SS 3 1ST Term Computer Science

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1. Networking:(a) Definition of networking (b) Types of networks (i) Ethernet (ii) Token ring
(iii) Arcnet (c) Network topology:
(i) Star (ii) Bus (iii) Ring (d) Network devices (i) Hubs (ii) Modems (iii) Switches (iv) Routers
(v) Network Interface Card (NIC).
2. Networking: (d) Benefits of networking: (i) Sharing of resources (ii) Ease of communication
(iii) Ease of collaboration. Etc.
3. Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW): (a) Definition and full meaning of WWW. (b)
Brief history of WWW (mention
should be made of a Nigerian’s contribution to WWW).
4. Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW): (c) Basic terminologies (i) WWW (ii) Website
(iii) Web page (iv) Home page (v) Protocols, etc. (d) Protocols: (i) HTTP (ii) HTML.
5. Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) (Cont’d):(e) Uses/Benefits of WWW: (f)
Navigating through websites, e.g.,,,,, (g) Software for Web development: Frontage.
6. Cables & Connectors:(a) Network cables and connectors(i) Cables –Twisted pair, Coaxial,
Fiber optic, Telephone(ii) Connectors –RJ45, RJ11&T-Connectors. (b) Computer cables and
connectors (i) Power cables (ii) Data cables – Printercable, Universal Serial Bus (USB),
Monitor cable & Serial cable. (iii) Connectors – Male & Female.
8. Database:(a) Definition (i)Database (ii)Database package (DBMS) (b) Example of DBMS:
Dbase III, Dbase IV, Foxbase, Rbase, etc. (c) Basic terminologies: (i) File (ii) Record (iii)
Field (iv) Key (d) Forms of database organization (i) network
(ii) hierarchical (iii) relational.
9. Database (cont’d):(e) Computer database format: (i) File designed as tables (ii) Tables
composed of rows & columns (iii) Row
(record) contains related information.(iv) Column (field) contains specific type of information.
10. (f) Creating database: (i) define the structure (ii) Indicate field type (iii) Enter and save data.
(g) Basic operations (i) Searching (ii) Sorting (iii) Modifying (iv) Generating report.
11. Revision
12. Examination
1. HiiT @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education
2. MELROSE Computer Studies for SS 3 by O.B. Ajayi


 Definition of Networking
 Types of Network
 Network Topology
 Network Devices


Network literally means a collection of a large and widely distributed group of people or things such
as stores, colleges, or offices that communicate with one another and work together as a unit or
A Computer Network, simply referred to as a network, can be defined as a system of two or more
computers, terminals and communication devices linked by wires, cables, or telecommunication
system in order to exchange data.
The network may be limited to a group of users in a local area (LAN), or it could be global in scope
just like the Internet. The major reason network exist is to enable sharing of resources and information
among interconnected devices.

(i) Ethernet
(ii) Token Ring
(iii) Arcnet

Ethernet is a family of computer networking technologies for Local Area Networks (LANs), it is a
protocol that controls the way data is transmitted over a Local Area Network. This network which was
commercially introduced in 1980 uses wires (i.e. it is not a wireless technology) in form of either a bus
or star topology and supports data transfer rates of about 10Mbps.

An ethernet port (jack or socket) is an opening on computer network equipment that Ethernet cables
plug into.

Ethernet port on a Router

Token Ring:
A Token ring is a type of computer network in which all the computers are arranged in a circle (see
diagram below). A token, which is a special bit pattern, travels around the circle. To send a message, a
computer catches the token, attaches a message to it, and then allows it continue to travel around the
network. It uses a special three-byte frame called a token. Physically, when implemented, the
computers are connected through cables to a ‘HUB’, which manages the network in a ring topology
manner.A token ring prevents the collision of data when more than one computer in a network
attempts to send messages simultaneously. It is the second most popular type of Local Area Network



ARCnet (an acronym from Attached Resource Computer Network) is defined as a group of nodes that
communicates to one another over a geographically-limited area usually within one building or a
campus of buildings. It was developed by John Murphy at Data-point Corporation in the late 1970s.
It was the simplest and least expensive type of Local Area Network, which uses token ring
architecture, supported data rates of 2.5Mbps, and connected up to 255 computers. A special
advantage of ARCnet is that it permitted various types of transmission media to be mixed on the same

1. Definition Networking
2. State 3 types of Network
3. ARCnet was developed by ______


In Computer Networking, topology refers to the layout of connected devices. It is the plan or model in
which two or more computing devices are connected in a network.

