Lý thuyết SCM
Lý thuyết SCM
Lý thuyết SCM
Supply chain (SC):
o all parties direct or indirect => Fulfilling customer request
o Objective Maximize overall value generated.
SC surplus = Add value = Customer value – SC cost
Flows: material, in4mation, finance.
SC decision:
o Important:
Response, no foccus SC cost
Response, focust distribution cost (Wal-mart)
Respone, elimintating steps
o Phases (3 level):
SC strategy & design
SC planning
SC operation
SC views:
o Cycle views: specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of SC.
4 cycles: Customer order, Replenishment (Bổ sung), Manufacturing,
Procurement (thu mua)
5 stages: Customer, Retailer, Wholesaler/Distributor, Manufacturer,
o Push/Pull view: categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in
response to or in anticipation ofcustomer orders.
Pull: Response customer need => react customer demand
Push: Response supplier need => forecast = antipate customer demand
CODP_ Customer order decouple point (điểm tách đơn đặt hàng của KH)
SC performance:
Value chain:
o Supported activities: Finance, Accounting, In4 Technology, Human Resources.
o Primary activities: New product development => Marketing &Sale => Operations
=> Distribution => Service
Strategic fit:
- = Overall strategy align SC performance, Same direction with
Company Strategy
- 3 steps:
1. Customer & SC uncertainty:
Quantity need each lot
Response time customers are willing to tolerate
Variety of the products needed
Service level required
Price of the product
Desired rate of innovation in the product
2. SC Responsiveness capabilities:
Respond to wide range of quantities demand
Meet short lead-time
Handle a large variety of products
Build highly innovate products
Meet a high level of service
Handle supply uncertainty
3. Achieving, restructure:
Ensure that the SC set-up is in line with implied Uncertainty
Scope of strategic fit: devise an intergrated strategy with share objective
o Intra: per function
Intra – operation scope: minimize total cost view (per operation)
Intra – functional scope: minimize functional cost view (per function)
o Inter: all SC
Inter – company scope: maximize company profit view (conflicts between
co-operation and functions.
Inter – functional scope: maximize supply chain surplus view
Challenges to achieve strategic fit:
o Increasing product variety and shrinking (thu hẹp) of life cycles
o Globalization and increasing uncertainty
o Fragmentation (chia nhỏ) of supply chain ownership
o Changing technology and business environment
o The environment and sustainability.
Framework for structuring drivers:
The role of Distribution: Distribution refers to the steps taken to move and store a product
Factors influencing distribution networks
o Two dimensions (2 chiều):
Meet (thỏa mãn) customer needs
Meet cost of customer needs
o Service factors:
Response time: high response time - > more facilities
Product variety: number of different products
Product availability: available in stock
Customer experience: easy of placing orders
Time to market: time to bring a new product to the market
Order visibility (trạng thái đơn hàng): ability to track and trace orders
Returnability: easy of returning
Design options:
o Key decision:
delivered to the customer location or picked up from a pre arrange site (mua
Online or Offline)
flow through an intermediary or intermediary location (hàng đc vận chuyển
Indirect or direct)
o 6 Distribution network: KH đều đặt hàng từ retailer/distributor
1. Manufacturer storage, direct shipping: retailer là TGPP In4 flow, nhà sx
giao trực tiếp đến KH, response time large
2. In-transit merge network: (gộp đơn) VD Shopee, retailer gửi in4 về nhà
sx gửi cho In-transit merge by carrier (tập hợp gom đơn) rồi gửi cho KH.
Low trasportation cost
3. Distributor storage with carrier delivery: nhà sx đưa hàng về cho
retailer warehouse storage, VD tiệm tạp hóa, họ input hàng từ khi KH ch
có nhu cầu. Order visibility easier. Product variety low
4. Distributor storage with last-mile delivery: (giao hàng chặng cuối/ Giao
hỏa tốc), VD Tiki, distributor/retailer trực tiếp giao hàng, khi có in4 flow
(tính khoảng cách, tg, chi phí giao hàng) r sẽ quyết định giao KH A hay KH
B trước. Response time quickly. Transportation cost higher
5. Manufacturer/distributor warehouse storage with consumer pickup:
retailer gửi đơn đến nhà sx factories gửi đến Cross-docking DC
(distribution center) đóng vai trò là warehouse gửi đến các pick-up site (địa
điểm nhận hàng) r KH đến lấy VD Giao hàng/ nhanh, tiết kiệm,… Low
trasportation cost. Customer experience is lower
6. Retail storage with customer pickup: retailer (warehouse) gửi in4 order
đến distributor (tổng đại lý) gửi in4 đến factories rồi họ đưa hàng cho
distributor đưa hàng cho retailer, rồi KH có nhu cầu mới đến retailer mua.
