Digital Techniques
Digital Techniques
Digital Techniques
To ensure that the Diploma level Technical Education constantly matches the latest requirements of
Technology and industry and includes the all-round personal development of students including social
To provide high quality technical and managerial manpower, information and consultancy services to
the industry and community to enable the industry and community to face the challenging
We, at MSBTE, are committed to offer the best in class academic services to the students and institutes
to enhance the delight of industry and society. This will be achieved through continual improvement in
evaluation and monitoring system along with adequate faculty development programmes.
Digital Techniques
Semester – III
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education , Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
4th Floor, Government Polytechnic Building, 49,
Kherwadi, Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400051.
(Printed on July, 2024)
The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/field work in the technical education system is
to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in view, MSBTE
embarked on this innovative 'K' Scheme curricula for engineering diploma programmes with outcome-
based education as the focus and accordingly, a relatively large amount of time is allotted for the
practical work. This displays the great importance of laboratory work, making each teacher, instructor
and student to realize that every minute of the laboratory time needs to be effectively utilized to
develop these outcomes, rather than doing other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful
implementation of this outcome- based curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a
'vehicle' to develop this industry identified competency in every student. The practical skills are
difficult to develop through "chalk and duster" activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the "K‖
scheme laboratory manual development team designed the practical to focus on the outcomes, rather
than the traditional age old practice of conducting practical to 'verify the theory" (which may become a
byproduct along the way).
This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students, teachers and
instructors to develop in the student the predetermined outcomes. It is expected. from each student that
at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the concerned practical procedure that
they will do the next day and understand the minimum theoretical background associated with the
practical. Every practical in this manual begins by identifying the competency, industry relevant skills,
course outcomes and practical outcomes which serve as a key focal point for doing the practical. The
students will then become aware about the skills they will achieve through the procedure shown there
and necessary precautions to be taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in
their professional life.
This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively facilitate student-
centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and managing necessary resources
in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions systematically ensuring the
achievement of outcomes in the students.
The basic aim of this course is that, the student must learn logic gates, combinational and
sequential circuits using discrete gates and digital ICs will enable students to interpret working of
digital equipment and test their functionality.
Although best possible care has been taken to check for errors (if any) in this laboratory manual,
perfection may elude us as this is the first edition of this manual. Any errors and suggestions for
improvement are solicited and highly welcome.
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,
science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the broad based
Electronic Engineering group program problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined Electronic Engineering group
program problems using codified standard methods.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems
and assist with the design of Electronic Engineering group program systems components or
processes to meet specified needs.
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
Electronic Engineering group program technology in context of society, sustainability,
environment and ethical practices.
PO7: Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of Electronic Engineering group program technological changes.
CO1 - Apply number system and codes concept to interpret working of digital systems.
CO2 - Apply Boolean laws to minimize complex Boolean functions.
CO3 - Develop combinational logic circuits for given applications.
CO4 - Develop sequential logic circuits using Flip-flops.
CO5 - Interpret the functions of data converters and memories in digital electronic systems.
Title of the Practical CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5
Test the functionality of AND, OR, NOT, EX-OR and
1 EX-NOR logic gates using equivalent 74 series or CMOS — — —
Devices (CD) Series
Test the functionality of the given universal gates using
equivalent 74 series/CD series
— — — —
Construct Basic gates using Universal Gates — — — —
Verify De-Morgan‘s Theorem (1 and 2) — — — —
Implement 2 input, 3 input Subtractor Circuit — — — —
Test the output of BCD to 7 segment Decoder using Digital
IC for the given inputs
— — — —
Checks the output of comparator circuit consist of Digital
— — — —
Build and test the functionality of 4:1/8:1 Multiplexer — — — —
Build and test the functionality of 1:4/1:8 Demultiplexer — — — —
Implement and Verify the truth table of RS Flipflop — — — —
Implement and Test the functionality of Master Slave JK
Flip Flop using Digital IC
— — — —
Use Digital IC to construct and Test the functionality of D
and T flip flop
— — — —
Build 4- bit Universal Shift register and Observe the
timing Diagram
— — — —
CO1 - Apply number system and codes concept to interpret working of digital systems.
