The Problem of Subjectivity in Schutz and Parsons: Thomas P. Wilson
The Problem of Subjectivity in Schutz and Parsons: Thomas P. Wilson
The Problem of Subjectivity in Schutz and Parsons: Thomas P. Wilson
Thomas P. Wilson
University of California, Santa Barbara
I am indebted to the editors for their helpful comments and suggestions for revising
the paper.
Walsh and Lehnert translate the phrase, ‘sinnhafte Aufbau’ in the title of Schutz’s
book as ‘Phenomenology.’ Instead, I have followed Kauder’s rendering as “Meaning-
ful Structure” (1965: 122), and I use this as a short title in the text to help make
citations transparent. Schutz maintained the methodological position presented in
Meaningful Structure throughout his subsequent work. (e.g., 1943/1964; 1953/1962;
1954/1962; 1945/1962a)