There are two types of network topology;

1. Physical Topology and
2. Logical Topology.

The Physical Topologyof a network refers to the layout or arrangement of the cables and network

The Logical Topologyrefers to the method of communication of the network devices.

Network Topologies are categorized into the following basic types:
(i) Point to Point Topology
(ii) Star Topology
(iii) Bus Topology
(iv) Ring Topology
(v) Mesh Topology

Star Network is a local area network in which each device (node) is connected to a central computer in
a star-shaped configuration (topology); commonly, a network consisting of a central computer (the
hub) surrounded by terminals. The central point may be a hub, a switch or a router, and all the
individual network devices communicate with the central point which manages and control all
functions of the network. An example of star network topology is the ARCNET.

Advantages of Star Topology

 A star network is reliable in the sense that a node can fail without affecting any other node on
the network.
 Easy to install and wire
 Easy to detect faults and remove parts

Disadvantages of Star Topology

 Failure of the central computer results in a shutdown of the entire network.
 If the hub, switch, or concentrator fails, nodes attached are disabled
 Since each node is individually wired to the hub, cabling costs can be high.

Bus network topology uses a common backbone (a cable) to connect all devices. The backbone is a
shared communication medium that all devices are attached or connected. A signal from the source
travels in both directions to all machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the intended
recipient. If the machine address does not match the intended address for the data, the machine ignores
the data. Alternatively, if the data matches the machine address, the data is accepted.
An example of bus network is the Ethernet.

Advantages of Bus Topology

 Easy to connect a computer or peripheral
 Inexpensive to implement when compared to other topologies because it requires less cable

Disadvantages of Bus Topology

 Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable
 Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable
 Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.

It is a local area network in which devices (nodes) are connected in a closed loop, or ring. Messages in
a ring network pass in one direction, from node to node. As a message travels around the ring, each
node examines the destination address attached to the message. If the address is the same as the
address assigned to the node, the node accepts the message; otherwise, it regenerates the signal and
passes the message along to the next node in the circle. Such regeneration allows a ring network to
cover larger distances than star and bus networks. It can also be designed to bypass any
malfunctioning or failed node.
Advantages of Ring Topology
 They can span larger distances than other types
 It can also be designed to bypass any malfunctioning or failed node.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology

 Failure in one of the network connection results in breakdown of the entire network.
 new nodes can be difficult to add.

In Mesh network topology, each computer includes everything it needs to serve as a relay point for
sending information to any

The network devices are the nodes of the network. They are devices that aid connection and

The common network devices are:

(i) The Hub
(ii) The Network Interface card
(iii) The Switch
(iv) The Router
(v) The Modem

The Hub:
A Hub is a device that connects all the other devices in a star network together, thus making them act
as a single network segment. Due to the fact that the hub broadcast messages, any message sent by the
hub is received by all the devices because the hub is not able to identify the device that owns the

A Modem, which means Modulator-Demodulator, is a device or program that enables a computer to
transmit digitally stored data over telephone or cable lines. A modem converts between analogue and
digital waves.
Modem transmit data at different speeds, measured by the number of bits of data they send per second.
For example, a 28.8 Kbps modem sends data at 28,800 bits per second. A 56Kbps modem is twice as
fast, sending and receiving data at a rate of 56,000 bits per second.

The Switch:

Literally, a switch means a mechanical or electronic device that opens, closes or changes the
connections in an electrical circuit. Examples are the ones used to turn light on or machine on or off.
In computing, a switch is a programmed technique for indicating which alternative path to take at a
decision point in a program’s logic. They are key components of computer networks which could
connect multiple PCs, printers, servers, and other hardware.
Unlike the hub, the switch is intelligent because it does not broadcast but channels the data to the
specific destination.

A Router is a network device that connects networked computers to the internet, allowing multiple
users to share a connection. A Router acts as a dispatcher, choosing the best route (passage) for
information to travel, so that it is transmitted as efficiently as possible.

