certified devices. Differences between vendors
include power levels, antennas, number of devices, throughput, and other
configuration options. Also, pay particular attention to the types of NHN the CBSD
supports – not all CBSDs support every type of NHN operation, and in a MOCN NHN,
the CBSDs need to have support for MOCN functionality. A complete list can be found
MOCN Gateways
As discussed above, when deploying a MOCN NHN, a gateway can be used to provide
the needed interface (if the CBSDs don’t support them) or to consolidate the interfaces
of multiple CBSDs. The gateway(s) must be compatible with the CBSDs.
There are currently several training options for CPIs. You can find a list of WInnForum-
accredited Training Program Administrators (TPAs) here:
Networking Plan
The primary consideration for IP networking is what type of physical network
infrastructure your CBSDs will use to connect to each other and your internal network.
Different CBSDs support different interfaces for their backhaul connections – Ethernet,
optical fiber, or even wireless links. If your CBSDs use Ethernet for their backhaul, your
existing Ethernet infrastructure for your Wi-Fi network may work just fine for your
OnGo deployment. However, if your deployment will use a lot of channels to support
very high bandwidths, or your network infrastructure already carries significant traffic,
make sure your backhaul connection has enough available bandwidth to support your
needs. If not, you may need to add additional backhaul capacity.
You also need a backhaul connection if your system interfaces with other networks
(such as the public Internet) and the PSPs. As with the internal network, ensure that
your total backhaul capacity can support the amount of data you will be carrying,
including providing sufficient bandwidth to each of your network’s PSPs. Dedicated
capacity for each PSP may be desired, or you can share a single "pipe" among them.
The contract often sets the bandwidth, so check to see if you have sufficient
bandwidth to meet your needs. Even if your network doesn't provide access to the
Internet, the CBSDs and Domain Proxies must connect to the SAS. That's why we
recommend installing high-availability or redundant connections wherever possible.
Otherwise, your CBSDs will shut down if they can’t check in with a SAS periodically.
As a general rule, bandwidth demand rises 30% per year. So, rather than aiming for
"just enough," we recommend building in additional bandwidth, particularly in your
onsite infrastructure. You can increase backhaul bandwidth relatively quickly, but
installing more cables is a lot more difficult. Most plan for twice their current
bandwidth needs to provide for growth.
Survey & Planning
Any network system must address security. Fortunately, OnGo has LTE security
“baked-in” to the system, so achieving enterprise-level protection of the wireless link is
relatively easy. All elements of your deployment will need to consider both physical
and cyber security in the design to ensure that the overall system is secure. The PSPs
will likely have specific security requirements to make sure their connections are
secure. Consider these requirements in your selection of CBSDs and management
CBRS uses digital certificates for security purposes, authenticating and securing
communications between elements of the system, including the SASs, CBSDs, and
Domain Proxies. If you have an existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), leverage it to
generate the certificates used by your system, or rely on the certificates provided by
the manufacturers.
Business Case
When deploying any new system, it is essential to assess both costs and benefits.
While the details differ with each system, keep in mind that once you have deployed
an LTE network to address a particular use case, the incremental cost to support
additional use cases is much lower. Adding incremental use cases (such as a Private
LTE service) to the deployed LTE network can significantly improve the network's ROI.
This NHN is focused more on increasing capacity rather than on expanding coverage.
In this scenario, the main seating bowl area can seat up to 45,500 people, spread out
over 12 acres. In the seating areas, attendees are dense with 1,625 users per 6,500
square feet. The structure is primarily reinforced concrete, with few obstructions
within the stadium area. Power and data feeds can be routed to where CBSDs are
Ideally, CBRS Access Points (APs) would be installed directly above the end-users to
provide uniform coverage, good signal strength and minimal interference (SINR).
However, in most deployments, the preferred CBRS AP placements are not practical
given the physical layout of the stadium. That’s why CBRS capable, high-performance
stadium antennas are better for optimizing coverage and minimizing radio count. One
antenna per seating sector or 28 in total would be needed. The antennas would be
mounted above and behind the seating section pointing down towards the field. Some
other antenna mounting options such as handrail and Under the Seat (UTS) antennas
were considered but are not feasible. They're also cost-prohibitive due to additional
equipment and construction costs.
