Alchemical Tools & Ingredients - 1D100

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Alchemical Tools & Ingredients – 1D100

1. Lead ingot 37. Magnifying glass

2. Lye (powder) 38. Cobalt ingot
3. Wax 39. Yellow bile (1 vial)
4. Alembic 40. White phosphorus (powder)
5. Astrology chart 41. Crucible
6. Aludel 42. Talc crystals
7. Blood (1 vial) 43. Sulfur blocks
8. Athanor 44. Copper ingot
9. Silver ingot 45. Cupel
10. Balance 46. Telescope
11. Manganese ingot 47. Amethyst crystals
12. Tungsten ingot 48. Glass vial
13. Quicksilver ingot 49. Clay
14. Beaker 50. Constellation chart
15. Quartz crystals 51. Granite work surface
16. Electrum ingot 52. Quicksilver (liquid)
17. Burette 53. Brass ingot
18. Phlegm (1 vial) 54. Hessian crucible
19. Fool’s gold ingot 55. Black bile (1 vial)
20. Nickel ingot 56. Calcite
21. Tantalum ingot 57. Saltpeter
22. Mirror 58. Cloth filter
23. Jade 59. Cyanide
24. Moonstone 60. Talcum powder
25. Charcoal biscuits 61. Ancient text
26. Tin ingot 62. Potassium block
27. Algarot 63. Garnet
28. Salt 64. Palladium ingot
29. Cadmium ingot 65. Smelling salts
30. Prism 66. Obsidian
31. Centrifuge 67. Calamine cream
32. Alchemist’s journal 68. Agate
33. Onyx 69. Scroll of transmutation circles
34. Lime (powder) 70. Iron ingot
35. Iridium ingot 71. Bloodstone
36. Clay vessel 72. Mortar and pestle
73. Amber
74. Bronze ingot
75. Occult symbol
76. Abacus
77. Magnesium ingot
78. Rhodium (powder)
79. Zinc ingot
80. Retort
81. Lapis lazuli
82. Arsenic
83. Spider silk
84. Pearl
85. Gold ingot
86. Red phosphorus (powder)
87. Retort stand
88. Ruthenium ingot
89. Bismuth ingot
90. Aqua Fortis
91. Sand bath
92. Platinum ingot
93. Show globe
94. Still
95. Orichalcum ingot
96. Scrying stone
97. Alkahest
98. Panacea
99. Elixir of life
100. Philosopher’s stone
100Black Market 8 A six-pack of potions tied together.
1 A book full of strange markings said to A note on one of the potions reads
have been taken from the dead head of a “This One Isn’t Poisoned!” The note
cult. In reality, it was a book scribbled in magically moves between bottles when
by a toddler. unexamined. The potions refill every
evening at dusk.
2 The Left Hand of Maaug – A large
gauntlet covered in blades. It weighs 9 A wand that can give a wish at who ever
a good 25 lbs., and as such is all but is targeted but it got mixed up with 20
impossible to wear. other wands some possibly deadly.

3 The Bell of Beloved Fortune- Said to 10 Illegal alcoholic beverages spiked with
bring true love- to your best friendswhen Illithid blood. It is said to have a strong
rung. Does not actually provide hallucinogen effect when consumed.
any romantic benefit to the owner.
11 A petrified toad. When held in the
4 Seventeen Key Ring - Each key has a cusp of one’s palm for a minute, the
5% toad’s body warms up and comes back
chance of opening a lock you find. Once to life. Whoever did so can command
a key has opened something, it will not fit it to go to a location and stay there for
any other lock up to 12 hours. Afterwards, it attempts
. to travel back to its user. The user
5 The Loud Coin - This grimy copper cups the toad again for a minute until
coin, when thrown on the ground, loudly it petrifies, and they gain access to the
comments on everything within 60 feet toad’s recent memories.
of it in Common, giving an accurate (if
unflattering) description of the room and 12 Counterfeits of prestigious wines,
all its occupants. spirits,
cheeses, and the like. Well, surely they’re
6 Periapt of Porcine Attraction – This counterfeits- otherwise there wouldn’t be
amulet makes the wearer adorable to pigs, so much, sold at such discount prices.
boars, and similar beasts. The animals
will not harm the wearer, nor are they 13 The deed to a tavern, hostel, or other
romantically interested; instead, they innocuous city building; it has a large,
simply cuddle up to the wearer and stare clean basement with hidden side rooms,
at them lovingly. perfect for a secret laboratory, meeting
room, vault, torture chamber, or
7 A dwarven heart on ice. Great for health whathave-
potions! you.
7 Clod the Unburning – A large, roughly
hewn table with “CLOD WUZ HERE” 14 A scroll containing the secrets to
carved into one corner. The table is finding
absolutely and utterly fireproof; even on and operating a magically hidden cavern
the elemental plane of fire, it feels cool base in the mountains.
and firm. It’s also a heavy table.
22 Dossiers of blackmail on city
officials that magically update as 15 Maps of secret passageways in the
more blackmail becomes known underbelly of old cities or castles, sold
to the criminal underworld. The next to maps of recorded passageways
organizations that sell these magic between the Underdark and the surface
envelopes censor information on the world. They have some warning symbols
bribes they perform. on them, but they probably don’t
account for every danger. The maps
23 A ‘Calinic breed’ cat. Striped purplish, are unreadable to those who haven’t
it can sense poison, and prefers to purchased them.
eat poisoned food, even if it is full.
Luckily the cat seems to be immune 16 A writ granting one favor, within
to poisons, toxins, acids, and venoms. reason, from a criminal syndicate.
It will also eat oozes and slimes. Your payment helps keep them in
Unfortunately, it otherwise behaves business. The write can be magically
like a normal cat; there are very few tracked by them.
people who want to take care of a cat
and simultaneously find a Calinic’s 17 A magical vellum parchment that can
abilities useful at this market, so the be wrapped around a limb to make
seller is probably offering the cat at a it look like a wooden prosthetic, or
lowered price. around a weapon to make it look like
an innocuous object of similar size
24 Prankster’s gold, a liquid that turns and proportions.
into 100gp in recently minted gold
coins for 24 hours after being poured 18 Binary poisons. Each is sold as a
out of the vial, before turning into pair of dropper jars. Anyone who
an odorless gas. The vials are sold consumes an effective dosage of the
both individually and in bulk, and in first and second jars’ contents within
different sizes. Understandably no one 36 hours of each other suffers the
in this marketplace accepts gold coins effects of the full, original poison or
as a form of tender. drug. There are multiple different
poisons and drugs being sold in this
25 An unremarkable-looking prayer fashion.
candle. A precise wax-shaping
technique has been used to hide 19 A trained mimic.
magic sigils inside the body of the
candle, such that when the wick is 20 A mirror or lens that can be used to see
burnt it generates a field from which invisible things but has horrible glare
no sound can escape in a 12-ft radius. when exposed to most light sources.
The candle burns out faster than
normal, though, usually in about 10 21 An advanced innovation in the new
minutes. It’ll simply look like you and field
whoever else you’re meeting with are of gunsmithing - the Apache Revolver.
praying silently, provided you aren’t Treat as a revolver (if you’re using 5e,
gesticulating at each other. the rules are on pg. 268 of the DMG)
with a built-in knife and brass knuckles.
26 A phial of aboleth mucus. Probably not called the ‘Apache’ revolver
unless that’s a place in your setting. And 40 Contracts from a local assassin’s guild.
yes, it’s not a very practical weapon, but it
seems to be selling fast. 27 A small ivory replica of a king’s
33 A Clockwork Thing that you don’t Its owner is able to participate in fractal
know what it does – It’s got sort of a chess, a version of the popular board
brassy part and a springy part, and a game with no set number of players
glass tube, and the merchant is very and an incomprehensibly large playing
insistent you keep it on the hush-hush board. Players can communicate with
that he’s selling it. each other, regardless of physical or
planar distance, but can only do so
34 Cutting of Carnivorous living plants when they make a turn, so messages
– Just think, planted in the right by way of fractal chess are slow. There
soil you could have your very own is only a single game going on, which
assassin vine in your garden. That’ll started with its invention. There hasn’t
chase the crows out. been a winner for thousands of years,
but there are plenty of losers.
35 A dark scrying glass – Only shows
you things you’re better off not 28 A compass that points to the person
seeing. This one came to the who
merchant after the previous owner has the most money on them in a room.
looked in and fell into a suicidal Doesn’t work outside.
29 A portable peephole fashioned like a
36 A glove that allows you to rewrite an circle of steel, about half as large as a
entire document in an instant when human fist. The corrugated end is placed
you touch it with the glove. to the surface of a solid object, then
rotated clockwise, causing it to sink into
37 A dwarf coated in what looks like a the surface. This creates a purely visual
decade of dirt promises to be able to hole (it’s a visual illusion, rather than an
gain access to any building in the city, actual aperture) all the way through to
assuming money and cleanliness is no the other end of the object. To remove,
object. one would grasp the blunted tines on the
outward-facing end and rotate
38 A Human with a mechanical arm counterclockwise.
claims they can crack any safe you
bring them, for the right price and a 30 The Talking Fungi – a fungus that
share of the goods. when
eaten let’s you speak and understand all
39 Infernal Paradise – A painting languages for 1 Hour. When the effects
depicting the infernal realms. If ends you forget how to speak for 1 day.
you splash it with blood, it opens a
portal to said realms. If you are really 31 Torture Wine – Tastes like delicious
unlucky some of the denizens will fine
take the chance to come through the wine. After a long rest, the user becomes
portal. overwhelmed with pain is unable to
move or take any actions for 24 hours. command word (shashasha!). A
During this time, they must make a doorway equal to the space the sand
wisdom save (DC 15) or they will be covers (no greater than 10×10 feet)
emotionally scarred from the horrible opens for 1d6 minutes. The sand falls
experience (-1 to charisma permanently) into the pocket dimension on use and
is consumed. There is enough sand to
32 Doses of “Juiblex,” – Phials of a cover a 10×10 foot space, or 4 separate
viscous 5×5 foot spaces. If used multiple
black liquid that causes catatonic euphoria times, each doorway leads to the same
and is extremely hazardous to one’s pocket dimension.
52 A stuffed Tabaxi Ranger, I call it
47 A fake-lactery (aka – A Fool’s Tabaxidermy.
Phylactery). If you have the item on
you (which is the size of your fist) and 41 Forgery services – seal (search,
drop to 0 hp, your soul goes into the impound, stop the bearer or this cargo
device and stays there for one long at your own risk) / taxes paid / writ of
rest. Then you return into your body safe passage.
with 1 hp and 2 levels of exhaustion.
The item breaks after. 42 A nervous thief trying to sell a fake
eye made of ivory with an opal iris
48 Back-water Love potions – Very that he stole from an old sea captain.
effective (DC 15 wisdom save) and Says that it brings bad dreams and
lasts for 1 week. The drinker falls whispers to him in the dark.
head-over-heels (or heels-over-head
if you’d prefer) in love with whoever 43 The Old Flute – A strange, yet
gave them the drink. But there’s beautifully carved wooden flute.
10% chance of the drinker becomes When played, it rouses the blood of
obsessive, stalker-ish, even violent allies and strikes a primal fear into the
towards other potential suitors. If this hearts of foes. When played under a
occurs, the drinker will stay this way Hunter’s Moon, it will summon the
for a month instead of a week. Wild Hunt.