Network Interface Card:

A Network Interface Card (referred to as network adapter, LAN adapter or card) is an expansion board
inserted into a computer so as to be connected to a network. Networked computers communicate with
each other using a given protocol for transmitting data packets between the different machines, known
as nodes.

(i) Define Network Topology
(ii) Briefly explain the following network devices (a) Router (b) Hub (c) Switch

(i) Clearly distinguish between Ethernet and ARCnet
(ii) Differentiate between Star and Bus topology
(iii) Enumerate FIVE benefits of networking

Log to the internet and carry out a research on ‘The Benefits of Networking’

1. ___can be defined as the act of linking two or more computers through wires, cables, or
telecommunication system in order to exchange data.
(a) Networking (b) Sharing (c) Connection (d) Wiring
2. ___ is a protocol that controls the way data is transmitted over a Local Area Network.
(a) Ethernet (b) Token ring (c)ARCnet (d) Internet
3. ___ARCnet is an acronym for
4. Which of the following is NOT a network device?
(a) Hubs (b) Modems (c) Router(d)Protocols
5. ___refers to the physical layout of connected devices
(a) Arrangement (b) Configuration (c) Topology (d) Networking

1. Draw a ring network structure
2. Clearly distinguish between Physical Topology and Logical topology



 Benefits of Networking

The benefits of networking can be divided into two generic categories: connectivity and sharing.
Networks allow computers and their users to be connected together. Some of the benefits of
networking are as follows:
(i) It helps to enhance connectivity
(ii) It helps in sharing of hardware resources, thereby saving cost. Network resources that can be
shared on a network includes Printers, Internet connection, multiplayer games,etc.
(iii) It aids management of data from a centralized system
(iv) It enhances data sharing
(v) It eases Communication; transmission of information becomes easier, more efficient, and less
(vi) It enhances computer performance because of the ease of collaboration between various systems.
(vii) Networking has promoted ‘gaming’ – games are now shared and played by people all over the
world using common servers.

Enumerate TEN benefits of Networking.

(i) Clearly distinguish between Ethernet and ARCnet
(ii) Compare and contrast Star and Bus topology
(iii) Enumerate FIVE benefits of networking
Study the topic: History of world wide web


CONTENT: (a) Definition of www (b) Brief history of www (c) some contributions of Nigerians
to the internet

SUB-TOPIC 1: Definition of World Wide Web

The World Wide Web ("www" or simply the "Web") is a global informationmedium which users
can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a
synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, just as e-
mail also does. It is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed through the internet, by an
application called a browser.
It is a network service used in accessing, manipulating, and downloading a very large set of interlinked
hypertext document and other files located on computers connected through the internet.
The World Wide Web can also be defined as a system of interconnection of several computers all over
the world; forming a web-like networked structure. Technically it is the interconnection of internet
servers that support specially formatted documents in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Some notable application used to access the World Wide Web are; Firefox, Internet explorer, Google
Chrome, Netscape navigator, etc.

1. Define the term ‘World Wide Web’
2. What is HTML?

SUB-TOPIC 2: Brief History of World Wide Web

The development of the web began in 1989 by British engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim
Berners-Lee and his colleague at the centre for European Organisation for Nuclear Research in
Geneva. Using concepts from his earlier hypertext systems like ENQUIRE, the team developed a
protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which standardized communication between the
servers and clients. Their text-based web browser was released to the general public in 1992. The web
gained rapid acceptance with the creation of a web browser called mosaic, developed in the USA by
Marc Andreessen, Mosaic’s graphical user interface allowed the web to become, by far, the most
popular Internet Protocol. Today, the World Wide Web has millions of active users.Presently, Sir Tim
Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Some Contributions of Nigerians to the Internet