Survey & Planning
The biggest challenge is minimizing antenna pattern overlap, which results in degraded
SINR performance and limits capacity throughput. Modeling of the signal propagation
and performance allows you to calculate the worst-case user performance. Usually,
95% of a section will have an SINR performance of 3dB or better, so the minimum
capacity available for 95% of the users will be at least 0.6 bits/second/hertz x 4 (for a
4X4 MIMO antenna) = 2.4 b/s/Hz. For a 10MHz channel, that will equal 21.6Mbps. For
80MHz of channel bandwidth, that will equate to 172.8Mbps (worst-case scenario)
shared across 95% of all end users (1,625 seats) or 112kbps per user. There will be
some variance in user experience depending on the seat location relative to the
Modeling determines that performance is equivalent with all CBSDs operating on the
same channels or having CBSDs operating on alternating sets of channels with only half
the available channels assigned to the CBSD.
The available capacity and performance should meet the needs of the PSPs, with some
spare capacity to handle traffic growth. However, if additional capacity is needed or
there are not eight 10Mhz channels available on GAA, the design will need to be
adapted. Possible considerations:
Smaller sectors.
Alternate antenna placements.
Subleasing PAL channels from PAL holders in the area, including PSPs.
A MOCN architecture is preferred when there are a large number of CBSDs. Having
different channels for each PSP (as required for MORAN) would result in too many
channels. A MOCN gateway is included in the system design, to consolidate the
connections to the CBSDs.
With an outdoor network you’ll need many CBSDs, so it may be better to sublicense a
PAL from a PAL owner in the county if one is available. A sublicense would help ensure
a minimum service level.
Lastly, identify the top six service providers in the area and contact them about
becoming PSPs in the NHN. They’ll provide some initial guidance on the requirements
needed to participate and their business terms.
Survey & Planning
Placement of the CBSDs is much less constrained than in the stadium scenario,
resulting in much better signal propagation. Likewise, since this is an indoor
deployment, interference is significantly lower.
With each Class A (<1 Watt) CBSD covering approximately 10,000 square feet, about
150 will be needed to provide full coverage. Several different placement scenarios are
assessed based on measurements taken at the site and the modeling of signal
strengths. Modeling shows good signal strength can be achieved for 95% of the area,
resulting in worst-case performance on the order of 9.6 b/s/Hz, with 4x4 MIMO for an
Survey & Planning
86.4Mbps on a 10 MHz channel. The expected user density for a given CBSD is up to
400 users, which translates to 216 kbps per user.
Our modeling indicates that there is some benefit to having some of the adjacent
CBSDs operate on separate channels, reducing interference between them. The
available capacity and performance should be sufficient to meet the needs of PSPs. If
additional capacity is needed, a CBSD can use two 10 MHz channels, raising the
capacity to 432 kbps per user.
Since the deployment is indoors, the mall maybe relatively isolated from other facilities
by parking lots. So, if there are few GAA users in the area, subleasing a PAL is not
For the backhaul, at 30,000 customers, the total needed backhaul bandwidth is ~6.5
Gbps. Again, this should be within the site's service agreement's existing capabilities,
so you’re not required to modify the backhaul.
A MOCN architecture is preferred, as there are many CBSDs, and having different
channels for each PSP would result in too many channels. A Private LTE slice is
included in the design to support staff and systems, so a complete set of identifiers is
needed from the OnGo Alliance: a CBRS NID, an MMEGI, and 150 eNB IDs. In addition,
an IBN is
Survey & Planning
requested from the U.S. IMSI Admin for issuing SIMs for the Private LTE devices. The six
Tracking Area Codes that come with an IBN will allow the private network slice to be
split into six tracking areas to handle mobility control traffic.
The top five service providers in the area need to be identified, and initial contacts
made about becoming PSPs in the NHN. In addition, they will provide some initial
guidance on their requirements to participate and their business terms. One of the
PSPs indicates that they would prefer that they have their own dedicated MOCN
gateway, to consolidate the eNB connections, and to isolate their gateway from the
other PSPs.
After defining the network capabilities needed for your NHN deployment, site
surveying your location, and selecting vendors, the next step is identifying the network
elements best suited for your deployment, including endpoint devices, a radio system,
access points, and core network services. The easiest path for many enterprises is to
contract with a managed service provider or system integrator. Both can provide
design and implementation services, as well as select the appropriate vendors for your
Vendor Selection
SAS Selection
In the next stage, you’ll need to contract with a SAS administrator to provide service
for your deployment. Different SAS administrators offer a variety of commercial and
contract terms (per CBSD, flat fee, etc.). Select the one that best supports your
deployment. Your choice of a SAS administrator will depend on many factors,
Commercial terms for interfacing with the SAS.
