Comparison of Alveolar Bone Morphology After Expansion With Hybrid and Conventional Hyrax Expanders
Comparison of Alveolar Bone Morphology After Expansion With Hybrid and Conventional Hyrax Expanders
Comparison of Alveolar Bone Morphology After Expansion With Hybrid and Conventional Hyrax Expanders
RME with skeletal anchorage was first described in and III malocclusion; (4) need for RME either because of
2008 with the aim of preventing periodontal side posterior crossbite or in association with orthopedic max-
effects to posterior teeth.9 Wilmes et al.10 were the illary protraction. The exclusion criteria were: (1) patients
first to use orthodontic miniscrews as RME anchorage with a history of previous orthodontic treatment;
in growing patients. The hybrid Hyrax expander had (2) patients with systemic or neurological condi-
two parasagittal miniscrews in the anterior region of tions; (3) patients with cleft lip, cleft palate, and/or
the palate as an anchoring unit. In addition to achiev- other craniofacial anomalies.
ing favorable expansion in the region of premolars and
molars, these same teeth showed an increase in their Interventions
buccal inclinations as an effect of the therapy.10 The sample was allocated into two different groups.
A recent randomized clinical trial comparing hybrid
buccal and palatal alveolar bone plates measured on 0.63 mm in first premolar buccal bone plate height,15 a
CBCT scans. minimum sample of eight patients was required for
Measurements were performed using NemoScan each group.
software by Nemotec (Nemostudio Nx Pro, version
8.8, 2 uv 8, Madrid, Spain). Before measurements Randomization
were made, the head position was standardized in
Randomization was performed electronically using the
three planes of space using the multiplanar recon- website. Random block sizes were
struction screen. A bispinal line in the axial and sagittal
used. The allocation was performed using sequentially
planes was positioned perpendicular and parallel to
numbered, opaque, and sealed envelopes. The randomi-
the horizontal plane, respectively. In the coronal sec-
zation list generation, allocation concealment, and imple-
tion, the infraorbital line was positioned parallel to the
mentation process were performed by different operators.
horizontal plane.14
An axial section passing through the right maxillary
first permanent molar trifurcation was used to evaluate
the thickness of the buccal and palatal bone plates of No blinding was accomplished considering operator
maxillary posterior teeth (Figure 2A). Parasagittal sec- and patient were aware of the type of treatment per-
tions passing through the center of the roots of poste- formed. The CBCT scans were de-identified during
rior teeth in the axial section were used to measure the assessment to ensure blinding during measure-
the buccal and palatal bone plate heights of maxillary ment and data analysis.
posterior teeth (Figure 2B). For the first molar, three
parasagittal slices were generated passing through Statistical Analysis
the center of the mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and palatal After 1 month, 30% of the sample was randomly
roots. In each parasagittal section, the height from selected and remeasured by the same examiner. The
buccal and palatal bone plates to the cusp tip of the reliability of repeated measures was assessed by the
corresponding side was measured. intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman
(B-A) limit of agreement.
Sample Size Calculation
Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify normal distribu-
Sample size was calculated to provide a test power tion. Intergroup comparison of the interphase changes
of 80% and a significance level of 0.05. For an inter- was performed using t or Mann-Whitney U-test, depend-
group difference of 1 mm and a standard deviation of ing on the data normality. The analyses were performed
using Jamovi software (The Jamovi project Version 2.3, group and three patients in the CH group) were not
2022). A significance level of 5% was regarded. considered in the analysis.
Good to excellent reproducibility of repeated measure-
ments was found for all variables, with ICC varying from
0.757 (second premolar bone plate palatal thickness) to
The final sample of the HH group comprised 18 0.964 (first premolar bone plate buccal thickness). The
patients (six female and 12 male) with a mean initial variable with the greatest limits of agreement was the
age of 10.8 years (SD ¼ 1.04). The mean treatment mesiobuccal bone plate height of first molars (1.46
time for the HH group was 11.3 months. The sample and 2.09). The variable with the smallest limits of agree-
of the CH group comprised 14 patients (six female ment was the buccal bone plate height of first premolars
and nine male) with a mean initial age of 11.4 years (0.44 and 0.34).