The advent of the World Wide Web has turned the world into a global village, thereby making
information and communications development universal. Nigerians have a share of their contribution
to the World Wide Web;
1. Seun Osewa: Seun Osewa is the founder of nairaland (Nigerians Web Forum). As at 2011, it
was tagged the Nigerian’s top ranked online community having about 650,000 user accounts
with about 30,000 users logging on in a month.
2. Emeka Okoye: Emeka Okoye designed the first banking website in Nigeria with IBTC
Merchant bank, at the launch of Nigeria Equity Fund in December 1996. He created the
Internet banking application, which IBTC used for their online banking in 1997.
3. Iyinoluwa Aboyeji: Is a Nigerian living in Canada is developing a new web start up that aims
to revolutionise how people use the web to learn. He is 19 years old and has been living and
studying in Nigeria in the last 3 years. He founded the Bookneto.
4. Others are Philip Emeagwali and Gilbert Chigozie (palchigo)
1. Give a brief history of Computer

1. List 3 Nigerians and their contributions to the www

Students are expected to read further on ‘Introduction to World Wide Web’ on the next page of
Handbook on Computer studies for SS3.

1. Browse the internet and search for at least 3 other people who contributed to the advent of the
World Wide Web.



CONTENT: (a) Basic Terminologies of www (b) Protocols

SUB-TOPIC 1: Basic Terminologies

1. WWW: The word World Wide Web or simply put a web is a means of accessing, organising,
and moving through the information over the internet. It is the user friendly ‘point-and –click
way of navigating data stored on computers connected to the internet facilitated by the
hypertext that provides links between one websites and the another.
2. Website: A website is a collection of document of pages, the first of which is called HOME
PAGE. It is the opening page of n internet website. It also refers to someone’s personal website
on the internet, which may contain the owner’s personal data, photograph or contact
3. Protocol: This is a set of technical rules for the transmission and receipt of information among
computers in the network.
4. Uniform Resource Locator: This refers to an internet address. It is an address identifying the
location of a file on the internet. It consists of the protocol, the computer on which the file is
located and the file’s location on that computer. It can be compared to an address where a
particular document resides. An example is http/
5. Web Page: A webpage is a unit of a website. It is like a page or chapter in a book, which gives
concise information on an aspect of the entire website. Each webpage within a website is a file,
which has its own uniform resource locator (URL).
6. Hypertext: This is a text displayed on a computer or other electronic devices with references
(hyperlink) to other texts that the reader can immediately access, usually by a mouse click or
key press sequence.
7. Hyperlink:Hyperlink is a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow or that is
followed automatically. It points to a whole document or to a specific element within a
document. A user following a hyperlink is said to be navigating, or browsing the hypertext.
8. Uniform Resource Identifier: A URI is a string of characters used to identify a name or
resource in the internet.
1. What is a Uniform Resource Locator?
2. Differentiate between Hypertext and Hyperlink.

1. What is any Internet Protocol?
2. Explain the term ‘Internet Navigation’

Students are expected to read further on ‘Introduction to World Wide Web’ on the next page of
Handbook on Computer studies for SS3.

1. Who invented what actually became the World Wide Web?
(a) Sir Tim Berners-Lee (b) James Brown (c) Isaac Newton (d) Dr Sir J Thompson
2. A language of communication among network devices is known as
(a) Protocol (b) FrontPage (c) WWW (d) None of the above
3. W3 Means------------
(a) West West West (b) World Wide Web (c) World Wide West
(d) All of the above.
4. A website is a collection of
(a) Multiple documents (b) WebPages (c) Home Pages (d) Web documents
5. URI Means------
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (b) Uniform Resource Identifier (c) Universal
Resource locator (d) all of the above



CONTENT: (a) Benefit of WWW (b) Navigating through websites (Practical)

(c) Software for web development

SUB-TOPIC 1: Benefits of World Wide Web:

The following are some of the benefits of the Internet;
1. Business Presence: Over seven hundred million people have access to the World Wide Web
with more and more added every day. Business cannot afford to ignore this many potential
customers. With a company’s web presence online, its product and services can be made
accessible to potential customers.
2. Communication: World Wide Web develops line of communication that promotes means of
contacting people over unlimited distances. These are done through sending of e-mails,
chatting online, making video calls online, Information correspondence is achieved at the
instance of a click; compared with sending messages through the post office that could take
some days or months before they are delivered.
3. Networking: Social networking sites and web forums provide means of meeting with people
online and sharing ideas with those who may be known or unknown over indefinite distances
from one another. Examples of such sites are Face book, Twitter, MSN, Yahoo messenger,
Life pulp, 2go, Whatsapp, etc.
4. Provision of Files to download and upload: All pamphlets, brochures, advertisements, and even
a demonstration video of product and services can be downloaded from a store’s Website.
5. Learning and Research: There is virtually no topic that you wish to learn that you will not find
information about on the World Wide Web resources. One can also upload information as well
so that other people can benefit from it too.
6. Customer Services: Customers can have access to business information and services that may
be available any other way. Clients can be from anywhere in the world and shop in a store like
never before in the comfort of their home.