Additional services provided by the SAS administrator, such as spectrum planning
and area information.
Does the SAS administrator have ESC sensors deployed for your area?
Need for a Domain Proxy (see below).
CBSD Selection
Now you are ready to select the CBSDs. The general requirements that you should
consider when choosing a vendor include:
Indoor and outdoor CBSD options.
Supported power levels.
- Category A devices can transmit up to one watt of power, but many vendors
offer options with lower power levels.
The number of devices each CBSD can support.
EPC Selection
If you are deploying a hybrid network that includes a private LTE capability, or the
NHN architecture requires it, you will need to select an EPC. For MORAN or MOCN
systems, no local EPC is needed.
A basic EPC consists of four main network elements: MME, HSS, SGW, and PGW. The
Mobility Management Entity (MME) and Home Subscriber Server (HSS) provide
mobility and device access controls. The Serving Gateway (SGW) and Packet Gateway
(PGW) are the network elements providing actual bearer data transport for mobile
devices by routing data packets between CBSDs, your local network, and any
connected networks such as the public Internet. The different elements of the EPC can
be run on separate devices or integrated into a single device.
EPC network elements can be deployed entirely in the cloud, on-premises together
with CBSDs, or in a hybrid mode. The architecture you select depends on your
deployment and should include available backhaul, desired latency, and cost
CPI Selection
It’s also time to select a CPI. Key considerations include understanding the payment
terms and additional services the CPI can provide. The CPI can be an internal resource,
as long as the person is trained using one of the authorized Training Program
Administrators (TPAs) described above.
CBSD Configuration
In addition to determining the placement, your CBSDs also need to be configured to
support your deployment. For example, you can configure your CBSDs to provide more
uplink or downlink capacity by adjusting the number of 10 MHz channels used and the
frame structure of those channels, depending on the kind of data traffic the system
needs. CBSDs can be sectorized as well by segmenting the coverage area into different
sectors operating in parallel.
Design Optimization
Proper placement and configuration of the CBSDs are a critical system component and
may go through several revisions during the design process. For example, installing a
CBSD in your desired location may be prohibitively costly or impractical, requiring the
CBSD to be placed elsewhere. Likewise, signals from adjacent systems and networks
may interfere with your network. That’s why measuring signal strengths, and
benchmark testing, should be performed to ensure that the CBSDs can provide the
needed coverage and repeated as the design is updated and modified during
The SASs can also provide guidance on the location of any nearby incumbents,
availability of channels, and any likely power restrictions in your area.
Network Design
At this stage, you need to decide on the design of the network infrastructure
supporting your NHN network. Here are several important topics for you to consider:
Domain Proxies
You can group CBSDs behind a Domain Proxy service that communicates with the SAS.
The Domain Proxy aggregates all communications from the CBSDs. It provides a single
interface point from the SAS to the CBSDs, reducing your configuration and registration
Network Slicing
You can configure your NHN to provide multiple independent virtual networks, each
with different configurations, controls, and features. For example, you can slice your
network to create a Private LTE network so staff can access your internal network and
voice calls, while the NHN can only access the public Internet.
A Private LTE network slice in an NHN system functions much like an additional PSP,
which means you need to allocate an extra channel for the Private LTE slice in a
MORAN system. In a MOCN, the Private LTE slice uses one of the available PSP slots on
the channel. See the Private LTE Deployment guide for additional details
Note: While LTE supports basic network slicing, more advanced capabilities are
supported by 5G.
Quality of Service
LTE provides multiple features for prioritizing and shaping data traffic, and those
features are also available in an NHN. The PSPs will have specific requirements for
traffic prioritization, with the details likely set out in the participation agreement. A
Private LTE slice of the network can also have separate prioritization rules, allowing for
further service customization.
MOCN (and MORAN) NHN deployments do not need an EPC element. Private LTE, and
some other NHN network architectures, require core network services to manage
devices, enable mobility, and support voice, video, data, and application services. EPC
solutions can be physically deployed on-premises, contracted as a service, accessed via
the cloud, or delivered as a hybrid solution. Because OnGo LTE deployments are so
flexible, organizations can either purchase or subscribe to core services to create a
solution that best meets their technical and budget requirements. (See CBRSA-TS-1002
for details on possible core network configurations.)
