Dealing With Ammonia SOP

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Dealing with Ammonia Standard Operating Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure

Title: Dealing with Ammonia Standard Operating Procedure

Author: Brooke Gamlin Doc No: Document Number Redacted

Reviewed by: Peter Martin, Steph Richardson Rev No: 4

Approved by: Hilary Gibson Date Issued: July 2023

Area No: Review Date: July 2025

1 Introduction and Purpose

At Todd Energy’s Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant (KGTP), gas from the Kapuni Field is processed
through a Benfield solution which removes the carbon dioxide (CO2), the carbon dioxide is purified,
compressed, and cooled using ammonia refrigerant. The CO2 is stored as a liquid before being
transported to clients.
This procedure shall be used to ensure personnel safety whilst working on plant and process
equipment that contains ammonia or has the potential to release ammonia into the atmosphere.
This procedure identifies testing methods, Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and Personnel
Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements.
This SOP focus on protection of personnel from toxic properties of Ammonia.

2 Definitions and Abbreviations

Table 1: Abbreviations

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

IDLH Immediately dangerous to life and health
KGTP Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant
PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
PPM Parts per million
PICWS Person in Charge of the Work site
RPE Respiratory Protective Equipment
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit
TWA Time Weighted Average
WES Workplace Exposure Standards

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Exposure Limits
Worksafe Guidelines, New Zealand Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Exposure Indices
for: Ammonia
 25 ppm for 8-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA)
 35 ppm Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) up to a fifteen-minute excursion.
 300 ppm or more, Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH).

The Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEI) are intended to
be used as guidelines for health risk management by people qualified in occupational health

3 Ammonia Hazards
Ammonia is colourless irritating gas with a sharp suffocating odour. It is toxic, whether inhaled,
absorbed through the skin, or ingested. It is corrosive and can burn the skin or damage mucous
membranes such as eyes, and the nasal cavity. A table of gas concentrations and expected
consequences is given in Appendix A.
Ammonia is categorised in the Kapuni Safety Case as a major accident hazard at Kapuni.
Ammonia is used in the Kapuni process as a refrigerant and is a liquid at cryogenic temperatures.
Auto-refrigeration occurs when ammonia is released to atmosphere. Contact with the very cold liquid
or inhalation of cold gas can cause cryogenic burns.
Liquified Ammonia can expand 850 times when released to ambient air and can form a large vapour
cloud. Even though the gas is normally lighter than air, it may form droplets with the moisture in the
air and behave as a dense gas. In this form, it may spread along the ground and collect in low-lying
areas with poor ventilation.
Ammonia gas dissolves easily in water to form ammonia hydroxide liquid, a caustic solution that can
cause burns when in contact with the skin.
Ammonia has a relatively low heat of combustion. The flammable range of ammonia is 15.5-25%.
More information can be found in the SDS for Ammonia Anhydrous in Chemwatch.

3.1 Routes of entry into the body

Ammonia can enter the body from inhalation, the act of breathing and the most common route, from
absorption through the skin and eyes (burns), there is a possibility of ingestion from liquids but not a
relevant route for gas.

TE Exposure Limit
Standard operating, routine maintenance and inspection tasks in the carbon dioxide recover unit
have the potential to exposure personnel to ammonia. Any potential exposure should be categorised
against the following exposure levels for occupational work and working limits.

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Ammonia Working Limits
Safe Working Level 1: < 25ppm Breaking into Ammonia process equipment.
Safe Working Level 2: >25ppm - <300ppm working with, and the potential for splashes.
Safe Working Level 3: >300ppm - <1000ppm working with and the potential for splashes.
Safe Working Level 4: >1000ppm or unknown is for Emergency Response and containment of

At >300ppm you must STOP Work and review the task, SCBA is required.
Implement controls as necessary.

3.2 Emergency Response – Ammonia escape hoods

Ammonia escape hoods are located around the site and at the primary muster locations, onsite they
are stored in green emergency PPE boxes which are labelled for identification.When working onsite
ensure you know the location of any emergency equipment, including the ammonia escape hoods.
Locations of Ammonia escape hoods can be found on the site station bill, these are located in the
PTW Facilities, in the main cafeteria rooms, if in doubt the Permit Issuers will be able to direct you
to their location.
Ammonia escape hoods will be issued to work parties by the PI when the work activity and their
location requires them to have the escape hoods with them or near-by or when work is being
undertaken on structures that is at or over six meters above ground level.
For further informanation on ammonia escape hoods refer to the Standard Operation Procedure:
Use Inspection and Maintenance of Ammonia Escape Hoods.