49 A mirror that, when hung in a room, 44 The Eldritch Key – Sold by a rather
let’s you see through door and walls in haggard and nervous looking exthief.
the reflection. She claims that the key can
open any lock even ones that are
50 A dagger that always misses the target. magically protected. However
Excellent for screwing over that what she doesn’t tell you, is that the
special someone. more you use it, the more you see a
shambling abomination, crawling out
51 Pocket (dimension) sand – a small of the dark, in the corner of your eye.
bag of sand that is enchanted to open Naturally nothing is there when you
a doorway to a pocket dimension. look. Maybe.
To use, scatter the sand on a surface
of your choosing, and utter the 45 The Two-Faced Shield – A large
metal shield with the image of item, but has a 1d8 chance of
two screaming faces opposing one shattering with a random spell effect
another. While equipped, when cast upon the wielder (AOE spells
damage is successfully blocked the affect wielder and all friendly/hostiles
shield casts Cutting Words on the in range)
attacker. While equipped, when the
user takes damage the shield casts 67 A caged black cat, whom has an aura
Cutting Words on the user. of dark energy; all creatures who come
close to the cat have their life force
46 An old gnome that speaks in a raspy sapped by the cat’s aura.
whisper. Sells necromantic spell scrolls
and offers discounts if the buyer can 68 Religious artifacts that have been
provide blood. banned in the region.

61 A kabuki style demon mask. It gives 53 A small orb you keep in your pocket.
the user advantage on intimidation It gently buzzes when someone talks
checks, but disadvantage on persuasion about you with hatred or malicious
checks, and any investigation or intent (provided you’re within 250
perception check that relies on vision, feet of them).
as the eye slits are too small (that could
be solved with spending time to file 54 A kobold skull that grants you luck (1
the eye holes larger). You could either re-roll of a d20 once per day). Being
curse it, or have some trickster line the around kobolds will cause them to
inside of the mask with sovereign glue. attack you en mass and with great
62 A baby grimlock. Blind, mewling, and
defenseless. Could possibly be raised to 55 A Spherical puzzle box – Gives off a
be a servant of some kind. malevolent aura and certainly does
not pass a “Detect Evil,” check. The
63 A Hand of Glory – Any not evil Merchant assures you that it can be
aligned creature other than the opened, but asks that you please not
wielder within 30 feet of the lit candle try it until you are well away from
is subject to a DC 18 Hold Person them.
spell. A creature paralyzed in this way
loses 3d6 maximum health and the 56 Elemental Spheres – Handheld glass
beginning of each of their turns. spheres designed to be thrown and
shattered to release the trapped (and
64 Powdered Roc’s Beak. Consume to quite upset about it) elemental inside.
polymorph into a giant eagle. Their manufacture was officially
prohibited after a number of grisly
65 A ring of keys, each cloned from a accidents, but there is always a market
different room in a nearby manse. for an easily concealed destructive
66 An unstable weapon, crafted from
fusing multiple enchanted items 57 Lembas-style bread – An off brand
together. The weapon is a powerful Elvish baked good made by off-brand
elves. They might just be goblins would be set on fire; if they tried
actually. Fairly sustaining, but tastes to steal from someone, an object of
foul, as if it’s mostly rancid suet. theirs would disappear and reappear in
someone else’s possession, et cetera.
58 A perfectly ordinary apple. It’s the only
thing at this old woman’s stall, but you 81 A bar of soap that was supposedly
don’t quite trust it. made from the stomach of a Basilisk.