EPCs can even interoperate with other bands and technologies to provide connectivity
failover, expand capacity, and eventually accommodate 5G-based technologies. OnGo
ecosystem service providers, system integrators, and vendors can help your
organization select the optimal solution.
PSP Agreements
IP Exchange (IPX)
Now it’s time to put PSP service agreements in
IP Exchange (IPX) service providers can
place for service via your NHN. These also play a key element in setting up an
agreements typically include the requirements NHN. IPXs provide a business and technical
framework for integrating data services
from the PSPs you’ve identified. In addition to
across networks, both fixed and mobile. In
the technical requirements, these usually the NHN context, they can provide a single
include several KPI and problem reporting point of contact for working with PSPs so
that instead of having to execute
requirements, as well as resolution agreements with each PSP directly, you
requirements. just work with the IPX. On the technical
side, they also have existing infrastructure
The commercial terms of such agreements are for the interconnection between your
entirely up to the PSP and the NHN operator. network and the PSPs and enabling cross-
network roaming.
Options can include fixed flat fees, per user
fees, or per megabyte fees.
There are several identifiers used within LTE to uniquely identify elements of the
system, either as a globally unique identifier or as a locally unique identifier that is
different from other systems operating in the area of your NHN. Several of the
identifiers are combined with the first PLMN-ID broadcast by your NHN to ensure
global uniqueness. In those cases, the PSP for that first PLMN-ID will need to provide
the value.
For MOCN and MORAN systems, you only need one identifier: a Public Land Mobile
Network Identifier (PLMN-ID). Each PSP will have one (or more) PLMN-IDs that they
use to identify their network. These are broadcast by the CBSDs, which are limited to
six PLMN-IDs in a MOCN system.
If you are deploying a private LTE slice, or the NHN architecture requires an EPC, things
get more complicated. While you can obtain your own PLMN-ID, a PLMN-ID has been
created specifically for use by networks in the CBRS band – the CBRS Shared Home
Network Identifier (SHNI). When using the CBRS SHNI (which is 315-010), you will need
to obtain additional identifiers from the OnGo Alliance in order to ensure your network
works correctly:
The CBRS Network Identifier (CBRS-NID). This 27-bit number is used to uniquely
identify networks that use the CBRS SHNI.
A Mobility Management Entity Group Identity (MMEGI), which is used to identify
the Mobility Management Entity (MME), a component of the EPC.
A Mobility Management Entity Code (MMEC) is an 8-bit number used to identify
the MME within the MME Group associated with a given MMEGI. For most
deployments, you’ll only need one, but if you have multiple MMEs, each one in a
given MME Group needs a unique number. Any number between 0 and 255 will
do, and does not have to be obtained from the OnGo Alliance.
Tracking Area Codes (TACs). These codes
distinguish tracking areas controlled by Do I Need to Reserve ID Numbers?
a single MME and must be globally In order to prevent potential interference
unique when combined with the first issues with other LTE networks in your
area, we generally recommend you
PLMN-ID broadcast by your NHN. (See
reserve ID numbers, especially if you are
below for a discussion of how many deploying a Private LTE slice in your NHN.
tracking areas, and TACs, you will need.) Otherwise, the necessary identifiers will be
by the “lead” PSP’s (the first PSP
advertised by the NHN).
You will also need Macro eNB identifiers, one for each eNB in your deployment.
These uniquely identify each eNB and are used in LTE's self-optimization systems,
and need to be a globally unique value when combined with the first PLMN-ID
broadcast by your NHN. The PSP for that first PLMN-ID will provide you with the
Macro eNB Identifiers to use in your system. (This identifier is needed even for
microcell deployments, despite the name.) If your system is using the CBRS SHNI,
you can obtain unique identifiers from the OnGo Alliance.
Physical Cell Identity (PCI) – This is a number between 0 and 503 and is broadcast
by each cell in your network. (An eNB typically can operate multiple cells –
Category A CBSDs generally have only one cell, while Category B CBSDs may have
eNBs that support several cells.) CBSDs should use Physical Cell Identities different
from other nearby LTE cells, including other LTE networks operating in different
bands in your area. The PSPs should provide you a list of the identities used by
cells in your area so that you can select locally unique values for the cells in your
network. PCIs are often optimized by the RAN using LTE’s built-in self-optimizing
network (SON) functionality.
