Swamp Encounters

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Swamp Encounters - Random Tables

Writing and Layout. Duncan Thomson
Related PDFs and Titles
Cover Art. Photo by James Haw on Unsplash
Interior Art. includes b-design and Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin
Games. Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art @Rick Hershey

/ Fat Goblin Games

Table of Contents
Using Swamp Encounters ............................................................ 3
Swamp Encounter Tables ............................................................. 4
Location Tables ............................................................................... 5
Beasts and Humanoids ................................................................. 7
Non-Combat Encounters .............................................................. 8
Objects and Treasures ................................................................... 9
Activities and Complications ..................................................... 10
Other Encounter Tables .............................................................. 11

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Using Swamp Encounters
Swamps are defined by foliage and water. I've tried to Ways to Use Random Encounters
support themes of gloom, decay, poison, amphibians and Random encounters are a versatile tool that can surprise a
boats. group with the direction it takes the game. Use them for...
Find a Swamp Encounters Generator at ChaosGen Changing the Pace
Dice to Use Encounters can be used when things need to slow down or
speed up. A stranger approaches a distracted party (or
The default dice for the tables are 1d8+1d12. With two dice players). An ambush when they are spoiling for a fight, a

some results have a higher chance to occur. The most friendly encounter if they are in safer lands.
common results at 9-13, with values below and above this
occurring less often. The least likely to occur are 2 and 20. Something Unexpected
Or using 1d20 gives more chance of dangerous and unusual Your players have done the unexpected, you need time to
encounters. Options for rolling a 1 include re-rolling, treat as recover and process what's happened. Call a 5-minute break

n 11, combine two more rolls or simply choose a result. and roll (or choose) from the tables. Use what you like to
2d10 (2-20) has the same range as d8+d12. It only uses a provide enough for an encounter or get you to session's end.
single die type and changes the most common result to an 11. A Taste of the Surroundings
Using 3d6 (3-18) or 2d6+4 (6-16) reduces the more In new terrain or an unusual area showcase things specific to
dangerous and unusual encounters and results. the area. Hydras in swamps, crabs on the coast, avalanches
Smaller (d4+d6) Tables in mountains. Hostile encounters where foes are expected,
non-combat encounters where they are not.
The smaller tables use 1d4+1d6 with a range of 2-10. The
most common results are 5-7. Alternate dice include 1d10 Nothing Prepared
(with option of treating a 1 as a 6) or 2d4+1 (2-9)
About Encounter Tables e
There are a few options beyond just rolling up an encounter.
You need something to fill a game session or. For some
groups a simple combat (or non-combat) encounter can keep
a group occupied if you have nothing else to go on.
Modifying Encounters:
Pick the result that is most interesting or makes sense.
Plan for adventures by looking at monster groupings. The extra tables can be used to customize encounters.
Combine the results of two tables. Use Location tables to add variety. Details supplement
Roll several encounters in advance and use as needed. your own descriptions. Use Combat Terrain for aggressive
Use them as a base to make your own encounter tables. foes and to give bold PCs something to work with.
Types of Encounter The Complications table suggests ways of tying an
encounter to the terrain and integrating other tables.
Encounters can go beyond combat. Use them to introduce... NPCs can be prisoners, allies, guides, or simply nearby.

local creatures, NPCs or factions An Enc. Activity gives purpose to a creature encounter
a source of information or someone to call on for help Items can be littered around the battlefield, given to
an encounter tied to a character, villain or subquest intelligent foes or used as treasure.
news about world events or local politics Use humanoids as mercenaries, guards or travelers
foreshadowing of future story or major events. At night encounters change. Use NPCs or Humanoids for
intelligent foes and people in need. Adapt non-combat
Encounter Frequency encounters and use nocturnal foes like orcs or spirits.

Some groups use encounters simply when traveling. Others Higher and Lower Level Parties.
use a system varying on terrain, danger level and time of day.
The tables are created for a range of levels, but some results
A quick method is 1d20 with an encounter on 16+. Roll once are very deadly for lower level parties. Or not a challenge for
a day, when terrain changes or more often in areas of danger. some higher level parties, which isn't always a problem.
Simple Travel Encounters Table For parties low in a tier (such as levels 4-6 of tier 2, which
A simple option for travel is roll 1d20, +1 per day of travel. If is levels 5-10) try the minimum number of creatures. Or the
the d20 shows an 11, there is an ambush or night encounter. maximum for parties on the higher end of a tier.
Similar advice applies for parties with more or less
1d20 + days of travel Encounters
characters that the average, or who are more powerful due to
magical items or character optimization.
1-10 No encounters
Make encounters easier by adding allies or using
11-20 1 encounter
advantageous terrain. Monsters could be hindered with lower
21-30 2 encounters morale, injuries or distractions.
31+ 3 encounters

Swamp Encounter Tables
VGtM = Volo's Guide to Monsters. Swamp Encounters (Levels 5-10)
MToF = Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes d8+d12
Swamp Encounters (Levels 1-4) 2 1 young black dragon or 1 elder oblex (MToF)
d8+d12 1 wraith with 1d2 wights and 1d4 specters or 1 adult oblex (MToF)
2 1 giant crocodile or 1 catoblepas (VGtM) with 2d4 oblex spawn (MToF)
1d3 giant crocodiles or 1 green hag with 1d4+1 catoblepases
1d3 scouts with 1d3 giant lizards or 1d4+1 vegepygmies (VGtM) led 4
3 (VGtM)
by 1 vegepygmy chief (VGtM)