59 A skull that produces a constant flow of 82 A bauble that looks as though there is
ash from its sockets; produces one pound a miniature universe inside. Looking
of ash per minute. into the bauble for too long can cause
short-term madness, though tieflings
60 Books that have been banned in the are strangely immune.
69 Poisons derived from Beholder eyes,
78 8 stones in a small leather pouch. Red, claimed to have the effects of the eyes
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, they were brewed with.
violet, black. Each casts a spell at its
base level. The stones have qualities 70 Griffin Eggs for high class dining.
which show the amount of times they They’ll leave you full all day.
can be used, ‘perfect’ =3 uses, ‘crazed’
=2 uses, ‘cracked’ =1 use. Once the 71 Ancient Forgotten Currency –
final use is expended the stone shatters valuable collectible coins thought to be
into fine dust. lost to the ages for a millennia. On sale
To use a stone, throw it at the target. today only!
(Red (crazed), fireball;
Orange (perfect), cone of truth; 72 A trained Quasit or Imp in a small
Yellow (perfect), daylight; cage.
Green (perfect), plant growth;
Blue (perfect), create/destroy water; 73 A vial of brass dragon’s blood – Blood,
Indigo (crazed), command; still warm, taken and preserved the
Violet (cracked), animate dead; moment it was slain. Those who
Black (cracked), power word consume are said to be able to detect
annihilate) lies Cast Zone of Truth once. The user
is marked by the magic effects, and
79 A six-pack of Potions of Greater gains a mark on their skin.
Healing. Three of them are actually
disguised Potions of Poison. 50/50 74 Unicorn Horn. They say it’s a cure-all,
chance of drinking either. but you’d have to be a real bastard to
use it.
80 A cursed jumpsuit; the jumpsuit
cannot be removed, and if the wearer 75 The Tainted-Love Necklace – A
tries to perform any sort of crime silver necklace with a purple gem on
it has that crime done to itself. For it. Put one drop of your blood on the
instance, if one wearing the jumpsuit gem. Anyone who wears this necklace
tried to commit arson, their hair will be permanently charmed by you
until they take it off. Wearing the full of hot water will turn the content
necklace long-term causes the wearer in a superb soup – those who eat the
to become greatly addicted to being soup will not need any more food for
charmed (to the giver specifically but the day and will not suffer from cold
also to charm spells in general). VERY environment effect.
illegal; punishment is life in jail in
Neverwinter. 94 Myconid’s Powder – literally
pulverized myconids, great for
76 The services of a band of mercenary empowering sleep-related spells. Side
orcs. effect: the target of those spells will
grow mushrooms on his body for a
77 A favor from an oni. couple of days.

90 Sphere of Great Divination – A black 83 Diamond Blade (+1) – A blade made

obsidian crystal sphere filled with a of diamonds. The tang of the blade is
dark inky fluid. Inside the sphere is a silver, its pommel diamond as well. It
small white dodecahedron with black reflects and refracts light and magic
text on each of its faces. The sphere mysteriously. If on an attack if you
gives off a faint divination aura. As were to add acid, cold, fire, lightning,
an Action, it may be shaken and the poison, thunder, necrotic or radiant
resulting text on the dodecahedron damage to your weapon damage dice,
may be read as it floats to the top roll a 1d8, that added weapon damage
of the sphere. Treat as the spell dice type is changed to:
“Augury”, but may only be used once 1- Acid,
per day, and has a 1d4 chance on use 2- Cold,
to give a random result or one the 3- Fire,
DM chooses. 4- Lightning,
5- Poison,
91 A strange, brown bar, about as 6- Thunder,
thick as a bar of soap. The vendor 7 – necrotic,
claims it comes from a far-off land, 8- Radiant
and requires a deeply arcane ritual
to create. It has a slightly sweet 84 Bugbear saliva – when applied to the
smell; biting into it, you find it has skin, makes the user take 2d4 damage
an incredibly sweet taste. All other but makes them resistant to fire,
foods and desserts pale in comparison thunder, or acid damage for 1d6 hours.
evermore after tasting the glory of the
Chocolate Bar. 85 Key of Mimicking – if key touches
another key, it can take that keys shape
92 Eye of Spying – a mummified eye.
Once attuned the eye can be placed in 86 Lantern of the Sneak Thief – light
a location & the user can see what an from the lantern can not be seen past
eye sees “x” range to anyone outside of the
range, the area appear to be unlit
93 The left foot of a hanged man who
was innocent. If put in a cauldron 87 Skeleton Key – key fits in & can
unlock or lock almost any normal lock. chance one of his fingers will disappear,
88 A pouch containing a blue powder that forever stolen by that thief’s spirit.
when sprinkled on an object makes A goblin skull, which wears a leather
it so that no spell or magic item can muzzle. When removed, he tells the
sense any magic or alignment from the story of his death in a sassy, highpitched
object. The item still retains its magical voice. Every time he starts,
abilities. The powder must be reapplied he changes some details to best fit his
every 6 hours to maintain its effect. listeners (if it has an elf in front of it,
the merchants in its story will be elves
89 A small vial that contains the hairs of a
princess. They are said to bring luck to
young brides.

100 A powerful demon lord named

Eas’thi’kaula who has been trapped in
a tiny, unbreakable glass dome. It will
plead to be released and to be allowed
to do evil things.A seemingly ordinary
marble. When a creature touches
the marble with its bare skin, it feels
a great searing pain, but the marble
doesn’t actually physically harm them
in any way.

