Manual EJ6I CND 22634 120421
Manual EJ6I CND 22634 120421
Manual EJ6I CND 22634 120421
Roll No.
Exam Seat No.
Year 20 20
Computer Networking
Data Communication
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
4th Floor, Government Polytechnic Building, 49, Kherwadi,
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051.
(Printed on November 2019)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms …………………………………….
Roll No…………………….of ………… Semester of Diploma in
……………………………………………..…………. of Institute
………………………..…………………. (Code………………..)
has attained pre-defined practical outcomes(PROs) satisfactorily
in course Computer Networking and Data Communication
(22634) for the academic year 20…….to 20…..... as prescribed in
the curriculum.
Seal of the
Computer Networking and Data Communication (22634)
The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/ field work in the technical education
system is to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in
view, MSBTE embarked on this innovative ‘I’ Scheme curricula for engineering diploma
programmes with outcome-base education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large
amount of time is allotted for the practical work. This displays the great importance of
laboratory work making each teacher; instructor and student to realize that every minute of the
laboratory time need to be effectively utilized to develop these outcomes, rather than doing
other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of this outcome-based
curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a ‘vehicle’ to develop this industry
identified competency in every student. The practical skills are difficult to develop through
‘chalk and duster’ activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the ‘I’ scheme laboratory
manual development team designed the practicals to focus on the outcomes, rather than the
traditional age old practice of conducting practicals to ‘verify the theory’ (which may become
a byproduct along the way).
This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students,
teachers and instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected
from each student that at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the
concerned practical procedure that they will do the next day and understand the minimum
theoretical background associated with the practical. Every practical in this manual begins by
identifying the competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes and practical outcomes
which serve as a key focal point for doing the practical. The students will then become aware
about the skills they will achieve through procedure shown there and necessary precautions to
be taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in their professional
Data communication deals with the transmission of digital data through a network.
Many applications like Airline Reservations, Railway reservations, e-banking, e-governance,
Online Shopping, e-learning can be managed by a single click. Diploma Engineers should be
able to select, classify, install, troubleshoot and maintain different industrial data
communication networks. This course gives the important concepts and techniques related to
data communication and enable students to maintain and troubleshoot computer networks.
Although all care has been taken to check for mistakes in this laboratory manual, yet it
is impossible to claim perfection especially as this is the first edition. Any such errors and
suggestions for improvement can be brought to our notice and are highly welcome.
Following programme outcomes are expected to be achieved through the practical of the
PO1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
PO3. Experiments and practice: Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and
practices to use the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering problems.
PO5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering.
PO7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities
and norms of the practice also in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering.
PO8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in
diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
PO10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
and allied industry.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) (What s/he will be able to do in the Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering specific industry soon after the diploma programme).
Guidelines to Teachers
Content Page
List of Practicals and Progressive Assessment Sheet
Date of Dated
Sr Page of Assessment Remarks
Title of the practical submiss sign. of
No No. perfor marks(25) (if any)
ion teacher
Analyze the type of network topology used
1* in your lab and prepare technical 1
specifications for it.
Connect computers in bus topology and
2 9
transfer the data.
Connect computers in star topology and
3* 16
test the performance.
Install/configure/Test Peer to Peer LAN
4* 27
and sharing of resources.
Configure Point to Point network in
5 37
Prepare patch cord and cross connection
6* cables, use to connect the devices on the 46
Using a Hub/ Switch Install a LAN
7 56
network consisting of 6 computers.
Locate the error bit in the given data
8* stream by applying the different error 67
detection methods.
Correct the error in a given data stream by
9 applying the different error correction 78
Use route command to test the
10 85
performance of the given network.
Install and test Router, Repeater and
11* 98
Assign IP address to the PC connected to
12* 113
the internet.
13* Configure/Test Internet connectivity. 121
Use FTP protocol to transfer file from one
14* 132
system to another system.
Install and configure a Firewall for the
15 139
network security.
Interconnect two PCs using RS232 cable
16 and transfer data as null modem 148
Total Marks
Practical No.1: Analyse the type of network topology used in your lab and
prepare technical specifications for it.
I Practical Significance
Internet‐based communication is assuming an increasingly important role in the
developing world. It is thus crucial that students be exposed to contemporary
networking equipment in a realistic setting, in order to connect theoretical concepts
taught in lecture courses with the realities of physical hardware. This practical will
enable the student to identify the various networking devices available in the lab and
the way they are connected in the network
V Practical Outcome
Analyze the type of network topology used in your lab and prepare technical
specifications for it.
Name of the
device/ Image Use/ Purpose
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
1. Desktop computers Computers in the lab Min 3 No.s
2. Networking devices Available in the lab 1 No. each
(Switch, Hub, Router etc..)
3. Connecting Cables and Unshielded twisted Pair cable,
connectors Network tool kit, RJ 45 Connectors
X Precautions to be followed
• Try to locate the various ports on the computer before making connections
• Use the network tools with care
XI Procedure
1. Check the configuration of the computers being used in the lab by using the following
i) Switch ON the Computer.
ii) Right Click on “My Computer”. Select “ Properties”
iii) The following screen appears. Note down the specifications of the computer in the
Fig 1.2: Information about the computer (Right Click on my computer ► properties
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
1. Do not change other settings in IP addresses without intimating subject teacher.
2. Use proper cables wherever applicable (Cross-over , Straight).
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.2: Connect computers in bus topology and transfer the data.
I Practical Significance
Network topology is the physical layout in which computers of a small area are
connected to each other. There are 2 types of topologies – Physical and Logical
topology. Physical topology refers to the positioning of the various network
components and cable installation. Logical topology shows how the data flows within
a network. There are different types of topologies like Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Tree and
Hybrid to connect computers with each other. In this practical, the student will be able
to connect computer in bus topology.
V Practical Outcome
Connect computers in bus topology and transfer the data.
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Desktop Computers in the lab 3
2. Connecting Connectors with one end BNC and other end RJ 45
Cables and Connectors,(Or a linker between BNC connector and
connectors RJ 45), co axial cable, BNC connectors, BNC-T
Connector and Terminator
3. Network toolkit Standard 01
X Precautions to be Followed
• Handle computers with care.
• Use the network tools with care
XI Procedure
Physical formation of Bus Topology
1. Take a coaxial Cable of length 1.5 m. Take a terminator connector and connect to
One end of the cable.
3. Take Ethernet cables and connect one end of the cable to port-RJ 45 to connect to
the NIC of the Computer. The other end is connected to BNC connector which in
turn is connected to the BNC –T Connector
Fig 2.7 One end of cable connected to BNC connector and the other end to RJ 45
4. The compter1 is now connected one end of the BNC- T connector and then to the
terminator. Repeat step 3 to connect more computers/ networking devices.