CO2 - Apply Boolean laws to minimize complex Boolean functions.
CO3 - Develop combinational logic circuits for given applications.
CO4 - Develop sequential logic circuits using Flip-flops.
CO5 - Interpret the functions of data converters and memories in digital electronic systems.
Title of the Practical CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5
Implement Ripple counter using Digital IC — — — —
Implement Decade Counter using Digital IC — — — —
Test the output of given R-2R type Digital to Analog
Converter for the given input
— — — —
Guidelines to Teachers
1. Teacher should provide the guideline with demonstration of practical to the students with all
2. Teacher shall explain prior concepts to the students before starting of each practical.
3. Involve students in the performance of each experiment.
4. Teacher should ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the students
after the completion of the practical exercise.
5. Teachers should give opportunities to students for hands-on experience after the demonstration.
6. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the students.
7. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though not covered
in the manual but are expected of the students by the industry.
8. Finally give practical assignments and assess the performance of students based on tasks
assigned to check whether it is as per the instructions.
9. Teacher is expected to refer complete curriculum document and follow guidelines for
10. At the beginning of the practical which is based on the simulation, teacher should make the
students acquainted with any simulation software environment.
Content Page
List of Practical‘s and Progressive Assessment Sheet
Assessment Dated
Sr. Page Date of Date of Remarks
Title of the Practical Marks sign. of
No. no. Performance Submission If any)
(25) Teacher
Assessment Dated
Sr. Page Date of Date of Remarks
Title of the Practical Marks sign. of
No. no. Performance Submission If any)
(25) Teacher
Practical No.1: Test the functionality of AND, OR, NOT, EX- OR and EX-NOR logic
Gates using equivalent 74 series or CMOS Devices (CD) series.
I Practical Significance
Logic gates are commonly referred to as the fundamental building blocks of digital circuits.
Digital gates are used in all digital circuits such as switches, memories, microprocessors, and
embedded systems. Knowledge of functions of logic gates will help the students to build the
digital circuits.
The output of a logic gate depends on the combination of inputs and the logical operation that
the logic gate performs. Logic gates are the basic building blocks of all digital systems. These
gates are AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates. In digital logic design
only two voltage levels or states are applied as input, and these states are generally referred to
as Logic ―1‖ and Logic ―0‖, High and Low, or True and False. These two states are
represented in truth tables as binary digits ―1‖ and ―0‖ respectively.
b) Actual circuit
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram.
X Procedure
1. Test the IC 7408 using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 1.3.
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
6. Verify the truth table.
7. Repeat the process for IC 7404, 7432, 7486, 74266.
XI Resources Used
XIII Observation:
0 (0V)
1 (5V)
Table 1.2: Observation Table for AND, OR, EX-OR, EX-NOR gate
0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 Identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.2: Test the functionality of the given Universal Gates using
equivalent 74 series /CD series
I Practical Significance
A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need to use any
other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. In practice, this is
advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical and easier to fabricate and are the
basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
+5 V Fixed power supply
3 DC power supply 1
Breadboards 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
1 Each
5 IC 7400, 7402, or CMOS IC‘s.4011, 4001
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ or 330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Check IC before use.
2. Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3. Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 2.3.
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
6. Verify the truth table
7. Repeat the process for IC 7402.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 2.1: Observation Table for NAND, NOR gate
0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need
to use any other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. In
practice, this is advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical and
easier to fabricate and are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.
Fig. 3.1 NOT gate using NAND gate a) Logic diagram b) IC Circuit diagram
(Use the appropriate value of the resistor . Diagram shows sample values)
Figure (a) Figure (b) Connection
Fig. 3.2 AND gate using NAND gate a) Logic diagram b) IC Circuit diagram
(Use the appropriate value of the resistor . Diagram shows sample values)
Fig. 3.3 OR gate using NAND gate a) Logic diagram b) IC Circuit diagram
(Use the appropriate value of the resistor . Diagram shows sample values)
Fig. 3.4 NOT gate using NOR gate a) Logic diagram b) IC Circuit diagram
(Use the appropriate value of the resistor . Diagram shows sample values)
Fig.3.5 AND gate using NOR gate a) Logic diagram b) IC Circuit diagram
(Use the appropriate value of the resistor . Diagram shows sample values)
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7400, 7402 1 Each
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Identify pin configuration of logic gate IC 7400 and test with digital IC Tester.