3d6 lizardfolk led by a lizard king / queen or 1 maurezhi (MToF) and
4 2d4 mud mephits or 2d4 oblex spawn (MToF) 5
2d6 ghouls
5 1 ochre jelly or roll on Swamp Monsters
6 1d4 trolls or warlock of the archfey (VGtM) with 2d4 redcaps (VGtM)
6 3d6 tribal warriors or roll on Swamp Humanoids
7 1d4 shambling mounds or roll on Swamp Monsters lvl 5-10
7 1 green hag or roll on Swamp Spirits lvl 1-4

8 1 giant crocodile and 1d4+1 crocodiles or 1d2 rot trolls (MToF)
8 1d3 vine blights and 2d4 twig blights or roll on Swamp Monsters
9 2d6 lizardfolk with 2d4 giant lizards or 1d2 catoblepases (VGtM)
9 1d2 will-o'-wisps or roll on Swamp Spirits lvl 1-4
10 1d2 hydras or roll on Swamp Monsters lvl 5-10
10 2d6 bullywugs or roll on Swamp Humanoids
11 Roll on Swamp Levels 1-4 table or 1 froghemoth (VGtM)
11 1d4 giant toads or roll on Swamp Beasts
12 1 water elemental & 2d6 mud mephits or roll on Sw. Spirits lvl 5-10
12 2d4 lizardfolk or roll on Lizardfolk Encounters
13 1d3 yuan-ti malisons & 1 yuan-ti abomination or roll on Yuan-ti 5-10
13 1d4 swarms of insects or roll on Swamp Beasts
1 druid with 2d6 giant toads or 1 corpse flower (MToF) with 1d10
14 1d4+1 kobolds with 2d4 giant toads or roll on Kobold Encounters 14
15 1d6 crocodiles or roll on Swamp Beasts
15 2d6 ghouls led by 1d4+1 ghasts or roll on Swamp Spirits lvl 5-10
1d2 yuan-ti malisons or roll on Yuan-ti lvl 1-4
1d6 giant poisonous snakes or roll on Swamp Beasts
1d2 wights or 1d4+1 vargouilles (VGtM)
1d4 orcs led by 1 orc eye of Gruumsh or roll on Orcs lvl 1-4

4d6 tribal warriors led by 1d4+1 scouts or 2d4 vegepygmies (VGtM)
with 2d4 thornies (VGtM) led by 1d3 vegepygmy chiefs (VGtM)
3d6 orcs with 1 orc warchief or roll on Orcs lvl 5-10
1d3 revenants or 1d2 bodaks (VGtM)
20 1 shambling mound or 1 black dragon hatchling 19 1 yuan-ti abomination or 1 froghemoth (VGtM) with 2d6 bullywugs
20 A coven of 3 green hags or 1 spirit troll (MToF)

Swamp Encounters (Levels 11+)

2 1 marid and 1d3 water elementals or 1 nightwalker (MToF)
3 2 young black dragons or 1 wastrilith (MToF)

4 6d6 lizardfolk with 1d3 lizardfolk shaman and 1 lizard king / queen
5 1 adult black dragon or 1 skull lord (MToF)
6 2d6 wights led by 1 Revenant or 2d4 bodaks (VGtM)
7 1 young black dragon with 1d6 giant crocodiles or 1 nabassu (MToF)
8 1d4+4 trolls or 1 archdruid with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
9 1d3+1 yuan-ti abominations and 2d4 yuan-ti purebloods

10 3d6+10 lizardfolk with 1d4+1 trolls

Roll on Swamp Levels 5-10 table or 1 sword wraith commander
(MToF) with 1d4 sword wraith warriors (MToF)
12 2d4 giant crocodiles or 1 archdruid (VGtM)
13 2d6+10 orcs led by 1 orc warchief and 2d4 orogs
2d4 water elementals or 1 elder oblex (MToF) with 1d4 adult oblexes
15 2d6 yuan-ti malisons led by 1 yuan-ti abomination or 1 nagpa (MToF)
16 1d4 hydras or 1 yuan-ti anathema (VGtM) and 1d6 yuan-ti malisons
1d4+1 druids with 1d3+1 shambling mounds or 1 star spawn seer
(MToF) with 4d6 star spawn grue (MToF)
18 1 young black dragon with 1 lizard king / queen and 3d6 lizardfolk
19 1d2 yuan-ti abominations and 2d4 swarms of snakes
20 2d4 will-o'-wisps with a coven of 3 green hags

Location Tables Swamp Semi-Civilized Locations
In italics are optional extra details.
Use Wilderness, Semi-Civilized or Unusual table for an
encounter location. d8+d12

The Swamp Location Detail and Swamp Combat Terrain can 2 A misty circle of standing stones (close by is a winding trail)

be used to customize the location. 3 A flooded bridge (near a loud waterfall in front of a cave-mouth)
4 A haunted dyke with scattered flowers (by a ruined burial ground)
A brightly-painted mill surrounded by marshy ground (close by is a
patch of quicksand)
A gigantic half-built statue and an overgrown jetty (close by is a

beast pen)
An orchard of dead trees and a crumbling shrine to a forgotten
power (nearby is a field of mud)
A spring near an vine-covered tree house (there is a panoramic