Low trasportation cost. Inventory cost higher. Low product variety
Online sales:
o Impact to Customer: (Giống service factors)
Time response
Product variety
Product availability
Customer experience
Faster time to market
Order visibility
Direct sales to customer
Flexible pricing, product portfolio and promotions
o Impact on cost:
Inventory: can be lower (because warehouse cost low, flexible site & cost)
Facilities: can be lower by centralizing
Transportation: can be higher
Information: can be shared
SC Network design:
o Decision classified:
Facility role
Facility location
Capacity allocation
Market and supply allocation
o 4 phases :
Globalization: offers companies opportunities to grow revenues and decrease costs,
increase risk
o Natural disasters
o Shortage of skilled workers
o Geopolitical uncertainty (địa chính trị)
o Terrorist infiltration of cargo (khủng hoảng biên giới lq đến chuyển hàng)
o Volatility of fuel prices (biến động nhiên liệu)
Offshoring: moving (a part of) production to another country ( low-cost country)
Offshoring là đặt một số hoạt động kinh doanh nhất định như khâu sản xuất hay trung tâm
chăm sóc khách hàng ở những quốc gia không có tiềm năng kinh doanh cao.
DESIGNING SC NETWORKS Different flexible configurations
o Dedicated network (mạng lưới phân quyền cố định)
o Fully flexible network (VD shopee)
o Chained network one long chain: hệ thống chuỗi dài 1 chuỗi (1 NCC cung cho 1
số ít KH)
o Chained network two short chains: hệ thống chuỗi ngắn 2 chuỗi ( 1 NCC cung
cho 2 hay nhiều KH)
Demand forecast: (predicting the demand) is the basis for SC planning for both
o Push/Pull forecast:
Push: Every activity is done in anticipation of the customer, (Production,
Transportation) có xuất hiện nhu cầu cụ thể của KH mới dự báo được, rất
khó nên dùng trong ngành dịch vụ.
Pull: Every thing is done as a reaction to a sale (Available capacity, available
inventory), dự báo tổng cầu chứ không dự báo nhu cầu cụ thể, dùng trong
ngành hàng hóa, vật chất.
o Forcast characteristics: (dự báo đặc tính)
always inaccurate (không chính xác)
Long-term forecasts are less accurate then short-term
Aggregate (liên tục) forecasts are usually more accurate than disaggregate
(đứt quãng/ k liên tục)
How further upstream the supply (away from customer) the greater the
distortion Dự báo càng xa người tiêu dùng cuối cùng càng sai lệch.
o Components forecast:
Past demand
Lead time of product replenishment: tg chờ giữa các đợt lấp đầy đơn hàng (k
nhất thiết lấp đầy 100%)
Planned advertising or market efforts
Planned price discounts
State of the economy
Actions that competitors have taken
o Method forecast:
Qualitative (định tính): rely on human judgment are primarily subjective
Time series (chuỗi tg): based on historical demand with the assumption that
past history is a good indicator for future demand.
Causal (nhân quả): assuming that the forecast is related with certain factors
in the environment like economy, interest rate, nếu.. thì
Simulation (giả định): imitation of consumer choices (could be combination
of time-series and casual methods) mô phỏng
o Reason Forecast errors:
Check if current forecast metshod is (still) accurate
Its relationship to contingency planning
o Risk management: misallocation (sự phân bổ k chính xác) of
Information management
o Collaborative forecasting often creates a much more accurate forecast.
Important aspects:
- Share only data that truly provide value
- Be sure to distinguish between demand and sales (historical sales is
not necessarily the same as historical demand)
Aggregate planning (lập kế hoạch tổng hợp): the process a company determines
planned levels of:
o Capacity
o Production
o Sub-contraction (nhà thầu phụ/ hợp đồng phụ)
o Inventory
o Stock-outs (hết hàng/ cháy hàng)
o Pricing
Objectives: identify operational parameters (thông số vận hành)
o Production rate –units to produce per time unit
o Workforce
o Overtime
o Machine capacity level (công suất máy móc)
o Sub contracting (hợp đồng phụ)
o Backlog (dự trù hàng tồn kho)
o Inventory on hand (hàng lưu kho sẵn sàng đưa vào sử dụng vd: thịt đã chế biến
xong, rau củ đã được gọt vỏ rửa sạch)
o Strategies:
o 3 cost:
Capacity (regular, overtime, subcontracting)
o 3 strategies:
Chase (theo đuổi) strategy – using capacity as the lever (làm đòn bẩy)
Flexibility strategy – using utilization as the lever
Level strategy – using inventory as the lever
Contraints (hạn chế):
o Workforce, hiring and layoff
o Capacity
o Inventory balance
o Overtime limit
MPS_Master Production Schedule: identifies all batches (lô hàng) needs to be
produced in each period (thời kì).