2. Make the connection as shown in figure 3.1-3.3 on breadboard
3. Connect the +5V to Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
4. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
5. Verify the truth table
6. Repeat the process for figure 3.4-3.6.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 3.1 a: Observation Table For NOT gate using NAND gate
Inputs NOT
Logic Level Output
A Status
(0/1) voltage (V)
Table 3.1 b: Observation Table For AND, OR gate using NAND gate
Inputs AND OR
LED Logic LED Logic Output
A B Status Level Status Level voltage
voltage (V)
(ON/OFF) (0/1) (ON/OFF) (0/1) (V)
0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
Table 3.2 a: Observation Table For NOT gate using NOR gate
Inputs NOT
LED Logic Output
A Status Level (0/1) voltage (V)
Table 3.2 b: Observation Table For AND, OR gate using NOR gate
Inputs AND OR
LED Logic Output LED Logic Output
A B Status Level voltage Status Level voltage
(ON/OFF) (0/1) (V) (ON/OFF) (0/1) (V)
0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need to use any
other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. In practice, this is
advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical and easier to fabricate and are the
basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.
b) Actual Circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7400, 7402 2 Each
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Identify pin configuration of logic gate IC 7400 , IC7402 and test with digital IC Tester.
2. Make the connection as shown in figure 4.1-4.2 on breadboard
3. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
4. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
5. Verify the truth table
6. Repeat the process for figure 4.3-4.4.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 4.1: Observation Table For EX-OR & EX-NOR gate using NAND gate
Table 4.2: Observation Table For EX-OR & EX-NOR gate using NOR gate
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
De Morgan's theorems prove very useful for simplifying Boolean logic expressions because
of the way they can 'break' an inversion, which could be the complement of a complex
Boolean expression..This practical will enable the students to use De Morgan‘s theorem to
simplify the complex function for the efficient hardware implementation.
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ = ̅ . ̅
NOR gate = Bubbled AND gate
̅̅̅̅̅ = = ̅ + ̅
NAND gate = Bubbled OR gate
a) Sample Circuit
b) Actual Circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7400, 7404,7432,7402,7408. 1 Each
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Identify pin configuration of logic gate IC‘s and test with digital IC Tester.
2. Mount the IC‘s on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 5.1for LHS as well as RHS side and give supply voltage
to the relevant pin as per logic level.
4. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
5. Verify the truth table
6. Repeat the process for figure 5.2.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 5.1: Observation Table: De Morgan’s first theorem
Inputs Outputs
A B LHS= ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ RHS= ̅ . ̅
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Inputs Outputs
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
XVI Conclusion and recommendation
XVII Practical related questions
Note: Below given are a few sample questions for reference. Teachers must
design more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. List the IC numbers used in De Morgan‘s first theorem.
2. List the IC numbers used in De Morgan‘s second theorem.
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
In many computers and other kinds of processors, adders are used in the arithmetic
logic units (ALUs). They are also used in other parts of the processor, where they
are used to calculate addresses, table indices, increment and decrement operators
and similar operations.
The full adder is a combinational circuit which is used to perform addition of three input bits.
The full adder adds the bits A and B and the carry from the previous bits addition called the
carry in (Cin) and the outputs the sum bit (S) and the carry bit called the carry out (Cout). The
variable S gives the value of the least significant bit of the sum. The variable Cout gives the
output carry.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7486, 7408,7432. 1 Each
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard and Make the connection as per figure 6.3.
3. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
4. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
5. Verify the truth table
6. Repeat the procedure for figure 6.4.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 6.1: Observation Table for Half Adder
Inputs Output
Logic Level Output voltage Logic Level Output voltage
(1/0) (v) (1/0) (v)
0 (0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
Inputs Output
Sum Carry
A B C Output
Logic Level Logic Level Output voltage
(1/0) (1/0) (v)
0 (0V) 0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 0(0V) 1(5V)
0(0V) 1(5V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V) 1(5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Process related Product related Total Dated signature of Teacher
(15) (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
Subtractor is used in systems where subtraction operations are required, such as in arithmetic
units of microprocessors, calculators, digital signal processing circuits, and other digital
systems where subtraction is needed.