9 A wooden walkway and a patch of purple berries (it is misty)
10 A narrow gorge with a stone bench (nearby is a tunnel entrance)
11 A tainted stream near a small monument (heavy rain is falling)
A fading fire surrounded by muddy grass (close by is a mushroom
Swamp Edge of Wilderness Locations ring)
In italics are optional extra details. 13
A hut raised from the water near a few twisted saplings (there are
recent tracks of a plant-monster)
d8+d12 14 A muddy stream near a newly-built tomb (there is a damaged canoe)
2 A group of overgrown fallen trees (a storm is approaching) A beast pen surrounded by mud (nearby is the fresh corpse of a

An area of bubbling mud (there are a few bushes)
A meadow of edible flowers (nearby are hot springs)
A reed-choked pool surrounded by leaves (near a stream flowing
into a tainted river)

A ferry over a narrow river and a patch of strange moss (there is a
A wooden walkway leading up a hill (there are howling winds)
A muddy depression and a pool covered with lily pads (nearby is a 18 A large frog statue by a muddy pool (nearby is a flooded hut)
small island) An abandoned campsite surrounded by reeds (there is an acrid
7 A fish-filled stream with an island of exposed rock (rain is falling) smell in the air)
8 A few cave entrances by a lake (someone has left a muddy boot) 20 A flooded remnant of another civilisation (close by is a cairn)
A few twisted trees surrounded by shallow water (close by is a
shrine to a power of death)
10 A patch of discoloured water-lilies (there is a wrecked rowboat)

An area of shallow water with patches of yellow sedge (there is a

strange stench in the air)
12 A patch of quicksand and a shallow pool (there is a pile of bones)
13 An area of reeds (the birds and animals have gone quiet)
14 A patch of yellow flowers and a foul stream (hail is falling)
15 An area of larch saplings (it is associated with a powerful druid)
A covered hollow surrounded by short grass (there is the remains of

a giant boar)
17 A pile of logs and a patch of quicksand (close by is an area of reeds)
An area of insect-covered bracken and a bubbling pool (there is a
programmed illusion here)
A discoloured waterfall in front of a cave-mouth (there is writing
here in Draconic)
A mossy island and a bush of purple berrie (there is the skull of a

Swamp Unusual Locations Swamp Location Detail
Minor details to add to other locations
Steps lead out of the murk up to a strange distillery on a rocky
outcrop. Steam comes from a chimney and pipes entero the water. d8+d12
An ancient trail leads through a salt marsh to a crystal tomb, ringed 2 A broken stone marking the distance to an ancient city
by upright bones. The bones whisper to any who enter the area. 3 Many large dead toads (or frogs)
Warlock's Lament. On an island of yellow grasses, a few trees 4 An island with a mossy cairn
4 entwine into the form of a woman, who curses any who meet her
5 Several tree stumps covered in brown fungi
gaze. A rare plant with magical properties grows here.
6 A muddy trench or a wounded and unconscious giant boar
A barren island is full of charred bones. Vents of marsh gas come
5 7 A wooden grave marker with a poem in Common
from the bog around it. Flickering lights float around the area.

The rotting hulk of a boat is vibrant with purple flowers. Fiendish 8 An area of stinking polluted water
runes carved nearby warn of an insidious sentience. 9 A crumbling stone wall or a shallow pool full of leeches
A lake of shifting mud roils, forming into monstrous shapes that 10 The diseased corpse of a crocodile (or giant toad)
then collapse. Glowing sludge emerges from a cliff into the mud.
11 A patch of long, feathery reeds or a damaged rowboat

Mirror Mire. A clear pool sits amidst patches of quicksand. A Feywild
8 12 Several human-sized lily pads
crossing, it has spirits who show secrets to any gazing in the water.
13 A brightly painted hut on stilts or several tree stumps
A mist-shrouded isle has growths of blue rock. A treehouse sits
9 14 A large carnivorous plant
above a garden of fungi and spores, which cover isle and trees. ,
Snakes roam among the ruins of a sunken fort. Bright flowers grow 15 A sign warning of muddy ground
around the area and a warnings on poles are left by a local tribe. 16 A mound of bones
The skull of a giant crocodile bridges two trees and has many nests 17 A muddy waterhole or a stagnant pool full of insects
in it. In the reeds below are remains of many swamp predators. 18 Six hydra skulls
Wyrmlife Falls. Waters flow down an obsidian cliff, changing color 19 A spiky patch of red flowers or a half-buried wagon
12 along the way. There is a verdant mass of plants at the bottom.


Pictures of a dragon are carved into the cliff.
Large leeches stick to an invisible bridge over a brackish lake. Magic
items glow near the bridge. A hamlet of hermits is sat at the shore.
A river flows up a slope of ruins, into an entrance to underground
20 Several large orange mushrooms

Swamp Combat Terrain

caves. At night it reverses direction. Many dragonflies flit about.

