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Bocconi University – Bachelor of Science Program



Knowledge and Understanding

Upon completing the study program, graduates will have acquired knowledge, in disciplinary Knowledge and Understanding will be achieved through the
areas common to the two curricula, related to: following academic activities:
– the main political regimes and systems with a comparative perspective; interaction – Politics & Public Sector; Political science and comparative
dynamics between citizens and politics in the media; politics; Social Media & Democracy; Media, political elites
– the behavior of firms and individuals at the microeconomic level; macroeconomic and the public
dynamics on a national and international perspective.
– Economics (Module I - Consumer Behavior & Firms);
– public law with a comparative perspective;
Introduction to economics (Module I - Microeconomics);
– the functioning of the European Union, its decision-making processes, the EU budget, the
Economics (Module II - Macro-Economic Governance);
EU policies;
Introduction to economics (Module II - Macroeconomics)
– the historical, political and economic evolution of various regions and socio-political areas
– Comparative Public Law and Regulation; Law (Module I -
(Europe, Asia, the Americas) and the evolution of international relations;
Comparative public law)
– the main dynamics that characterize social and collective behaviors; topics related to
– European Governance; Economics and politics of the
inequalities and structural transformations within society;
– the mathematical, statistical and computational tools used for the understanding of European Union
social, political and economic issues; – Global History and Affairs; History (Module I - Global
– two European Union languages (Italian is mandatory for non‐native speakers). history)
– Social Transformations; Sociology; Public economics
– Quantitative methods for social sciences (Module I -
Mathematics for Social Sciences); Quantitative methods for
social sciences (Module I - Mathematics); Quantitative
methods for social sciences (Module II - Data Analytics);
Quantitative methods for social sciences (Module II -
Statistics); Coding and Data Visualization in Python;
Computer Science
– two European Union languages
Bocconi University – Bachelor of Science Program

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding

Ability to Apply Knowledge and will be achieved through the
Upon completing the study program, graduates will be able to:
following academic activities:
– Politics & Public Sector; Political science and comparative
– use basic political science concepts and language, and political communication tools;
– use basic economic science concepts and language, and interpret the main politics; Social Media & Democracy; Media, political elites
microeconomic phenomena involving firms and households, as well as the and the public
macroeconomic dynamics; – Economics (Module I - Consumer Behavior & Firms);
– evaluate the implications of current regulatory and legislative provisions on the Introduction to economics (Module I - Microeconomics);
behavior of individuals and firms, and understand differential elements of public Economics (Module II - Macro-Economic Governance);
legislation in various geographical areas around the world; Introduction to economics (Module II - Macroeconomics)
– interpret the institutional policy context of the European Union, understand the logic of – Comparative Public Law and Regulation; Law (Module I -
public policy making and implementation, and the interaction dynamics between private Comparative public law)
players and EU institutions; – European Governance; Economics and politics of the
– develop comparative analyses aimed at identifying salient patterns in the political sphere European Union
at the national and international level, considering their historical evolution; – Global History and Affairs; History (Module I - Global
– use basic political science concepts and language; interpret social behavior in light of the history)
main sociological theories; read societal transformation phenomena and evaluate their – Social Transformations; Sociology; Public economics
repercussions in terms of inequality;
– Quantitative methods for social sciences (Module I -
– apply basic statistical and mathematical tools to the analysis of political and
Mathematics for Social Sciences); Quantitative methods for
social dynamics (e.g., sampling techniques) and for organizing and analyzing
social sciences (Module I - Mathematics); Quantitative
data (e.g., statistical inference); apply the logic of software programming in
methods for social sciences (Module II - Data Analytics);
Python or other languages;
Quantitative methods for social sciences (Module II -
– interact in two European Union languages, both for studying abroad and within
Statistics); Coding and Data Visualization in Python;
professional contexts, through "general" use of the language.
Computer Science
– two European Union languages
Bocconi University – Bachelor of Science Program


Knowledge and Understanding

Upon completing the study program, graduates will have acquired complementary knowledge to the Knowledge and Understanding will be achieved
common area of study, based on the chosen curriculum, regarding: through the following academic activities:
Curriculum in Politics and Policy Making: Curriculum in Politics and Policy Making

– the evolution of political institutions, of international relations and agreements, both from a socio- – History (Module II- History of political
political point of view (e.g., international relations) and from a legal point of view (e.g., European institutions); Law (Module II - International and
Union treaties); European law); International relations
– the evolution of the main theories of political science; – Political philosophy
– decision-making processes related to public policy formulation; the functioning of international – Public governance; Management of government
and national public institutions with particular focus on public corporate governance, planning and organizations
programming processes within public administrations; – Policy evaluation; Political economics
– quantitative and research methods used for evaluating public policies (e.g., experiments and – Negotiation skills (seminar); Marketing Research
surveys); the functioning of political systems, the direct and indirect mechanisms of influence and Skills for Public Policy (seminar)
the means for gathering political support in the public sphere; – Elective courses
– negotiation skills and techniques for conducting market research in the area of public policies;
– additional topics for broadening/deepening knowledge, chosen by students according to their
interests, as long as they are consistent with the curriculum.