5. After connecting 3 computers, connect BNC terminator to the BNC-T open end.
6. Now switch “ON” the computers. The computers are connected in Bus topology
7. Share file or folder between two computers.
XII Resources used
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
The number of Cables required to connect 4 computers in Bus topology is -------------
The number of BNC-T connectors required for connecting 3 computers is ------------
The number of BNC connectors required for connecting 3 computers is ---------
1. …………………………………..
2. …………………………………..
3. …………………………………..
4. …………………………………..
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
Network topology is the physical layout in which computers of a small area are
connected to each other. There are two types of topologies – Physical and Logical
topology. Physical topology refers to the positioning of the various network
components and cable installation. Logical topology shows how the data flows within
a network. There are different types of topologies like Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Tree and
Hybrid to connect computers with each other. In this practical, the student will be able
to connect computer in star topology and test its performance.
V Practical Outcome
Connect computers in star topology and test the performance.
topology is the simplicity of adding additional nodes. The main disadvantage of star
topology is that the central device represents a single point of failure.
Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulator that can be utilized to create networks
with an almost unlimited number of devices and to experience troubleshooting without
having to buy real Cisco routers or switches. The tool is created by Cisco Systems.
The purpose of Packet Tracer is to provide a tool to learn the principles of networking.
Packet tracer allows us to create network by just dragging and dropping devices and
connection to specific port of the devices so that necessary configuration shall be
performed on each device and test as per the requirement. Group of computers are
connected to switch and are assigned IP addresses of same network in which each
computer in the network are directly reachable.
Packet Tracer is a protocol simulator developed by Dennis Frezzo and his team at
Cisco Systems. Packet Tracer (PT) is a powerful and dynamic tool that displays the
various protocols used in networking, in either Real Time or Simulation mode. This
includes layer 2 protocols such as Ethernet and PPP, layer 3 protocols such as IP,
ICMP, and ARP, and layer 4 protocols such as TCP and UDP. Routing protocols can
also be traced.
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Desktop computers Computers in the lab 10
2. Networking devices 8, or 16 or 24 port switch 1 No. each
(Switch, Hub )
3. Connecting Cables Unshielded twisted Pair cable, As per no. of PCs to
(CAT 5 0r CAT 6) and Network tool kit, RJ 45 Connectors be connected in LAN
RJ 45 connectors plus one for server
4. Packet Tracer Packet Tracer 5.1 or higher version
X Precautions to be Followed
• Handle computers with care.
• Use the network tools with care
XI Procedure
Physical formation of Star Topology
1. Power ON the computers that are to be connected in Star topology and confirm
whether operating system is installed and NIC card is connected
2. Consider a central device such as a switch or hub for the above connection.
3. Take Ethernet cables and connect one end of the cable to port of the switch or hub
and connect to computer's NIC port.
4. The lights of the switch or hub and computer's NIC port should turn on.
5. This is the physical formation of star topology.
Build network topology by selecting devices and the media in which to connect them.
Several types of devices and network connections can be used.
Single click on each group of devices and connections to display the various choices.
Fig. 3.5 Component (End Terminal/ PC) in CISCO Packet Tracer Simulator
Step 4: Building the Topology – Connecting the Hosts to Hubs and Switches
Adding a Switch
1. Select a switch, by clicking once on Switches and once on a 2950-24 switch.
2. Add the switch by moving the plus sign “+” below PC2 and PC3 and click once.
3. Connect PC2 to Hub0 by first choosing Connections.
4. Click once on the Copper Straight-through cable.
5. Notice the green link lights on PC2 Ethernet NIC and amber light Switch0
FastEthernet0/1 port. The switch port is temporarily not forwarding frames,
while it goes through the stages for the Spanning TreeProtocol (STP) process.
6. After about 30 seconds the amber light will change to green indicating that the port
has entered the forwarding stage. Frames can now forwarded out the switch port.
7. Repeat the steps above for PC3 connecting it to Port 3 on Switch0 on port
FastEtherent0/2. (The actual switch port you choose does not matter.)
8. Move the cursor over the link light to view the port number. Fa means Fast
Ethernet, 100 Mbps Ethernet.
Step 5: Connect and Configuring IP Addresses and Subnet Masks on the Hosts
Before we can communicate between the hosts we need to configure IP Addresses and
Subnet Masks on the devices. Click once on PC0.
Choose the Config tab and click on Settings. It is here that name of PC0 can be
Click on Interface and then FastEthernet. Add the IP Address to Click
once in the Subnet Mask field to enter the default Subnet Mask.
Also, notice this is where the Bandwidth (speed) and Duplex of the Ethernet NIC
(Network Interface Card) can be changed. The default is Auto (auto-negotiation),
which means the NIC will negotiate with the hub or switch. The bandwidth and/or
duplex can be manually set by removing the check from the Auto box and choosing
the specific option.
Continue clicking Capture/Forward button until the ICMP ping is completed. The
ICMP messages move between the hosts, hub and switch. The PDU Last Status
shows as Successful.
XIII Actual procedure followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
The number of Patch Cables required to connect 4 computers in Star topology is
The arrangement of components in above network topology is done in (physical/
Logical) …………..
1. …………………………………..
2. …………………………………..
3. …………………………………..
4. …………………………………..
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
Peer to Peer networks are used to connect two or more computers together to share
data and resources. Peer to peer computer network model uses the same Workgroup
for all the computers and a unique name for each computer in a computer network.
There is no master or controller or central server in this computer network and
computers join hands to share files, printers and Internet access. Software for peer-to-
peer network is included with most modern desktop operating systems such as
Windows and Mac OS. Peer to peer relationship is suitable for small networks having
less than 10 computers on a single LAN. The student will be able to configure
computers in peer to peer network also share data and printer.
V Practical Outcome
Install/configure/Test Peer to Peer LAN and sharing of resources.
same networking protocol and software. These networks are usually situated
physically close to each other. P2P networks are robust. If one attached device goes
down, the network continues. It is possible to configure computers in peer-to-
peer workgroups to allow sharing of files, printers, and other resources across all the
devices. Peer networks allow data to be shared easily in both directions, whether for
downloads to a computer or uploads from the same computer. Since each device
participates in routing traffic through the network, hackers can easily launch denial of
service attacks. P2P software acts as server and client, which makes peer-to-peer
networks more vulnerable to remote attacks than client-server networks. Data that is
corrupt can be shared on P2P networks by modifying files that are already on the
network to introduce malicious code.
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Standard computers with NIC card 2
UTP CAT5 Cable (crossover cable) with
2. Cables and 4
RJ-45 connectors
X Precautions to be Followed
• Locate the various ports on the computer before making connections
• Make the connections with care
• Handle equipment with care
• Configure settings carefully to avoid conflict.
XI Procedure
1. The two computers are connected to each other using UTP cables as shown in the
block schematic.
2. Name the two computers as Computer-A & Computer-B
• Check the computer name settings for each PC and make adjustments as necessary.
For each Computer/PC, select Start and Control Panel.
• Double-click the System icon, and then click the Computer Name tab.