Identifiers can be obtained from the CBRS Alliance online: Contact for
additional information on identifiers.
Tracking Areas
For deployments that do not Private LTE Networks
need a local EPC (e.g., MOCN
You can configure a CBRS deployment to function as a Private
and MORAN NHNs), the PSPs LTE network. A Private LTE network provides services to
are responsible for managing authorized users and devices independently of other service
providers. Devices typically need to have a SIM configured to
the tracking areas, and you will access the Private LTE network. Devices that support multiple
not need to worry about it SIMs can use one of the extra SIMs to access the Private LTE
If your deployment includes an
A network can be configured to function as a hybrid network,
EPC element (e.g., for a private providing NHN services and a Private LTE network.
LTE slice), and covers a large A separate deployment guide provides additional details
area, the network needs to be on OnGo Private LTE networks
divided into Tracking Areas, deployment-guide/).
each identified by a Tracking Area Code (TAC). These codes detect when devices have
moved within your network. When the network wants to talk to a device (paging), it
asks each CBSD/eNB in the tracking area where the device was last seen to connect to
that device. With more tracking areas, your network can page devices more efficiently,
at the cost of additional control traffic from the devices notifying the network when
they have changed tracking areas. With fewer tracking areas, there’s less overhead
control traffic of devices notifying the network when they’ve changed traffic areas, at
the cost of more control traffic when the network needs to page the device.
If your deployment consists of multiple coverage areas that don’t overlap (for
example, a network that provides coverage in multiple office buildings but not the
outdoor areas between them), each coverage area should be a separate tracking area
with its own TAC.
Now is an excellent time to make sure any additional network infrastructure you will
need is in place. You'll need to consider providing power and IP connectivity to the
CBSD sites and ensure that the CBSDs have the bandwidth needed to connect to other
networks, including the Internet.
The terms for becoming PSPs have been negotiated with the top six network operators
in the area. They each have network configuration requirements in order to
participate, which are configure in the EMS and the CBSDs (eNBs).
A specialist service provider has prepared a detailed map of the coverage area to
determine the ideal placement of the CBSDs. Special antennas are used to
reduce interference between CBSDs placed (relatively) close to each other.
To obtain a PAL, you have contacted the PAL owners in the area to discuss sublicensing
terms. Also, given the need for a PAL and the fact that several of the CBSDs will be
placed outdoors (Class B devices), you have hired a CPI to register the installations.
No EPC is needed for this deployment – as a MOCN NHN, the EPC component is
provided by the PSPs.
A full set of identifiers is not required, as the PSPs will be providing their Network
Identifiers – PLMN-IDs, MMEGIs, and TACs. However, you’ll need Macro eNB IDs from
the OnGo Alliance for each CBSD.
total, the 14 CBSDs required to handle data traffic can provide coverage throughout
the mall.
The EPC managing the Private LTE slice will be physically located on the site, along with
the MOCN gateways, in a network closet, and run on a single server along with the
Domain Proxy and EMS elements.
Since a Private LTE network slice is part of this deployment, a set of identifiers is
needed, including a CBRS NID for the Private LTE slice, along with an MMEGI and an
eNB ID for each CBSD. To ensure that there are no interoperability problems with the
PSPs, the Tracking Area Codes are set to values that are distinct from the PSP networks
in the area.
Now it is time to start installing your CBSDs, EPC (if needed), and the other equipment
in your deployment.
CBSD Installation
CBSDs typically need three connections to operate – power, a backhaul data
connection, and one or more antennas.
CPI Requirements
All Category B CBSDs must be inspected and registered by a CPI. However, some
Category A CBSDs can determine their location automatically via GPS/GNSS and
don’t always require a CPI. The most critical pieces of information that the CPI
provides are the GPS coordinates of the CBSD, the power level, and the environment
of the CBSDs (indoor or outdoor).
You can find more information on CPIs at the WInnForum website:
to provision the Private LTE devices with SIM cards explicitly configured for your
network, with a custom IMSI (using your IBN). SIM management is generally part of
the EMS or EPC element of your deployment. See the Private LTE deployment guide
for further information.