95 The memories of a dead guard. The

object itself is the hilt of a dagger
(no blade). When gripped firmly the
holder sees a random memory from
the deceased’s life. Hilt comes with the
seller’s overly sincere guarantee that
it was obtained in the most ethical of
A large eyeball suspended in a jar. It
looks at shape changers and invisible
creatures otherwise it does nothing.
The bones of a nation’s mascot animal
(eg. All swans in England belong to
the queen, or Bald Eagles representing
the USA). Said to have magical
(get specific! Divining, enhancing,
invoking, etc.), aphrodisiac, or male
“potency” enhancing powers.
A leather glove. It is said to come
from a pretty famous thief and to have
brought his powers with it – every
time the user removes it, there’s a 10%
34. Pectolite
Gemstone 1D100 – 35. Grossular
36. Actinolite
Table #1 37. Moonstone
1. Malachite 38. Tusionite
2. Pantellerite 39. Anthophyllite
3. Conichalcite 40. Gypsum
4. Carletonite 41. Sylvite
5. Creedite 42. Wolfenite
6. Annabergite 43. Sapphire
7. Vanadinite 44. Afghanite
8. Andradite 45. Susannite
9. Alunite 46. Lechatelierite
10. Druzy 47. Kunzite
11. Hauyne 48. Charoite
12. Aurichalcite 49. Brazilianite
13. Rubellite 50. Titanite (a.k.a. sphene)
14. Rutile 51. Anhydrite
15. Halite 52. Pollucite
16. Chrysocolla 53. Olivine
17. Boracite 54. Fluorapatite
18. Augite 55. Hibonite
19. Pyrope 56. Jeremejevite
20. Hambergite 57. Ceylonite
21. Lawsonite 58. Goshenite
22. Zincite 59. Villiaumite
23. Clinochlore 60. Kutnohorite
24. Ametrine 61. Celestite (a.k.a. celestine)
25. Agate 62. Nimite
26. Diopside 63. Kimberlite
27. Lammerite 64. Serpentite
28. Tantalite 65. Nephrite
29. Seraphinite 66. Hardystonite
30. Rhodochrosite 67. Smoky
31. Rossmanite 68. Shattuckite
32. Bixbite 69. Amethyst
33. Stolzite 70. Stilbite
71. Wakefieldite 5. Prehnite
72. Labradorite 6. Nepheline (var. elaeolite)
73. Hemimorphite 7. Ruby
74. Amazonite 8. Rosasite
75. Chalcopyrite 9. Austinite
76. Turquoise 10. Boleite
77. Citrine 11. Mendipite
78. Cerussite 12. Spherocobaltite
79. Alexandrite 13. Pargasite
80. Chondrodite 14. Anatase
81. Sunstone 15. Taaffeite
82. Zektzerite 16. Glaucophane
83. Thulite 17. Pyromorphite
84. Dolomite 18. Beryl
85. Elbaite 19. Forsterite
86. Rhodizite 20. Siderite
87. Manganoan calcite 21. Shigaite
88. Pyrite 22. Selenite
89. Chambersite 23. Emerald
90. Normandite 24. Papagoite
91. Corundum 25. Bronzite
92. Carnallite 26. Vauxite
93. Raspite 27. Scorodite
94. Plumbogummite 28. Botallackite
95. Rose 29. Tinzenite
96. Alabaster 30. Spodumene
97. Bornite 31. Ankerite
98. Polyhalite 32. Cuprite
99. Poudretteite 33. Brookite
100. Clintonite 34. Dumortierite
35. Pietersite
Gemstone 1D100 – 36. Bowenite
Table #2 37. Citrine
1. Quartz 38. Axinite Group
2. Xenotime 39. Bytownite
3. Enstatite 40. Mimetite
4. Garnet 41. Plancheite
42. Hiddenite 79. Orthoclase
43. Feldspar 80. Albite
44. Ferroaxinite 81. Zoisite
45. Agardite 82. Zeolite (thomsonite)
46. Tyrolite 83. Sulphur
47. Humite 84. Tiger's-eye
48. Lazurite 85. Scapolite
49. Kainite 86. Aragonite
50. Andesine 87. Posnjakite
51. Gibbsite 88. Purpurite
52. Bayldonite 89. Cymophane (Cat's eye)
53. Jacinth 90. Brochantite
54. Moissanite 91. Opal
55. Larimar 92. Danburite
56. Londonite 93. Strengite
57. Aquamarine 94. Botryogen
58. Weloganite 95. Vesuvianite (a.k.a idocrase)
59. Baryte (a.k.a. barite) 96. Nephrite
60. Zinnwaldite 97. Cavansite
61. Langbeinite 98. Milky
62. Variscite 99. Pharmacosiderite
63. Goethite 100. Spessartine
64. Musgravite
65. Fluorite
Gemstone 1D100 –
66. Chloromelanite Table #3
67. Garnierite 1. Phosgenite
68. Sodalite 2. Aegerine
69. Magnesite 3. Petalite (a.k.a. castorite)
70. Californite 4. Kyanite
71. Zircon 5. Cummingtonite
72. Olivenite 6. Epidote
73. Heliodor 7. Riebeckite
74. Alabaster 8. Stichtite
75. Hiddenite 9. Esperite
76. Muscovite 10. Anglesite
77. Thomsonite 11. Scolecite
78. Atacamite 12. Phlogopite
13. Fayalite 50. Tsavorite
14. Cinnabar 51. Cassiterite
15. Cordierite 52. Crocidolite
16. Linarite 53. Jadeite
17. Iolite 54. Carnelian
18. Datolite 55. Tinaksite
19. Antlerite 56. Analcime
20. Wavellite 57. Chlorastrolite
21. Scheelite 58. Kornerupine
22. Caledonite 59. Spinel
23. Serendibite 60. Dravite
24. Lepidolite 61. Kidney Ore
25. Jade 62. Tschermakite
26. Stishovite 63. Tugtupite
27. Biotite 64. Magnesioaxinite
28. Schorlomite 65. Uvarovite
29. Pimelite 66. Brucite
30. Vermiculite 67. Mookaite
31. Legrandite 68. Pyrrhotite
32. Hanksite 69. Clinozoisite
33. Leadhillite 70. Spessartine (a.k.a. spessartite)
34. Tourmaline 71. Pezzottaite
35. Apophyllite 72. Morganite
36. Sugilite 73. Astrophyllite
37. Jasper 74. Hessonite
38. Cacoxenite 75. Ferroaxinite
39. Antigorite 76. Calcite
40. Dioptase 77. Beudantite
41. Melanterite 78. Adamite
42. Proustite 79. Diaspore
43. Kunzite 80. Jarosite
44. Chrysoberyl 81. Olenite
45. Hematite 82. Benitoite
46. Carminite 83. Andalusite
47. Sérandite 84. Topaz
48. Peridot 85. Azurite
49. Leucophanite 86. Diaboleite
87. Tremolite
88. Natrophilite
89. Chalcedony
90. Pumpellyite
91. Langite
92. Fluorapophyllite
93. Manganaxinite
94. Diamond
95. Smithsonite
96. Chrysotile
97. Clinohumite
98. Almandine
99. Erythrite
100. Tanzanite
25. Cinchona
26. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Medicinal Herbs 27. Digitalis (Digitalis lanata,
– 1D100 sometimes
1. Abscess root (Polemonium 28. Dong quai (Angelica sinensis)
reptans) 29. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)
2. Açai (Euterpe oleracea) 30. Ephedra (Ephedra sinica)
3. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 31. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
4. Aloe vera globulus)
5. Arnica (Arnica montana) 32. European mistletoe (Viscum
6. Asafoetida album)
7. Ashoka tree (Saraca indica) 33. Evening primrose (Oenothera)
8. Asthma-plant (Euphorbia hirta) oil
9. Astragalus (Astragalus 34. Fenugreek (Trigonella
propinquus) foenumgraecum)
10. Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) 35. Feverfew (Tanacetum
11. Belladonna (Atropa belladonna parthenium)
12. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) 36. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)
13. Bitter gourd (Momordica 37. Garlic (Allium sativum)
charantia) 38. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
14. Bitter leaf (Vernonia 39. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
amygdalina) 40. Ginseng (Panax ginseng and
15. Bitter orange (Citrus × Panax
aurantium) quinquefolius)
16. Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 41. Goldenseal (Hydrastis
17. Blessed thistle (Cnicus canadensis)
benedictus) 42. Guava (Psidium guajava)
18. Burdock (Arctium lappa) 43. Gum Arabic (Acacia senegal)
19. Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) 44. Hawthorn (Crataegus
20. Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) monogyna and Crataegus laevigata)
21. Celery (Apium graveolens) 45. Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
22. (Matricaria recutita and 46. Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
Anthemis 47. Hoodia (Hoodia gordonii)
nobilis) 48. Horse chestnut (Aesculus
23. Chaparral (Larrea tridentata) hippocastanum)
24. Chasteberry (Vitex agnus- 49. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
50. Jamaica dogwood (Piscidia 76. Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)
erythrina / Piscidia piscipula) 77. Summer savory (Satureja
51. Kava (Piper methysticum) hortensis)
52. Khat 78. Tea tree oil (Melaleuca
53. Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) alternifolia)
54. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) 79. Thunder God Vine (Tripterygium
55. Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) wilfordii)
56. Lavender (Lavandula 80. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
angustifolia) 81. Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum or
57. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Holy
58. Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Basil)
59. Marigold (Calendula officinalis, 82. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
sometimes calendula) 83. Umckaloabo (Pelargonium
60. Marsh-mallow (Althaea sidoides)
officinalis) 84. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
61. Moringa oleifera 85. Velvetleaf (Cissampelos pareira)
62. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) 86. Verbena (Verbena officinalis)
63. Neem (Azadirachta indica) 87. Veronica (Veronica officinalis)
64. Noni (Morinda citrifolia) 88. Vetiver (Chrysopogon
65. Opium poppy (Papaver zizanioides)
somniferum) 89. Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata,
66. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) sometimes Hoptree)
67. Papaya (Carica papaya) 90. Wahoo (Euonymus
68. Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) atropurpureus)
oil 91. Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri)
69. Purple coneflower (Echinacea 92. Water Dropwort (Oenanthe
purpurea) aquatica)
70. Passion Flower (Passiflora) 93. Water Germander (Teucrium
71. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) scordium)
72. Rosemary (Rosmarinus 94. Water Hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
officinalis) 95. Water Plantain (Alisma
73. Sage (Salvia officinalis) plantagoaquatica)
74. Syrian Rue (aka Harmal) 96. Watercress (Nasturtium
(Peganum officinale)
harmala) 97. Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum)
75. St. John's wort (Hypericum 98. White willow (Salix alba)
perforatum) 99. Xanthoparmelia scabrosa
100. Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon d100Entry
creature has an unusually intense desire to
crassifolium) consume all other mushrooms in sight which
puts them into an uncontrollable rage.
6 Profundus Obscurus 'The Deceiver'. This
average brown and purplish mushroom
100 Mushrooms ranges in size, features, and color. No two
alchemists can agree on exactly how to

