Vallejo Stepbystep Russian Thick Mud EN
Vallejo Stepbystep Russian Thick Mud EN
Vallejo Stepbystep Russian Thick Mud EN
By Chema Cabrero
1 The reference Thick Russian Mud depicts the dark 2 Thick Mud is can be applied using a hard fiber or 3 In some areas the product can be removed
tone of Russian earth, a dense and very realistic stiff brush, in several layers to give the impression partially, using a flat brush dampened with water,
texture which contains traces of vegetation, ideal of the volume and irregular texture of accumulated to blend the texture where it has accumulated
for giving a muddy appearance to the model or as mud. more.
a diorama base.
4 It is very easy to obtain various different results by 5 Now streaking traces, blending
thinning down the product with water or even with with thick areas, can be added.
Vallejo Thinner 71.361. For this a flat brush has been
used with vertical movements.
The thick Mud Effects dry with a
real, slightly glossy finish which
suggests the humid nature
of the product.