Bye Laws Societies

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The bye-laws are an agreement adopted by the Society upon registration of the Society. However, our Society is as yet unregistered. One of the goals
of the current Executive Committee is to have the members revise, update and finalize the bye-laws and then have them registered. Until then we are
following a draft of the bye-laws given below.

To view or download the entire document, see here. Otherwise, to view only one or more sections, see the table of contents below.

Section Description
1-2 Scope and Objectives of the Bye-laws
2 Definitions
3 Services
4 Membership
5 Executive Committee
6 Admission
7-8 Meeting and Quorum
9-10 Accounts, Auditing and Monetary Power
11 General Conditions
12 Maintenance Charges
13 Election and Term of Office
14-15 Compliance and Amendments of Bye-Laws

The draft was made in 2005 and the monetary values referred to in there are outdated. The relevant updated values are given below.

Description Amount Approved by

Corpus Fund ₹ 15,000 GBM Minutes of 25 Jan 2009
1-2 Scope and Objectives

The mere acquisition or taking on rent or license of any flat or the mere act of occupancy of any flat or part of a flat in SRINIDHI APARTMENTS
(OMKARESHWAR) located at Plot No 6, Vasavinagar, Secunderabad 500015, will signify that the Bye-Laws of THE SRINIDHI APARTMENTS
(OMKARESHWAR) RESIDENTS WELFARE ASSOCIATION are accepted, ratified and will be complied with. All present or future owners, all
present tenants and/or future tenants and/or their employees and/or any other person that might use facilities of the apartments by any manner are
subject to the regulations set forth in these bydaws.


2.1.To function as a welfare society on a no profit-no-loss basis for the owners for maintaining common facilities like water supply, electricity, stilts
lifts, common areas and such other things as may be required for common use of the members of the Association.

2.2.To provide and maintain common services like security, sanitation, cleaning etc., and upkeep of the premises.

2.3.To initiate and mobilize cooperative efforts for the common good wherever deemed necessary.

2.4.To provide any other facilities or organize welfare activities like social, cultural, recreational and health activities, which are of common interest

2.5.To take up works like white washing, painting of common areas and exterior of the building including any other activity for the upkeep and
maintaining of the building.

2 Definitions


b)“SOCIETY” means the association of all the apartments owners constituted by such owners of the SRINIDHI APARTMENTS
(OMKARESHWAR), acting as a group in accordance with the provisions made by it in the byelaws.

c)“BUILDING” OR “APARTMENTS” means the building known as SRINIDHI APARTMENTS (OMKARESHWAR) located 6, Vasavinagar,
Secunderabad 500015.

d)“OWNER” means the person owning the flat in the SRINIDHI APARTMENTS (OMKARESHWAR) apartments. If an owner owns more than
one flat for the purpose of these byelaws and all other purposes he/she will be treated as separate owner for each flat. In case of joint ownership any
one of the joint owner can he called as owner. However, their voting right will he restricted to only one vote per flat.

e)“MAJORITY OF OWNERS” means those owners holding 51 percent of votes.

f)“TERM” means a period of 12 months from 01-04-2007.

g)“COMMON AREAS AND FACILITIES” means and includes

1.The land on which the building is located.

2.The entire building as a whole including compound walls.
3.The stairs, corridors, terraces, slits, ramps, entrances, exits of building, common parking areas, gardens, open areas within and outside but adjacent
to the compound walls etc.
4.Common services such as power, lifts, water tanks, bore wells, pumps, motors, ducts, electrical meters, transformer, postal boxes, etc.
5.All other parts of the building/property necessary and convenient to its existence, maintenance, safety, health and whatever is in common use.

h)“COMMON EXPENSES” include all sums rationally assessed against the owners/residents by the general body/executive committee as
applicable to meet expenses of administration, maintenance of building, common areas, facilities and other purpose common in nature to all
3 Services

3.1.General Security

3.2.Regular water supply and periodical cleaning of water tanks


3.4.Operation and maintenance of common equipment and facilities such as lift and water pumps etc.

3.5.Maintenance of lighting in the common areas

3.6.Building maintenance such as periodical white wash, color & painting etc.

3.7.Maintenance of parking areas, lawn and tot lot areas

3.8.Any other common services

4 Membership

4.1.All flat owners of SRINIDHI APARTMENTS (OMKARESHWAR) apartments shall automatically be the members of the society in
accordance with the Apartments Act No.29/1987 of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and shall pay a sum of Rs.50/- as membership fee and upon
payment of the same shall obtain a copy of the byelaws.