The role of IT:
o The most early IT SC products were aggregate planning modules
o Advantages:
Can go beyond linear programming (lập trình tuyến tính) to solve the
Possibility to combine production planning and inventory planning
Implementing (thực hiện): Today aggregate planning modules are part of ERP packages.
ERP _Enterprise Resource Planning: là hệ thống giúp hoạch định nguồn lực của doanh
* Coordination:
Coordination (điều phối/phối hợp) in the supply chain: each stage of the supply chain
to share information.
Bullwhip effect: Lack of coordination (Small variations downstream can result in
big variations upstream) (hiệu ứng roi da Bull wipe effect: là hiện tượng dự báo nhu cầu ảo
diễn ra trong chuỗi cung ứng. Theo đó, lượng sản phẩm được sản xuất luôn cao gấp nhiều
lần so với nhu cầu thực tế của thị trường dẫn đến mức tồn kho cao, kéo theo hàng loạt chi
phí bị đội lên.)
Upstream: provide input Moving goods from suppliers to the production
Downstream: solve output Moving goods from producer to the distributor
o Manufacturing costs: higher, excess (dư thừa) capacity
o Inventory costs: higher, excess stocks
o Transportation costs: higher, fluctuations result in surplus
o Labor cost logistics: higher, fluctuations result in surplus
o Product availability: lower, resulting in lost sales (mất doanh thu)
o Replenishment lead time (thời gian chờ bổ sung): longer, excess capacity
o Relationship across the supply chain: negative impact because of increasing costs
and decreasing service
5 obstacles (trở ngại/rào cản):
o Incentive (khuyến khích) obstacles
o Information obstacles
o Operational obstacles
o Pricing obstacles
o Behavioral obstacles
Achieve coordination:
o Aligning of goals and incentives (Thống nhất và đồng giãn)
o Improving information visibility and accuracy (tính hiển thị và chính xác)
o Improving operational performance
o Designing pricing strategies to stabilize orders
o Building strategic partnerships and trust
Achieve coordination in practice (thực tế):
o Quantify the bull-whip effect
o Get top management commitment (cam kết) for coordination
o Devote (dành) resources to coordination
o Focus on communication with other stages
o Try to achieve coordination in the entire supply chain network
o Use technology to improve connectivity in the supply chain
o Share the benefits of coordination quitably
POS_Point of sale: (điểm bán lẻ/ máy cà thẻ) retail transactions
CRP_ Continuos replenishment programs (Refill (lấp đầy hàng liên tục): the wholesaler
continuously replenishes the retailer based on POS data. maintaining a constant flow of
inventory to retailers or customers to reduce stockouts and improve product availability.
CPFR_ Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (hợp tác lên kế hoạch,
dự báo, bổ sung): set of actions taken by supply chain partners to plan and communicate
tasks to meet customer demand while reducing cost. two parties have synchronized (đồng
bộ hóa their data and established standards for exchanging information.
Trade-off (đánh đổi) of safety stock:
o Balance product availability and cost holding inventory
o High pressure product availability:
Internet increases the ease of searching
Increased variability (tính biến đổi) and customization (tùy biến)
Shorter product life cycle
o High pressure reduce inventory: reduce cost
Link with competitor
Chain advantage (ưu thế chuỗi VD MWG)
Ecommerce (thương mại điện tử VD Tiki)
Safety inventory and demand uncertainty:
o Planning safety stock:
What is the appropriate level of product availability?
How much safety inventory is needed?
What actions can be taken to improve product availability while reducing
safety inventory?
o Demand:
Predict (dự báo tương đối chính xác) the systematic (nhu cầu đều đều)
Estimate (ước lượng 1 phần) the random (nhu cầu thay đổi bất kì do tình
huống) component
Measuring product availability:
o Product fill rate (fr): is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from
product in inventory
o Order fill rate: is the fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory
o Cycle service level (CSL): is the fraction of replenishment = fill up cycles that
end with all the customer demand being met (được đáp ứng).