A croaking of toads and frogs fills the air. A hut raised from the This terrain provides obstacles and things to use in combat.
water on carved metal legs. The roof appears to be made of gold.
Beacon of Eternity. From a crumbling castle comes a pillar of light
16 seen for far around. A pallor of dread covers the area, keeping many 2 A tree with a corpse hanging from it (or a large nest)
creatures away. A song tells of creatures reincarnated in the light. 3 A rocky outcrop
A swamp of mangroves which are home to fey spirits. Each is A tree which is rotten. Any large noise or impact near it will cause it
17 4
carved with a Sylvan rune and many canoes have been left here . to fall

A marker describes a museum but only crumbled stones remain. A platform between two trees or fungi with harmless but concealing
18 5
Insects cover a shrine to a power of decay and poisons fill the air. spores
A pillar of green stone emerges from the water, seaweed clinging to 6 A bubbling pool with frequent mud geysers
its base. . Giant lilies float around it and a briny smell lingers.
7 A canoe (or rowing boat) or a hedge of thorns
Tavern of the Titan. A wall of tall thorns circles the area. Three
8 An area of quicksand (DMG pg 110)
20 archways allow people through to a stone giant, crouched and
9 A raft (or coracle) or a tree house with several hanging vines
holding a wooden tavern. locally it is neutral ground.
10 A few trees with webs spread between them (DMG pg 105)

11 A bubbling pool of mud or a sunken ruined tower

12 Several hanging vines that lead up to trees (or a platform)
13 A rowing boat with a set of oars
14 A vent of flammable marsh gas or a half-submerged metal statue
15 A jetty with several old boats tied to it
16 Slippery stepping stones or a wasp nest
17 An overgrown shrine protected by a magic circle
18 An area of razorvine (DMG pg 110)
19 A treehouse with a rope ladder
A hidden cache (Perception check to spot if near) with Quaal's
feather token - boat (or roll on Minor Swamp Treasures)

Beasts & Humanoids Swamp Mounts
These tables can be used as alternative low-level Swamp For medium-size npcs & leaders, with options for other sizes.
encounter tables d4+d6
2 plesiosaurus or nightmare
Beast Encounters (Levels 1-4)
3 crocodile or boar
4 giant spider or giant crab
2 1 giant crocodile
5 giant toad
3 1d3 plesiousauruses
6 giant lizard
4 1d6 giant wasps or 1 flail snail (VGtM)
7 giant boar or guard drake
2d6 water buffalo (giant goat stats) or 1d3 giant poisonous snakes

5 8 water buffalo (giant goat stats)
and 1d3 swarms of poisonous snakes
6 1d4 giant spiders or 1d3 swarms of quippers 9 giant bat or hadrosaurus (VGtM)

7 2d4 giant frogs or 2d4 hadrosauruses (VGtM) 10 skeletal warhorse

8 1 giant constrictor snake or 2d4 giant fire beetles

Humanoid Encounters (Levels 1-4)

9 1d6 crocodiles or 1d2 panthers
10 1d6 giant poisonous snakes or 2d4 freshwater giant crabs
2 1 troll or 1 redcap (VGtM)
11 1d4 giant toads or 1d3 quippers
3 1 druid and 1d4 scouts or 1 warlock of the archfey (VGtM)
12 1d4 swarms of insects or 1d3 swamp ox (VGtM)
4 1 green hag with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
13 1d6 giant lizards or 2d6 stirges
5 1d4 lizardfolk with 1d4 giant lizards or roll on Lizardfolk Encounters
14 1d3 swarms of poisonous snakes or 1d3 guard drakes (black, VGtM)
6 2d4 bullywugs with 1d4 giant frogs or 2d4 skulks (MToF)
15 1d3 giant boars or 2d4 dimetrodons (VGtM)
7 1 lizardfolk shaman with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
16 2d4 swarms of rats or 1d3 swarms of rot grubs (VGtM)
8 1 green hag
2d6 giant rats

2d4 swarms of ravens or 1d3 brown bears
2d4 boars or 2d4 giant rats and 1d3 swarms of rats
1 shambling mound

1d4+2 lizardfolk or roll on Lizardfolk Encounters
2d6 bullywugs or 1d3 meenlocks (VGtM)
3d6 tribal warriors or 2d4 tribal warriors with 1 guard drake (black,
12 3d4 kobolds or roll on Kobold Encounters
13 1 druid
14 1d4 orcs led by 1 orog or roll on Orcs lvl 1-4
15 2d4 winged kobolds or roll on Kobold Encounters
16 1d6 scouts or 1d4+1 meazels (MToF) or 2d4 darklings (VGtM)
17 1 orc eye of gruumsh with 1d3 orcs or roll on Orc lvl 1-4
18 1d4+1 yuan-ti purebloods or roll on Yuan-ti Encounters lvl 1-4

19 1d3 ogres or 1d4 darklings (VGtM) led by 1 darkling elder (VGtM)

20 1d2 yuan-ti malisons or roll on Yuan-ti Encounters lvl 1-4

Swamp Character Races

Use this table for tribal warriors, scouts and other NPCs

2 Hill Dwarf
3 Tiefling or firbolg (VGtM)
4 Wood elf or shadar-Kai (MToF)
5 Dragonborn (black)
6 Human or lizardfolk (VGtM)
7 Half-Orc or orc (VGtM)
8 Forest Gnome or yuan-ti (VGtM)
9 Half-Elf or kobold (VGtM)
10 Stout Halfling