4.2.A copy of the byelaws shall he kept on the notice board, initially for the information of all the members. A copy shall be kept in the
office of the Association and will be produced on written request by any flat owner for his/her perusal and shall be returned to the Association.
4.3.In the event of purchase or succession of flat the new owner shall be responsible for all the dues payable to the Association by the
ex-owner, if any. The Association will be responsible to provide common facilities to the new owner only after payment of dues to the
Association. However, new member will be informed about the dues to be paid by ex-member, if any, in case he makes a written request
with Executive Committee before purchase of flat. The new owner shall pay the membership fee/corpus fund to the Association and the
corpus fund is not transferable from ex-owner under any circumstances.The corpus fund amount (is flat independent) will be Rsl0,000/
and may be increased hereafter at any General Body Meeting.

4.4.In the event of the death of a member, the membership shall be transferred to the legal heir of the member subject to the production
of necessary certificates.

5 Executive Committee

5.1.The Association activities are carried out by the office bearers, namely, President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
In addition the executive committee comprising of 2 (TWO) duly elected representatives from all TWO blocks from and out of the
resident owners will function as Executive Members and an ex-officio member of the committee.

5.2.The Executive Committee and office bearers shall govern the affairs of the society for a term of 1 (ONE) years from 01-04-2007.

5.3.Elections to the executive committee and office bearers shall normally be held in the month of January after the expiry of the term
of ONE year and charge will be handed over to the new committee by the President on behalf of the outgoing committee upon the expiry
of the term of the office.

5.4.If a member of the executive committee wishes to resign, he/she shall inform the same in writing to the President or the Secretary
at least 15 days in advance. He or she shall however be responsible until the charge of the post as the case may be. If President/Secretary/
Treasurer resigns, the General Body may accept the resignation and it can re-elect among themselves someone to fill up the vacancy.
However, any re-nomination/re-election shall take place only in the General Body meeting.
5.5.In the event of resignation/removal of an executive member the President may accept the resignation and shall with the majority opinion
of other office bearers and Executive Members fill up the Vacancy or nominate another member to the executive committee to take charge
of the post of the member who vacated office.

a)Member(s) of the executive committee including office-bearers shall cease to continue in office if an “no confidence motion” is passed
against the member(s) in an extra ordinary general body meeting convened for this purpose by two third votes from the general body members

b)To convene an extra ordinary general body meeting for such purpose as in (a) above, written requisition from more than one-third of
owners shall be submitted to the Secretary and/or President of the Society. Upon receipt of such requisition the Secretary shall call for an
extra ordinary general body meeting within 15 days from the date of receipt of such requisition.

c)Before voting for such removal/resignation the executive committee member(s) be given the opportunity of being heard

5.7.Tenants are not permitted to become Executive Committee Member.

6 Admission

6.1.The President shall be overall in charge of the administration and shall preside at all meetings of the Society. All the decisions of the
Executive Committee shall be communicated under the signature of the President or Secretary as the case may be.

6.2.In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall discharge all the duties of thePresident in addition to his own duties, with the
assistance of Secretary.

6.3.The Secretary shall control and administer day to day affairs of the society. He/she shall keep the minutes of meetings. He shall have
the charge of minute's books and papers of the society. He shall issue notices for all meetings. He shall have the power to issue/sign on all
papers on behalf of society. Secretary shall also maintain stock list of assets. Joint Secretary shall take charge of the secretary in absence
of the Secretary. He shall also perform such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned by the committee. Secretary shall handover
the concerned papers and other items while proceeding on leave to the Joint Secretary.

6.4.The President and the Secretary shall adhere to the majority opinion of the executive committee in all the matters of common concern.

6.5.Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for Association's funds and securities and shall also be responsible for keeping full and
accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements in the books of accounts belonging to the Association. He shall be responsible for
collection, deposit and withdrawals of all moneys and other valuables in the name and to the credit of Association. The withdrawals from
the bank shall only be done jointly with signature of the “Secretary and Treasurer” or “President and Treasurer”.

6.6.The executive members shall be responsible for their respective portfolios.

6.7.The executive committee members as well as office bearers have the right to enter any flat for inspection or for under taking any
maintenance work, which otherwise affects other members, without causing any disturbance whatsoever to the privacy of the concerned
resident of the flat and they are expected to behave well with a sense of courtesy, decency and discipline with the inmates of the concerned
flat while discharging their duties as such.