and Their Effects classify it, or if they are even discussing the
same mushroom. Implicated in untold
arguments and altercations throughout
history, it wasn't until the Great Debate of the
Late Dyvonian Council nearly ended in
d100Entry bloodshed, that David Orelchy pointed out the
1 Arachnus Phylarkus. This delicate mushroom mushroom exhibited the same energies as the
looks like a small black bowl with thin brown spell 'Confusion'. When contained in a glass
gills about 10cm across. It is poisonous to bottle the spores are contained and it can be
simply ingest but when steeped in boiling thrown as a ranged weapon. The affect is 2
water for 10 minutes a thin black tea is d12 wide and lasts for 4 turns unless there is a
created. This tea when consumed grants the stiff wind.
drinker resist poison and disease for 4 hours. 7 Enchantrynium Blistarix Wizard’s Bane
The mushroom is often the home of a mushroom. This large, blue, tall-stalked
particularly venomous type of spider and is mushroom gives its consumer a resistance to
difficult to harvest. magical damage for 1 hour, but the consumer
2 Terra Mirabilis Boletus. When ingested, this must make a DC 15 constitution save after
mushroom produces an effect similar to a that hour or take 1d4 poison damage.
Reduce Person or Enlarge Person spell. The Particularly large specimens can be shared by
effect is limited to three rounds. The effect an entire party.
produced is determined by where one bites 8 Betrothitus Indusiatus, aka 'Bride's Veil'. A
the mushroom. That is to say, one side will thin, ghostly white mushroom with a thin,
make you grow taller, and the other side will veil-like skirt billowing from under its cap.
make you grow shorter. The difficulty is Bride's Veils become almost completely
determining which side is which, or even transparent in moonlight and grow at the
where a 'side' begins and ends on a perfectly edges of thick forests. The skirts, though
round object. Eating the entire mushroom will extremely fragile, can be woven together into
produce either effect randomly for 1d10 fabric using a precise hand (though very few
rounds. have been known to possess the talent) for
3 Fyngum Stinkus. This small aquamarine qualities similar to a cloak of invisibility.
colored mushroom emits a foul smell when When brewed into a tea or liquid, the
crushed. It can be used to overwhelm the consumer experiences the effects of
senses, cover your scent, prank your friends, Invisibility for 1d4 hours.
or can be distilled into a throw-able stink 9 Pleurotus Androgenomyces. A small, dark
bomb. (Note, is also known to be a powerful blue mushroom that grows in clusters of
goblin attractant) three. It particularly prefers soil that has been
4 Amanita muscaria S. M. A button mushroom, soaked in fermented beverages like beer, ale,
whose top is red with white spots. The stem is mead etc... Commonly seen outside of pubs in
mostly yellow except for two parallel black warmer climates. When consumed fresh it
bars. If it is eaten it produces an effect similar transforms the imbiber into the opposite
to the enlarge spell, along with immunity to gender for 1d4 hours and increases Charisma
concussions. The effect ends whenever by 1d6 for the entire duration of effect. For
damage is taken. this quality it is colloquially known as the
5 Seductus Lactimus “Lust-shroom”. A golden 'False Whores Cap' due to the tendency of
luminescent mushroom with silver spots. poor drunkards to impulsively eat them in
Ingesting the mushroom makes the creature order to sell their newfound bodies to bar
who ate it hallucinate, making anything they patrons in order to afford more alcohol.
see appear as a mushroom. Additionally, the 10 Visus Invisibilia. A small, rare, clear
d100Entry d100Entry
transparent mushroom with a milky substance lizard egg stew called Nildax Godeneld.
seen throughout the bowl. It grants the person 14 Nubious Mortificantus or Death Cloud. The
that eats the fungus the ability to see invisible stem of this mushroom is a yellow-brown
creatures/objects for 4 hours. Upon color with a red, purple and green bubble at
consumption the PC must do a DC 12 its top. This enormous mushroom stands at 2-
Constitution save or they cannot tell the 4 feet tall and can grow on trees, rocks or on
difference between hallucinations that the most ground surfaces. This mushroom has
fungus can cause. gills but produces spores in a different way.
11 Tricholgossum Falfortinem and The bubble pod at the top of the stem is about
Trichoglossum Fortinem. Two outwardly 1 foot wide and when broken or pierced in
identical small fungi that resemble miniature any way releases a silver-blue cloud of spores
black cats tongues. The T. Fortinem will give that latch onto all surrounding objects. Within
those who consume it whole a berserker rage, 6 hours the spores sprout new fungus that
for 10 minus Con. modifier rounds. After the begin to grow and anything they touch. When
rage fades, those that consume must make a exposed to spores of this mushroom fall on a
Con 10 save or gain 1 rank of exhaustion. The living host they will be paralyzed within 6
T. Falfortinem will give those that consume it hours as the mushroom begins to grow.
a euphoria and a feeling of invincibility. Con Within 72 hours, without medical assistance,
15 save on success, grants resistance to the fungus will spread thin filaments into vital
bludgeoning and piercing for 10 minus Con. organs and slowly kill its host. Death Cloud
modifier rounds. On fail those that take it gain patches often obscure bone piles and
a -1 penalty to STR and Con until long rest. desiccated husks of their former hosts.
12 Bufos Draconii or 'The Dragon Toad'. A 15 Unguisi Aquilia or Eagles Claw mushroom.
species of 10 different mushrooms of similar This plain brown mushroom is about 6 cm
shape with scale-like armored caps. Each high and can be distinguished by the large
mushroom is a distinct color and matches the white dots on its gills and stem. Found around
variety of colors that dragon species are the base of very tall trees, Unguisi Aquilia
known by. Including one for each metallic does not appear to have any special properties
and each chromatic dragons. Consuming the and is often collected by travelers for a quick
stem of this mushroom gives you a one-time supper. However, experienced mages and
use of a lesser version of that colored dragon's mushroom hunters know that within minutes
breath weapon, 4d4 in cone or line depending. of consuming this delicious mushroom
Once consumed this mushroom will fatigue humanoids grow wings and large talons on
the consumer and they will begin to their feet, often destroying clothing and armor
hallucinate for 4d4 rounds. These in the process. Mages or others who are
hallucinations often involve being attacked by prepared before they consume this mushroom
a large dragon of the same type as the gain the ability to fly for up to 2 hours and
consumed mushroom. also gain a sweeping talon strike that does 2
13 Yarokol Plenenium. A small off-white d6 of piercing damage. Tales of fireballs
mushroom with a blue-green glow. This raining from the sky are often considered
mushroom strangely requires a drop of blood signs of dragon activity when in fact this
to cultivate. When ingested this fungus tastes curios little brown mushroom might be to
almost uncannily of meat. The ingester blame.
suffers a disadvantage on Wisdom saving 16 Psathyrella Aquatica. This mushroom can be
throws made to resist enchantment spells cast found in rivers, lakes, and other waterways. It
by the provider of the drop of blood for 2d4 is small and silvery blue with white spots on
days while the mushroom passes through its cap. When consumed Psathyrella Aquatica
their system. The effect may be ended early gives the ability to breathe underwater for 1d4
with a greater restoration spell. In addition, hours. Over consumption in humans can
while affected by the mushroom, the provider cause the consumer to grow gills behind their
of the drop of blood may cast enchantment ears which damage hearing and affects
spells on the consumer from any distance, if perception.
the provider knows where the consumer is. 17 Locusti Fungili The Mad Cap mushroom is a
Drow mages have been known to use these small brownish mushroom with a red mark on
mushrooms in a hearty version of a famous its cap that is similar to an X. When
d100Entry d100Entry
consumed this mushroom gives its consumer It is said that these hallucinations represent
a mental map of its environment within 3d12' the spirits of the corpses buried under the
of the spot it was picked. mushroom even though this is clearly
18 Magilicus Tempesti or Storm Mushroom is a nonsense born from popular superstitions
relatively large turquoise mushroom that can there are rumors of people who found ancient
change weather with release of spoors often treasures a long time forgotten by following
using this ability to dampen its environment the instructions of this “spirits”. All legends
and call forth small storm when in danger. have a seed of truth maybe...
When disturbed the mushroom releases 23 Fortuna Fortinaticus is a rather normal
spores in an upward cone that do 1d6 necrotic looking small brown mushroom with green
damage upon exposure. A small magical gills that grows mainly in small rings or
lightning storm is formed in a 40' circle clusters out of dragon droppings. Coveted for
around the mushroom for 1d8 rounds and all their properties people have attempted to
creatures who fail their saving throws take cultivate them for thousands of years to no
1d4 lightning damage per round while under avail. When one mushroom is consumed all
the cloud. dice roll results automatically get +3 for 1
19 Myconis Lacusti is a large black semi- hour (that is +3 to each die) but consumption
rectangular fungus that often resembles a of more mushrooms does not increase the
block of stone. When disturbed it teleports bonus at all. At the end of the hour the
whatever is touching it into a demi-plane consumer falls into a deep sleep for 2 hours
consisting of a small room with mushy walls. and no amount of magic or physical prodding
This plane will only transport its contents can wake them from it.
back to the mushroom if it is burned. The 24 Champinguini Fumenticatus. Known as the
contents of the demi-plane take 1d6 damage Smoke Ball mushroom, this large fungus has
as they teleport back. a fat purple stem that is capped with round
20 Proturbatis Fraudibus or the Joke Cap is a red yellow globes of thin fragile membrane. The
mushroom about 2 feet in height with a thick contents of the globules are a smoky blue
cap. This mushroom was genetically altered mist that twists and twines around itself. Any
by a necromancer long ago to tap into the movement or object that causes a globe to
dead souls of comedic bards. When disturbed break releases the mist which flashes out into
the 'Fun-Guy' reveals a human mouth and a 10' cloud as if under pressure. Contact with
spouts a stream of one-liners in common that the mist results in instant paralysis unless a
either antagonize or fascinate the listener but CON saving throw is made. This saving
in either case they gain a bonus 1d6 bonus to throw must be made each round for 1d10
perception. If anything touches the mushroom rounds to see if a PC/NPC/Monster is still
however it releases spores in a 20' cloud that paralyzed or re-paralyzed. With a successful
incite spontaneous laughter incapacitating DEX roll a skillful adventurer who finds this
those exposed for 1d4 rounds. mushroom can extract the globe into a glass
21 Boletus Aurumni. This tiny golden mushroom or other throw-able container for future use. If
is harmless to touch and delicious to eat raw someone who is carrying these globes trips,
giving its consumer a 1d6 bonus to falls, is pushed, leans on, or breaks the globes
constitution for 10 hours. However, certain in any way they should hope that nobody is
alchemists know that if collected in bulk and standing too near to them.
distilled into a think golden syrup, the 25 Celeritis Maximus. Known as Blur Root
concoction can be used to turn copper, silver, grows mostly underground and in the
and other base metals into gold. Underdark. It is a curious fungus that avoids
22 Exspiravit Bosletavi. A pale white mushroom light and often grows in very dark conditions
that sheds a phantom silver glimmer in with just the small cap peeking out of the
darkness. Said to grow where a man with ground or leaf cover. The cap is small, light
unfinished business died, it’s often found in green, and sticky but the stem is long and
graveyards and ancient tombs. If properly travels underground for several feet. The
dried for 24 hours the consumer will be able roots can be harvested with gloves (they do
to cast once speak with the dead. With a 1d4 necrotic dame on skin contact) and
failed CON save (CD 10) they will have brewed into a strong tea that grants the
hallucinations of dead people talking to them. drinker double movement for 2d6 minutes.
d100Entry d100Entry
Mining dwarfs often encounter the mushroom when consumed.
and keep vials of the tea on them to aid their 37 Hearty Truffle. Returns the user to full health.
escape from cave ins or flooding tunnels, but 38 Clover Mushroom. Your next roll has
more often they use is to exploit a newly advantage.
discovered vein of ore as fast as possible 39 Magika Mushroom. For the next 2d4 - 1 days,
before others learn of it. The Drow also use it your spells have a chance to induce wild
to kill things faster. magic.
26 Limus Botelium. This mushroom is small, 40 Glass Mushroom. Your turn invisible for 1d4
green, and slimy to the touch and is often hours.
called Slimy Doom. Any creature that eats 41 Strange Mushroom. You grow 1 size larger
this fungus begins to bleed uncontrollably, for 1 day.
has a disadvantage on CON. checks and 42 Hushroom. This mushroom has a short Stout
saving throws, and whenever they take stem with a wide brim cap in shades of violets
damage they are stunned until the end of its and blues. When ingested the creature
next turn. becomes incapable of making any sound
27 Wizard's Eye. In the caves of the iron coast orally for 6d10 minutes.
grows a mushroom many call the Wizard's 43 Crushroom. After somebody eats it they have
Eye. They can be found in the caves by a crush on the nearest people according to
following their reddish glow to the nooks and their sexuality.
crannies they propagate in. The mushroom 44 Night Cap. This squat specimen sports a dark
itself is a small round ball that is reddish inky-blue cap with white speckles and a
brown and translucent. Cooked in stew they creamy white stem. Known for inducing vivid
are tasty and non-reactive but when used in and intricate dreams when consumed and
conjunction with a fresh eyeball from any used in mass to produce dark blue dye.
form of humanoid they transform into a Blackish-purple spore print.
useful item called a Wizard's Eye. Placing the 45 Fool's Night. Nearly similar to the Night Cap,
mushroom and the fresh eye in a jar together but featuring a ring around the stem, Fool's
triggers the mushroom to extrude small Night induces violent nausea for several
filaments into the eye and begin to absorb it. hours after consumed. Also used in mass to
Anyone who eats a tendril can see what the produce dark blue dye. Very light spore print.
new 'Wizard's Eye sees for 1d12 hours. They 46 Rushroom. Purple and wrinkly, consuming