Replenishment policies:
o When and how much to order
o 2 main approaches:
Continous revỉew: at Reorder point (ROP), lot size Q is ordered
Periodic revỉew (đánh giá định kỳ): regular interval raise the inventory
to a certain threshold (một ngưỡng nhất định).
Improve safty stock:
o Reducing the lead-time (tg chờ)
o Reducing the uncertainty in demand
o Reducing the number of independent stocking locations (nghĩa là tăng liên kết
giữa các điểm trữ hàng).
o Product availability or Customer service level is supply chain responsiveness.
o Customer service level balance cost of overstocking & understocking product
Continuously stocked items but out of stock: two possible scenarios:
o All demand arises is backlogged (tồn đọng) and filled later: for example by
offering a rain check.
o All demand arises is lost.
One time item (seasonal item) but out of stock: two possible scenarios
o Discount based on quantities ordered (during life time) vd chiết khấu mua nhiều
giảm nhìu
o Discount at the end of life cycle vd giảm giá món đồ sắp hết trend
Reducing demand uncertainty:
o Improved forecasting: more accurate
o Quick response: shorter the lead-time accurate forecasting
o Postponement (trì hoãn): more flexibility, shorter lead-time accurate
o Tailored sourcing (hoạch định riêng nguồn cung ứng): combination two
suppliers. One low flexibility producing certain part and high flexibility
uncertain part.
* SC Transportation:
o Basic:
Shipper: requires the movement (Ng cung/Ng bán/ Ng đặt lệnh chuyển
Carrier: moves/transports the products (nhà vận chuyển VD Grab,
Customer: receive the product
o Transportation modals = mean/mode of transportation (phương tiện vận tải):
Carrier/truck (đường bộ)
Rail (đường sắt)
Pipeline (đường ống) vd xăng, dầu, khí đốt,…
Intermodal: is transportation with use of more than one mode of transportation.
Transportation & inventory cost:
o Choice of transportation mode
o Inventory aggregation (tích hợp/ cộng dồn hàng)
Tailored (làm riêng) transportation is the use of different transportation networks and
modes based on customer and products characteristics:
o By customer density (mật độ khách hàng) and distance
o By size of customer
o By product demand and value
Risk management: 3 mains
o a shipment is delayed
o a shipment does not reach its destination (không đến đích/chặn cuối)
o hazardous material (vật liệu nguy hiểm)
Outsourcing is if the firm hires an outside firm to perform an operation rather than
executing (thực hiện) the operation itself.ư
Procurement (purchasing) (thu mua): acquiring raw materials, components and services
from suppliers to execute their operations.
Sourcing: is the entire set of business processes required to purchase goods and services.
Outsourcing: is that a supply chain function is performed by a third party.
Supplier selection process: Supplier scoring and assessment (đánh giá) Supplier
selection and contract negotiation (đàm phán/thương lượng) Design collaboration
Procurement Sourcing planning and analysis
In-house sourcing: assigning work (giao việc) to existing employees
3PL_ Third-party logistics: providers perform one or more of the logistics activities
(related to product flow, information and funds).
4PL_ Fourth-party logistics: providers act as integrators (tập hợp) the resources,
capabilities and technology of its own and other organisations to design, build and run
comprehensive supply chain solutions
o Buyback contracts: (hợp đồng mua lại but xđ số lượng + mức giá mua lại) allow
retailer to return unsold at an agreed-upon price.
o Revenue-sharing contracts: (hợp đồng chia sẻ doanh số lợi nhuận) the
manufacturer charges a lower price and shares a part of the retailer revenue. No
o Quantity flexibility contracts: (hợp đồng linh hoạt số lượng đặt hàng) the
manufacturer allows the retailer to change the quantities ordered after observing
* Sustainability:
Role of sustainability:
o The health and survival of a SC and every individual depends on the health of the
surrounding world.
Sustainability contribute per SC driver: 6 ways
o Facilities: significant users water and energy and emitters (thải ra) waste and green
house gasses.
o Inventory: besides raw materials, work in process (sp dở dang) and finished
products (thành phẩm) also inventory in landfill (bãi chôn lấp).
o Transportation: CO2 emission but also waste generated.
o Sourcing: Majority of energy, water consumption, waste and emission occur in the
extended supply chain
o Information: Good information is one of the biggest challenges
o Pricing: Visibility and pricing can stimulate sustainability.