Full subtractor is a combinational circuit that performs subtraction of two bits, one is
minuend and other is subtrahend. In full subtractor ‗1‘ is borrowed by the previous
adjacent lower minuend bit. Hence these three bits are considered at the input of a
full subtractor. There are two outputs that are DIFFERENCE (D) and BORROW
( Bo).
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7486, 7404,7408.7432 1 Each
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per figure 7.3.
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
6. Verify the truth table
7. Repeat the procedure for figure.7.4.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 7.1: Observation Table For Half Subtractor
Inputs Output
A B Output Output
Logic Level Logic Level
voltage voltage
(1/0) (1/0)
(v) (v)
0 (0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V)
Inputs Output
Difference Borrow
A B C Output Output
Logic Level Logic Level
voltage voltage
(1/0) (1/0)
(v) (v)
0 (0V) 0(0V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 0(0V) 1(5V)
0(0V) 1(5V) 0(0V)
0(0V) 1(5V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 0(0V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 0(0V) 1(5V)
1(5V) 1(5V) 0(0V)
1(5V) 1(5V) 1(5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.8: Test the output of BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using Digital IC for the
given inputs.
I Practical Significance
BCD is an abbreviation for binary-coded decimal. BCD is a way of representing decimal
numbers in binary form. The IC takes a 4-bit BCD input and converts it into the
corresponding 7-segment display outputs. It is used to display decimal numbers.
Common anode has all the anodes of the 7-segments connected together to VCC (Logic
1).The individual segments are illuminated by connecting the individual cathode terminals to
low (Logic0) signals to the individual cathode terminals. For common anode LED displays
the ICs are IC 7446, IC 74246, IC 7447 etc. are used.
IC 7448 is BCD to 7-Segment decoder IC whose output is active high depending on the
corresponding BCD inputs so it is used to drive common cathode 7- segment displays
For normal functioning of IC 7447 Pin number 3, 4, 5 should be connected to logic 1Vcc
Courtesy: (
Fig 8.6: Circuit Diagram
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7447 or 7448 1 Each
Common anode
6 IC FND 507/LT 542 1
7-seg Display
Common cathode
7 IC LT 543 1
7-seg Display
8 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
9 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Make the connection as per fig 8.6
3. Connect different BCD inputs from 0000 to 1001 and note down the corresponding
output on the display.
4. Observe the outputs on a 7- segment display.
5. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
6. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
7. Verify the truth table
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.9: Check the output of comparator circuit consists of Digital IC.
I Practical Significance
As data comparison is mostly required in many digital systems at the time of logical or
arithmetic functions, digital comparators are the one best option to compare data. Digital
comparators are the most appropriate combinational logic circuits used to compare relative
magnitudes of two binary numbers.A comparator is a decision-making tool and it holds the
ability to be executed in numerous
control devices.
Circuit have two inputs one for A and the other for B and have three output terminals, one for
A > B condition, one for A = B condition, and one for A < B condition.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 digit display. 2
Tests a wide range of Digital IC's such as
2 Digital IC Tester 1
74 Series, 40/45 Series of CMOS IC‘s.
3 DC power supply +5 V Fixed power supply 1
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17 cm 1
5 IC 7485 1
6 LED Red /Yellow color 5 mm 1
7 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6 mm Teflon coating As required
8 Resistor 1KΩ/330Ω As required
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 9.2.
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for given combination of input as per truth table
6. Verify the truth table
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 9.1: Observation Table
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
(Few sample input combinations are given above as 256 combinations of inputs are possible . Teacher
can add 4 extra combinations for practice)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Process related Product related Total Dated signature of Teacher
(15) (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
In most of the electronic systems, the digital data is available on more than one line.