The PARAT® escape hood is easily deployed in an emergency.

 When the case is opened, the filter plug automatically
releases and the filter moves into operational position so the
escape hood can be immediately donned.

 The self-adjusting internal head harness requires no

additional tightening.

 All you have to do is open the packaging, remove, and don

the hood—and leave the danger zone.

 Once donned, make your way to the closest muster point.

3.3 Procedure
 Prior to engaging in any work activity where ammonia might be present a review of the work
programme should be undertaken to determine where the breaking of systems will occur and
whether there is the potential for any ammonia to be present.
 The permit applicant must prepare a permit to work with supporting documentation/JHA.
 Permit applications must be submitted 14 normal working days in advance of the issue of the
PTW, this allows the Permit Issuer time to review the documentation, access whether

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proposed controls and recovery actions adequately cover the proposed work risk and
consider any conflicting work activities at that time.
 The work permit provided must document the required standard of PPE for performing the
task within the job hazard analysis.

3.4 Testing and PPE

 A personal ammonia detector should be carried by at least one person in each work party
undertaking work in the carbon dioxide recovery unit. This includes Operations personnel
conducting operations routines, such as operator rounds.

 Personal detectors are set to alarm at 20ppm. This alarm indicates that the WES-TWA for 8
hours is approaching, and that action is required to protect persons in the area from harmful
exposure to ammonia. RPE must be located and worn.

 The RAE Systems MiniRea 3000 Ammonia detector is used for the testing of ammonia levels
in the atmosphere in accordance with its operating instructions and by a competent person.
An overview of the instrument is provided in Appendix B.

 Testing for ammonia should be undertaken when breaking into ammonia systems or when
the task has the potential for ammonia to be released.

 Testing should be undertaken in the expected “breathing zone” 30cm away from the nose,
mouth, and work areas where personnel will be working. Not inside of pipework or at
pressurised vent areas from pipework.

 All sample readings are to be recorded on the results form (Appendix C) of this procedure.
Results must be recorded in the site’s Health Hazards Register by the Person responsible
for the work.

 Where it is deemed to be unsafe to take readings, it is to be treated as immediately dangerous

to life or health, workers must use a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and level 4
gas tight suit, when the ammonia concentration is unattainable (Unknown).

3.5 RPE
 Full Face Respiratory Protective Equipment with a specific or combination filter that has a
(ammonia) K (P3) rating must be worn when performing work where there is a risk of
ammonia gas being released directly into the breathing zone or the working area.
 There are several factors to consider in regard to the life of a filter, the concentration of the
contaminates in the atmosphere, the combination of contaminates, air humidity, temperature,
duration of use, physical exertion of the user and the breathing rate of the user.
 Since the life of a filter has many different factors, it’s not possible to give an estimated lifetime
for filters, the end of a filters life is generally recognisable by the following:

a) A noticeable taste or smell of the contaminate while wearing a mask, this is called, break
b) An increased breathing rate while wearing a mask. It’s harder to breathe as the filter is
becoming blocked.
c) In combination filters a noticeable taste or smell and or an increased in breathing resistance
by the user, while wearing a mask.

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d) Any recommendation given by the manufacture, e.g., an expiry date is given, the manufacture
has given a recommended time frame that the filter can be used, these recommendations are
normally written on the packaging of the filter, or on the filter, check all packaging and the filter
for recommendations before usage.
e) Filters should be changed when they have been in a contaminated atmosphere.
 Examples of work that might lead to these situations include transferring of and the topping
up of ammonia systems, system or line purging or draining, draining of oils, filter changing,
leak detection and repair.
 Personnel that are required to wear respiratory protection, must have been fit tested and
been assessed competent to wear a face mask.

