KJM S2 Phys PP2 MS

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( SECTION A 25 Marks)
1. Light travels in a straight light1 / Rectilinear propagation of light.

3. - When hammered the dipoles Vibrate/1 excited.

- Then they align along the Earth’s Magnetic field1
4. 1. Magnified
2. Upright / erect any 2 x 1 = 2mks
3. Virtual
5. The gold leaf becomes more positive as a result of attraction of the negative
charge towards the metal cap2 ( 2mks tied)
6. V = f  1
V is constant1
 2 is 3  1 OR  2 = 3  1 11

8. P = VI1
= 220 x 1
= 91.67 W1
10. X – rays : Produced when cathode rays / fast moving electrons are suddenly
stopped in an x – ray tube.
Gamma rays: Produced when nucleons in on unstable nundid rearrange to form
a stable nudide.
60 x36 
11. E. Energy =   kwh 1
 1000 
= 2.160 kwh1
12. The spot moves up and down the screen.1
13. f0 = 4 x 1014 Hz 1 ( 3.5 – 4.5) x 1014 Hz


15. a) i) Suspend the iron bar and the bar magnet separately using the
- Displace Both slightly horizontall1.
- Displace Both slightly horizontally.
ii) The bar magnet nettles pointing1 in the North – South direction.
- The iron bar nettles pointing in any direction1.
b) P requires less current1 for all the dispoles1 to be aligned in one
direction/ to reach magnetic saturation while Q requires more
current for all the dipoles to be aligned in one direction / to reach
magnetic saturation.
- P is soft magnetic material while Q is hard magnetic material1
c) i) It turns anti clockwise1
ii) It turns clockwise1
iii) 1) Attach a pointer with scale on the left side of the metre
2. Vary the current by adjusting 1 the rheostat.
3. Calibrate or mark the scale for low and high current.1
16. a) i) In transverse wave, the vibration of particles is perpendicular to
the direction of travel of the wave but in longitudinal the vibration
is parallel to the direction of the wave travel1
ii) Sound wave requires medium for transgression but e.m waves does
not require medium.1
- Sound wave is longitudinal and e.m wave is transverse.1
b) i) V=
1 =
2 x 400m 1
c 2.5s
= 320 /s1
2x 400
ii) 320 = 2 1
1280 = 2x- 800
2080 = 2x
1040 = x
x = 10401m
c) i) Produce coherent sources of light1
ii) Alternating dark and bright fringes1 are observed on the screen
on both sides of the central brighter fringe1
iii) i) Dark and bright fringes get closer1
ii) A full spectrum is observed1
17. a) i) Dispersion of white light1
ii) X - Red1
Y - Violet1
iii) Red has the lowest frequency/ longest wavelength hence it is least
deviated while violet has the highest frequency / shortest
wavelength hence it is most deviated.1
iv) Acts as a point source of light1
b) i) ang = 1
3.0 x10 8
= 8 1
1.8 x10
= 1.66671
ii) c on the diagram1
1 1 1
  sin c   =1
sin c  1.6667
Sin c = 0.5999 C = 36.860
sin 
iii)  ag 1
Sin r
Sin  = 1.6667 x Sin 31.21

Sin  = 0.8634
 = 59.70 1
18. a) i) Hard x - rays1
ii) Have high penetrating power1
b) i) A = Cathod rays / fast moving electrons
B = Anode1
ii) Change in heating current1 changes the number of
electrons produced1
iii) Kinetic energy1 of cathode rays is converted to heat1
iv) Has high density 1
c) eV = hf1
1.6x 10-19 x 12000 = 6.62 x 10-34 x f 1
1.6 x10 x12000
f = 34
6.62 10
f = 2.900 10 18 Hz1

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