Non-Combat Encounters Swamp Hazards and Obstacles
Encounters to hinder, threaten or inconvenience the
Swamp Non-Combat Creature Encounters characters. Option to combine with a creature encounter.
Most encounters below retreat, hide or surrender in combat. d8+d12
d8+d12 2 A sunken bronze statue which can cause a curse (or geas)
2 A giant toad adopts the party, following for food and out of curiosity 3 A ruined shrine that is a Shadowfell crossing
A dryad is in love with a shambling mound that ignores their 4 Area of poisonous fungal spores or flash floods
attention. Asks the group to help get its attention 5 An area of thick webs (DMG pg 105)
A few enterprising orcs are building small but sturdy boats. Offer to Harmless but noisy beasts alarmed by party. Attract attention of
4 6
sell or build one for the group.

other creatures if nothing done
5 A stone giant is trying hard to train a giant toad to fetch boulders 7 A patch of Brown (or Yellow) Mold (DMG pg 105)
6 A saddled allosaurus is stuck in mud and straining to escape it. 8 Heavy rain (Heavy Precipitation - DMG pg 110)
Several acolytes are out here on a holy self-improvement exercise. 9 Flammable (or choking) swamp gas or strange lights moving nearby
They appear to be lacking in survival skills, gear or sense.

10 Several beasts (or corpses) infected with disease (DMG pg 257)
8 An owlbear with gills (swim 30 ft) is happily wallowing in mud
11 An area of quicksand (DMG pg 110) with a panicking beast
A green hag is offering three for one on a variety of potions (or
9 12 A heavy (or ghostly) mist descends around party
herbal remedies). Will barter coin, items, pets and favors.
A bush with glowing poisonous berries or insects (or rats) carrying
10 A few tribal warriors are harvesting brightly colored frogs and toads. 13
sewer plague (DMG pg 257)
11 A helpful will-o'-wisp offers to guide them and light their way
Large amounts of harmless insects. Disturbing causes light or heavy
12 Several lizardfolk are making an experimental stew and offer a taste 14
Two intelligent crocodiles (Int 12, History +3) are arguing in 15 An area of razorvine (DMG pg 110) submerged in water
Draconic about nearby ruins and what civilisation they are from.
16 A falling net trap (DMG pg 122) or waters infested with leeches
A few enterprising bullywugs have made a map of the swamp on


boarhide. Offer it in exchange for food or other non-coin valuables.
A troll artist is crafting a statue from reeds and aks for some help
A noble with a guard is in a rowboat. They bought land in the swamp
and are now having first look at it. Hopeful it is a good buy.


An area of noxious (or flammable) mist (treat as stinking cloud)
One or more tar pits (similar to quicksand but flammable) or a
A tangled briar (or bubbling green pool) that acts as a Shadowfell (or
Feywild) crossing
17 A treant is trying to find a way to deliver a message to a local ruler
20 Several shriekers that attract other creatures
18 A few veterans ask about area. The are hunting beasts for trophies.
19 an adult black dragon under a geas guide others through the swamp
20 A storm giant is bathing as part of a mud spa treatment

Quick Swamp NPCs


Yutha is a vain berserker in tight-fitting leathers. They love orcish

drinking songs but hate mud. They have many cousins in the region
Angrath is a nervous priest with orange clothing and a coracle. They
love swamp-themed jokes and frequently try them out on trees.
Ssarth is an alert lizardfolk shaman with several baskets of reeds. They
try to teach anyone they meet a game involving reeds.
Cumpen is a mischievous scout with long leather gloves. They build a

variety of watercraft and hold several unpopular views Mysterious Lights
Gorev is an optimistic tribal warrior carrying two colorful snakes. They What is the light? a wisp, a signal for help or something else?
are curious about life beyond the swamp and offer services as a guide
Marastyr is a deluded cult fantatic with nets and containers. They live d4+d6
as a hermit and hunt snails, looking among them for a higher power 2 a driftglobe; or a fire
Qiao is a careless spy (Survival +2) with burnt arms. They are growing 3 one or more giant fire beetles
mushrooms and have heard about one of the characters from a friend
4 a continual flame spell
Quaggl is a polite kuo-toa monitor (Speaks Common) wearing many
9 5 a will-o'-wisp
amulets. They collect holy symbols and want a place to call home.
6 a lit lantern or a fey using faerie fire
Xenia is a talkative assassin with an assortment of crossbows. They
10 7 a swarm of fireflies
are harvesting poisons and are having dreams of local ruins
8 a lit candle or a ghost
9 dancing lights spell
10 someone in need with a lit torch

Swamp Objects and Treasures
Swamp Mundane Items
Discarded objects, quick loot or extra NPC equipment
2 a bronze cauldron or a waterproof sack
3 a cloth bag full of mushrooms
4 a giant lizard skull or or a rusty sickle

5 a map of nearby ruins
6 a paddle or a wooden club
7 a necklace of crocodile teeth
8 a long reed snorkel or an empty backpack