Curriculum in Data, Society and Organisations: Curriculum in Data, Society and Organisations

– some specific areas of artificial intelligence, such as learning and knowledge representation – Machine Learning (Module I – Introduction);
algorithms, computational optimization techniques, artificial neural networks, elements of logic Machine Learning (Module II – Deep Learning);
programming, with applications to social sciences; Business Analytics & Data Modelling
– some highly topical issues impacting society and organisations, and in particular: digital – Governance of Digital Technologies in Public &
technology governance in both public and private sectors; climate change implications for the Private Sector; Climate Change and Sustainability
economy, society and politics; transition to sustainable models; – Behavioral and Cognitive Science
– cognitive and behavioral sciences, with applications to social sciences; – Introduction to ethics and philosophy of AI and
– research methods, ethics and philosophy in science and technology (e.g., ethical aspects of technology (seminar); Introduction to research
experiments and opinion surveys); methods (seminar);
– how to successfully address social challenges through an entrepreneurial approach and the – Entrepreneurial Management Methods for
methodologies to be applied for solving real case studies; Addressing Challenges (seminar); capstone
– additional topics for broadening/deepening knowledge, chosen by students according to their project; field work
interests, as long as they are consistent with the curriculum. – Elective courses
Bocconi University – Bachelor of Science Program

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding will be
Upon completing the study program, graduates will be able to:
achieved through the following academic activities:

Curriculum in Politics and Policy Making: Curriculum in Politics and Policy Making

– develop comparative historical analyses, with particular reference to political institutions, – History (Module II- History of political
international relations, and the legal tools that regulate them; institutions); Law (Module II - International and
– interpret political events in light of the main political theories; European law); International relations
– contribute to the improvement of the internal functioning of public institutions in terms of – Political philosophy
organizational and administrative processes; support collaborative processes in defining and – Public governance; Management of government
implementing public policies; organizations
– apply statistical methods to analyze and evaluate forms of public intervention and, in general, – Policy evaluation; Political economics
identify causal relations; formulate a complete analysis on the set up of mechanisms and processes – Negotiation skills (seminar); Marketing Research
characterizing the functioning of political systems, the development of political institutions and the Skills for Public Policy (seminar)
means for gathering political support; – Elective courses/internship
– support negotiation processes; inform public policy makers and private players based on
appropriate public opinion analyses;
– use the key concepts acquired (related to the chosen topics) through the application of the
methods and tools that are provided.

Curriculum in Data, Society and Organisations: Curriculum in Data, Society and Organisations

– Machine Learning (Module I - Introduction);

– work on understanding and designing artificial intelligence tools, and their applications to social
Machine Learning (Module II - Deep Learning);
Business Analytics & Data Modelling
– support the management of digital technologies in both public and private entities, with
particular reference to data management in sensitive areas; support the transition to a – Governance of Digital Technologies in Public &
sustainable economy and social organization, in both public and private spheres; Private Sector; Climate Change and Sustainability
– support the design of party strategies, public policies, as well as strategies of private players that – Behavioral and Cognitive Science
are consistent with scientific knowledge concerning individuals' behavior; – Introduction to ethics and philosophy of AI and
– support the design and implementation of research compliant with the relevant ethical standards; technology (seminar); Introduction to research
– use the knowledge acquired in different disciplines in an integrated way to work on real-life methods (seminar);
– Entrepreneurial Management Methods for
applied projects concerning social challenges, in both public and private spheres;
Addressing Challenges (seminar); capstone
– use the key concepts acquired (related to the chosen topics) through the application of the
project, field work
methods and tools that are provided.
– Elective courses/internship
Bocconi University – Bachelor of Science Program

Graduates will have the ability to gather and interpret information and data in order to make judgements in an autonomous way. In
particular, the “characterizing” courses of the program focus on topics pertaining to: the analysis of national and international political
Making systems and their policies, the management of national and international public organizations, and the interaction between private players
judgements and the public sector.
Students are confronted with real case studies related to these areas. They are asked to identify feasible solutions to the issues involved in
these case studies, using their assessment and decision‐making skills.
Graduates will develop the ability to effectively communicate with their audience, both face‐to‐face and in public settings. They will develop
the ability to work in groups, along with negotiation and leadership skills. Communication skills will be particularly oriented towards
Communication conveying social, economic, and political information and, in more general terms, information of public interest aimed at specialist and
non‐specialist audiences in public settings.

Graduates will have the analytical and cognitive tools that allow them to autonomously approach the evolution of social, economic and
Lifelong learning political phenomena in a fast‐changing context characterized by progressive internationalization/globalization. They will be able to
skills autonomously develop learning methods useful for professional development (lifelong learning) and for higher-level studies.

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