Edc Viva Questions: A) Exactly in The Middle
Edc Viva Questions: A) Exactly in The Middle
Edc Viva Questions: A) Exactly in The Middle
1. In a pure semiconductor, the Fermi level lies _____________ of theforbidden energy gap.
a) exactly in the middle b) at the lower part c) at the upper part d) none of the above
2. In a p-n junction, the potential built across the junction, after diffusion hasstopped, is termed as
a) barrier potential b) developed potential c) p-n potential d) none of the above
3. If an external voltage is applied across the p-n junction such that itneutralizes the barrier potential
and causes conduction through the junction, the p-n junction is said to be ______________.
a) forward biased b) reverse biased c) un-biased d) no-biased
7.If an external voltage is applied across the p-n junction such that itneutralizes the barrier potential
and causes conduction through the junction, the p-n junction is said to be ______________.
a) forward biased b) reverse biased c) un-biased d) no-biased
16. The ratio of change in collector current to the change in base current atconstant collector to
emitter voltage is ___________.
a)α b)β c)γ d)π
17. The intersection of DC load line and the output characteristics of a transistoris called ___________________.
a) Q–Point b) quiescent Pointc) operating Pointd) all of these
18.The biasing circuit which gives most stable operating point is _________.
a) base bias b) collector-to-base biasc) voltage-divider biasd) none of these
21. The collector-to-base bias provides __________ stability than the base biascircuit.
a) more b) lessc) more or less d) none of these
22.In CB configuration, when reverse bias voltage VCBincreases above theVCB max, increase in depletion
region is such that it penetrates into base until itmakes contact with emitter-base depletion region. This condition
is called _______.
a) punch-through effect b) reach-through effectc) (a) or (b)d) none of these
23.In CB configuration, when reverse bias voltage VCBincreases, the width of the depletion region also
increases, which reduces the electrical base width. Thiseffect is called as _________________.
a) early effect b) base width modulationc) (a) or (b)d) none of these
26.The stability factor ‘S’ is the rate change of _____________ current withrespect to reverse
saturation current.
a) emitter b) basec) collectord) none of these
32. Which of the following parameters is used for distinguishing between a small signal and a
large-signal amplifier?
(A) Instabilit(B) Bandwidth (C) Overall gain(D) Distortion
33. The lowest output impedance is obtained in case of BJT amplifiers for
(A) CB configuration.(B) CE configuration. (C) CC configuration. (D) CE with RE configuration.
37. For a JFET, when VDS is increased beyond the pinch off voltage, the drain current
(A) Increases(B) decreases (C) remains constant. (D) First decreases and then increases
44.Application of SCR_____________
46. Transistor is a
(A) Current controlled current device.
(B) Current controlled voltage device.
(C) Voltage controlled current device.
(D) Voltage controlled voltage device.
47. FET is a
(A) Current controlled current device.
(B) Current controlled voltage device.
(C) Voltage controlled current device.
(D) Voltage controlled voltage device.
50.Relation between α, β , γ