base structure that helps in the safe
practice of further yoga practice.
Spinal Warm-up:
The following yoga warm- Spinal warm-up before yoga is a
very must to remove the
up exercises that cover a stiffness and improves flexion
wide range of movements movements in different yoga
of different parts of the poses. The spine is what makes
body can help prepare your us stand straight and it is also
responsible for bending forward
muscles for most of your and backward in various Yoga
yoga session. asanas.
Ankle Warm-up:
The ankle movements help in the
adjustment of the base of the asana.
Ankle is a joint that connects the foot
to the leg, it is also responsible for the
transfer of force require to firm the
05 Hips Stretching:
Hips being the transitioning muscle portion helps
in setting up a balance in various asanas.
Therefore, warm-up yoga helps in flexibility and
mobility of the hips, which further assists in
powerful movements while advanced asanas.
Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose, is a fundamental yoga asana that
not only enhances flexibility but also brings a sense of balance to
the practitioner. Named after the resemblance of the posture to a
cow's face, this pose combines elements of mindfulness.While
specific historical records on the origin of Gomukhasana are
scarce, it is deeply rooted in traditional Hatha Yoga.
Hands clasp or
hold strap
behind back
Sit Bones
resting on
Heels grounded
and away from
01 02
Enhances Shoulder Stimulates Hip Opening &
Flexibility and Mobility: Lower Body Flexibility:
In today's fast-paced, technology- The practice of Gomukhasana, or
driven world, it is common for Cow Face pose, encourages hip
individuals to experience shoulder opening yoga and enhances lower
stiffness and limited mobility as a body flexibility by effectively
result of poor posture and sedentary targeting the hip flexors and gluteal
lifestyles. Gomukhasana or Cow Face muscles. This ancient posture is
Pose, serves as an effective exercise particularly beneficial for those with
for enhancing shoulder flexibility tight hips or sedentary habits, as it
and mobility, making it an essential helps to loosen up essential muscles
component of a well-rounded yoga and joints in the lower body.
03 04
Promotes Stress Relief Benefits for the Chest
& Emotional Balance: and Upper Back:
As a deep stretch targeting various The stretch and engagement of the
muscle groups, Gomukhasana upper back muscles, particularly the
promotes the release of tension in trapezius and rhomboids, assist in
the body. This physical relaxation strengthening and stabilizing the
directly contributes to the calming upper back, making it a perfect pose
of the nervous system, helping to incorporate into upper back
reduce feelings of stress and exercises. Gomukhasana can work
anxiety.By confronting the physical wonders for your upper body
and mental challenges posed by the strength and tone, targeting key
Cow-Face pose, individuals learn to muscles in the shoulders, triceps,
develop inner strength and cope chest, and upper back to promote
better with life's challenges. overall balance and stability.
Those with injuries in the hips, arms, &
shoulders should avoid doing cow face yoga.
Avoid this asana in case of knee injury or
modify the pose by straightening the legs or
simply crossing the legs like sukhasana.
Avoid gomukhasana in case of tissue,
ligament and tendon injury.
Do not perform cow face yoga if you have
bleeding piles as it may exaggerate the
Gomukhasana should be performed carefully
using props like strap or belt if you are
suffering from spondylitis,.
Chanting of Om is considered to be a
complete destroyer of evils and a provider of
happiness and prosperity. Omkar is
Brahmanaad, by its pronunciation and
chanting one attains all the four pursuits of
Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. In any
mantra, Om is definitely placed at the beginning of its pronunciation.
The pronunciation of Om is considered to be very effective and has
miraculous benefits.