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The pharmacological management of


Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition in which endometrial tissue is present outside the uterine
cavity, causing cyclic symptoms and, often, reduced fertility. A “working diagnosis” can be made based on
the patient’s symptoms and evaluation of risk-factors, although laparoscopy is required for a definitive
diagnosis. Medical management involves the hormonal suppression of endometriotic lesions and, where
possible, the surgical ablation and excision of ectopic endometrial tissue.

Endometriosis: a challenging diagnosis

Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue, The terminology of endometriosis
glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. The condition
generally has three distinct manifestations: endometrial Endometriotic lesion – Lesions that occur when
implantation on the peritoneum causing lesions and endometrial tissue seeds outside the uterus. Bleeding may
endometriomas (generally within the pelvic region, e.g. on occur from these lesions at the time of menstruation.
the bladder, in the Pouch of Douglas), ovarian cysts (chocolate
cysts) and endometriotic nodules in the tissue between the Endometrioma – An oestrogen-dependant lesion that
rectum and vagina (see opposite for definitions).1 is usually enlarged and filled with old blood. When
they occur on the ovaries they are often referred to as
The clinical presentation of women with endometriosis varies chocolate cysts.
widely. Some women may be completely asymptomatic (and
therefore not aware of the condition) while some women Endometriotic adhesion – Internal scar tissue that can
will have chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia bind organs together, causing organ dislocation and pain.
(pain during sexual intercourse) and painful defecation.2 As The fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, bowel and bladder
endometriotic lesions are hormonally-responsive, symptoms are the most commonly affected organs.
will usually be worse at the time of menstruation. During
periods of anovulation, such as pregnancy, lactation, Endometrial stromal nodule – An uncommon, non-
menopause and hormone-induced amenorrhoea, symptoms infiltrative, confined growth of endometrial stromal
are reduced or eliminated.3 Endometriosis can have a cells, which can develop into a rare type of cancer;
significant effect on female fertility, and many women with an endometrial stromal sarcoma, which frequently
undiagnosed endometriosis may first present with difficulty metastasises.
conceiving (See “Endometriosis and fertility”, Page 24).

The exact prevalence of endometriosis is unknown, but it is

estimated to affect 5 – 10% of women of reproductive-age, as
many as half of all women with reduced fertility,1, 2 and 70 –
90% of women with chronic pelvic pain.1 The peak incidence
is in women aged between 25 – 30 years.4 Endometriosis rarely
occurs in younger females and in post-menopausal women.3
Endometriosis is also possible in males taking high-dose
oestrogen, although this is extremely rare.4

BPJ Issue 52 19
The cause of endometriosis is unknown Making a ‘diagnosis’ of endometriosis
The pathology of endometriosis is not well understood. Making a clinical diagnosis of endometriosis can be difficult
Retrograde menstruation, where menstrual fluid flows back as symptoms are often non-specific, there are limited clinical
up the fallopian tubes and into the peritoneum, is believed signs on examination, laboratory testing is not helpful and
to be central to the development of endometriosis.2, 3 imaging is of only limited benefit.7, 8 Laparoscopy is therefore
Endometrial cells are thought to move back up the fallopian required to make a definitive diagnosis.7 On average, there is
tubes with the menstrual fluid, and possibly through the a delay of seven to twelve years between the development
lymphatic and vascular network. The cells deposit in various of symptoms and diagnosis of endometriosis, which impacts
tissues, seeding and developing into endometriotic lesions significantly on the patient’s quality-of-life.7 The presumptive
and endometriomas. When this occurs, internal bleeding and diagnosis and medical management of endometriosis in
inflammation can lead to fibrosis and adhesion development, primary care is, therefore, important in reducing avoidable
which in turn contributes to the symptoms and the physical pain and discomfort and managing fertility.
distortion of pelvic anatomy that is seen in women with more
severe endometriosis.
Symptoms are non-specific and common
Although retrograde menstruation is estimated to occur in Approximately one-third of women with endometriosis will be
90% of women, only a portion of these women will go on asymptomatic. Most women with symptomatic endometriosis
to develop endometriosis.5 Current research is focused on will have cyclical symptoms, such as pelvic pain which is the
investigating the genetic components of endometriosis.6 most frequently occurring symptom. Pain generally begins
Hormonal, immunological and environmental components are several days prior to menstruation and ceases within one to
also implicated in the initial development of the condition. two days of menstruation.4 Deep pain may also be present
during or after sexual intercourse. If endometriotic lesions are
present in the bladder or rectum, pain may be present during
Risk-factors for endometriosis urination or defecation.3 In severe cases, pain may become
Risk factors for endometriosis include:1, 4 constant as the condition worsens and deep endometriotic
A first-degree female relative (mother or sister) with lesions and adhesions develop.5
Rarely, endometriotic lesions can occur outside of the
Shorter-than-normal menstrual cycle (< 27 days)
abdominal cavity, such as in the lungs, and can cause pain and
Longer-than-normal menstruation (> five days) other symptoms, such as haemoptysis, coinciding with the
Low body-mass index menstrual cycle.5
Early menarche
Common symptoms of endometriosis include:4, 9
Severe dysmenorrhoea
Müllerian anomalies – anomalies that arise during the
formation of parts of the female reproductive organs Bloating