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3.6 RPE & PPE Requirements
Safe Working
Level 1
For the breaking of Ammonia process
< 25 ppm equipment, breathing zone & area
RPE, Full
testing, Todd standard PPE
face mask requirements plus RPE.
with a
specific or
Standard site PPE
combinatio (Including gloves)
n filter that Note: Where there is the potential for
have an splashes an apron or splash suit must be
Ammonia K worn regardless of the ppm level.
(P3) rating.
Safe Working Chemical apron or
Microchem 5000 splash
Level 2 suit or equivalent splash
>25ppm TWA. protection must be Chemical
available, worn if required. Resistant
< 300 ppm Gloves and Portable
Working with, and the
potential for liquid Detection
splashes in Ammonia
process equipment.
Safe Working
i Breathing
Level 3 Apparatus Microchem 5000 splash
SCBA suit or equivalent splash
> 300 ppm protection must be worn.
< 1000 ppm

Worn over
the splash
Safe Working
Level 4 Gas Tight Breathing Apparatus
> 1000 ppm Suit
ii SCBA Level 4 is for emergency response and
or for the containment of events.
SCBA will confirm to PTW requirements,
e.g., back up team and BA board.
SCBA must be worn within
this level 4 gas tight suit,
the wearer will require
assistance to gear up and
for the removal of the


 Respirators must be carried or worn whenever a worker goes into a restricted area such as
the CO2 Plant.
 RPE / PPE requirements may vary depending on the risk of the activity e.g., consider
potential for escalation, size, and duration of release.

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3.7 PPE Information
Respiratory Protection Full-face Respirators must be worn whenever working on
>12.5 ppm for 12-hour Ammonia process as per safe working level 1.
period Full-face Respirators must be worn at >25ppm and follow safe
working level 2.
> 25 ppm during an 8-hour
period Always remember that concentrations can spike suddenly.
If the concentration of ammonia is greater than 300 ppm, Filter
>35 ppm up to a 15-minute cartridges cannot be worn, and a self-contained breathing
excursion. apparatus (SCBA) and a Microchem 5000 splash suit or
equivalent splash protection must be worn.
Filter cartridges must be replaced after use in a hazardous

Skin Protection Working with Ammonia and potential for liquid splashes in
>25ppm Ammonia process, workers must wear, gumboots, chemical
resistant gloves a chemical apron or a full-body splash suit.
When gumboots are worn protective splash suit must be worn
over the boot to prevent any possible liquid from entering the
Work must stop at 300 ppm, and Level 3 Respiratory and
Personnel Protection precautions put in place.
300ppm or more causes immediate irritation of moist body areas.
(Ammonia reacts instantly with moisture.)

Eye Protection Eye protection starts with the use of a Full-Face respirator for
All work levels 1 & 2 leading to breathing apparatus at level 3 and a gas
tight suit and breathing apparatus for level 4.

Self-Contained Breathing When a leak has been identified, assess if a reading can be taken
Apparatus with full-face respirator or it can be quickly stopped with the use of
>300ppm a full-face respirator (e.g., a small leak) to prevent a larger
Should it be deemed to be unsafe to take readings, it is to be
treated as immediately dangerous to life or health, workers must
use a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and level 4 gas
tight suit when the ammonia concentration is unattainable
Under normal working circumstances the wearing of SCBA
requires a Permit to Work and adhere to PTW requirements,
under emergency situations the PIC/Incident Controller will follow
STA-01.14 Use of Breathing Apparatus operating procedure.

When managing an ammonia release under an emergency

response event follow the requirements of the TENZ Emergency
Management Plan.
Self-Contained Breathing 10000 ppm is sufficient to cause skin damage and be caustic to
Apparatus and level 4 gas the throat.
tight suit . Emergency response procedures are invoked at this level.
>1000ppm Breathing apparatus and a level 4 gas tight suit must be worn
when the concentration is unknown or >1000ppm

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You must STOP WORK at 300ppm, and the task assessed.
Implement controls as necessary.