9 a fishing pole
10 a reed basket a fishing net
11 a colored rock
12 a bucket of frogs or a pair of muddy pantaloons
13 a wooden pole with notches at regular intervals
14 a hooded lantern or a spade
15 a pair of snakeskin gloves
16 a walking staff or a coracle
a wreath of dead flowers
a bundle of firewood or a blowpipe
a book about poisonous insects e
a vial of antitoxin or roll on Minor Treasures
Swamp Magic Items (d20)
Use 1d8 for Uncommon items, 1d8+8 for Rare, 1d4+16 for
Swamp Minor Treasures Very Rare & Legendary
A topaz that spins and floats when released above water. Worth
2 1 Necklace of Adaptation or Ring of Swimming
1000 gp
2 Periapt of Health or Bag of Devouring (cursed)
3 Elemental Gem (water)
3 Alchemy Jug or Cap of Water Breathing
4 1d3 vials of serpent venom (DMG) or crawler mucus
4 Driftglobe or Eversmoking Bottle

5 Dust of dryness or Oil of Slipperiness

5 Staff of the Adder or Pipes of Haunting
A book about rare swamp insects and how to identify them. Worth
6 6 Broom of Flying or Eyes of Charming
150 gp
Bag of Tricks - Swamp (1d8 - 1. frog; 2. raven; 3. constrictor snake;
7 Potion of Gaseous Form or 1d2 beans from a Bag of Beans 7
4. crocodile; 5. giant lizard; 6. giant spider; 7. giant toad; 8. giant boar;)
8 1d3 antitoxins
8 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing or Trident of Fish Command
9 Scroll of Protection - Beasts or Undead
9 Deck of Illusions or Mace of Terror
10 Artisan's tools (carpenter's, brewer's or woodcarver's)

10 Staff of Withering or Periapt of Proof against Poison

11 1d4 Potions of Healing or 1d4 Potions of Water Breathing
11 Wand of Fear or Figurine of Wondrous Power - Serpentine Owl
12 1d4 nets or a musical instrument - drum
12 Staff of Swarming Insects or Dagger of Venom
13 Spell Scroll of water walk (or giant insect)
13 Folding Boat or Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
14 A poisoner's kit (or alchemist's supplies)
14 Mace of Disruption or Cape of the Mountebank
15 Potion of Animal Friendship or Quaal's Feather Token - Swan Boat
15 Bag of Beans or Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ebony Fly)
16 2d4 vials of acid
16 Ring of Free Action or Portable Hole
17 Spell Scroll of control water (or contagion)
17 Rod of Alertness or Dragon Scale Armor (Black)
A bronze cauldron with decorations depicting an army attacking a
18 18 Crystal Ball or Demon Armor (cursed)
castle. It has a large ornate ladle attached by a chain. Worth 250 gp
19 Cloak of Arachnida or Mirror of Life Trapping
19 Potion of Vitality or Staff of the Python
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Obsidian Steed) or Ring of Elemental
20 1 dose of midnight tears (DMG) or wyvern poison 20
Command (Water) - legendary

Activities & Complications
Swamp Encounter Activity or State
They are... (or one is...)
2 haunted (or harassed) by another creature
investigating (or playing with) an item (roll on Swamp Mundane

4 stuck (or drowning) mud or mutilated (or mutated) in some way
5 following a light or close to giving birth
6 wallowing (or playing) in mud or making a new home (or lair)
investigating a boat (or wreck); or waiting for someone (or

8 hiding from (or watching) a threat or guarding the local area
9 wading through (or covered in) in mud or cursed
10 harassed by insects or drinking (or collecting) from a water source
11 hiding (or resting) in suitable terrain or eating
12 swimming (or preparing to swim) in the water or near to their home
13 infected with a disease (or starting) a journey (or migration) Encounter Complication or Enhancement
stalking (or being stalked by) something or searching for d8+d12
sustenance (or a companion) 2 There is a hallucinatory terrain (or programmed illusion) here
covered in leeches or making a new home
adapted to the water (swim 20 ft. and amphibious); or tired

investigating a dead body (roll on Quick Swamp NPCs) or resting

marked by (or bearing symbols of) a swamp deity (or a local faction)

There are bullywugs (or roll on Swamp Humanoids) here (or nearby)
as allies (or servants / mercenaries)
There is a glowing arcane eye belonging to a local spellcaster or hag
A jetty with several old boats tied to it or roll on Swamp Combat
19 injured (not on full hit points) or adapted to walk on water Terrain

20 being noisy or a shapechanger There is a wight here (or roll on Swamp Spirits) that tries to pull
creatures in to water where it hides

Swamp Encounter Sentient Activity 7

There is a platform between two trees or roll on Swamp Combat
Extra options for sentient creatures. They are... (or one is...) 8 There is someone with a lantern nearby or roll on Mysterious Lights
There is a vent of flammable marsh gas or roll on Swamp Combat
d8+d12 9

2 warding off (or talking to) spirits or making music
There are giant lizards here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For
3 making a raft (or other watercraft) or spying on someone else 10
alternatives roll on Swamp Beasts
4 searching for (or investigating) a ruin or relaxing
11 There is a boat (or a raft) adrift in the water
5 trying to lift a curse or telling a story
12 There are frogs here making a lot of noise. Go quiet if disturbed
6 talking (or trading) with someone (roll on Quick Swamp NPCs)
There is flammable swamp gas or roll on Swamp Hazards and
7 hacking through thick foliage or searching for a person (or place) Obstacles