6.8.Installation of any new facility for long term use involving more than Rs.20000/- shall be taken up with the prior approval of the
general body meeting only.

6.9.The general body meeting will decide from time to time maintenance charges which shall be payable every month by all owners/residents.

6.10.Financial contribution, when required for providing any additional facility meant for long term use, shall be made by all the owners after
due approval by the General body.

6.11.In case of any dues to society towards maintenance charges the executive committee as well as office-bearers have the right to demand
all such dues from the resident. The tenant will have to make the payment first and later on recover the same from the flat owner. However,
the ultimate responsibility of clearing the dues lies with the owner.

6.12.The executive committee along with office-bearers can appoint staff of technical personnel on contract basis for maintaining common
facilities and services. Existing staff can be removed before the expiry of their term only on the ground of charges of violation of discipline
and service rules, as may be decided by the executive committee from time to time.

6.13.The Secretary/President or any other executive committee member is acting for and behalf of the Association. As such they shall not
be held responsible under any circumstances either individually or jointly for the acts done by them in a fiduciary capacity being bonafide
and in good faith. Hence, all the important issues including draft letter shall be discussed and approved fey Executive Committee before
taking any action on all such activities.

7-8 Meeting and Quorum


7.1.The general body meeting shall normally be held once in a year in the month of March and the executive committee meeting shall
normally be held at least once in 2 months. These meetings are presided by the President. In the absence of the President, the Secretary
shall preside or may nominate one of the committee members to chair the meeting. All the members are expected to attend the meeting
without fail.

7.2.Extra ordinary general body meeting can be requested by a group of reddents, representing not less than one-third of total members.
Such request should be made in writing to Secretary or President at least 5(five) days in advance which can be reduced at the discretion
of President or Secretary depending upon the urgency of the matter to be discussed at such meeting.

7.3.The executive committee to transact any special business can also call for Extra Ordinary General Body meeting suo motto if the
majority of members so decide.

7.4.Executive committee meetings can be called more than once in a month at the discretion of the President or Secretary or based on
request by executive members. For ordinary executive committee meeting an advance notice of twenty four hours is suggested. However
extra ordinary executive committee meeting can be conducted for specific purpose at short notice.

7.5.Notices of General body meeting are generally notified by the Secretary In writing to the registered members through the residents
of the respective flats at least 5 days in advance, but not more than 15 days in advance. Such notice is deemed to have duly served if it is
displayed on the notice board provided in the campus.

7.6.Notice of the extra ordinary genera! body meetings with specific agenda are sent by the Secretary in writing to the residents and/or
owners of the flats at least 3 days in advance, but not more than 7 days in advance. Such notice is deemed to have served if it is displayed
in the Notice Board provided in the campus.

7.7.Non receipt of these notices by some of the owners/residents does not necessitate “Postponement of the meeting or treating the resolutions
passed in that meeting as invalid”. Provided the meeting has quorum as mentioned infra.

7.8.No other business shall ordinarily be transacted at extra ordinary meetings except for the purpose for which it is called for.


8.1.The owners shall have one vote for one flat.

8.2.Fifty two percent of the total owners shall be the quorum for any genera! body meeting and 52% of the executive committee members
including office bearers for the executive committee meetings.

8.3.In case a general body meeting is postponed by at least 2 times for want of quorum, one fifth of the owners shall be the quorum for the
adjourned meeting with the same agenda.

8.4.A resolution is treated as accepted in the meeting if at least 52% of the owners present in person/proxy in writing express their approval
by show of hands.

8.5.Any adult member of the registered flat owner's (first name in case of joint ownership) family can attend the general body meeting and
participate in the election. Proxy in writing is entitled to participate and vote on behalf of owner.

8.6.Any adult member of the tenant's family can attend the genera! body meetings. However, the tenant has no voting right.
9-10 Accounts, Auditing and Monetary Power

9.1.Accounts: A bank account shall fee opened by the Association into which all amounts received on behalf of the Association shall be
deposited. The treasurer shall operate the same jointly with either Secretary or President as the case may be. The Secretary/Treasurer may
retain in his personal custody an amount as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time, for petty expenses as imprest amount.

9.2.The Association shall present in AGM audited accounts up to 31st March of every year.

a)Income and Expenditure account is to be prepared for the first year and then every year commencing from Ist April to 31st March of fee
following years.

b)The first balance sheet shall be for the year ending on 31st March 2006 and thereafter for every year ending 31st March.

c)Auditors report for the year ending concerned.