• Write the name of the computers as Compute-A, Computer-B on respective
5. Configure IP settings
• Configure the logical addresses for the two PCs so that they are able to
communicate using TCP/IP. On one of the PCs, go to the Control Panel, double
click the Network Connections icon, and then right click the connected Local Area
Connection icon. Choose Properties from the pull-down menu.
• Using the scroll bar in the Local Area Connection Properties window, scroll
down to highlight
• Select the Use the following IP address radio button and enter the following
• Click OK, which will close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
Click the Close button to exit the Local Area Connection Properties window.
• Repeat steps 5 for the second PC using the following information:
For Computer-B:
NOTE: To test TCP/IP connectivity between the PCs, Windows Firewall must be
disabled temporarily on both PCs.
• On Compute-A, on the Windows desktop, click Start. From the Start menu, select
Control Panel, and double-click Network Connections.
• Right-click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties. Click the
Advanced tab. Locate and click the Settings button.
• The ping command is a simple way to accomplish this task. The ping command is
included with the Windows operating system.
• On Compute-A, go to Start, then Run. Type cmd, and then click OK. A Windows
command prompt window will appear as shown in the figure below.
• At the > prompt, type ping 192. 168.1.2 and press Enter. A successful ping will
verify the IP connectivity. It should produce results similar to those shown
• Repeat Steps 6 on Compute-B. The second PC will ping 192. 168.1.1
• Close the Windows command prompt window on both PCs.
• Share file between Computer-A and Computer-B and confirm the data transfer
among the computers.
• Share printer between both computers and try to get access of printer.
XII Resources used
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. The packets/file sent by………………….. are received by the Computer-B
2. Folders can be shared from Computer-B to ……………………………………..
3. It is possible to share Printers, scanners, connected to Computer-A
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
In telecommunications, a point-to-point connection refers to a communications
connection between two communication endpoints or nodes. An example is
a telephone call, in which one telephone is connected with another, and what is said by
one caller can only be heard by the other. This is contrasted with a point-to-
multipoint or broadcast connection, in which many nodes can receive information
transmitted by one node. Other examples of point-to-point communications links
are leased lines, microwave radio relay and two-way radio.
Point-to-Point (PPP) protocol is useful in the WAN. PPP is configured with its options
like quality and load balancing on numerous links; PPP is also configured in
authentication and concluded with verification and troubleshooting of PPP.
The student will be able to connect computers in point to point network and configure.
V Practical Outcome
Configure Point to Point network in laboratory.
other network topologies such as buses or crossbar switches which can connect many
communications devices.
Point-to-point (telecommunications) PPP provides router-to-router and host-to-
network connections over both synchronous and asynchronous circuits
• Asynchronous Transmission:
1. Transmitting & Receiving devices maintain their own internal clocks. They do
not synchronize their clocks.
2. Each frame is sent separately.
3. Each frame begins with a start bit & ends with a stop bit. A extra bit called
parity bit maybe added for error detection
• Synchronous Transmission:
1. Transmitting device provides clocking
2. May use separate channel that is dedicated to the clock
3. Resists timing errors better than Asynchronous because the transmitter &
receiver use the same clock Can transmit large blocks of data
PPP Layer Function: In order to move data between any two nodes or routers, a
data path must be established, and flow control procedures must be in place to
ensure delivery of data. This is also true in the WAN environment and is
accomplished by using WAN protocols such as Point-to-Point Protocol
Functions of PPP:
PPP Components
1. Encapsulating datagrams over serial links. (Point-to-point links)
2. A Link Control Protocol (LCP) for establishing, configuring, and testing the data-
link connection.
3. A family of Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for establishing and configuring
different network-layer protocols. (TCP/IP, IPX AND APPLETALK
PC-1 PC-2
As per sharing status
IX Resources required
Sr. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
Personal computer with basic
1. Windows 7 onwards.. Minimum 2
CAT-5/CAT-6 (minimum 1
2. Network cable (Straight ) meter length with RJ-45 1
connectors on both ends
CAT-5/CAT-6 (minimum 1
3. Network cable (Cross-Over ) meter length with RJ-45 1
connectors on both ends
X Precautions to be Followed
• Cables shall be properly crimped to avoid error and trouble in establishing
• Check physical connection and settings of IP addresses of networking before
starting the troubleshooting and using in network.
XI Procedure
Procedure for point to point (PPP) connection of two computers using Cross cable:
1. Get one LAN cable (CAT-5/CAT6) having standard colour coding having RJ-45
connectors at both the ends
2. Connect two personal computers (PC) using this cable at network patch cord
socket on back panel of PC.
3. Switch ON both PCs. (PC-1 and PC-2)
For PC-1
1. Go to start Menu--- Setting in windows -- Network /Internet options and click on
Change adaptor Option.
2. Select Ethernet – make it enabled Then right-click on the ICON and select
3. Then in that select (Double click) on IPV4 (TCP/IP) and click on Properties
Establish similar setting in PC-2 also. Need to confirm changes reflected for PC-2
1. Now go to PC-2.
2. It will ask for User Id and Password.
3. Now select PC-1 and go to Control panel and select Network and Internet
4. Then select Network sharing Center – HomeGroup / Home/ Workgroup..
5. Select Advance Sharing Setting option.(for Windows-7 Select Public folder share
Turn ON sharing of EVERYONE -( For Windows-7 select Read-Write )
6. Turn off password prefetched setting
7. Then SAVE changes
8. Now PC-1 will get Access of the PC-2 now.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
............................................................................................................................................ .
XVI Result
1. The File share from PC-1: ………………………………………………………...
2. The File available at PC-2: ………………………………………………………..
3. Whether Packet sent from PC-1 to PC-2? : ……………………………………….
4. Whether Packet reached to PC-2? (Yes/No): ……………………………………..
5. Networking Verified (Yes/No): …………………………………………………...
1. …………………………………..
2. …………………………………..
3. …………………………………..
4. …………………………………..
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.6: Prepare patch cord and cross connection cables, use to
connect the devices on the LAN.
I Practical Significance
Transmission media is a medium over which information travels from the sender to
receiver. Different media have different properties and used in different environments
for different purpose. The purpose of physical layer is to transport a raw bit stream
from one computer to other.Ethernet cables can be wired as straight through or
crossover. The straight through is the most common type and is used to connect
computers to hubs or switches. Patch cords are the short lengths of modular, plug-
ended cable that connect personal computers to wall outlets and cross-connects to
The practical will enable students to prepare patch chords (Straight and crossover).
V Practical Outcome
Prepare patch cord and cross connection cables, use to connect the devices on the
Crimping Tool: A crimping (Mean /Type / Method / type of solder less connection)
tool is a tool designed to crimp or connect a connector to the end of a cable in a
specific way.
Fig.6.2: Crimping Tool
• LAN Tester: Testers helps / assist in the installation and control of networks.
LAN testers can determine IP addresses; identify polarity, connected port and link
connectivity. Even they can test fiber optic cables. They also show cable break
points, incorrect connections in fiber optic lines.