8 gathering reeds or on a raft There are recent signs of creatures mounted on giant boars (or roll
9 following a guide (or trail); or hunting a beast on an appropriate encounter table) in the area

10 lost or foraging for sustenance (or herbs) Several kobold corpses float here, infected with disease or roll on
Swamp Hazards & Obstacles
11 catching frogs (or other animals); or making something with plants
There are streams of flying glowing insects. They are harmless and
12 in a boat or preparing (or consuming) food 16
attracted to movement and bright colors.
13 fishing or partway through a journey
There is an area of razorvine (DMG pg 110) submerged in water or
14 repairing a boat or playing with a pet 17
roll on Swamp Hazards and Obstacles
15 gathering poisonous creatures / things or intoxicated Area is cursed with of misfortune. Ability checks and attack rolls at
16 pulling something from the muck or chopping down trees 18 Disadvantage unless creature protected from evil (or similar). Or the
curse is removed from the area.
17 shouting for help or display the symbol of a local deity (or faction)
The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is hidden nearby). Roll
18 trying to find somewhere dry or scavenging for valuables 19
on Magic Items - Swamp
19 making (or following) a map or performing a ritual
There is a submerged ruin that is a crossing to the Shadowfell (or a
20 digging peat or stirring a big cauldron 20
portal to a lower plane)

Other Encounter Tables Orc Encounters (Levels 1-4)
1d2+1 orcs led by 1 orc war chief or 1d4 orc nurtured ones of Yurtrus
(VGtM) led by 1 orc hand of Yurtrus (VGtM)
1d3 orcs with 1 orog and 1 orc eye of Gruumsh; or 1d2 orcs led by 1
orc blade of Ilneval (VGtM)
1d3 orcs with 1 ogre or 1 orc red fang of Shargaas (VGtM) mounted on
a giant bat
1d4 orcs led by 1 orc eye of Gruumsh or 1 orog mounted on a
hadrosaurus (VGtM)

6 1d6 orcs or 1d4 orcs with 1 orc nurtured one of Yurtrus (VGtM)
1d4 orcs led by 1 orog or 1d4+1 orcs with 1 orc claw of Luthic
1d4+1 orcs with 1d4 commoner slaves or 1d2 orc red fangs of
Shargaas (VGtM)

1 orc eye of Gruumsh served by 1 orc or 1 orc claw of Luthic (VGtM)
with 1 cave bear
10 1 orc war chief mounted on a giant lizard or 1 tanarukk (VGtM)

Orc Encounters (Levels 5-10)

Kobold Encounters (Levels 1-4) d4+d6
d4+d6 1 orc war chief and 1d4+1 orogs all mounted on giant lizards or 2d4
2d4 winged kobolds and 1d4+1 blood hawks or 2d4 winged kobolds orogs on hadrosauruses (VGtM)
led by 1 kobold scale sorcerer (VGtM) 2d4+2 ogrillons (half-ogres) with 1 orc eye of Gruumsh and 1 troll or

2d6 kobolds and 1d4+1 winged kobolds or 1d4+1 kobold inventors
(VGtM) with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
2d4+2 kobolds with 1d6 mantraps or 4 kobolds carried by 1 ogre
howdah (MToF)
2d4 winged kobolds or 2d6 kobolds led by 1 kobold scale sorcerer

2d4 orc red fangs of Shargaas (VGtM)
2d4 orcs with 1d2 trolls or 3d4 orcs with 2d4 aurochs (VGtM)
2d6+2 orcs with 1d4 ogres or 1d6+2 orcs with 2d6 orc nurtured ones
of Yurtrus (VGtM) led by 1d3 orc hands of Yurtrus (VGtM)
6 4d6 orcs or 3d6 orcs led by 1 tanarukk (VGtM)
2d6+2 orcs led by 2 orogs or 2d6 orcs with 1d2 orogs led by 1 orc
6 3d6 kobolds or 2d6 kobolds led by 1 kobold dragonshield (VGtM) blade of Ilneval (VGtM)
2d6 kobolds with 1 swarm of bats or 2d6 kobolds with 1 guard drake 3d6 orcs led by 1 ettin or 2d6 orcs with 1d2 orc claws of Luthic
7 8
(VGtM, red) (VGtM) and 1d3+1 aurochs (VGtM)
8 1d4+1 kobolds with...1d2 giant toads (or roll on Beast Encounters) 1d3 orc eyes of Gruumsh with 2d4 orcs and 1d3 ogres or 2d6 orcs
2d6+2 kobolds with 1d4+1 stirges in a cage or 2d4 kobolds and 1d4 led by 1 orc blade of Ilneval (VGtM) with 1d2 orc eyes of Gruumsh
kobold inventors (VGtM) 2d6 orcs with 1 orc war chief and 1 orc eye of Gruumsh or 1d6+6 orcs

10 1d6+1 kobolds led by 1 ogre or 1d4+1 kobold dragonshields (VGtM) led by 1 orc war chief with 1 tanarukk (VGtM)

Lizardfolk Encounters (Levels 1-4)