are often placed near dungeon doors, in trees, increases movement speed by 10 feet for an
and stuck to ceilings with putty. The Thieves hour.
Guild has been known to pay 100gp for 47 Murdermoss. An orange moss that grows in
specimens as they seem to have no shortage areas polluted with dark magic. Consuming
of eyes to use them with. even a little bit forces a DC 20 con check,
28 Morbidis Dulce. The Sweet Death mushroom causing instant reduction to zero on a failure
is so deadly anything touching it except glass and poisoning on success.
or crystal is wilted and destroyed. Dropping it 48 Fumestool. Looks and smells exactly like a
on someone from above is very mean. piece of human feces sticking upright out of
29 Dusk Cap. Shared hallucinations. the ground. Doesn't harm anyone who eats it,
30 Pinewood Truffle. Illuminates the dark when but dude! Seriously!?
under 100 ft. underground. 49 Willoshroom. Hundreds of small strands hang
31 Meadboon Fungus. Tastes like meat: age of down from the mushroom, making it look like
mushroom depends on taste of meat. a willow tree. It can be made into a poison
32 Southern Spotted Toadstool. Consumes that both deals 1d4 damage each minute and
material from the ground and breaks it apart dulls the senses, causing an afflicted creature
within the cap of the mushroom. to be unable to feel pain.
33 Flightless Dragon Bane. Naturally poisonous 50 Cherub's Stool. It glows dimly when exposed
to dragons dealing 3d6 poison damage if to stars in the night sky (the sun causes it to
consumed. shrink away). It must be harvested on a new
34 Morel. Heals 1d6 HP when consumed. moon for the full effect to take place. When
35 Chanterelle. Heals 1 point of exhaustion when the potion is drunk, the creature becomes a
consumed. Celestial for the duration of its effects. They
36 Nimra's Rot. Poisoned for 1d4 + 1 hours can also shed bright light for 30 ft and dim
d100Entry d100Entry
light for 30 ft beyond that as an action. It’s flesh is a delicacy, and during summer it
Finally, they heal an extra 1d6 hit points releases spores that are said to be able to
whenever they cast a spell that causes a mask the taste of any good or drink.
creature to regain hit points. 58 Boggleheart. A fungal fruiting body, found
51 Foamcap. A mushroom with a puffy, buried beneath soft soil. This knotted cluster
spongelike appearance. It most often grows of sponge-like material exudes an inky black
where lightning has struck. Brewing it liquid when squeezed, and lesser fey
correctly into a potion can give a consumer purposefully avoid areas in which they grow.
resistance or immunity to Thunder damage, This is because the fungus is extremely toxic
while failing the process can deafen the to faeries and their ilk, to a deadly degree.
drinker for 1d10 days. The spores that permeate above ground are
52 Amanita Marioscaria. A red toadstool with enough to cause sickness in them and contact
white spots which is the active ingredient in with the black liquid can bring death.
enlarge potions. 59 Orcus's Kiss. A pale ridge-type fungus that
53 Gripa. Sometimes known as the sign of grows out of dead trees, with red veins
tragedy, or the plant of deaths. Rumor has it running through them. Trees that bear this
gripa grows where tragedies have taken place, fungus are slowly granted a new life, revived
as a memory of the fallen and their miseries. completely over a period of three months.
This purple vine grows as a product of the 60 Creeping Rott. Sometimes called Devil’s
decomposition of a humanoid. It is often used Root. This vine grows in long finger-like
by hags, which makes them really prone to tendrils that sprout out of warm locations.
build settlements around areas rich in gripa. It These tendrils can be ground into an elixir
is rare to find, and with a large enough that once consumed gives a creature
amount, it can be used as a daily treatment to advantage on saving throws on spells and
reduce aging and it's symptoms. It can also be other magical effects, as well as saves against
used for purple coloring. poison and disease, but any amount of
54 Fishfin Mushrooms. Fluted and reminiscent magical healing they receive also reduces
of a fish’s fins, these mushrooms are found their hit point maximum by half that amount
on the underside of fallen tree trunks and for the potions duration (8 hours).
have the unusual benefit of giving those who 61 Gall Flower. A greenish slime mold that
consume them (properly prepared) webbed blossoms with tiny red spores in the heat of
fingers for 1d4 hours. Unfortunately, regular summer. These spores are incredibly toxic
consumption of these leads to the change and can be refined into a powder which if
becoming permanent and the webbing inhaled can send a creature into toxic shock.
growing thicker, making fingers much harder An affected creature must make a DC 20
to move. Constitution saving throw. On a success the
55 Greencap Mushrooms. The brilliantly green creature is poisoned for one hour, on a failure
colored caps of these mushrooms warn off the creature is poisoned for this duration but
those who might think about eating them, but also paralyzed for a number of minutes equal
the bright green color makes a wonderful dye to the number by which they failed the DC
when large quantities of these are boiled! by. In contrast, the slime mold itself has great
They do have a tendency to stain the fingers medicinal properties. If applied to wounds
of anyone who touches them, though. over the course of a rest, that creature regains
56 Bloomshroom. A small blue mushroom with 1d4 additional hit dice as well as 2d4 hit
a frilled cap, it normally grows in clusters and points at the end of that rest.
can be easily mistaken for flowers by those 62 Imp Stool. A squat mushroom with a bulbous
with vision problems or distinct lack of plant yellow-green head. Consuming it raw has
knowledge. Unlike flowers, however, the terrible effects of the metabolic system. The
scent of these mushrooms causes those that creature takes 1d6 poison damage and must
inhale it to sneeze uncontrollably for 1d6 make a DC 16 Con saving throw. On a failure
minutes. this damage also reduces their point
57 Davian's Tree. A man-sized brown capped maximum by the damage taken until the end
mushroom that retreats underground during of their next long rest. Creatures that fail this
the day and emerges at night, appearing to save by are also poisoned for a number of
“deflate” or otherwise shrink as it disappears. hours equal to the number by which they
d100Entry d100Entry
failed this DC. Can be distilled into a more impossible, for 1d4 minutes if they fail a DC
potent elixir that deals 3d6 poison damage on 15 WIS save.
a failure and half on a success with a DC of 71 Crimson Screamer. You become poisoned
11. This elixir can be added to any other and suffer hallucinations, your sonic/thunder
ingestible poison with compounding effect spells or abilities become more potent.
and raising the DC by 1. 72 Oracle's Consult / Delphi Epiphinata. You
63 Curshroom. Looks like a skull with, it grows gain insight into the future, you roll a single
in contact with blood very fast, even if it’s 1d20 upon consumption and may replace any
inside a person, but it’s not deadly, only roll with that value within a 24 hour period.
disfigure the person skin that will grow Multiple consumptions within that period lead
mushroom, it’s treatable but takes a year, you to 1d2 points of psychic damage for each
will look horrible but since it’s a good source dose after the first.
of vitamins it’s likely you will never get sick 73 Oyster Mushroom. gain the ability to breath
ever again, even once removed. water for 1d8 hours.