• Network Cable / LAN Tester for RJ-12, RJ-11, RJ-45, Cat 5e, Cat 5, Cat 6,
10/100 Base-T, AT&T 258 A, TIA-568A/568B etc.
• Test correspondingly double-twisted cables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Ground.
• 9 LED lights to indicated wiring connection on both remote and master unit
Grounding Test.
• Easy read LED display which indicates problems. Power: 9V battery (Battery
not Included)
• Keep network running smoothly by testing wrong connection, short circuit and
open circuit
• Suitable for network cable with RJ-45 connector and ADSL cable with RJ-11
• Suitable for cat-5 and cat5e cable with 8p8c, 6p6c and 4p4c plugs
• For network installations up to 100 mbps 10base-t Ethernet and token ring
• Battery included
Fig. 6.3: LAN / Network cable Tester
• Essential Components for Computer Networking:
i. Network Interface Card (NIC)
ii. Hub
iii. Switches
iv. Cables and connectors
v. Crimping Tool
vi. LAN tester
vii. Router
viii. Modem
ix. Bridge
VIII a) Ethernet Cable Color Coding Diagram for Straight and Crossover cables:
• Student shall draw straight and cross-over cables wires sequence with coloured
sketch-pens or Pencils shown in Fig 6.4
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Digi-Link CAT-5/5E/6 / 1Gbps,
Cable Support up to 100 meter,
1 1 No.
4-Core Cable Used
for connecting PC to network
Crimping tool
2 Standard Crimper for RJ-45/ RJ-11 cable 1 No.
4 1 No.
cable Tester
Caesar / Cutter
5 1 No.
/ Stripper
X Precautions to be Followed
• Select proper specification of cables and connectors as per networking parameters
• Use a good quality crimping tool along with quality connectors.
• Arrange colour codes properly straightened neatly, fully pressed to connect to
connectors for correct connection (properly crimped) to avoid error n trouble in
establishing connection.
There's a reason you need eye-protection: when cutting the copper wires, they can
go flying and potentially get your eye! Be smart, be safe!
• No more than 1/2″ of the Ethernet cable should be untwisted otherwise it will be
susceptible to crosstalk.
• Do not deform, do not bend, do not stretch, do not staple, do not run parallel with
power cables, and do not run Ethernet cables near noise inducing components.
XI Procedure
For Straight Cable:
1. Inspect available cable segment as per Straight cable sequence shown in Fig.6.4
2. Strip one end of Cable using cable stripper
3. Arrange the sequence of wires as Given in Fig. 6.4 for Straight Cable
4. Push the Wires carefully in the RJ-Connector, Take precaution these shall not be
5. Align the connector with crimping tool proper and Crimp/Press the Connector with
6. Follow this for other end as per cable type.
7. Test the cable using LAN tester.
8. Patch chord is ready
4. Push the Wires carefully in the RJ-Connector, Take precaution these shall not be
5. Align the connector with crimping tool proper and Crimp/Press the Connector with
6. Follow this for other end as per cable type.
7. Test the cable using LAN tester.
8. Patch chord is ready
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. CAT stands for……………..
2. Cable consists of ………… (RJ-45/RJ-11 / Both of these) connector as part of
patch chord.
3. Computer Laboratory / Internet Café is example of ………… (LAN/MAN/WAN).
4. Network inside the University is …………..type of network. (LAN/MAN/WAN).
5. Hub to hub and Router to router connection is made by
………….(Crossover/Straight Cable)
1. …………………………………..
2. …………………………………..
3. …………………………………..
4. …………………………………..
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
Local Area Network is connection of different computer in network. It helps to share
resources. Connecting devices like Hub, Switch are required in networking. A hub is
the most basic networking device that connects multiple computers or
other network devices together. Switch is a Data Link layer device; it is able to
examine the packets that pass through of data Link layer. A switch is a hardware
device that filters and forwards network packets from one networking device to
another. A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses
to process and forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model.
In this practical students will be able to connect computers in the network using
connecting devices such as Hub and Switch.
V Practical Outcome
Using a Hub/ Switch Install a LAN network with 6 computers.
A network hub is a central connection point for devices in a local area network, or
There's a limit to the amount of bandwidth users can share on a hub-based
network. The more devices are added to the network hub, the longer it takes data to
reach its destination.
Table 7.1: Colour codes for cables used to connect PCs, Hub and switches
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Intel P-IV , 2Gbyte , DDR2 , 500Gbyte
Personal Computers
HDD, Keyboard onswards Installed
1. (For additional 01
with Windows 7 onwards and internet
Terminals )
Personal Computers
2. Available computers in Laboratory 06
(For End Terminals )
X Precautions to be Followed
• Network Design parameters shall be planned earlier
• IP addresses shall be predetermined to avoid IP conflict.
• Selection and connection of proper patch cables (Straight / Cross-over) at
appropriate situations shall be used as per selected topology of network.
• Printer shall be installed on PC where it is connected
XI Procedure
Connect the computers in Local Area Network
1. Connect all computers and network devices as shown if Fig. 7.4 using standard
network cable (CAT -5).
2. Connect Three computers (PC-1 to PC-3) to the Hub-1 using straight cables. (one
end to each cable to Computers and other to Hub-1)
3. Connect other Three computers (PC-4 to PC-6) to the Hub-2 straight cables. (one
end to each cable to Computers and other to Hub-2)
4. Then connect both Hub-1 and Hub-2 to Switch.
5. Using crossover cables connect Hub-1 and Hub-2. As one end to first hub wand
other end to other Hub.
6. Assign IP addresses, subnet mask and Default gateway addresses to each.
7. For First Computer(PC-1)
i.e IP address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
For Second Computer(PC-2)
i.e IP address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
8. To check connectivity use ping command as follows:
Ping from Second computer (PC-2) or
Ping from Second computer (PC-1)
9. Put all the computers in the same workgroup:
On each computer, right-click "My Computer"- Click "Properties"
10. Go to the "Computer Name" tab -Click "Change" at the bottom
-Type computer Name (name should be unique for each computer)
- Under "Member of" put a tick on radio button named "Workgroup"
- Type name for the workgroup.(name should be same for all computers)
11. Restart your machine by clicking on Yes to get effect of changed settings
- IP:
- Subnet Mask:
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.8: Locate the error bit in the given data stream by applying
the different error detection methods.
I Practical Significance
Error is a condition when the receiver’s information does not match with the sender’s
information. During transmission, digital signals suffer from noise that can introduce
errors in the binary bits travelling from sender to receiver. That means a 0 bit may
change to 1 or a 1 bit may change to 0. To avoid this, error-detecting codes are used
which are additional data added to a given digital message to detect any error that
has occurred during transmission of the message. The student will be able to detect
errors in a given data stream.
V Practical Outcome
Locate the error bit in the given data stream by applying the different error detection
Parity check
A parity bit or a check bit is added to blocks of data from the source. A parity bit of:
• 1 is added to the block if it contains odd number of 1’s, and
• 0 is added if it contains even number of 1’s
This scheme makes the total number of 1’s even, that is why it is called even
parity checking.