It is necessary to route this data over a single line. Under such circumstances we require a
circuit which selects one of the many inputs at a time. This circuit is a multiplexer, which has
many inputs, one output and some select line inputs. Practical significance lies in their
ability to simplify complex digital designs, reduce hardware complexity, and improve system
a) Sample circuit
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC
3 DC Power supply 1
power supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm As per Requirement
6 IC 74151/74150 1
Red/Yellow color 5 4(3 for Select Lines
mm and One for outputs)
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 2
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 10.3
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
6. Verify the truth table
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 10.1: Observation Table
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Process related Product related Total Dated signature of Teacher
(15) (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
A demultiplexer (or demux) is a electronic circuit or device which has single input ,n outputs
and m number select lines. The input line is connected to any one output line depending upon
the select lines input logic. An electronic demultiplexer can be considered as a single-input,
multiple-output switch.Demultiplexers are mainly used in Boolean function generators and
decoder circuits.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 DC Power supply 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm
6 IC SN74155 1
6( 2 for Select
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm Lines and 4 for
8 Not gate IC 7404 1
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 4
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test the IC using Digital IC tester
2. Mount the IC on the breadboard
3. Make the connection as per fig 11.3.
4. Connect the +5V to +Vcc pin of IC and GND pin to ground
5. Connect the Strobe PIN ̅̅̅̅ to ground.
6. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table
7. Verify the truth table
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
X X 1 X
0 (0V) 0 (0V) 0 1
0 (0V) 1 (5V) 0 1
1 (5V) 0 (0V) 0 1
1 (5V) 1 (5V) 0 1
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Process related Product related Total Dated signature of Teacher
(15) (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
A Flip-Flop is a basic digital logic circuit use for storing binary information. It is also known
as One bit memory. It has two stable states typically 0 (reset) and 1 (set), and it can maintain
its current state until it is instructed to change it by applying a clock pulse. Flip-Flops are
fundamental building blocks in digital electronics, used in memory storage, sequential logic
circuits and Data synchronization.
Fig 12.1 a) SR latch using NOR gates b) SR latch using NAND gates
0 0 Same as Same as 0 0 Race Race
previous previous 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 1 Same as Same as
1 1 Race Race previous previous
Fig 12.2 Truth table for Circuit diagram in Fig 12.1 a&b
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC
3 DC Power supply 1
power supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm
6 IC 7400 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 2
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 4
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Mount the IC7400 on the breadboard.
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 12.3
3. Apply the supply voltage to IC +5V.
4. Apply inputs according to the observation table.
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table.
6. Verify the truth table.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 12.1: Observation Table for SR Flip-Flop
Inputs Q ̅
Logic Output Logic Output
S R Level Voltage Level Voltage
(0/1) (V) (0/1) (V)
0 (0V) 0 (0V)
1 (5V) 0 (0V)
0 (0V) 1 (5V)
1 (5V) 1 (5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.13: Implement and Test the functionality of Master Slave JK Flip Flop
using Digital IC.
I Practical Significance
The limitation of SR flip flop is overcome in JK flip flop. In JK flip flop when J=K=l, the
output is uncertain; this situation is called Race around condition. To avoid the problem of
race around condition the JK flip flop in Master and slave mode is used.
Master Slave
Fig 13.2 a)Pin Configuration of IC 7476 b)Master Slave J-K flip flop
Inputs Outputs
1 1 1 0 0 Q0 ̅0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 Toggle
Fig 13.3 Truth table for Circuit diagram in Fig 13.2 a & b
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 DC Power supply 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm Requirem
6 IC DM7476 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 2
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 2
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Mount the IC7476 on the breadboard.
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 13.2b
3. Apply the supply voltage to IC +5V.
4. Apply inputs according to the observation table.
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table.
6. Verify the truth table.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 13.1: Observation Table for SR Flip-Flop
Inputs Q ̅
1 1 1 0 (0V) 0 (0V)
1 1 1 1 (5V) 0 (0V)
1 1 1 0 (0V) 1 (5V)
1 1 1 1 (5V) 1 (5V)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Process related Product related Total Dated signature of Teacher
(15) (10) (25)
Practical No.14: Use Digital IC to construct and Test the functionality of D and T Flip
I Practical Significance
D Flip –Flop (Delay Flip –Flop) is used to provide time delay. They are basic building
blocks of Shift Registers.