Outflow obstructions, e.g. cervical stenosis, a transverse Lethargy

vaginal septum or an imperforate hymen Pelvic pain

The distribution of ectopic endometrial tissue is influenced Lower abdominal or back pain
by age. Pelvic endometriomas typically occur in women aged Dyspareunia
25 – 30 years.4 Ectopic endometrial tissue outside the pelvic Painful defecation
area typically occurs in older women, most commonly in those
aged 35 – 40 years.4
Heavy menstruation or pre-menstrual spotting (may also
indicate co-existing adenomyosis, see opposite)
Cyclic pain upon urination or urinary frequency
Pain during exercise

20 BPJ Issue 52
Acute exacerbations of pain, swelling or fever may occur due to years), and often after childbirth. It is almost symptomatically
chemical peritonitis if leakage of blood from an endometriotic identical to endometriosis and can usually only be
lesion or cyst occurs.4 distinguished after laparoscopy. Adenomyosis also commonly
co-exists with endometriosis.

Clinical examination may be helpful to rule out other Generally, presentation and patient history will shift the
conditions balance of probabilities for a diagnosis, e.g. uterine fibroids
Most women with endometriosis will have normal examination are more common in an older age-group and a patient
findings; however, diffuse pelvic or posterior fornix tenderness with irritable bowel syndrome is less likely to present with
or palpable pelvic masses are sometimes present. In some painful defecation.10 However, some conditions will be nearly
women, uterosacral ligament nodules may be palpable on a impossible to rule out until laparoscopy is performed or a
bimanual vaginal examination. therapeutic trial of treatment is undertaken.

Examination is therefore primarily for the purposes of Always consider the possibility of colon and ovarian cancer
differential diagnosis, and should include assessment for which may present concurrently, even in women with
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), cervicitis, abnormal laparoscopically diagnosed endometriosis. In addition, in a
vaginal discharge and any other gynaecological abnormalities, small number of women, uterine and müllerian abnormalities,
such as cervical excitation and adnexal masses. both of which are risk-factors for endometriosis, may be
present and complicate diagnosis and treatment.

Imaging and laboratory tests are of limited benefit

Imaging is not usually helpful. If available, transvaginal When should a patient be referred for further
ultrasound imaging can be considered; however, if cysts and assessment?
nodules are small or not situated on the ovaries or near the The management of suspected endometriosis depends on the
uterus the imaging will not be of any use.10 patient’s age, desire for conception, the degree of pain, the
impact on their capacity to work and their overall quality of
There is no laboratory test that can reliably identify life.8 Generally, a three-month therapeutic trial with hormonal
endometriosis.11 Investigation of full blood count, ferritin and treatment can be used to help strengthen a working diagnosis.
TSH may be useful in the differential diagnosis. However, this is not appropriate in certain instances.