When working on the Ammonia system, you must be prepared for high levels of ammonia
and evacuation

3.8 Decontamination of RPE/PPE

 For safe working level 1 workers will be able to clean their own RPE/PPE by following
applicable methods below.
 For safe working level 2 & 3 workers may or may not be able to decontaminate their own
RPE/PPE before disrobing. If they feel unsafe to carry out their own decontamination and
assistance is required, they will contact the Control Room Operator who will assemble a team
to assist with the decontamination. The decontamination team will wear level 2 RPE/PPE
and follow the decontamination methods below.
 For emergency response level 4 a decontamination area is to be set up, a team of personnel
will be made available for decontamination of workers that have been wearing RPE & PPE
in hazardous atmospheres, they will be required to wear chemical splash suits, gumboots,
rubber gloves and full-face masks with specific or combination filter of a (ammonia) K (P3)
rating, level 2 RPE/PPE.
 The gas tight suits go through the initial first stage of decontamination while being worn, the
wearer is disrobed, after disrobing the suits can have a more thorough clean, allowed to dry
before they are stored for future use. The MiniRea 3000 Ammonia detector can be used to
determine if RPE/PPE is still required to be worn for the second stage of cleaning of the gas
tight suits.
 SCBA will go through the initial first stage of decontamination, once removed will have a more
thorough clean before being stored for future use. The MiniRea 3000 Ammonia detector can
be used to determine if RPE/PPE is still required to be worn for the second stage cleaning of
the SCBA.

1. Re-usable chemical aprons, splash suits, gumboots, and chemical gloves can be washed
and cleaned for re-use if they are in good condition.

2. A hand-held hose on a spray setting or one of the site shower eye wash stations can be used
for decontamination, using a medium density bristle brush/broom for the cleaning of

3. Washing down is to be undertaken in a bunded area where the wastewater can be collected
and disposed of by appropriate means.

4. Ensure that the wastewater does not enter any drain system that leads to the stream.

5. Respirators should go through the same cleaning process as other re-usable RPE & PPE,
then taken off and cleaned in a cleaning solution or by alcohol-free cleaning wipes and left to
dry for re-use.

6. Disposable splash suits should be tested using the MiniRea 3000 Ammonia detector to
determine if they have been contaminated.

7. Uncontaminated suits can be disposed of in the general waste bin.

Contaminated splash suits are disposed of in the site Hazardous Waste bin.

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3.9 References
References for the development of this procedure were:
 Work Safe BC Canada Ammonia in Refrigeration Systems guideline.
 Workplace Health and Safety Queensland emergency planning for ammonia-based
refrigeration systems guide
 Meat Industry Association ammonia & refrigerant management
 AS/NZS anhydrous ammonia – storage and handling standard.
 Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training on anhydrous ammonia
emergency responder participant guide
 Safety guide for ammonia refrigeration in New Zealand
 Technical papers for the 36th annual meeting of the international institute of ammonia
 Victorian Code of Practice for ammonia refrigeration
 Worksafe NZ technical bulletin for ammonia refrigeration
 Worksafe NZ Workplace exposure standards and biological exposure indices
Controls from these were applied to provide a safe working environment for the management of
ammonia at Todd Energy sites.

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Appendix 1: Toxic effects of Ammonia

Ammonia Health Effect Performance

Parts Per
Million (ppm)
25 ppm Ammonia easily detected by most people Eight-hour (TWA).
Wear Respiratory Protection
(Full face mask)
35 ppm Inexperienced persons are repulsed by the Fifteen-minute exposure Standard
pungent smell (STEL).
Wear Respiratory Protection
(Full face mask)
50 ppm Very distinct smell, will want to naturally Wear Respiratory Protection
evacuate the area.
70 ppm Irritation to eyes, nose, or throat, can cause Wear Respiratory Protection
watering of eyes, sneezing and coughing.
100 ppm No serious danger, but very unpleasant, No deliberate exposure for long periods
irritation, stinging or burning in eyes, and without the Wearing of Respiratory
respiratory system. Protection and assessment for PPE.

300 ppm Severe irritation of eyes, nose, or Immediate danger to life and health
(IDLH level) respiratory tract, which becomes (IDLH), Confined space procedures
intolerable after a few minutes, difficulty apply.
Stop work at 300 breathing, possible burning in lungs. Full skin protection and SCBA is required.
ppm and assess the
400 ppm Immediate nose and throat irritation Above IDHL.
Full skin protection and SCBA is required.
700 ppm Immediate eye, nose, and throat irritation Above IDHL.
Full skin protection and SCBA is required.
1,000 ppm S Cause skin damage and be caustic to Above IDHL.
the throat. Full skin protection and SCBA is required.
Wear SCBA with a level 4 gas tight suit
1,700 ppm Convulsive coughing. Could be fatal after 30 minutes, wear
SCBA with Level four (4) gas tight suit.
Severe eye, nose, and throat irritation
2,000 ppm Can be fatal after a few breaths. 15 min or less may result in death,
Immediately dangerous to life and health wear SCBA with Level four (4) gas tight
(IDLH) suit.

>5,000 ppm Respiratory arrest, Pulmonary oedema Lethal in seconds

Shelter where safe to do so and wait for
decline in concentration.
Do not enter visible aerosol cloud.

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Appendix 2: REA System MiniREA Ammonia detector

Operating the instrument

To turn the device on, press and hold the Key until the display turns on and then
release the button, the devise will run through its start-up and self-test mode.
After the start-up and self-test mode have been completed the device will show its

main screen it’s now ready to be used for sampling.

To turn the device off hold the MODE key for 3 seconds, the device will count down
and turn off, release the key when the device has turned off

The instrument is designed as a broadband VOC gas monitor and datalogger for work in hazardous
environments. This instrument has been calibrated so it specifically measures Ammonia only.
It gives real-time measurements and activates alarm signals whenever exposure exceeds pre-set
The instrument is pre-set with default alarm limits and the sensor is pre-calibrated with standard
calibration gas. However, you should test the instrument and verify the calibration before the first
After the instrument is fully charged and calibrated, it is ready for immediate operation.

Once you have turned the devise on you simply use the key and the key to navigate
through the screens to instigate the sampling and obtain a reading, the readings are continuous.


Prior to each day’s use, the detector should be bump tested to confirm the response of all sensors
and activation of all alarms by exposing the monitor to a concentration of target gas that exceeds
the low alarm set point.
A bump test is also recommended if the monitor has been subjected to physical impact, liquid
immersion, an Over Limit alarm event, or custody changes, or anytime the monitor’s performance
is in doubt.
To ensure greatest accuracy and safety, only bump test and calibrate in a fresh air environment.
The monitor should be calibrated every time it does not pass a bump test, but no less frequently
than every six months, depending on use and exposure to gas and contamination, and its
operational mode.
Note: The device needs to be turned off for Bump Testing.

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LED Flashlight

User interface:
The instruments user interface consists of the display. LEDs, an alarm
transducer, and four keys.
The Keys are:
MODE, On off Key
Flashlight on/off
The LCD display provides visual feedback that indicates the reading, time,
battery condition, and other functions.

In addition to their labelled functions, the keys labelled Y/+, MODE, and N/- act as “soft keys”
that control different parameters and make different selections within the instrument’s menus.
From menu to menu, each key controls a different parameter or makes a different selection.
Three panes along the bottom of the display are “mapped” to the keys. These change as menus
change, but at all times the left pane corresponds to the [Y/+] key, the centre pane corresponds
to the [MODE] key, and the right pane corresponds to the [N/-] key. Here are three examples
of different menus with the relationships of the keys clearly shown:

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The display shows the following information:

Gas info Tells the correction factor and type of calibration gas
Reading Concentration of gas as measured by the instrument
Calibration needed Indicates that calibration should be performed
Calibration (or bump) needed Dark icon indicates that calibration should be performed; light
icon indicates bump should be performed
Radio power Indicates whether Mesh radio connection is on or off
Radio signal Indicates signal strength (more bars = greater strength)
Battery Indicates levels in 3 bars
Pump Indicates pump is working
Datalog Indicates whether Datalog is no or off
Y/+ Y/+ key function for this screen
MODE MODE key’s function for this screen
N/+ N/+ key’s function for this screen

Note: The Radio power icon and radio signal icon are only shown if a Mesh radio is installed in the
instrument. If the instrument has a BLE radio, the Bluetooth icons shown below are shown.
If the instrument is equipped with BLE instead of wireless, the BLE status icon is shown.

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These are the icons shown on the display to indicate functions or status.

Charging the instrument’s Battery

Always fully charge the battery before use. Contacts on the bottom of the instrument meet the
Charger Stand’s contact pins, transferring power. Make sure the charger is firmly attached. Then
connect the AC Adapter’s plug to the charger and plug its transformer into an AC outlet. While
charging, the LED on the cradle glows red. When the battery is fully charged, the LED glows green.
Put the instrument into the charger stand, the instrument faces out, and end down, by pushing down
and backwards at the same time so the mid-way section of the devise can click into a clamp down
bracket at the top of the stand.
When the instrument is charged, and you want to release the
instrument you push down on the devise in the charger stand and
at the same pull the instrument out to release it from the mid-point
where it is attached and from its charger stand.

Personnel are to have read the Dealing with Ammonia Safe Operating Procedure and adhere to
RPE and PPE requirements before undertaking atmospheric readings and associated activities.

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Site: Location:

Process Equipment-System:

Ammonia Atmospheric Measurement Form

Date: Day/Night Shift: Measurements performed by:

Reason for test:

Ammonia: Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 Reading 5 Reading 6

(25 ppm 8hr TWA)
(12.5 ppm 12hr TWA)
(35 ppm 15min STEL)

Ammonia Readings (a)

Time readings taken:

Ammonia Readings (b)

Time readings taken:

Ammonia Readings (c)

Time readings taken:

Ammonia Readings (d)

Appendix 3: Ammonia Vapour Measurement Form

Note: The below form is to be retained and readings recorded into the sites Health Hazards Register.
Contact Chris Berry for locations of the registers.

Link to registers: Health Hazards Register

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Time readings taken:
Analyser Name &
Serial No

Weather conditions:
(Sun, rain, wind – Light,
Moderate, Strong &

Comments on any readings:

Appendix 4: TWA Exposure Limits Conversion for 12-hour shift

WorkSafe Guidelines, New Zealand Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) for Ammonia are:
 25 ppm - 8-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA)

On Todd Energy site, work is usually conducted over 12-hour shifts. To obtain a 12h WES-TWA an
adjustment using the Brief and Scala model is used:
WES-TWA = 8 x (24-12) x WES-TWA
16 x 12

In this case = 12.5 ppm for 12-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA)

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Revision and Approval Details

Revisio Published Reason for Author Reviewer Reviewed Approve Approved Document
n Date Issue Date r Date Initiated

0 13/01/202 Approve Chris Chris 9/11/2021 Hilary 16/12/202 10/11/202

2 1:01:24 d for Use Berry Berry;Hilary 12:00:00 Gibson 1 8:22:48 1 8:55:04
PM Gibson AM AM AM

1 13/06/202 Approve Chris Hilary Gibson 23/03/202 Hilary 13/06/202 23/03/202

2 1:00:45 d for Use Berry 2 12:00:00 Gibson 2 12:14:04 2 10:20:21

2 25/08/202 Approve Chris Chris Berry 24/08/202 Hilary 24/08/202 24/08/202

2 8:35:15 d for Use Berry 2 12:00:00 Gibson 2 4:05:35 2 8:48:55

2 1/09/2022 Approve Chris Chris Berry 1/09/2022 Hilary 1/09/2022 31/08/202

3:27:02 d for Use Berry 12:00:00 Gibson 2:32:54 2 8:45:10

3 9/06/2023 Approve Chris Chris Berry 8/06/2023 Hilary 8/06/2023 6/06/2023

8:35:02 d for Use Berry 12:00:00 Gibson 1:31:21 2:44:35

4 11/07/202 Approve Brook Peter 5/07/2023 Hilary 11/07/202 5/07/2023

3 11:46:23 d for Use e Martin;Stephani 12:00:00 Gibson 3 11:10:26 11:54:09
AM Gamli e Richardson AM AM AM

Disclaimer: The information provided in this document is the property of Todd Petroleum Mining Company Limited
(including its subsidiaries, together referred to as Todd Energy or the Todd Energy Group of Companies) Wellington and
New Plymouth. It must not be copied or used by any other person other than the intended recipient or for other purpose
other than that to which it is provided without the express permission of Todd Energy. Todd Energy disclaims any
responsibility or liability for any use of or misuse of this document by any person(s) and makes no warranty as to the
accuracy or suitability of the information to any third party. Any misuse of the document is redressable by Todd Energy.

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