1. Explain any five benefits of the Internet

SUB-TOPIC 2: Navigating Through the Internet

Since the websites are means of getting information through the internet, it is essential to learn
some tips for locating information on the internet, this is termed browsing. The following steps are
going to be helpful in navigating through the website;
1. Have idea of what you intend to search for.
2. List suggested websites you know, else use the notable search engines such as,, and
3. Type the address in your web browser and press the enter key
4. The home page opens when the right address have the typed.
5. Tabs can also allow you to navigate through the major pages on the website.

1. Explain the term ‘navigating’ through the website

1. State and explain two uses of the website.
2. State three steps that are useful in navigating through the website

Students are expected to read ‘Cables and Connectors’ on the next page of Handbook on Computer
studies for SS3.

1. Visit these WebPages and navigate through using the steps you were taught, and write down
your experiences.

(a) Network cables and connectors(i) Cables –Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optic, Telephone
(ii) Connectors –RJ45, RJ11&T-Connectors.
(b) Computer cables and connectors (i) Power cables (ii) Data cables – Printer cable, Universal Serial
Bus (USB), Monitor cable & Serial cable. (iii) Connectors – Male & Female.

Sub-topic 1: Network cables and connectors

The main reason why we set up a network is for easy transfer of digital information from one
computing device to another. We can set up a network in two forms: either wireless or wired. For
wired network, we make use of some cables that are linked together by connectors to facilitate
communication. Also for wireless, infrared, or radio-frequency transmitter are used to enhance
communication but they are usually low speed compared to wired networks.

A cable is the medium through which information transverses from one network device to another.
There are several types of cable which are commonly used with Local Area Networks (LANs).
1. Twisted Pair: It is a type of wiring in which two conductors are twisted together for the
purposes of cancelling out electromagnetic interference (EMI) form external sources. Twisted
pair is the ordinary copper wire that connects home and many business computers to the
telephone company. To reduce crosstalk or electromagnetic induction between pairs of wire,
two insulator copper wires are twisted around each other.
2. Coaxial Cable: It is an electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a flexible,
tubular insulating layer and a tubular component parts. A plastic layer provides insulation
between the centre conductor and a braided metal shield. The metal shield helps to block any
outside interference.

Although, coaxial cabling is difficult to install, it is highly resistance to signal interference. In addition,
it can support greater cable lengths between network devices than twisted pair cable. It exists in two
types: thin and thick coaxial cables.
3. Fibre Optic: It is long, thin strands of very pure glass about the diameter of a human hair. They
are arranged in bundles called optical cables and used to transmit light signals over long
distances. It has the ability to transmit signals over much longer distances than coaxial and
twisted pair. It also has capability to carry information at vast greater speeds. Fibre optic cables
are being employed in our modern day GSM, telephone system, cable TV system or internet.
4. Telephone Cable: telephone wires were used in those days to connect computers together on a
network. The modem is usually installed with the computers to the converter (modulate) signal
at a source computer to analogue signal in other to transmit it on the telephone wires. At the
receiving computer end, the analogue signal is converted back (demodulate) to digital signal.
Telephone wires are usually paired copper wires and are normally packed together in a thick
black cable.

A registered jack (RJ) is a standardized physical network interface-both jack construction and wiring
pattern-for connecting telecommunications or data equipment to a service provided by a local
exchange carrier of or long-distance carrier. The standard designs for these connectors and their wiring
are named as RJ-11, RJ-45 etc.
(a) RJ-45:The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is a RJ-45 connector. RJ45
connectors are most commonly seen with Ethernet cables and networks.