EPC Configuration
Your network EPC element needs to be deployed and configured if your network has
an EPC. Specifically, the system needs to be configured with the appropriate identifiers
– the PLMN-IDs of PSPs, MMEGI, Macro eNB IDs, etc. In addition, you'll need
connections between your NHN and the EPC of the PSPs, which requires an exchange
of IP addresses, as well as security credentials and certificates. Finally, your network
configuration will also need to allow S1 and GTP tunnel connections to the PSPs.
Specialist service providers can perform detailed coverage and capacity checks as part
of their service offerings. They can also offer detailed analysis and recommendations of
how to adjust your network to provide the needed capabilities.
Like any system, an NHN deployment requires support. The operator of the NHN is
responsible for ensuring the integrity of the network it is providing to the PSPs. Here
are some critical things to remember:
HW/SW Alarms
Individual CBSDs, backhaul connections, or end devices can develop hardware or
software faults and generate an alarm when an error occurs to alert the NOC support
team. Classification of problems, and time requirements for their resolution, are often
included as part of the PSP agreements.
SAS Connectivity
If connectivity to the SAS is lost, the CBSDs will shut down after just a few minutes,
which is why we recommend high-availability or redundant communications. If
connectivity is lost, the SAS retains the grant for your network for seven days. As long
as the link is restored within that timeframe, your network can resume operation
Channel Access
If an incumbent system becomes active, the SAS may direct your CBSDs to reduce
power or even shut down entirely.
Customer Support
PSPs requirements may include providing support to users if there are issues with a
PSP subscriber's device within your NHN. These can include contact points and/or
mechanisms for the PSP's NOC to coordinate a response to service issues if they arise.
Service Assurance
A network monitoring system plays a vital role in an NHN deployment. This system
should continually evaluate key performance metrics continually against your service
level agreements (uptime, average throughput, etc.) and provide immediate
notification of any problems that could impact critical services.
Term Definition
AC Alternating Current
AP Access Point, the Wi-Fi equivalent of an eNB
Backhaul Connection from a network node (CBSD) to other nodes and external networks.
BTS-CBSD Base Transceiver Station CBSD: Fixed CBSD base station connecting to EUDs or CPE-
BYOD Bring Your Own Device
CA Carrier Aggregation
CBRS Citizens Broadband Radio Service
CBRSA CBRS Alliance, former name of the OnGo Alliance
CBRS-NID A CBRS Network ID, a CSG-ID that identifies the provider of a network
CBSD Citizens Broadband Radio Service Device: Fixed Stations or networks of such stations
that operate on a Priority Access or General Authorized Access basis in the Citizens
Broadband Radio Service consistent with Title 47 CFR Part 96.
Category A <30 dBm/10 MHz (<1 Watt/10 MHz) transmit power CBSD
Category B <47 dBm/10 MHz (<50 Watt/10 MHz) transmit power CBSD
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPE-CBSD A fixed device that communicates with a SAS via a BTS-CBSD and can exceed the EUD
transmit power limit. In an OnGo context, it functions as a non-mobile UE.
CPI Certified Professional Installer, an individual authorized by the WInnForum to register
information about a CBSD with the SAS.
CSG-ID Closed Subscriber Group Identifier
DAS Distributed Antenna System
DL Downlink
DM Device Management System (for CBSD)
eNB Evolved Node-B, an LTE base station
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power: the transmitted power level of a wireless device,
including antenna gain
EMS Element Management System
EPC Evolved Packet Core provides network services to mobile devices in LTE
ESC Environmental Sensing Capability
eSIM Embedded SIM, a SIM system without a removable UICC/SIM card
Term Definition
EUD End-User Device: an LTE UE in OnGo (e.g., a smartphone, sensor, etc.). It can be a fixed
or mobile device. Transmit power level must be <23 dBm EIRP.
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FWA Fixed-Wireless Access: A wireless telecommunication system where the devices are
non-mobile. Often used for providing backhaul for other services.
GAA General Authorized Access
GHz Gigahertz
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System (e.g., GPS)
GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol: a tunneling protocol for managing mobile bearer data
between an SGW and a PGW in an EPC
GPS Global Positioning System
GW Gateway
HD High Definition
HNI Home Network Identifier, the PLMN-ID of a device’s home network
HSS Home Subscriber Server, the network element of an EPC, contains user-related and
subscription-related information in a centralized database
IBN IMSI Block Number, a block of numbers granted for use by a network operator
IMEI Individual Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI Individual Mobile Subscriber Identity
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IoT Internet of Things
IPX IP Exchange
Kbps Kilobits per second
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LTE Long Term Evolution, the 4th generation mobile technology; used in OnGo
LTE UE LTE User Equipment: a device (mobile or fixed) used by an end-user to communicate
(e.g., a smartphone).