64 Plump Helmet. An incredibly sweet 74 Blue-bruise. 1d20 minutes after consuming,
mushroom that the dwarves are known to the eater sees into the ethereal plane for 1d4
mash and ferment into a unique kind of hours. Disadvantage on perception checks for
‘wine’. Often cooked with syrup made from events/things in the material plane.
the indigenous sweet pod fruits, Plump 75 Bolsef's Marvelous Mushroom. A bright pink
Helmets are incredibly filling, but aside from and red striped affair that is toxic to most
this, have no unique effects. species, but when properly prepared for safety
65 Dimple Cup. Another mushroom cultivated it grants the consumer a sense of comforting
by the dwarves, Dimple Cups are inedible. euphoria for 1d4 hours.
However, when ground up finely, their flesh 76 Sylvanhat. A very rare white mushroom that
makes a valuable blue dye for clothing. only grows in forests inhabited by fey.
Eating a Dimple Cup can cause severe food Peeling away it’s thin skin reveals a “core” of
poisoning, dizziness, dehydration and death. valuable blue metal found nowhere else.
66 Blushroom. It massively upregulates the 77 Horsenip. A wide brown mushroom that
cardiovascular system causing increased horses can’t get enough of. No one knows
endurance and the telltale blush of its users. why.
Often used illegally in gladiator rings and 78 Bleeding Heart. A pinkish polypore that
other physical sports. If prepared properly grows on the side of certain trees. When
(crushed into powder then steamed) it will squeezed, a bright red liquid drips from its
give a +1 to strength checks for 1d4 hours gills that stains indelibly and is used in long-
and advantage on con saves/checks for 12 hrs. lasting dyes.
If consumed without preparation will give 79 Ogre Farts. Black mushrooms with a shallow
advantage on strength checks for 2d6 hours indent in the cap which shoot forth foul-
but the consumer will must make a DC 18 smelling clouds of spores when touched.
con save every half hour or take 2d6 damage 80 Magerot. A fungal “web” of fleshy strings
every half hour until the effects ware off. that grows only on abandoned arcane foci. If
67 Dwarven Fart. This mushroom is the size of a dried it can be consumed to allow a mage to
fist and packed full of spores. Crushing it or cast spells without an arcane focus or
throwing it will cause it to release a cloud of component pouch for 1d10 hours.
spores in an area the size of a 5ft radius 81 Pigstingers. A species of ascomycete fungus
sphere. Each creature inside must pass a DC similar to truffles, whose fruiting bodies are
15 check or be poisoned by an hour. covered in sharp spines that are known to hurt
68 Brain Fungus. Hear the thoughts of everyone truffle-hunting pigs.
within 60 feet for 3d4x10 minutes. 82 Charmshroom. Gain advantage on Charisma
(WARNING, DO NOT CONSUME WITHIN based checks for 1d4 hours.
A CITY, LONG AND SHORT TERM 83 Tenax Stalk. When chewed, it chemically
MADNESS MAY OCCUR). alters your hormones for 1d6 hours making
69 Mooshroom. Turns the player into a cow for your skin develop a white viscous cover,
2d10 minutes if they fail a DC 13 CON save. focusing on the extremities [all], that can be
70 Jazz Cabbage. The player can only speak in used to produce webbing and enable spider
honks and snorts, making spellcasting nearly climb.
d100Entry d100Entry
84 Alulospergies Sap. Amber color, extremely 95 Bloodcap. Contact with the spores of this
slick fluid that when applied to body or object mushroom induces an uncontrollable rage,
makes it lubricated. DC 10 to manifest causing a creature's attack rolls to have
allergic reaction, you may make another roll advantage but giving attacks against them
for severity at own risk. advantage for 1 minute.
85 Amanita Phaloids. extremely poisonous, Con 96 Leaky Inkwell. The black liquid that oozes
save DC 18, 8d8 damage if failed, half if from these mushrooms (hence the name) is
passed. commonly extracted to be used as ink for
86 Brown Cap. nourishing protein, gives free 1 spellbooks. Curiously, the 'ink' is also edible
hit die hp. and has a spicy flavor profile.
87 Purple Haze. con save 15, if failed enables to 97 Kobold Cap. When ingested, these crimson
see to the ethereal plane for 3d8 minutes mushrooms make the consumer hysterical and
88 Zaphir. takes 1d4 damage and induces jumpy as if under the effect of a fear spell.
colorful dust like breezes that manifest a 98 Tiamat's Toadstool. These capped
whirling portal. Use 1d4 to force the PC to go mushrooms grow in clusters of 5 with each
to the direction the dice points as if he was cap colored to match the chromatic dragons.
trying to go through the imaginary portal. When ingested, each mushroom grants the
89 Grayling. A very plain looking gray consumer resistance to the damage type that
mushroom. Causes vision to turn black and corresponds to the color of the caps (red for
white for, gives advantage on perception of fire, blue for lightning, green for poison,
movement. black for acid, and white for cold). However,
90 Assassin's Candy. Black and red with lots of eating more than one mushroom within an 8
folds. Raw: 4d8 poison damage + poison hour period is harmful to the body and causes
status dc 18 con save for half damage and no 1d8 necrotic damage for each mushroom
poison status. Cooked: After ingesting 5 times ingested in that time.
hit points are reduced to 0 and death saves 99 Brawler's Button. For 4 hours after
begin each round unless dc 20 con save. consuming this bitter mushroom, the
91 Dragon Funnel. A family of white consumer's unarmed strikes deal an additional
mushrooms that are funnel shaped and have 1d6 damage and gains a resistance to
colored scales running down their sides. Said bludgeoning damage.
to grow on sites where evil dragons have died 100 False Reaper. This mushroom causes a
or have had their blood spilled. Color of the humanoid who eats it to make a Con save
scales determine the elemental affiliation. All (DC 13) or become poisoned. If a creature
give elemental resistance for 8 hours after chooses to willingly fail the save by preparing
being eaten cooked with meat themselves with meditation beforehand they
92 Thief's Folly. When dried, powdered, and can drop to 0 hit points instead and remain
then mixed into clear alcohol, this mushroom there, suspended in a state of false death
produces a clear liquid that can be used to nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.
coat any object. When coming into contact This state lasts for 48 hours - whereupon they
with skin, this liquid causes the skin to glow a may make their death saving throws at
bright blue for 1d10 hours. advantage. If they succeed their saving throws
93 Phoenix Shroom. Small mushrooms with a they immediately come awake with half their
pointed, amber colored cap, these mushrooms HP and a level of exhaustion. If they succeed
often grow in tightly packed groups around two, they come awake as above but with 2
the ashes of campfires and glow a distinct levels of exhaustion. If they succeed one, they
yellow and red color in the dark. Phoenix come awake with two levels of exhaustion
shrooms are often mistaken for fires from a and 1 HP. If they fail their saves, they
distance. When used to make stew these stabilize at 0 and remain unconscious until
mushrooms have a natural spice that grate they come awake naturally or are magically
those who drink it fire resistance for the next healed, coming away from the experience
hour per serving eaten. with two levels of exhaustion and a blinding
94 Temple Bells. These bronze-colored headache.
mushrooms grow in clusters of six. When
eaten, they heal 1hp and provide resistance to
necrotic damage for 10 minutes.

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