Two-dimensional Parity check
Parity check bits are calculated for each row, which is equivalent to a simple parity
check bit. Parity check bits are also calculated for all columns, and then both are sent
along with the data. At the receiving end these are compared with the parity bits
calculated on the received data.
In checksum error detection scheme, the data is divided into k segments each of m
In the sender’s end the segments are added using 1’s complement arithmetic to get the
sum. The sum is complemented to get the checksum. The checksum segment is sent
along with the data segments. At the receiver’s end, all received segments are added
using 1’s complement arithmetic to get the sum. The sum is complemented. If the
result is zero, the received data is accepted; otherwise the received data is discarded.
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
CRC is based on binary division. In CRC, a sequence of redundant bits, called cyclic
redundancy check bits, are appended to the end of data unit so that the resulting data
unit becomes exactly divisible by a second, predetermined binary number. At the
destination, the incoming data unit is divided by the same number. If at this step there
is no remainder, the data unit is assumed to be correct and is therefore accepted.
A remainder indicates that the data unit has been damaged in transit and therefore
must be rejected.
printf("\nQuotient is ");
printf("\nRemainder is ");
printf("\nFinal data is: ");
Sample Output of the above C program:
printf(" RECEIVER SUM IS:%d",sum);
printf("\nRECEIVER's CHECKSUM IS:%d",checksum);
return checksum;
int a[10],i,m,scheck,rcheck;
printf("\n\nNO ERROR IN TRANSMISSION\n\n");
printf("\n\nERROR DETECTED");
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
1. Personal Computer Standard Specifications 01
2. Turbo C/ Any simulation Free downloadable
tool available in the lab
X Precautions to be Followed
• Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
• Install the software for running C programming
• Compile and Execute the program without error
XI Procedure
1. Open the “C” software.
2. Create New file in “C”
3. Type the program code in command window.
4. Save the file with .C extension.
5. Compile the program code using Alt+C or Alt+F9 command and remove the errors
if any.
6. Run the program codes using Alt+R or Ctrl+F9.
7. Enter the valid input.
8. Observe the output
9. After completion of practical shut down the PC and switch off the supply
Note: The sample code is given in C programming. The teacher may conduct this
experiment in any other simulation tool.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. For the bit stream 1101101- Parity bit is ……..
2. For the bit stream 1101110, 1011010, 1111111, 0000000, arrange and determine
row parity , column parity and data transmitted.
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.9: Correct the error in a given data stream by applying the
different error correction methods.
I Practical Significance
Error is a condition when the receiver’s information does not match with the sender’s
information. During transmission, digital signals suffer from noise that can introduce
errors in the binary bits travelling from sender to receiver. That means a 0 bit may
change to 1 or a 1 bit may change to 0. To avoid this, error-detecting codes are used
which are additional data added to a given digital message to detect any error that
has occurred during transmission of the message. At the receiver, the detected error is
corrected .Error correction is the detection of errors and reconstruction of the original
error free data. The student will be able to correct errors in a given data stream.
V Practical Outcome
Correct the error in a given data stream by applying the different error correction
In Forward Error correction the code set is so designed that it is possible for the
receiver to detect and correct error as well by itself.
Hamming code is a set of error-correction codes that can be used to detect and correct
the errors that can occur when the data is moved or stored from the sender to the
General Algorithm of Hamming code –
The Hamming Code is the use of extra parity bits to allow the identification of an
1. Write the bit positions starting from 1 in binary form (1, 10, 11, 100, etc).
2. All the bit positions that are a power of 2 are marked as parity bits (1, 2, 4, 8, etc).
3. All the other bit positions are marked as data bits.
4. Each data bit is included in a unique set of parity bits, as determined its bit position
in binary form.
• Parity bit 1 covers all the bits positions whose binary representation includes a 1 in
the least significant position (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc).
• Parity bit 2 covers all the bits positions whose binary representation includes a 1 in
the second position from the least significant bit (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, etc).
• Parity bit 4 covers all the bits positions whose binary representation includes a 1 in
the third position from the least significant bit (4–7, 12–15, 20–23, etc).
• Parity bit 8 covers all the bits positions whose binary representation includes a 1 in
the fourth position from the least significant bit bits (8–15, 24–31, 40–47, etc).
• In general each parity bit covers all bits where the bitwise AND of the parity
position and the bit position is non-zero. Parity check is done for even parity,
hence set a parity bit to 1 if the total number of ones in the positions it checks is
odd. Set a parity bit to 0 if the total number of ones in the positions it checks is
Determining the position of redundant bits –
These redundancy bits are placed at the positions which correspond to the power of
As in the above example:
1. The number of data bits = 7
2. The number of redundant bits = 4
3. The total number of bits = 11
4. The redundant bits are placed at positions corresponding to power of 2 ie.. 1, 2, 4,
and 8
printf("\nthe encoded bits are given below: \n");
for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
printf("%d ",data[i]);
printf("\nenter the received data bits one by one: ");
for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
c=c3*4+c2*2+c1 ;
if(c==0) {
printf("\ncongratulations there is no error: ");
} else {
printf("\nerron on the postion: %d\nthe correct message is \n",c);
rec[7-c]=1; else
for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
printf("%d ",rec[i]);
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
1. Personal Computer Standard Specifications 01
2. Turbo C/ Any simulation Free downloadable
tool available in the lab
X Precautions to be Followed
• Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
• Install the software for running C programming
• Compile and Execute the program without error
XI Procedure
1. Open the “C” software.
2. Create New file in “C”
3. Type the program code in command window.
4. Save the file with .C extension.
5. Compile the program code using Alt+C or Alt+F9 command and remove the errors
if any.
6. Run the program codes using Alt+R or Ctrl+F9.
7. Enter the valid input.
8. Observe the output
9. After completion of practical shut down the PC and switch off the supply
Note: The sample code is given in C programming. The teacher may conduct this
experiment in any other simulation tool.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. For the bit stream 1101101- state the parity bits R1,R2,R3 and R4 ……..
2. Name the other methods of error correction.
3. Execute the program for the bit stream 1010111. Write the output screen.
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
The tracert command is a Command prompt command that shows several details
about the path that a packet takes from the source computer to the destination
computer. Student will be able to use route command or traceroute command.
II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
• Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
• Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
• Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in
diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
V Practical Outcome
Use route command to test the performance of the given network..
For a computer with more than one interface and that's configured to work as a router,
the routing table is often a major source of trouble. Setting up the routing table
properly is a key part of configuring a router to work.
Earlier tracert command is used to trace the travel of packet from source to destination
over a network. This command is capable to modify routing table entries hence the
route command is established. To display the routing table (both IPv4 and IPv6) in
Windows, use the route print command.