Referral to secondary care for further assessment should be

Other diagnoses are always a possibility undertaken if:10
Women with endometriosis often present with diverse, non- Endometriosis is strongly suspected and immediate
specific symptoms, and other possible diagnoses should fertility is desired
always be considered.
A trial treatment with analgesia and a hormonal
medicine is unsuccessful
Acute symptoms caused by STIs, urinary tract infections (UTIs)
and pelvic inflammatory disease often mimic endometriosis, The patient has persistent, constant pelvic pain, or
however, given the chronic nature of endometriosis, it is likely significant bowel or bladder pain
that these conditions can be ruled out early. A pelvic mass, especially if tender, is found on
Some long-term conditions have symptoms that overlap
The patient has pain or other symptoms that require a
with endometriosis and it may be difficult to rule these out.
significant amount of time off work or school
Differential diagnoses that should be considered in women
with pelvic pain include adenomyosis, diverticulitis, irritable
bowel syndrome, uterine fibroids and interstitial cystitis.

Adenomyosis occurs when endometrial tissue, is present

within the muscles of the uterus (as opposed to endometriosis
which occurs outside the uterine cavity). It is usually found in
women in an older age group than endometriosis (age 35 – 50

BPJ Issue 52 21
Combined oral contraception should be used continuously or
Medical management of endometriosis
semi-continuously, e.g. three or six-month cycles, as monthly
The aim of medical management is to control symptoms, uterine bleeds are likely to be painful, although less so than
either prior to, alongside or instead of more curative surgical normal menstruation.8, 10 Patients should be advised that this
interventions. Medical management is based on hormonal may result in irregular spotting and occasional breakthrough
suppression of endometriotic lesions and is particularly bleeding.
effective when amenorrhoea occurs via down-regulation of
the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.12 Adverse effects of combined oral contraceptives are generally
mild.10 They include gastrointestinal disturbance, headache,
Endometriosis is a chronic and often recurrent condition and migraine, metabolic and weight changes, irritability,
long-term treatment is usually required. Approximately 50% changes to libido, cramping and spotting in early cycles.
of women will have a recurrence of symptoms within five Venous thromboembolism is also possible, although rare, in
years if medical management is stopped. Menopause usually women taking combined oral contraception. Combined oral
leads to a complete cessation of symptoms, even if hormone contraceptives will need to be discontinued if migraines
replacement treatment is used.6 occur.

A step-wise treatment strategy Progestins and anti-progestins

The first-line treatment for females with endometriosis who do High-dose progestins (medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 – 100
not wish to conceive in the near future is a hormonal medicine, mg daily or norethisterone 10 – 45 mg daily) are commonly
and analgesics if required.9 Combined oral contraceptives used to treat endometriosis, and are an alternative to
are the most widely used hormonal treatment, followed by combined oral contraceptives.10 At these doses, progesterone
progestin hormone treatment.8 Other hormonal treatment suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary axis to inhibit ovulation
options include androgenic medicines and gonadotropin- and reduce circulating oestrogen levels.3 Progestins also have
releasing hormone analogues: both of which have comparable an additional, direct effect on the endometrium, causing
efficacy.4, 5, 12 However, adverse effects limit gonadotropin- atrophy to both normal endometrium and endometriotic
releasing hormones to a second-line choice and androgenic lesions.3 They are relatively well tolerated and have a more
medicines are now rarely used due to their adverse effects. limited metabolic impact than androgenic analogues and
gonadotropin-releasing hormones, and are less expensive
than these options.
Pain relief
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (NSAIDs), such as Progestin-only contraceptives are available in a variety of
ibuprofen, naproxen or mefenamic acid are recommended formulations, including oral medicine, implants and depot
for acute pain relief as an adjunct to all medical management injections. Adverse effects of progestins include bone mineral
options and prior to surgery in women who wish to conceive.10,13 density loss, weight-change, acne, oedema, mood changes,
All NSAIDs have similar efficacy in the management of depression and headaches.14 There is little difference in efficacy
endometriosis.13 Opioids should generally be avoided due to effect between formulations, however, patients administered
issues with long-term use.12 depot progestin may experience more adverse effects.14