Mbps Megabits per second
MHz Megahertz
Term Definition
MIMO Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output: a method for multiplying the capacity of a radio
link using multiple transmission and receiving antennas to exploit multipath
MME Mobility Management Entity, the network element of an EPC that controls mobile
device access to the EPC
MMEC MME Code. An 8-bit number that identifiers an individual MME within an MME Group
MME Group A collection of MMEs within a given network
MMEGI MME Group ID identifies a specific MME Group within a network
MNO Mobile Network Operator or a wireless carrier
MOCN Multi-Operator Core Network—an NHN where a shared eNB system routes traffic to
the EPCs of the PSPs.
MOCN Gateway An optional system that provides a single MOCN interface from one or more
CBSDs/eNBs to PSP networks. A MOCN gateway can also provide MOCN capability to a
CBSD that doesn’t natively support MOCN.
MORAN Multi-Operator Radio Access Network—an NHN where the PSPs operate their eNBs,
utilizing separate carriers, but sharing antennas and other RF elements
MSO Multiple System Operator—an operator of multiple cable or broadcast satellite
MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator— a wireless carrier that does not own the physical
infrastructure that provides services.
NHN Neutral Host Network, an LTE network that provides coverage to multiple MNOs.
NOC Network Operations Center
OnGo LTE in the CBRS band
OnGoA The OnGo Alliance, formerly the CBRS Alliance
OnGoA NHN A specific NHN system architecture defined by the OnGoA for use in the CBRS band.
Note: Other NHN architectures can be deployed in the CBRS band and supported by
the OnGoA.
PAL Priority Access License
PCI Physical Cell Identity, an identifier broadcast by each cell in a network.
PGW Packet Data Network Gateway, a network element of an EPC that provides connectivity
from a UE to external packet data networks by being the exit and entry of traffic for
Physical Cell A number from 0 to 503 broadcast by each LTE cell. This number should be different
Identity from other cells in the area.
Term Definition
PLMN-ID Public Land Mobile Network Identity
PPA PAL Protection Area. the geographic area that the SAS protects from interference for a
given PAL.
PSP Participating Service Provider, a network that is using an NHN to provide services to
their subscribers.
PTP Precision Time Protocol
QoS Quality of Service
QCI QoS Class Identifier, how different data streams are prioritized within an LTE network.
RAN Radio Access Network
RF Radio Frequency
SAS Spectrum Access System, manages and assigns CBRS spectrum use on a dynamic, as-
needed basis across PAL and GAA users.
SGW Serving Gateway, a network element of an EPC that routes and forwards user data
packets to a PGW via GTP sessions while also acting as the mobility anchor for the user
plane inter-eNodeB handovers.
SHNI Shared Home Network Identifier, a common PLMN-ID for use by CBRS systems (315-
SIM Subscriber Identifier Module
SINR Signal-to-Interference Plus Noise Ratio
SLA Service Level Agreement
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SON Self-Optimizing Network
TAC Tracking Area Code, part of the TAI
TAI Tracking Area Identifier
TPA Training Program Administrator
UE User Equipment, a device using the mobile network
UICC Universal Integrated Circuit Card, a SIM card.
UL Uplink
USB Universal Serial Bus
VoLTE Voice over LTE, a packet-based protocol for handling voice calls in LTE.
WInnForum The organization that develops the standards for CBRS system elements that include
the SAS, ESCs, CBSDs, and CPI certification.
Requirements Gathering
What is the purpose of your Neutral Host Network?
Which devices will be m obile within your network? Which devices will m ove into and out of your
Do you want your NHN a lso to have a Private LTE capability (slice)?
Is a PAL needed?
Selected SAS Adm inistrator:
Selected CBSDs:
Num ber of CBSDs:
Selected NHN Architecture:
Selected EPC (if needed):
Selected EMS/DM:
Selected CPI:
Assigned MME Group ID (MMEGI) (from lead P SP):
Assigned Macro e NB IDs (one per CBSD) (from lead PSP):
Tracking Area Codes (from lead PSP):
PAL License:
Network connections to PSPs: