Isi 53.31.00001
Isi 53.31.00001
Isi 53.31.00001
Reference: 53.31.00001 Issue date: 21-JAN-2020 Last check date: 03-OCT-2023 Status: Closed
A/C type/serie: A330, A340 ATA: 53-00, 53-21, 53-31, ...
Engine manufacturer: Supplier:
Purpose / Reason for revision: admin update
Engineering Support Status: Closed
A330/A340 family
A330: All aircraft up to and including MSN 530
A340: All aircraft up to and including MSN 528
AMM 53-00-00 PB 201 TFU 53-00-00-006
AMM 12-21-12 SB 25-3077/-4099
AMM 51-78-00 SB 25-3100/-4126
ISI 25.50.00058 CML code 14AJD1
Several operators have reported corrosion in the cargo floor structure area. In particular, most impacted locations are in the cross beams
attachment holes, roller tracks lower flanges and in the bilge area all along the fuselage.
This document summarizes preventive maintenance actions related to the cargo floor structure, provides protection and packaging transportation
Several operators have reported corrosion on roller tracks and/or longitudinal floor beams. Further to the technical symposium in Cairo in May
2000, a specific task force with airline participation was launched to investigate this issue. The close collaboration with the airlines engineering
allowed an intensive exchange of experiences and knowledge and the development of practical orientated design improvements.
This article summarizes the improvements related directly to the cargo floor structure.
1) Crossbeams that are located under floor panels joints should be protected with Skyflex adhesive tape (CML 14AJD1). This tape, made from
expanded PTFE, is an approved Airbus standard (ABS5631). It improves the floor sealing and deflects any fluids that may enter through floor
panel joints.
Serial MOD 50097/D44094: from MSN 532 (delivered in June 2003),
Retrofit MOD through AMM 53-00-00 PB201 tasks.
3) Drainage: Airbus has also developed a better drainage of the cargo floor structure. For details, refer to:
4) Packaging:
Follow the recommendations of ISI 25.50.00058 (“Cargo - Fluid Spillage in Cargo - prevention, decontamination, deodorizing”) and
Livestock Transportation Manual (LTM)
Load seafood in Unit Load Devices (ULD) as pallets or containers. Seafood should be packed in containers that are watertight.
Containers should be stowed in upright position. "THIS WAY UP” labels should be used.
In case of spillage, apply special cleaning procedure AMM 51-78-00 or SRM 51-78-16.
Reapply water repellent and corrosion inhibitor after cleaning
5) In case of accidental aggressive media spillage, enhanced cleaning procedures have been reviewed in the AMM 12-21-12 PB 301 and
AMM 51-78-00 PB 701. Airbus recommends in addition to perform a wet cleaning of the cargo compartment every 2C-Check:
8) Allowable damage limits and repairs for cargo roller tracks are available since 2005 in SRM 53-00-14.
Allowable damage limits and repair procedures for crossbeams have been introduced into the following SRM chapters:
SRM 53-21-14 PB100 & PB200
SRM 53-31-14 PB100 & PB200
SRM 53-41-14 PB100 & PB200
General Information
Potential impact: Maintenance, Parts and Spares Configuration
Key information: Ageing A/C, In-Service Issue, Linked Items - Service Bulletin
Solution benefit:
First issue date: 03-APR-2013 Issue date: 21-JAN-2020 Last check date: 03-OCT-2023
Technical parameters
ATA: 53-00, 53-21, 53-31, 53-41
A/C type/serie: A330, A340
Engine manufacturer:
Fault code/ECAM
Part Number:
Other articles (ISI/TFU):
- 25.50.00058, 25.50.00058,, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00082, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085,
53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00085, 53.00.00086, 53.00.00086,
53.00.00089, 53.00.00089, 53.00.00089, 53.00.00089, 53.00.00089, 53.00.00089, 53.00.00089
Airnav documents:
- MOD 49996, MOD 50097
- SB 25-3077, SB 25-4099, SB 25-3100, SB 25-4126
© Airbus SAS, 2023. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.The technical information provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It
shall in no case replace the official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft maintenance and operation. These recommendations and
information do not constitute a contractual commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should
any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD, RDAS.
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