RJ45 connectors feature eight pins to which the wire strands of a cable interface electrically. Standard
RJ-45 pinouts define the arrangement of the individual wires needed when attaching connectors to a
(b) RJ11:it standard dictates a 2-wire connection, whereas RJ14 uses a 4-wire configuration, and
RJ-25 uses six wires. Plugs and jacks of these type are often called modular connectors, which
originally distinguished them from older telephone connectors which were very bulky or wired
directed to the wall and therefore not accommodating of modular systems.

(c) T-Connectors: it is mostly used with coaxial cables such as RG-58 A/U cable mainly used with
the 10Base-2 Ethernet system. It is a type of electric connector that joins a conductor to anther
conductor at right angles to it. It has a T-shape.

1. What is the reason for networking.
2. Enumerate three types of network cables.
3. Briefly describe any two types of network connectors.

Sub-topic 2: Computer cables and connectors.

Computer cables form the connections between computer systems and their peripheral devices. They
are physical implementations of interface standards for transmitting data between computers and
peripherals such as keyboards, display devices, mass storage units, and printers.
(i) Power cables: it is an assembly of two or more electrical conductors, usually held together
with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for the transmission of electronic power. Power
cables may be installed as permanent wiring within buildings, buried on the ground, run
overhead or exposed.

(ii) Data cables – Data cables comprises all cables needed for the input of data into the computer
and the output of data from the computer system. They connect the input and output devices
of a computer.
Printer cable: it refers to the cable that carries data between a computer and a printer. There
are different types of cables depending on your printer e.g. parallel, firewire, USb and so on.

Universal Serial Bus (USB):You can use USB cables to connect most new devices to your
computer including flash memory sticks, portable media players, internet modems and digital
Computer accessories like mice, keyboards, webcams, portable hard-drives, microphones,
printers, scanners and speakers can also be connected to the computer through USB ports.
Additionally, USB cables are also used for charging a variety of gadgets including mobile
phones or for transferring data from one computer to another.

Monitor cable: it is used to connect the monitor (VDU) to the CPU. Attached at both end of
the cable is a connector which could be either pin (male plug) of holes (female plug).
Serial cable: it is used to transfer information between two devices using serial
communication. A serial communication is the process of sending data ine bit at a time
sequentially, over a communication channel or computer bus. Serial communication is used
for all long-haul communication and most computer networks where the cost of cables and
synchronization difficulties made parallel communication impractical.

General Evaluation
1. Briefly explain the reason why we set up network connection.
2. Itemize three types of network cables.
3. Juxtapose the suitable network cable to use where there is a great tendency of interference.
4. List the importance of using a fiber optic cable.
5. Highlight any four data cable.
6. Briefly explain a twisted pair cable.

Read Database and give a two pages summary.

1. Which of the following best describes a network cable? (a) cables carries electric current (b) a
device that connects computers together (c) a medium through which information usually
moves from one network device to another (d) none of the above.
2. RJ means__________ (a) registered Jack (b) Royal Jack (c) Resident Jack (d) Rough Jack.
3. The medium through which information usually moves from one network device to another is
called? (a) Fiber (b) Cable (c) RJ (d) Coaxial.
4. Which is the odd one among the following cables? (a) Data cable (b) Coaxial cable (c) Twisted
Paired cable (d) Fibre Optic Cable.
5. One example of a data cable is (a) Monitor cable (b) USB cable (c) Coaxial cable (d) None of
the above.
6. A type of electric connector that joins a conductor to another conductor at right angles to it is
called (a) T connector (b) RJ connector (c) Data connector (d) D connector.
7. Serial cables are ______
1. Define Data cables?
2. Differentiate between a cable and a connector.


(a) Definition (i)Database (ii)Database package (DBMS)
(b) Example of DBMS: Dbase III, Dbase IV, Fox base, Rbase, etc.
(c) Basic terminologies: (i) File (ii) Record (iii) Field (iv) Key
(d) Forms of database organization (i) network (ii) hierarchical (iii) relational.

Sub-topic 1: Definition
A database is a collection of information. It is defined as a single organized collection of data stored
with a minimal duplication of data items so as to provide a consistent and control pool of data
common to all users.