• Gateway: The forwarding or next hop IP address over which the set of
addresses defined by the network destination and subnet mask are
• metric Metric: Integer cost metric (ranging from 1 to 9999) for the
• if Interface: The index of the interface over which the destination is
• /?: Command help
Route Command syntax and Parameters
• Some of the output screens shown below:
Interface List
62...a4 17 31 e3 d6 fc ......Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2
56...26 17 31 e3 d6 fb ......Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
55...a4 17 31 e3 d6 fb ......Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network
Adapter #2
53...30 f9 ed ce 97 01 ......Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2
1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1
95...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #4
59...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter
83...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #49
IPv4 Route Table
Active Routes:
Persistent Routes:
IPv6 Route Table
Active Routes:
Persistent Routes:
Output screen of command C:\>Route print 198*
The availability of certain tracert command switches and other tracert command syntax may
differ from operating system to operating system.
Item Description
You can specify the time, in milliseconds, to allow each
reply before timeout using this tracert option.
Syntax for the route command for adding, deleting, or changing a route entry :
route [-p] command dest [mask subnet] gateway [-if interface]
The following list describes each of the route command's parameters:
• -p: Makes the entry persistent. If you omit -p, the entry will be deleted the next
time you reboot. (Use this only with add commands.)
• command: Add, delete, or change.
• dest: The IP address of the destination subnet.
• mask subnet: The subnet mask. If you omit the subnet mask, the default is, meaning that the entry will apply only to a single host rather than
a subnet. You usually want to include the mask.
• gateway: The IP address of the gateway to which packets will be sent.
• -if interface: The IP address of the interface through which packets will be sent. If
your computer has only one network interface, you can omit this.
Suppose that your network has a second router that serves as a link to another private
subnet, (subnet mask The interface on the local side of
this router is at
In order to view the entire contents of the IP routing table, issue the route
print command.
In order to add a persistent route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, issue the route -p add
mask command.
In order to view the routes in the IP routing table that begin with "172.", issue
the route print 172.* command.
In order to delete all routes in the IP routing table that begin with "172.", issue
the route delete 172.* command.
The availability of certain tracert command switches and other tracert command
syntax may differ from operating system to operating system.
Fig. 10.9
Execution of route print command (Win-NT Active routes)
Example -1:
Example -2:
Using the tracert command as shown above, we're asking tracert to show us the
path from the local computer all the way to the network device with the
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 35 ms 19 ms 29 ms
3 11 ms 27 ms 9 ms []
13 81 ms 76 ms 75 ms
14 84 ms 91 ms 87 ms
15 76 ms 112 ms 76 ms []
Trace complete.
In above example tracert identified fifteen network devices including our router
at and all the way through to the target of which we
now know uses the public IP address of
Note that: excluded hops 4 through 12 above just to keep the example simple. If
you were executing a real tracert, those results would all show up on screen.
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Personal computers Standard computers with Broad
1. with Internet specifications with 32 bit with 2GB 1
connectivity RAM
X Precautions to be Followed
1. Here's how the rules shown in this example are used. Notice that you have to read
the entries from the bottom up:
2. The availability of certain tracert command switches and other tracert
command syntax may differ from operating system to operating system.
3. If websites or IP address are Secured they may not respond successfully for the
route and tracert command(s)
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. Try any two web sites with their Website address for route command
2. Try any two popular web sites with their name for tracert command
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
A router (even a wireless router) is a special networking device which is connected
to two or more networks running software that allows the router to move data from
one network to another. Router functions in an Internet protocol based network and
operate at the network layer (OSI Model's layer 3).
A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer
networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent
through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets.
A Repeater can be used to increase the length of network by eliminating the effect of
attenuation on the signal. It forwards every frame and it has no filtering capability. A
repeater is a regenerator, not an amplifier. It operates in physical layer. Repeaters are
used in transmission systems to regenerate analog or digital signals distorted by
transmission loss in a data network, a repeater can relay messages between sub-
networks that use different protocols or cable types.
Network Bridge is used for connecting two or more LANs.
The student will be able to install router, repeater and bridge
V Practical Outcome:
Install and test Router, Repeater and Bridge
Types of Routers
Fig. 11. 2 Router to Wall Jack and Switch Network Connection Connection
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1 Router TP-Link standard router 1
Repeater Outdoor Band Selective Mobile 1
Signal Repeater suggested
3 Network Bridge TP-Link standard bridge router 1
Intel P-IV , 2Gbyte , DDR2 , 500Gbyte
Personal Computers
HDD, Keyboard onwards Installed with
4 (For additional 01
Windows 7 onwards and internet
Terminals )
5 Hub Minimum 4 port Hub 02
6 Switch Minimum 8 port switch 01
As per no. of
Cross-over cable
7 Cables connection to
(with RJ-45 connector)
be made
As per no. of
8 Cables Straight cable (with RJ-45 connector) connection to
be made
X Precautions to be Followed
1. Default network name (SSID)
2. Apply Firewall default setting
3. Administration options for security shall be verified.
4. IP addresses can be dynamically assigned by the DHCP server as static only as
a temporary solution. Preferably assign an IP address in the range that doesn't
belong to the DHCP address pool on available router.
XI Procedure used
1) To install a Router
a) Check Your Internet Connection
b) Place the Router
c) Connect to Power
d) Connect to Your Internet Source
e) Access the Router's Web Interface
f) Connect Wired Devices
g) Connect Your PC or Device to Wi-Fi
6) (Optional) To check if connected to the internet, select Router Status under Maintenance.
The Client Bridge allows only wired clients to connect to the secondary router. In
order to allow wireless clients to connect to the secondary router, a Repeater
Bridge is necessary.
A Repeater Bridge allows wireless and wired clients to connect to the secondary
router. It also allows the secondary device to connect to the main device
• Testing Repeater:
Now Wi-Fi repeater setup is complete, Student may verify that wireless signal
has more range than earlier.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close to complete the task.
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
XIII Actual procedure followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Write connection process for connecting router:
(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
• Installation of Router is successful…………………………………. ……………..
• Installation and Testing of Repeater is ……………………………………………..
• Bridge is removed from the network………………………………………………..
Fig. 11.15
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
An IP address is an address used in order to uniquely identify a device on an IP
network. The address is made up of 32 binary bits, which can be divisible into a
network portion and host portion with the help of a subnet mask. The 32 binary bits
are divided into four octets (1 octet = 8 bits). Each octet is converted to decimal and
separated by a period (dot). For this reason, an IP address is said to be expressed in
dotted decimal format (for example, The value in each octet ranges
from 0 to 255 decimal, or 00000000 - 11111111 binary. The student will be able to
assign Static and Dynamic IP addresses to the machine.
V Practical Outcome
Assign IP address to the PC connected to the internet.
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Personal computers Standard computers with Broad
1. with Internet specifications with 32 bit with 2GB 1
connectivity RAM
X Precautions to be Followed
• Handle equipment with care
• Avoid the repeatation of similar IP addresses to two or more different PCs. It may
cause IP conflict error in networking.