T Flip-Flop (Toggle Flip-Flop) experiences a change in output in each clock edge.
Hence it can be used as a frequency divider. T Flip-Flop can also be used to design Counters
Input Output
Input T
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74 series,
2 Digital IC Tester 1
40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 DC Power supply 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm Requireme
6 IC DM7476 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 2
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 2
IX Precautions to be followed
1. Check IC before use.
2. Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3. Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Mount the IC7476 on the breadboard.
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 14.3 and 14.4
3. Apply the supply voltage to IC +5V.
4. Apply inputs according to the observation table.
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table.
6. Verify the truth table.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Table 14.1: Truth Table D, T flip-flop
Output Output
Q n+1 Q n+1
Input Input
Logic Output Logic Output
Level Voltage Level Voltage
(0/1) (V) (0/1) (V)
0 (0V) 0 (0V)
1 (5V) 1 (5V)
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.15: Build 4-bit Universal Shift register and Observe the Timing
I Practical Significance
Universal Shift Register is a register which can be configured to load and/or retrieve the data
in any mode (either serial or parallel) by shifting it either towards right or towards left. In
other words, a combined design of unidirectional (either right- or left-shift of data bits as in
case of SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO) and bidirectional shift register along with parallel load
provision is referred to as universal shift register.
Fig15.3 Sample ckt for 4 bit universal shift register using IC 74194.
Students can use fig 15.2 also for connection. Reference no 7 in reference section can also be
used for connection.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74 series,
2 Digital IC Tester 1
40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 DC Power supply 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm Requireme
6 IC 74194 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 4
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 4
9 Clock Pulse Function/Pulse Generator 1
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Connect appropriate resistor and LED to output Q.
2. Clear all the flip-flops by applying active low input to the clear pin so that the flip-flops
have 0000 stored in them.
3. Apply clock pulse one by one to clock input.
4. Connect input and observe output for all modes.
5. Write down observation table
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Observation Table 15.1: Serial in Serial out Right Shift Operation
Data:-1010 or as student selects
Mode Serial
Clear CLK Right QA QB QC QD
S1 S0
1 0 1 ↑ 1
1 0 1 ↑ 0
1 0 1 ↑ 1
1 0 1 ↑ 1
Make Similar Observation table for Serial in Serial out left Shift Operation (Mode S1=1, S0=1 ).Draw
its timing diagram on graph paper
Note : Students can use different data in empty data column. Draw observation tables timing diagram
on graph paper
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
In a ripple counter, each flip-flop stage is triggered by the output of the preceding stage.
When the counter receives a clock pulse, the first flip-flop changes its state. This change in
state causes a clock edge at the output of the first flip-flop, triggering the second flip-flop to
change its state, and so on. The ripple effect propagates through the counter, with each
subsequent flip-flop changing state in response to the change in state of the preceding flip-
flop. As a result, ripple counters are inherently asynchronous, meaning that the timing of the
clock pulses affects the overall operation and timing of the counter.
Synchronous Counters: In a synchronous counter, all flip-flops receive the same clock signal
simultaneously. This ensures that all flip-flops change state simultaneously, eliminating the
ripple effect and reducing propagation delays. Synchronous counters are often preferred for
applications requiring precise timing.
(J, K, PR terminals are kept open which act as high for TTL IC)
Fig.16.1 bit Ripple Counter using J-K flip flop
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74
2 Digital IC Tester 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
+5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 DC Power supply 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm Requirem
6 IC 7476 2
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 4
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 4
9 Clock Pulse Function/Pulse Generator 1
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Connect +5V Power supply to proper pins of IC.
2. Connect appropriate resistor and LED to output Q.
3. Clear all the flip-flops by applying active low input to the clear pin so that the flip-flops
have 0000 stored in them.