9.3.Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining proper accounts of all the transactions of the Association for that:

a)Secretary shall authorize the treasurer for disbursement of cash and for carrying out any activity for the society.

b)Residents (be owner or tenant) deposit if any can be treated as corpus fund and shall be kept in a fixed deposit in a nationalized bank.

c)All receipts towards maintenance charges shall be kept in a savings account of a nationalized bank and shall be utilized for day to day
expenditure of the Association.

d)The Treasurer shall present the month-wise accounts in the executive committee meetings.

e)The Treasurer shall present in AGM an Income-Expenditure Account and the balance sheet along with the audit report for the year as
stated supra in para 9.2.

a)General Body shall appoint who shall audit the accounts of the association and he shall submit his audit report duly signed by him with
comments if any.

b)The auditor shall be entitled to call for Books of accounts and examine any papers or documents belonging to the Association necessary
for the purpose of audit from the treasurer, and shall upon completion of audit submit the audit report to the Association.

c)The executive committee and the office bearer shall co-operate with the auditor in all respects for the smooth conduct of the audit.


10.1.The Secretary can spend the money without any approval routine items like monthly payments to the staff, stationery charges, typing,
photocopying etc., and such payments are to be reimbursed by the treasurer upon production of relevant vouchers in support of such

10.2.The Secretary can spend not more than Rs.3000/- on non-routine and nonrecurring expenses. However, this expenditure details should
be presented and ratified by the executive committee in the next meeting.

10.3.The secretary can spend at a time not more than Rs.5000/- on non-routine and non-recurring activities, with the prior approval of the
executive committee members.

10.4.The monetary ceilings can be revised from time to time as decided/agreed in General body meeting.

11 General Conditions
11.1.The flats are to be strictly used for residential purpose only by the members/tenants.

11.2.The Association reserves the right to restrict the entry of outsiders due to security reasons, etc.

11.3.No commercial activity is to be undertaken by the residents in their respective flats and the right of entry to their clients or customers
is therefore restricted. However, this clause is not applicable to professionals to carry in their professional activities, which cannot be termed
as commercial activity. Whether the activity is of a professional nature or commercial nature is to decide by the executive committee, whose
decision will be the final binding.

11.4.An outsider is not allowed to undertake any commercial activity in “SRINIDHI APARTMENTS (OMKARESHWAR)” under any
circumstances, unless specifically permitted by the executive committee of the Association for the benefit of its members only but not otherwise.
Gambling and/or sale of liquor is not permitted inside the flats. Consumption of alcoholic drinks in the public places of complex by any member
of the resident's family or outsider is not permitted.

11.5.The resident shall be responsible for any damages caused in relation to common facilities by any resident or by any member of his/he
r family or by the visitors of such resident The executive committee shall assess the monetary value of the damage and the concerned resident
shall pay the amount of compensation within 30 days of receipt of written intimation from the association.

11.6.Every resident shall co-operate with the other residents by avoiding:

a)Loud noise by playing music system, stereo, TV, etc. particularly during nights.

b)Throwing of garbage, water, etc. onto common passage, verandah or balcony.

c)Drying clothes, keeping garbage and luggage, etc. in the common corridor, parking area, steps, etc.

11.7.The executive committee shall not interfere with the personal activities of residents, except when it affects common facilities or
of the association or causing or likely to cause nuisance to the residents concerned.

11.8.The owner/resident shall bring to the notice of the association before making any major modifications inside the fiat. Association
also communicate its decision within thirty days from the date of receipt of such notice. Modification inside flat if contemplated shall be
of minor in nature and should not create any damage/inconvenience to the building as a whole and/or common areas and to the neighboring/
adjacent flats.

11.9.NO DUES CERTIFICATE from the association is to be obtained by any flat owner who intends to sell his/her flat which states that
there are no dues from such owner to the Association. The seller of the flat shall therefore clear all the dues to the Association and shall
obtain the no due certificate from the association as otherwise the new owner is liable to pay to the association all such dues of the previous
owner before occupying the flat.

11.10.All owners shall give intimations to the association whenever the flat is given for rent along with the residents name, address and
telephone numbers of both office and residence. The same address shall remain in the records of association until any further change of
address is intimated to the association.

11.11.Lifts shall not be used for heavy luggage and are exclusively meant as a passenger lift. It is strictly implemented.