Oral medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) 10 mg, three

Combined oral contraceptives times daily, for ninety days is approved for use in endometriosis.
Combined oral contraceptives are widely used as the first- Oral medroxyprogesterone acetate should be started on day
line pharmacological treatment for women with suspected one of the menstrual cycle.
endometriosis, as these medicines are generally well tolerated
with less adverse and metabolic effects than other options.8 Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) 50 mg
weekly or 100 mg every two weeks, for at least six months
The choice of combined oral contraceptive should be based is also approved for use in women with endometriosis.15 N.B.
on any previous use by the patient. If no combined oral vials come in 150 mg/mL.
hormonal contraceptives have been previously used, a trial of
a levonorgestrel + ethinyloestradiol contraceptive, e.g. Ava, is Norethisterone (Primolut) 5 mg, twice daily, for six months is
recommended. approved for use in women with endometriosis. Norethisterone

22 BPJ Issue 52
should be initiated between days one and five of the menstrual
Emerging medical treatments
The levonorgestrel intra-uterine device (Mirena) has been Several other, new treatment options for women with
shown to be effective in managing the symptoms of endometriosis are currently being investigated. One of
endometriosis. However, this is an unapproved indication. The the primary focuses of new research is finding an effective
device is placed into the uterine cavity, usually at the onset medical treatment that does not prevent or preclude
of menstruation and may prevent endometriosis symptoms in pregnancy. Medicines currently being investigated
some women, for up to five years.8, 15 include:10, 12
Aromatase inhibitors
Gonadotropin-releasing hormones
Selective progesterone receptor antagonists
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues are used
Orally-active GnRH antagonists
in women with endometriosis to induce hypo-oestrogenic,
Selective oestrogen receptor-beta agonists
medical menopause.3 They modify the release of pituitary
gonadotropins through interaction with the GnRH receptor, Several other medicines, such as immunomodulators and
resulting in decreased production of FSH and LH. They are anti-TNF-alpha agents, have been trialled but either failed
typically considered if oral contraceptives or progestins are to show benefit or were proven to have no benefit in
ineffective or cannot be tolerated.10 GnRH analogues are randomised controlled trials.
usually only prescribed in consultation with a gynaecologist.

Two GnRH analogues are available, fully subsidised, in

New Zealand; goserelin acetate (implant) and leuproreolin
(injection). Dosing regimens are dependent on the size of the
dose, generally every 28 days or every three or six months.
They are usually only used for a maximum of twelve months.

GnRH analogues are associated with several short-term

adverse effects, mainly hypo-oestrogenic symptoms, including
menopausal symptoms, loss of libido and emotional lability.
Several long-term adverse effects may also be seen, most
notably bone-mineral density loss.

Because of these adverse effects, “add-back” therapy is

recommended if a GnRH analogue is continued for more
than six months. Add-back therapy involves concurrently
prescribing a synthetic progestin, e.g. norethisterone, plus
either a bisphosphonate or oestrogen with GnRH in order to
reduce the adverse effects of GnRH treatment. GnRH plus add-
back treatment becomes considerably more expensive than
other endometriosis treatment options.

Androgenic medicines
Androgenic medicines, e.g. danazol, were, in the past, often
used to manage endometriosis due to their ability to induce a
hypo-oestrogenic state.

However, the adverse effects associated with androgenic

medicines are significant and generally mean that androgenic
medicines are no longer prescribed other than in females for

BPJ Issue 52 23
whom no other treatment is effective or appropriate. Adverse
effects include venous thromboebolism, weight gain, voice
changes, skin reactions, mood and libido changes, oedema,
Endometriosis and fertility myalgia, acne, oily skin and hirsutism or male pattern baldness,
The pathophysiology of infertility in women with which may be permanent.16 There is also limited evidence that
endometriosis is not well understood. Inflammation of androgenic medicines increase the risk of ovarian cancer.10
the pelvic cavity, structural abnormalities, the presence They should not be prescribed to women with liver disease
of endometriomas of the ovaries, alterations of sperm- or hyperlipidaemia. They are contraindicated in women who
oocyte interaction and reduced endometrial receptivity are pregnant as they can virilise the foetus and cause other
are all thought to be involved.8 androgenic effects.

