Creating Animations in Adobe Animate
Creating Animations in Adobe Animate
Creating Animations in Adobe Animate
2. b. Frame-by-frame animation
1. Symbol
2. Keyframe
3. Motion Tweening
4. Playhead
5. Shape Tweening
2. What is a frame?
A Frame is the basic unit wherein we define the behaviour or the change in the object
properties for creating an animation.
3. Distinguish between:
Symbol Instance
A Symbol is any graphic object, movie or An Instance is a copy of the symbol that
button stored in the library gets created, when you drag a symbol from
the library
Frame-by-frame animation Tweened animation
This is the form of animation in which you This is the form of animations in which you
change the contents of every frame for define the contents of the first fame and the
creating an animation. last frame of an animation, and Animate
generates all the frames in between the two
frames automatically.