4. Apply clock pulse at clock input and after every clock pulse write down the counter
output state from LED (ON LED =1 State, OFF LED =0 State)
5. Apply 16 clock pulses and write down the output of the counter in the truth table.
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Observation Table 16.1 : 4-BIT Asynchronous Up counter
Input Output
No. of clock
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 Decimal Equivalent
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
I Practical Significance
Counter is a sequential circuit used for counting the number of clock pulses. It is a group of
Flip-Flops with a clock signal applied to it. A counter has natural count of 2n where ―n‖ is
number of flip-flop in the counter. Decade counter is a counter which has ten states from 0 to
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
Digital IC Tester Tests a wide range of digital IC‘s such as 74 1
series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC‘s
DC Power supply +5 V fixed power supply or Variable DC power 1
supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm As per
5 Requirem
6 IC 7490 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 4
8 Resistor 220Ω/330Ω 4
9 Clock Pulse Function/Pulse Generator 1
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 5V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Mount IC 7490 on breadboard
2. Make the connection for given circuit diagram.(figure 17.3)
3. Apply the clock input.
4. Observe and record the outputs on LEDs (ON/OFF).
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Observation Table17.1: Decade Counter
Input Output
No. of clock QD QC QB QA Decimal
pulses Equivalent
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained
Practical No.18: Test the output of given R-2R type Digital to Analog Converter for
the given input.
I Practical Significance
A digital to analog converter (DAC) is a circuit that converts digital numbers into analog
voltage or current output. R-2R ladder is a resistive network of which output voltage is a
properly weighted sum of the digital inputs. With this experiment you will get an exposure to
R-2R network which is used in digital to analog converters.
Fig 18.1: Basic diagram of R-2R ladder network working of R-2R ladder network DAC
R-2R weighted resistor ladder network uses only 2 set of resistors R and 2R. If you want
to build a very precise DAC, be precise while choosing the values of resistors that will
exactly match the R-2R ratio.
This is a 4bit DAC. Let us consider the digital data D3D2D1D0=0001 is applied to DAC,
then the Thevenin‘s equivalent circuit reduction is shown below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Fig 18.2: Basic diagram of R-2R ladder network working of R-2R ladder network DAC
Vref is nothing but the input binary value reference voltage, that is for binary 1, Vref =5V
and for binary 0, Vref =0V.
For 0001 only D0=Vref, all other inputs are at 0V and can be treated as ground. So
finally Vref/16 volt is appearing as the input to op amp. This value gets multiplied by the
gain of op amp circuit – (Rf/Ri).
If we proceed in this manner (Thevenin equivalent reduction), we will get
Note that you can build a DAC with any number of bits you want, by simply enlarging
the resistor network, by adding more R-2R resistor branches.
b) Actual circuit
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit display 1 or 2
2 Analog IC Tester Tests a wide range of Analog IC‘s 1
DC Dual Power ±15V fixed power supply or Variable DC power
3 1
supply supply (0-30V)
4 Breadboard 5.5cm X 17cm 1
As per
5 Connecting Wires Single strand wires of 0.6 mm
6 IC 741 1
7 LED Red/Yellow color 5 mm 2
6 (2 KΏ)
8 Resistor 1KΏ and 2KΏ
4 (1KΏ)
9 Potentiometer 10 KΏ 1
IX Precautions to be followed
1) Check IC before use.
2) Set power supply to 15V (Variable DC Power Supply) before connecting.
3) Check all the connections as per circuit diagram
X Procedure
1. Test IC using IC tester.
2. Mount IC on bread board.
3. Build circuit as per circuit diagram.
4. Write down observation table.
5. With all inputs (D0 to D3) shorted to ground(D0=0,D1=0,D2=0,D3=0), adjust the 10KΏ
POT until the output is 0V.This will nullify any offset voltage at the input of the
OPAMP.(POT connected between pin 1& pin 5 of OP-AMP)
6. Measure the output voltage for all binary input states.(0000 to 1111).
XI Resources Used
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
XIII Observation:
Observation Table for R-2R Ladder DAC:
XIV Result(s)
XV Interpretation of results
Process Related : 15 Marks 60 %
1 Handling of the components 10%
2 identification of components 20%
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument 20%
4 working in teams 10%
Product Related: 10 Marks 40%
5 Calculated theoretical values of given component 10%
6 Interpretation of result 05%
7 Conclusion 05%
8 Practical related questions 15%
9 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total ( 25 Marks) 100 %
Marks Obtained