• Try use address for same range for one computer network and preferably in
sequence to manage network easily
XI Procedure
To set a static IP address on windows computer
1. Click Start menu> control panel>Network and Internet >network and sharing
2. Click “ Change Adapter Settings”. Right Click “Local Area Connection” and then
click on “ Properties”
Fig. 12.3 Setting Control Panel ►Media Center…►Local a connection Properties Menu
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
1. Avoid IP conflict.
2. Give ranges of addresses of same class of address.
XVI Result
1. State the number of networks allowed under Class C addresses in the IPv4
addressing format.
2. State the size of an IP address.
3. Suggest class of IP address for a computer lab. Network.
4. Set as default page in internet explorer.
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
I Practical Significance
The term Internet access is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to
the Internet using computer terminals, computers, and other devices; and to access
services such as email and the World Wide Web. Internet access is supplied
by Internet service providers (ISPs) providing connectivity at a wide range of data
transfer rates via various networking technologies. It is used by many organizations;
also provide cost-free wireless access
The internet plays a vital role in ensuring that people stay in contact regardless of the
physical barriers. The Internet era is started from network access servers supporting
the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and later the point-to-point protocol (PPP) extended
the Internet protocols and made the full range of Internet services available to dial-up users;
although slower, due to the lower data rates available using dial-up.
Broadband Internet access, or broadband, is defined as "Internet access that is always
on, and faster than the traditional dial-up access" and covers a wide range of
technologies. Broadband connections are typically made using a computer's built
in Ethernet networking capabilities, or by using a NIC expansion card.
Most broadband services provide a continuous "always on" connection; there is no
dial-in process required, and it does not interfere with voice use of phone lines.
Broadband provides improved access to Internet services such as:
• Faster world wide web browsing
• Faster downloading of documents, photographs, videos, and other large files
• Telephony, radio, television, and videoconferencing
• Virtual private networks and remote system administration
• Online gaming, especially massively multiplayer online role-playing games which
are interaction-intensive
The student will be able to configure and test internet connection.
V Practical Outcome
Configure/Test Internet connectivity.
Following terms must be known to Internet user for accessing Internet through ISP.
Domain Name: The name of ISP's domain.
Communications Port: to which modem is attached. It is usually called COM1 or
COM2. This information is only needed by PC users (not by Mac users).
Modem Speed: The slower speed of modem and ISP's modem. This is measured in
Kbps/Mbps (Kilo Bytes per Sec./Mega Bytes per second.
Modem: The type of modem available.
Phone Number: The Telephone number to connect to ISP.
Username or login name: The name of the account with ISP. Example MSBTE
User password: This is password for user account, given by ISP. It will be further
updated by users time to time for safety.
Domain Name Server addresses (DNS): Domain name server is a computer that
works on all addresses in the domain. It translates English addresses into their number
addresses, and vice versa. The address of this computer is the DNS address, and it is a
string of numbers. Example:
Interface Type: Provided between user and the Internet. Some user choices are PPP,
User’s Own Numeric Internet Address: received from ISP. Some ISP's use dynamic
addressing, in which they allocate an Internet address for every log in. This address is
not a permanent number.
Your Own Host Name: Some ISP's will give your computer a name. Example:
Kevin /
The type of Internet access will determine the type of modem needed.
1. Dial-up access uses a telephone modem
2. DSL service uses a DSL modem or ADSL
3. Cable access uses a cable modem
4. Satellite service uses a satellite adapter.
To connect to the internet, there is need of computing device, a connection device and
an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP is a company that provides internet
connectivity to individuals, businesses and organisations. It may also provide
additional services such as storage space to store personal data. The computing device
can be a personal computer, a laptop computer, a tablet or a handheld device such as a
smart phone.
Fig 13.2 : Connection diagram for configuring Internet access using Router
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
Intel P-IV , 2Gbyte , DDR2 , 500Gbyte
Personal Computers (For HDD, Keyboard onwards Installed with
1 01
additional Terminals ) Windows 7 onwards and internet
2 Router 01
3 Smartphone May use Students handset of mobile 01
4 Cables Straight cable (with RJ-45 connector) 02
5 Cables RJ-11 for Telephone line 01
X Precautions to be Followed
• Most new computers don't have a modem. If the computer has a modem, it should
have an RJ-11 connection (not to be confused with an RJ-45 connection).
• A dial-up modem should not be confused with a broadband or cable modem.
• User shall follow instructions provided by ISP to connect modem to Internet
service, as well as troubleshooting support for connectivity issues.
• Before tethering the smartphone, we recommend contacting the phone carrier to
see if it supported and how much they charge.
XI Procedure
To setup internet connection will be different ways.
• Cable internet connection.
• DSL internet connection.
• If user is not sure for type of internet connection they need to contact Internet
Service Provider (ISP).
When the cable modem is turned on, it has to go through a boot up process.
This makes process is done when most of the lights have turned on and
stopped blinking. There is usually one light that will keep blinking. It
usually takes about 30-60 seconds for a modem to finish turning on. User
needs modem's serial number and its MAC address, both of which should be
printed on the bottom or side of the modem while setup is going on.
To test internet connection.
Open a web browser and go to a new website. If user visit to a website that
has been recently visited, browser may load it from its cache. If the new
website loaded, then you're connected to the internet.
If not, it needs to troubleshoot.
Try any other program that requires internet. Like visit social web site.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
2. Suddenly switching OFF the Router will the user get Internet Access?
3. Restarting Computer next time will user get proper internet connection?
4. Is there effect on internet access, if the range /signal of the router is fluctuating?
5. If cablenet signal is weak what will be the effect on internet access?
XX References / Suggestions for further Reading
Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.14: Use FTP protocol to transfer file from one system to
another system.
I Practical Significance
It is required in any organization to share files and resources as it simplifies the access
to these resources from anywhere. It also reduces the cost of equipment as they are
shared among multiple users. By sharing files, it reduces the storage cost. The student
will be able to share files using File transfer protocol.
V Practical Outcome
Set up FTP client server and transfer files using FTP
VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcomes
• Installation of software .
• Follow ethical practices.
Filezilla is a powerful tool and a free software for transferring files over the internet
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrum
Specification Quantity
No. ent /Components
1 Personal Computer Standard Specifications
with internet connection
2 Filezilla software Open source software
X Precautions to be Followed
• Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
• Install the software following the instructions carefully
XI Procedure
1. The FileZilla client is downloaded and activated on your computer. Enter domain
name in the Host field or one can use the account's IP address. The username and
the password that has to be entered are the same as that which used to log in.
The FTP port is 21. Then, to connect, press the Quickconnect button.
2. The user will get connected to hosting account and on the right side of the FTP
client window a list of all the files and folders on your account will be displayed.
3. From the right panel of the FTP client navigate to the folder on the account in
which the new files are to be uploaded.for example - public_html.
4. Then, select one or more files from the left side panel (from the computer from
which files are to be transferred) to be uploaded and right click on them. From the
menu that shows up, click the Upload button.
5. The transfer will automatically be initiated, which will be indicated at the bottom
panel of the application.