Database Management System (DBMS): it is complex software that can be used to create, store,
update, manage, and maintain database. It consists of a collection of interrelated data and a set of
program to access these data. Its primary goal is to provide a convenient and effective environment in
retrieving and storing database information. Examples of DBMS includes: Microsoft Access, Oracle,
Foxbase. dBase III+, dBaseIV, Rbase, MySQL and so on.

Basic terminologies
A field is a column (a space used to store data in a table) of data in a table. Each column or field in a
table contains similar types of data (e.g. data on the ages of students) for all members/entities whose
data is stored in the table.

Records refer to a row of data in a table. Each row or record in a table contains similar types of data
(e.g. data on the ages of students) for all members/entities whose data is stored in the table. It is the
collection of related fields in a database.

File is a collection or a group of related records. E.g. students’ file, employers’ file etc.

Primary Key is the identifier for a record in a table.

1. Define the following (a) Database. (b) DBMS (c) Record?

Sub-topic 2: Forms of database

1. Network Database: in the form of database, there are multiple interrelationships or linkages
among records (many-to-many relationships). This makes provision for easy accessing of a
number of records from more than one records. A network database looks more like a cobweb
or interconnected network of records. In network databases, children are called members and
parents are called owners. The most important difference is that each child or member can
have more than one parent (or owner).
2. Hierarchical Database: A hierarchical database is organized in pyramid fashion, like the
branches of a tree extending downwards. Related fields or records are grouped together so that
there are higher-level records and lower-level records, just like the parents in a family tree sit
above the subordinated children.Based on this analogy, the parent record at the top of the
pyramid is called the root record. A child record always has only one parent record to which it
is linked, just like in a normal family tree.

The advantage of hierarchical databases is that they can be accessed and updated rapidly because the
tree-like structure and the relationships between records are defined in advance.
The disadvantage of this type of database structure is that each child in the tree may have only one
parent, and relationships or linkages between children are not permitted, even if they make sense from
a logical standpoint. Hierarchical databases are so rigid in their design that adding a new field or
record requires that the entire database be redefined.
3. Relational Database: Relational databases connect data in different files by using common data
elements or a key field. Data in relational databases is stored in different tables, each having a
key field that uniquely identifies each row. Relational databases are more flexible than either
the hierarchical or network database structures. In relational databases, tables or files filled
with data are called relations, tuples designate a row or record, and columns are referred to
as attributes or fields.
Relational databases work on the principle that each table has a key field that uniquely identifies each
row, and that these key fields can be used to connect one table of data to another. Thus, one table
might have a row consisting of a customer account number as the key field along with address and
telephone number.
The relational database has become quite popular for two major reasons. First, relational databases can
be used with little or no training. Second, database entries can be modified without redefining the
entire structure. The downside of using a relational database is that searching for data can take more
time than if other methods are used.

General Evaluation
1. Describe network database.
2. Mention four types of DBMS.
3. Define the following (a) field (b) relational database.
4. Define primary key?

Read Database Management System

1. Which of the following is not a type of DBMS? (a) Microsoft Access (b) Word Star (c) Oracle
(d) MySQL
2. What is used to construct, expand and maintain the database? (a) DB (b)DBMS (c) Microsoft
Access (d) DBMMS
3. The form of database that allows multiple interrelationships among records is ___ (a)
Hierarchical DB (b) Network DB (c) Relational DB (d) Object-oriented DB.
4. ___are composed of rows and columns. (a) Tables (b) Records (c) Files (d) Reports.
5. A row of data in a database is referred to as ____ (a) Record (b) Report (c) Query (d) field.
6. ___is used to identify a record or group of records.