(SD ¼ 3.98). The mean treatment time was 11 Similar characteristics regarding sex, initial age, and
months. Group HH was composed of 5% of Class I treatment time were found for both groups (Table 1).
patients and 95% of Class III patients. Group CH had Both groups were compatible before treatment (T1)
14% Class I patients and 86% Class III patients. regarding all variables (Table 2). All patients in both
According to a previous classification by Angelieri groups demonstrated a midpalatal suture split and
et al.,16 61% of patients in the HH group were at pala- posterior crossbite correction.11
tal suture maturational stage B, 22% were at matura- The buccal bone plate thickness of posterior teeth
tional stage A, and 17% were at maturational stage C. decreased after expansion similarly in both groups
In CH group, 72% were at palatal suture maturational
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Groups and Treatment Timesa
stage B, 14% were at maturational stage A, and 14%
were at maturational stage C. Group HH had 55% of Variable Group HH Group CH P Value
patients in the early permanent dentition and 45% in Sex, n .928b
the late mixed dentition. Group CH had 50% of Male 10 8
Female 8 6
patients in the early permanent dentition and 50% in Total, n 18 14
the late mixed dentition. All patients in the mixed denti- Mean age, y (SD) 10.80 (1.04) 11.44 (1.26) .102
tion had complete eruption of the maxillary first premo- Treatment time, mo (SD) 11.38 (3.98) 11.00 (3.78) .782
lars. Measurements for second premolars that were a
CH indicates conventional hyrax; HH, hybrid hyrax.
not erupted or fully erupted (four patients in the HH Chi-square test (sex); t-test (age and treatment time).
(Table 3). The palatal bone plate thickness of posterior including the alveolar bone crest level, with high sensi-
teeth slightly increased in most regions, with no inter- tivity.15 The CBCT protocol was chosen based on the
group differences. lowest possible radiation dose while offering sufficient
The conventional Hyrax expander produced a sharpness for identification of the bone structures to
greater reduction in the buccal bone plate height of be evaluated, following the ALARA (as low as reason-
maxillary first premolars compared to hybrid expand- ably achievable) principle. The assessment of the
ers (Table 3). No intergroup difference was found for alveolar bone morphology through CBCT scans per-
changes in the buccal bone plate height of maxillary mitted the analysis of RME consequences on anchor-
second premolars and first molars (Table 3). The pala- ing teeth. Previous studies recommended a smaller
tal bone plate height remained stable after expansion voxel size to evaluate delicate structures such as buc-
with no difference between groups (Table 3). cal bone plate.17,18 The voxel size in this study was
0.25 mm and the images had high definition and
sharpness. When the alveolar bone thickness is thinner
than the voxel size, the bone-height measurements are
The use of CBCT allowed the visualization and likely to be overestimated.19 For this reason, results
quantification of buccal and lingual bone structures, should be considered with caution in regions with a
very thin alveolar bone plate. Adequate reproducibility to HH group. The error analysis showed that this mea-
was found for all variables in agreement with a previous surement was precise and reliable, exhibiting the
study that reported excellent intraexaminer reproduc- smallest limits of agreement. No previous study evalu-
ibility of the bone morphology assessment in CBCT.19 ated buccal bone dehiscence formation using hybrid
In this study, CBCT images were clinically used for expanders. Since the hybrid expander was anchored
planning miniscrew installation at T1 and planning com- on anterior palatal miniscrews, the forces delivered to
prehensive orthodontic treatment at T2. the first premolars were decreased. Consequently,
The HH used in this research has a design modifica- there was decreased buccal tipping of maxillary first
tion compared to that described by Wilmes.10 Palatal premolars and a smaller buccal bone height change
extensions and buccal c-clasps were added to all occurred. However, the mean change in buccal bone
appliances for both groups, making their design com- height was small (1 mm) and not clinically relevant. In
computed tomography evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial miniscrew-anchored maxillary protraction with hybrid and con-
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