2 1 lizardfolk shaman with 1 black dragon hatchling

3 2d4 lizardfolk with 1d4 captive commoners

4 1 lizardfolk shaman with 1d4 giant lizards
1d4 lizardfolk with... (roll on Beast Encounters) or 1d4 lizardfolk with
1 guard drake (black, VGtM)
6 1d4 lizardfolk with 1 lizardfolk shaman
7 2d4 lizardfolk or 1d4 lizardfolk mounted on hadrosauruses (VGtM)
8 1 lizard king / queen with 1 giant lizard
9 1d4+1 lizardfolk mounted on giant lizards
10 1 lizard king / queen with 1d2 lizardfolk
Swamp Monsters (Levels 1-4)
2 1 shambling mound or 1d2 merrow
3 1 black pudding or 2d4 oblex spawn (MToF)
4 1 chuul or 1d2 sword wraith warriors (MToF)
5 1 ochre jelly or 1d4+1 vegepygmies (VGtM) with 1d2 thornies (VGtM)
6 1d3 vine blights and 2d4 twig blights or 1d2 vampire mists (MToF)
7 1d2 will-o'-wisps or 1d3 shadow mastiffs (VGtM)
8 2d4 needle blights or 1d3 imps

9 1d3 gray oozes or 1d2 displacer beasts
10 1 troll or 1 vegepygmy chief (VGtM) and 1d4 vegepygmies (VGtM)

Swamp Monsters (Levels 5-10)


2 1 treant or 1 elder oblex (MToF)
1d6 chuuls or 2d4 shadow mastiffs (VGtM) led by 1 shadow mastiff
alpha (VGtM)
4 1 spirit naga or 1d4 adult oblexes (MToF)
5 1d4 shambling mounds or 1 venom trolls (MToF) with 1d2 trolls
6 1d2 hydras
7 1d4 trolls or 1 corpse flower (MToF) with 1d10 zombies
Yuan-ti Encounters (Levels 1-4)
8 1d4+2 gricks and 1 grick alpha or 1d3 catoblepases (VGtM)
2 1 yuan-ti malison with 1d4 constrictor snakes
1d4 ettercaps and 1d4 phase spiders
1 aboleth

Swamp Spirits (Levels 1-4)

e 3

1d2 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d4+1 giant poisonous snakes or 1 yuan-ti
nightmare speaker (VGtM) and 1d4 giant poisonous snakes
1 yuan-ti malison with 1d2 yuan-ti purebloods or 1d3 yuan-ti
purebloods with 1 yuan-ti broodguard (VGtM)
5 1d4+1 yuan-ti purebloods or 1 yuan-ti mind whisperer (VGtM)
2 1 night hag or 1 revenant
6 1d2 yuan-ti malisons or 1d3 yuan-ti broodguards (VGtM)
3 1d4+1 ghouls or 1d4 specters
7 1 yuan-ti pureblood with 1 giant constrictor snake
4 2d4 mud mephits or 2d4 of the wretched (MToF)
1d3 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d4 cultists or 1 yuan-ti broodguard
5 1d2 will-o'-wisps or 2d6 skeletons (VGtM) and 1d4 giant lizards
6 1 green hag or 1d2 vampire mists (MToF) 9 1d3 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d2 swarms of poisonous snakes
7 1d2 wights or 1d2 sword wraith warriors (MToF) 1d4 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d3 commoner prisoners or 1 yuan-ti pit

8 1 water weird or 1 ghost master (VGtM)

9 3d4 zombies or 1d3 ghasts
10 1 water elemental or 1 allip (MToF) Yuan-ti Encounters (Levels 5-10)
Swamp Spirits (Levels 5-10) 2 1d4+1 yuan-ti malisons led by 1 yuan-ti abomination
2d6 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d4+1 yuan-ti malisons or 1d2 yuan-ti
2 A coven of 3 hags (mix of green, night and sea) mind whisperers (VGtM) and 1 yuan-ti abomination

3 1d3 wights with 3d4 zombies or 1d2 of the lost (MToF) 2d4 yuan-ti purebloods led by 1 yuan-ti abomination or 1 yuan-ti pit
4 1d4 revenants or 1d2 bodaks (VGtM) master (VGtM) with 2d6 yuan-ti broodguards (VGtM)

5 2d6 ghouls led by 1d4+1 ghasts or 2d4 vampiric mists (MToF) 2d4 yuan-ti malisons or 1d4 yuan-ti mind whisperers (VGtM) with 2d4
yuan-ti purebloods
6 1 water elemental and 2d6 mud mephits or 1d4 ghosts
1 yuan-ti abomination or 2d4 yuan-ti broodguards (VGtM) led by
1 green hag and 2d4 will-o-wisps or 2d4 shadow mastiffs (VGtM) led 6
7 1d4+1 yuan-ti malisons
by 1 shadow mastiff alpha (VGtM)
3d6 yuan-ti purebloods or 1 yuan-ti abomination with 1d6 yuan-ti
1d4 water elementals or 1 sword wraith commander (MToF) with 1d4 7
8 broodguards (VGtM)
sword wraith warriors (MToF)
2d6 yuan-ti purebloods with 1 giant constrictor snake and 1d6+1
9 1 wraith and 2d4 specters or 1 spirit troll (MToF) 8
swarms of poisonous snakes
10 1 marid or 1d4 allips
1d3 yuan-ti malisons with 1 hydra or 1 yuan-ti pit master (VGtM) with
1d4 giant constrictor snakes and 1d4 yuan-ti malisons
10 1 yuan-ti abomination with 3d6 giant poisonous snakes


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