6. Wait for the upload to complete, after which the uploading of these files will be
logged in the Successful Transfers tab at the bottom panel.
7. Sample Exercise:
9. After successful file transfer and completion of practical shut down the PC and
switch off the supply
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
1. ……………… (Public/ Private) FTP sites can be accessed without any
authentication, and hence not secure.
2. In TCP/IP model, FTP makes use of TCP protocol with two ports, namely …….
and ……...
3. Files can be uploaded and downloaded ………………..(faster/ slower) using FTP.
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of Teacher
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Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.15: Install and configure a Firewall for the network security.
I Practical Significance
A Firewall is a program that protects computer from malicious hackers that try to
access computer from the internet. Use of firewall is highly recommended for all
computer users. Many users are interested in either enabling or disabling their
Windows Firewall for various reasons. Some users want to utilize a different firewall,
and some may have turned theirs off by accident. Firewalls are tools that can be used
to enhance the security of computers connected to a network, such as a LAN or the
Internet. A firewall separates a computer from the Internet, inspecting packets of data
as they arrive at either side of the firewall to determine whether it should be allowed to
pass or be blocked. In this practical students will be able to install and configure
V Practical Outcome
Install and configure a Firewall for the network security.
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
Personal Computers (For Intel P-IV , 2Gbyte , DDR2 ,
additional Terminals , 500Gbyte HDD, Keyboard onwards
1 01
Windows Operating system Installed with Windows 7 onwards
Installed and internet connectivity
2 Any Freeware Refer Given List of free Firewall 01
X Precautions to be Followed
1. Be sure to turn the firewall on.
2. Ensure that firewall is set up properly and updated regularly.
3. Check the online "Help" feature for specific instructions.
XI Procedure
Installation process of Firewall:
1. Chose a Firewall
• Selection of the right Firewall is an important step. Either a simple and easy-to-
use firewall or a firewall where user can configure everything it does.
Following are some of the free firewalls: (select any suitable from this)
i. Sophos XG Firewall Home Edition
ii. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall 2019 (but needs (Dot).Net Framework)
iii. AVS Firewall
iv. Avast Free Antivirus
v. Comodo Free Firewall
vi. TinyWall
vii. Outpost Firewall
viii. GlassWire
ix. Privatefirewall
x. OpenDNS Home
2. After choosing a suite install it according to the company’s instructions. These
instructions can normally be found from the firewalls website in Help.
3. After the firewall installs it will most likely require a reboot. Reboot the computer
and watch for any pop-ups from the firewall during installation.
4. Read any pop-ups that appear on the computer after the restart, accept all of them
from programs you use and trust.
5. If any pop-ups appear and don't know what they are for. Then go to a favorite
search engine and type in the name of the program.
6. Computer should now be secure with the firewall, when it blocks any hacker
attacks it will pop-up and alert the user.
Microsoft Windows 8 and 10 both come with a pre-installed firewall utility, although
it may be disabled by default.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
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Related (15) Related (10) (25)
Practical No.16: Interconnect two PCs using RS232 cable and transfer data
as null modem configuration.
I Practical Significance
Null modem: This term used to describe a communications method that does not
utilize a modem. For example, two computers joined directly by a null modem cable
utilizing the RS-232 port are said to be a null modem setup because they do not use
modem to communicate. The practical will enable the student to use RS-232 cable to
assess the speed of transfer of data in null modem configuration.
V Practical Outcome
Interconnect two PCs using RS232 cable and transfer data as null modem
Fig 16.1: RS-232-(9-pin connector) details Fig. 16.2: RS-232 (25 pin) to USB
Below is a very common wiring diagram for a null modem cable to interconnect two
DTEs (e.g. two PCs) providing full handshaking, which works with software relying
on proper assertion of the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal:]
Transmitted Data 2 3 → 2 3 RxD
Received Data 3 2 ← 3 2 TxD
Data Terminal 1 8 DC
DTR 20 4 →
6 6 DSR
IX Resources required
Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
Intel P-IV , 2Gbyte , DDR2 ,
Personal Computers (For
500Gbyte HDD, Keyboard
1 additional Terminals , Windows 02
onwards Installed with Windows 7
Operating system Installed
onwards and internet connectivity
2 Null Modem cable RS-232 with 9 -pin 01
X Precautions to be Followed
1. Using null modem cable there is the possibility of hardware flow control without
being incompatible with the original way flow control was used with DTE/DCE
2. Make sure serial ports are enabled in CMOS setup.
3. Because of cross connection, the DTR output line can be used for simple flow
control. Incoming data is allowed when the output is set, and blocked if the output
is not set.
4. The null modem cable with partial handshaking works in most cases. If user is
developing software which must work with all kinds of cables, it is best to use
software flow control only and ignore all modem control inputs.
XI Procedure
Setting up direct cable connection in Windows :
Step-by-step instructions for setting up direct cable connection in Windows 95 and
Windows 98. The Null modem cable is required for these steps to work properly.
1. Null Modem Cable must be connected directly to each of the computers user want
to connect, which means no other serial devices can be connected to either
2. Make sure serial ports are enabled in CMOS setup.
3. For Direct Cable Connection to work, First install the software used for the
To install Direct Cable Connection,
• Click Start, Settings ► Control Panel, and double-click on Add Remove
Programs. Then click ►the Windows Setup tab, double-click the Communications
• check the Direct Cable Connection box. If this box is already checked, it is
recommended that uncheck the box and then place the check back in the box to
ensure that the complete program is installed into the computer.
• Once completely installed, reboot the computer.
4. Once back in Windows click Start ►Settings ►Control Panel, double-click on
Network, and then ►click File and Print Sharing.
• In File and Print Sharing, check the box next to "I want to be able to give others
access to my files" also while in this window enable Print sharing.
• Click Ok,
• if Windows attempts to locate the drivers but is not able to, do this two times and
reboot the computer again to ensure these settings are updated.
5. Once back into Windows, ►double-click My Computer, right-click on the drive
you want to share your information on (e.g., C: drive) and click Properties.
Once in Properties click the Sharing tab, click ►the option for Shared As, enter a
Share Name, click ►the Apply, and then reboot the computer.
6. Once the above steps have been completed, Then decide which computer will be
host and which computer will be guest. Once this is determined,
first set up the host computer by clicking on Start► Programs► Accessories►
Communications► click on Direct Cable Connection.
In Direct Cable Connection choose the option for ►host, ►select the port, if so
desired ►specify a password, and then click► Next.
Computer should then wait for the guest computer to send signal to the host
7. Once the above steps have been completed, on the second computer follow the
above steps 1-5 again. Once done, click ►Start, ►Programs, ►Accessories,
Communications, ►click on ►Direct Cable Connection.
In the Direct Cable Connection box choose ►Guest, choose the
►communications port, click ►Next to have the computer start searching.
8. Once the Host and the Guest have been set up you should establish a connection;
Now user can browse the hard drive that was shared through Network
Alternative procedure /Similar way to share resources.
XIV Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XVI Result
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Related (15) Related (10) (25)