It is not possible to differentiate between those women Danazol is titrated to achieve amenorrhoea, at a dose of 200 –
with endometriosis who will experience reduced fertility 800 mg, in two to four divided doses, daily (capsules are 100 mg
and those who will retain normal levels of fertility, even if or 200 mg). It is generally used for a maximum of six months
a laparoscopy is performed. due to adverse effects.3 Symptomatic improvement has been
shown to remain up to six months after treatment is stopped.16
Surgery to ablate and excise endometriomas, adhesions Patients will need to be advised to use a non-hormonal form
and scar tissue is the most common treatment for women of contraception, usually condoms, throughout treatment,
with endometriosis who wish to conceive, but cannot.2, 17 and pregnancy should be excluded prior to initiating.
Recent evidence into endometriosis treatments indicates
that lipiodol (oil soluble contrast medium) flushing of
the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries in women with Surgical treatment
endometriosis increases the rate of pregnancy, and Surgical treatment is highly effective for symptom and pain
may be considered in the setting of a specialist fertility reduction and can increase fertility in sub-fertile women.17, 18
clinic.19 However, access to surgery is limited, and even when performed,
recurrence rates are high: approximately 50% of women will
Assisted fertility treatments are likely to be beneficial re-develop symptoms within five years of surgery.3
for most women with endometriosis who have reduced
fertility.9 The success rate of surgical treatment of endometriosis
depends on the severity of the condition, its location, and
Traditionally, hormonal treatment was used in women with the extent of the symptoms as well as the age of the patient
reduced fertility for a short period, e.g. six months, and (effectiveness is reduced in younger women). Surgery for
then stopped, as it was thought that this created “rebound” endometriosis is divided into two strategies: surgery with
fertility. However, a Cochrane review found that there preservation of fertility and surgery if fertility is not desired.
is no increase in fertility after treatment with hormonal
medicines for women with endometriosis.20 In addition, Surgery with preservation of fertility involves laparoscopy to
some medicines, particularly medroxyprogesterone excise or ablate all visible lesions and restore pelvic anatomy.
acetate and some androgenic agents may have lasting It is the more common surgical option, which significantly
effects of ovulation suppression beyond the duration reduces pain in the majority of patients and has the ability
of treatment, although typically not more than a few to retain, and in some cases increase, fertility in women.10
months. The rate of symptom recurrence is higher than with more
aggressive, non-preservative techniques, however, the ability
to maintain fertility outweighs this for many women. 10 A
prophylactic appendectomy is sometimes performed during
surgery, especially if the patient presents with right-sided
pain, as abnormal appendix pathology has a high prevalence
in women with endometriosis.10

Radical surgery is limited to women with endometriosis who

do not wish to conceive, and after all medical treatments
have been unsuccessfully trialled.9 More aggressive surgical

24 BPJ Issue 52
options that do not preserve fertility involve hysterectomy, Adhesions are thought to result from the inflammation of
adnexectomy (removal of the fallopian tubes), oophorectomy peritoneal surfaces. The risk of this occurrence is not well
(removal of the ovaries). The excision of all visible peritoneal known, and may be increased by surgical intervention.
lesions is standard alongside all aggressive treatments. Patients Sequelae may include pain, structural changes to the pelvic
undergoing radical surgery should be counselled about and reproductive organs and bowel obstruction.
the possibility of symptoms persisting even after complete
bilateral oophorectomy and hysterectomy, and the adverse Ovarian failure occurs in 2.4% of women after ablation of
effects associated with early, medically-induced menopause. ovarian endometriomas, even with the less aggressive surgical
Oestrogen-replacement treatment may be required and interventions.10
should be discussed with the consulting surgeon.10

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Thank you to Associate

Professor Neil Johnson, Gynaecologist & Infertility
Long-term complications are common in women with Specialist, Auckland for expert guidance in developing
endometriosis. Common complications are adhesion this article.
formation and ovarian failure post-surgery.

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