1. List and briefly explain the forms of DBMS.
2. With a table, differentiate between Network, Relational and Hierarchical database.

i. Computer Database format

Sub-topic 1
Computer Database Format

The computer database has the following features:

1. File: This is designed as tables, e.g. Student File, Employee File, Customers File etc.
A file is a group of related records.
Admission Numbers
Names Classes Ages

IBA0000045 Olukola Yetunde J.S. 3 11

IBA0000046 Danladi Fulani J.S. 2 12

IBA0000041 Ugochukwu Uche S.S. 1 14

TABLE 1: Student’s Record 1

Field File

2. Table: These are composed of rows and columns.

3. Row (Record): This contains related information; it contains the data for a specific member of
the entity group.

4. Column (Field):This contains specific type of information, e.g., Registration number, Age, Name, Sex,
Class, etc.

1. Write short note on the following: (i) Field (ii) Record (iii) Table (iv) File
2. Table are made up of ________________________

Reading Assignment
Read and summarize the next week’s topic.

1. A row of data in a database is referred to as ___ (a) Record (b) Query (c) Report (d) Field
2. ___ is a collection of related records. (a) Field (b) Record (c) Report (d) file
3. ___ are composed of rows and columns. (a) Tables (b) Records (c) Files (d) Reports


i. Creating database
ii. Basic Operation

Sub-topic 1
Creating Database
A new database can be created in two ways:
a. By using the DBMS wizard
b. By creating a blank database using the DBMS tools.

Using the DBMS wizard

Load MS Access from the start button. The new file task pane will be displayed as shown below:

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Select All Programs.
3. Select Microsoft Office and then Microsoft Office Access.
4. Check for NewBlank Database and then click on ‘Blank database’.
5. Type a name for your database into the ‘File Name’, box.
6. Click Create and you are in Access environment

Blank Database

When working in Access, you make use of tables. Tables are the most important object in the database.

To create a table you can use any of the following methods:

1. Datasheet view
2. Design view
3. Table wizard
Creating a table in Datasheet view
1. Open the database.
2. Click Create Menu.
3. Click Table Design Tab

4. Enter Field Names and Data Type e.g. Surname, Middle name, Last Name etc
5. Save table,

6. (A prompt for primary key pops out, click Nofor now)

7. Click View

8. Select Datasheet view.

1. List the steps to create a database
2. How do you save in MS Access?

Sub-topic 2
Basic Operations

1. Searching: One of the most common searching methods is the BOOLEAN SEARCHING also
known as Keyboard searching. This type of search tells the database to retrieve all of the records in the
database which contains a word or a set of words. The result can be altered by using BOOLEAN
Operators: AND, OR, NOT

2. SORTING: Even if you enter your records into the database in some sort of logical order, you
might still find them in a different order at some point. The sort command is the perfect solution to this
problem. With sort, you can rearrange the records according to any field you like. You can sort in either
ascending (A to Z, 1 to 10) or descending (Z to A, 10 – 1) order.

3. MODIFYING: After a database is created, change can be made to its original definition. Changes that
can be included are as follows:
a. Shrinking a database
b. Adding and deleting data and transaction files
c. Setting database options
d. Detaching and attaching databases
e. Moving database Files
f. Renaming a database

4. GENERATING REPORT: Reports are the tools you use to control the appearance you give to
your data when you print it. Therefore, a report might be a series of check or mailing label that you

1. Open the database containing the table or query on which you want to report.
2. Click the Reports tab under CREATE menu.
3. Double click REPORT WIZARD to start using the report wizard; a table will be displayed
where you will indicate the fields you want on your report.

4. Click a field in the AVAILABLE FIELDS list and then click the > button to move it to the
selected fields list. Repeat this step to select all the fields you want. You can click the >> button
to move all the fields over at once.

5. Click next. The wizard asks you what sort of order you want to use. If you want your records to
be sorted, open the top drop-down list and select a field by which to sort. Click next.
6. Follow the step and click finish

1. What is the importance of sorting in Database?
2. What are reports?

Reading Assignment
Create a table of contact in MS Access.

1. Which of the following command can be used to make changes in a database? (a) sort
(b) Modifying (c) search (d) delete
2. To create a pre-existing table for our database, we make use of ___ command. (a) sort
(b) design (c) delete (d) templates
3. The column in a database table is called ______
4. ______ is used when designing a form or report.
5. A command for table design can be located in ___ menu. (a) File (b) Home (c) Create (d)
Database tools
1. Using Create, forms and View commands in Access, produce a database list containing the data of ten
friends of yours. The field name should contain: Surname, Other name, Age, Gender, School, Class,
Using correct data type

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