Unit-1-Mechanics and Force System
Unit-1-Mechanics and Force System
Unit-1-Mechanics and Force System
Presented by:
Mr. A. D. Kale
HOD in Civil Engineering
Course Outcome:
CO-1: Identify the force systems for given conditions by
applying the basics of mechanics.
Unit Outcomes:
1a. Explain the concept of given terms.
1b. Use the relevant units of various quantities in the given
1c. Explain the effects of a force on the given object.
1d. Identify the force system for the given situation.
Topics And Sub-Topics
• It is the branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with the forces
and their effects, while acting upon the bodies at rest.
What is Dynamics?
• It is the branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with the forces
and their effects, while acting upon the bodies in motion.
• Dynamics may be further sub-divided into the following two branches:
It is the branch of Dynamics, which deals with the bodies in motion due to
the application of forces.
It is the branch of Dynamics, which deals with the bodies in motion,
without any reference to the forces which are responsible for the motion
1.2. Basic definitions
The geometric region in which study of body is involved is called space.
It is basics quantity used for the measurement of the duration for an event and it is denoted by
letter ‘t’ or ‘T’
The quantity of matter content in a body is called as mass.
Its unit is kilo gram or gram
A particle may be defined as a body of infinitely small volume and is considered to be
concentrated point.
An object having definite mass and occupying definite space is called a body.
Rigid body
• A rigid body may be defined as a body which can retain its shape and size, even if subjected to
some external forces. In actual practice, nobody is perfectly rigid. But for the sake of simplicity,
we take all the bodies as rigid bodies.
• The force with which a body is attracted toward the centre of earth by the gravitational pull is
called Weight.
• The unit of weight is Newton (N) or kilo Newton (kN).
The relation between mass (m) and weight (W) of a body is given by the equation
The value of g is taken as 9.81 m/sec2 (usually 9.80 m/sec2 to make the calculation work easier)
in M.K.S. system as well as in S.I. units.
Difference between Mass and Weight
1 It is the quantity of matter contained in It is the force with which the body is
a body. attracted towards the Centre of earth.
2 It is constant at all places. It is different at different altitude.
3 It resists motion in the body. It produces motion in the body.
4 It is a scalar quantity since it has It is a vector quantity since it has
magnitude only. magnitude as well as direction.
5 It is never zero. It is zero at the centre of earth.
6 It is measured in kilogram (kg) in M.K.S. It is measured in kilogram weight (kg
system of units as well as in S.I. units. wt. or kgf) in M.K.S. system of units
and in Newton (N) in S.I. units.
7 It can be measured by an ordinary It is measured by a spring balance.
1.3. Scalar and vector quantities
Effects of forces:
A force may produce the following effects in a body, on which it acts:
• It may change the motion of a body. i.e. if a body is at rest, the force may set it in motion.
• It may retard or accelerate the motion of a body.
• It may retard the forces, already acting on a body, thus bringing it to rest or in equilibrium.
• It may give rise to the internal stresses in the body, on which it acts.
Characteristics of a force:
Magnitude: It represents amount of force. (e.g. A force of 50N means 50N is magnitude of the force.)
Direction: The direction is represented by the line along which the force acts.
Nature of the force: Whether the force is push or pull.
The point of application: The point at which (or through which) the force acts on the body.
1.4.3. Representation of forces
Forces may be represented in the following two ways:
1. Vector representation
2. Bow’s notation.
1. Vector representation
A force can be represented graphically by a vector as shown in Fig. 1.4
F1 (50N) F2 (50N)
In Fig.
Force F1 (200 N) is represented by AB
Force F2 (100 N) is represented by BC and
Force F3 (150 N) is represented by CA
Fig. 1.5: Bow’s notation
1.4.4. Transmissibility of a force
It states, “If a force acts at any point on a rigid body, it may also be considered to act at any
other point on its line of action provided this point is rigidly connected with the body.”
Like Parallel
Force System
Un-Like Parallel
Non-coplanar Non-Concurrent
Like Parallel
Un-Like Parallel
d) Parallel Forces-:
The force which acts in the same plane and are parallel to each other are called parallel forces. The forces can be
in the same direction or opposite directions.
Micro projects
1. Prepare the models of different force systems.