12 Maintenance Charges

12.1.Irrespective of the oral or written agreement between the flat owner and the tenant, the resident (be it owner or tenant) of flat is
responsible for the payment of maintenance charges regularly every month. However, the overall responsibility lies with the owner to
see that the tenant pays maintenance charges to the Association to maintain smooth and cordial atmosphere between residents. In case
of default by the tenant it is explicitly made clear that the liability develops upon the flat owner. For vacant flats full main tain ance
charges are to be paid. No waiver is allowed.

12.2.In case of any dues from the resident, the flat owners will be informed of dues pending either from owner/tenant as the case maybe
for more than 2 months and a penalty of 10% of the amount due is to be levied in case of default for more than 3 months. A notice is to
be given and then appropriate action deemed necessary including denying common facilities shall be undertaken by the executive committee
against the defaulting resident. Executive committee can however waive the penalty partly/fully in genuine cases, upon receiving application
by the concerned resident and after reviewing the matter in its meeting.

12.3.The quantum of maintenance charges shall be decided in general body meeting from time to time and if executive committee feels
an increase is required they shall call for extra-ordinary general body meeting for this purpose.

12.4.Maintenance charges shall he paid to the treasurer/to the specified person by the residents by cash or cheque and shall obtain a receipt.

12.5.Monthly maintenance charges shall be paid regularly by every resident on or before 10th of every month without any intimation.
It is to be strictly implemented.

12.6.The association will intimate in writing at least one month in advance any change in the maintenance charges. Non-receipt of the
same shall not be a valid reason for non-payment of increased charges.

12.7.If any major maintenance work(s) of expenditure is/are undertaken by the association each owner to that effect shall make his/her
share of contribution as decided by the General body/executive committee.

12.8.Non-utilization of some or all common services and facilities by a resident does not provide for a reduction in the maintenance
charges payable by him/her.

12.9.In case flat remains vacant for sometime, he/she make arrangements for payment of full maintenance charges to the association well
within time.

12.10.In case flat remains vacant say for one month, for any reason, then the registered owner has to pay the maintenance charges fixed
for vacant flats.

12.11.For the purpose of maintenance charges, part of a month shall be treated as one month and the maintenance charges shall be paid in
full for one month.

12.12.Any resident who wants to conduct any function on the terrace/in the common area shall pay the amount fixed by the executive
committee from time to time to the association towards incidental charges.
13 Election and Term of Office

13.1.A member of the general body being an owner of flat shall be appointed as an election officer. All the executive committee members
and office bearers shall retire on completion of the term of office i.e., one year from last election. If eligible and willing to be reappointed,
any or all the executive members and office-bearers may be re-nominated for election for another successive term i.e., (two years). However,
in no case the term of officer bearers and that of executive members shall exceed two successive terms continuously. However, if due to
any reason such as procedural delays if elections get delayed the office bearers and executive committee shall hold office until successor
body has been elected. If sufficient nominations are not received then members to the extent of deficit will be selected by lottery and shall
be binding to all.

13.2.Election officer shall call for election, invite nominations and conduct free and fair election by show of hands or in a secret ballot
systems if need be. The executive committee shall extend all necessary administrative help to election officer. His decision is final in all
matters related to election.

14-15 Compliance and Amendments of Bye-Laws


14.1.The bye-laws are set forth to comply with the requirements of Andhra Pradesh Apartments (Promotion of Construction and Ownership) Act,
1987 in case any of these Bylaws either conflict or are silent with the provisions of the “ACT” will apply.


15.1.These byelaws may be amended by a duly constituted meeting for such purpose and no amendment shall take effect unless approved by the
owners representing at least three-fourth (75%) of the total number of flat owners in the association.
The rules are listed in the documents below.

Name Description
Maintenance Charges Method of maintenance amount calculation currently in effect.
Rules of Posting Rules of posting on the Notice Board in cellar.
Watchmen Duties Outline Outline of duties of the two watchmen.

The guidelines are listed in the documents below.

Name Description
Guidelines for Residents Guidelines common to both tenants and resident owners.

The following forms can be downloaded for use by owners and tenants of Srinidhi Apartments:

Personal data forms:

o Resident Owner Data Form for use by owners residing in the apartments.
o Non-Resident Owner Data Form for use by owners residing away from the apartments and renting out their flat.
o Tenant Data Form for use by new tenants of the apartments.

Requisition forms:
o Requisition Form for requesting exclusive use of common facilities of the apartments.

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